% % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 % \section[SCCfinal]{Modify and collect code generation for final STG program} This is now a sort-of-normal STG-to-STG pass (WDP 94/06), run by stg2stg. - Traverses the STG program collecting the cost centres. These are required to declare the cost centres at the start of code generation. Note: because of cross-module unfolding, some of these cost centres may be from other modules. But will still have to give them "extern" declarations. - Puts on CAF cost-centres if the user has asked for individual CAF cost-centres. - Ditto for individual DICT cost-centres. - Boxes top-level inherited functions passed as arguments. - "Distributes" given cost-centres to all as-yet-unmarked RHSs. \begin{code} module SCCfinal ( stgMassageForProfiling ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import StgSyn import CostCentre -- lots of things import Id import Name import Module import UniqSupply ( splitUniqSupply, UniqSupply ) #ifdef PROF_DO_BOXING import UniqSupply ( uniqFromSupply ) #endif import VarSet import ListSetOps ( removeDups ) import Outputable import DynFlags \end{code} \begin{code} stgMassageForProfiling :: DynFlags -> PackageId -> Module -- module name -> UniqSupply -- unique supply -> [StgBinding] -- input -> (CollectedCCs, [StgBinding]) stgMassageForProfiling dflags this_pkg mod_name us stg_binds = let ((local_ccs, extern_ccs, cc_stacks), stg_binds2) = initMM mod_name us (do_top_bindings stg_binds) (fixed_ccs, fixed_cc_stacks) = if dopt Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs dflags then ([],[]) -- don't need "all CAFs" CC -- (for Prelude, we use PreludeCC) else ([all_cafs_cc], [all_cafs_ccs]) local_ccs_no_dups = fst (removeDups cmpCostCentre local_ccs) extern_ccs_no_dups = fst (removeDups cmpCostCentre extern_ccs) in ((fixed_ccs ++ local_ccs_no_dups, extern_ccs_no_dups, fixed_cc_stacks ++ cc_stacks), stg_binds2) where all_cafs_cc = mkAllCafsCC mod_name all_cafs_ccs = mkSingletonCCS all_cafs_cc ---------- do_top_bindings :: [StgBinding] -> MassageM [StgBinding] do_top_bindings [] = return [] do_top_bindings (StgNonRec b rhs : bs) = do rhs' <- do_top_rhs b rhs addTopLevelIshId b $ do bs' <- do_top_bindings bs return (StgNonRec b rhs' : bs') do_top_bindings (StgRec pairs : bs) = addTopLevelIshIds binders $ do pairs2 <- mapM do_pair pairs bs' <- do_top_bindings bs return (StgRec pairs2 : bs') where binders = map fst pairs do_pair (b, rhs) = do rhs2 <- do_top_rhs b rhs return (b, rhs2) ---------- do_top_rhs :: Id -> StgRhs -> MassageM StgRhs do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ _ [] (StgSCC cc (StgConApp con args))) | not (isSccCountCostCentre cc) && not (isDllConApp this_pkg con args) -- Trivial _scc_ around nothing but static data -- Eliminate _scc_ ... and turn into StgRhsCon -- isDllConApp checks for LitLit args too = return (StgRhsCon dontCareCCS con args) {- Can't do this one with cost-centre stacks: --SDM do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure no_cc bi fv u [] (StgSCC ty cc expr)) | (noCCSAttached no_cc || currentOrSubsumedCCS no_cc) && not (isSccCountCostCentre cc) -- Top level CAF without a cost centre attached -- Attach and collect cc of trivial _scc_ in body = do collectCC cc expr' <- set_prevailing_cc cc (do_expr expr) return (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u [] expr') -} do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure no_cc bi fv u srt [] body) | noCCSAttached no_cc || currentOrSubsumedCCS no_cc = do -- Top level CAF without a cost centre attached -- Attach CAF cc (collect if individual CAF ccs) caf_ccs <- if dopt Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs dflags then let cc = mkAutoCC binder modl CafCC ccs = mkSingletonCCS cc -- careful: the binder might be :Main.main, -- which doesn't belong to module mod_name. -- bug #249, tests prof001, prof002 modl | Just m <- nameModule_maybe (idName binder) = m | otherwise = mod_name in do collectNewCC cc collectCCS ccs return ccs else return all_cafs_ccs body' <- set_prevailing_cc caf_ccs (do_expr body) return (StgRhsClosure caf_ccs bi fv u srt [] body') do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsClosure cc _ _ _ _ [] _) -- Top level CAF with cost centre attached -- Should this be a CAF cc ??? Does this ever occur ??? = pprPanic "SCCfinal: CAF with cc:" (ppr cc) do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsClosure no_ccs bi fv u srt args body) -- Top level function, probably subsumed | noCCSAttached no_ccs = do body' <- set_lambda_cc (do_expr body) return (StgRhsClosure subsumedCCS bi fv u srt args body') | otherwise = pprPanic "SCCfinal: CAF with cc:" (ppr no_ccs) do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsCon _ con args) -- Top-level (static) data is not counted in heap -- profiles; nor do we set CCCS from it; so we -- just slam in dontCareCostCentre = return (StgRhsCon dontCareCCS con args) ------ do_expr :: StgExpr -> MassageM StgExpr do_expr (StgLit l) = return (StgLit l) do_expr (StgApp fn args) = boxHigherOrderArgs (StgApp fn) args do_expr (StgConApp con args) = boxHigherOrderArgs (\args -> StgConApp con args) args do_expr (StgOpApp con args res_ty) = boxHigherOrderArgs (\args -> StgOpApp con args res_ty) args do_expr (StgSCC cc expr) = do -- Ha, we found a cost centre! collectCC cc expr' <- do_expr expr return (StgSCC cc expr') do_expr (StgCase expr fv1 fv2 bndr srt alt_type alts) = do expr' <- do_expr expr alts' <- mapM do_alt alts return (StgCase expr' fv1 fv2 bndr srt alt_type alts') where do_alt (id, bs, use_mask, e) = do e' <- do_expr e return (id, bs, use_mask, e') do_expr (StgLet b e) = do (b,e) <- do_let b e return (StgLet b e) do_expr (StgLetNoEscape lvs1 lvs2 b e) = do (b,e) <- do_let b e return (StgLetNoEscape lvs1 lvs2 b e) do_expr (StgTick m n expr) = do expr' <- do_expr expr return (StgTick m n expr') do_expr other = pprPanic "SCCfinal.do_expr" (ppr other) ---------------------------------- do_let (StgNonRec b rhs) e = do rhs' <- do_rhs rhs addTopLevelIshId b $ do e' <- do_expr e return (StgNonRec b rhs',e') do_let (StgRec pairs) e = addTopLevelIshIds binders $ do pairs' <- mapM do_pair pairs e' <- do_expr e return (StgRec pairs', e') where binders = map fst pairs do_pair (b, rhs) = do rhs2 <- do_rhs rhs return (b, rhs2) ---------------------------------- do_rhs :: StgRhs -> MassageM StgRhs -- We play much the same game as we did in do_top_rhs above; -- but we don't have to worry about cafs etc. {- do_rhs (StgRhsClosure closure_cc bi fv u [] (StgSCC ty cc (StgCon (DataCon con) args _))) | not (isSccCountCostCentre cc) = do collectCC cc return (StgRhsCon cc con args) -} do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u srt args expr) = do (expr', ccs) <- slurpSCCs currentCCS expr expr'' <- do_expr expr' return (StgRhsClosure ccs bi fv u srt args expr'') where slurpSCCs ccs (StgSCC cc e) = do collectCC cc slurpSCCs (cc `pushCCOnCCS` ccs) e slurpSCCs ccs e = return (e, ccs) do_rhs (StgRhsCon _ con args) = return (StgRhsCon currentCCS con args) \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Boxing higher-order args} %* * %************************************************************************ Boxing is *turned off* at the moment, until we can figure out how to do it properly in general. \begin{code} boxHigherOrderArgs :: ([StgArg] -> StgExpr) -- An application lacking its arguments -> [StgArg] -- arguments which we might box -> MassageM StgExpr #ifndef PROF_DO_BOXING boxHigherOrderArgs almost_expr args = return (almost_expr args) #else boxHigherOrderArgs almost_expr args = do ids <- getTopLevelIshIds (let_bindings, new_args) <- mapAccumLM (do_arg ids) [] args return (foldr (mk_stg_let currentCCS) (almost_expr new_args) let_bindings) where --------------- do_arg ids bindings arg@(StgVarArg old_var) | (not (isLocalVar old_var) || elemVarSet old_var ids) && isFunTy (dropForAlls var_type) = do -- make a trivial let-binding for the top-level function uniq <- getUniqueMM let new_var = mkSysLocal (fsLit "sf") uniq var_type return ( (new_var, old_var) : bindings, StgVarArg new_var ) where var_type = idType old_var do_arg ids bindings arg = return (bindings, arg) --------------- mk_stg_let :: CostCentreStack -> (Id, Id) -> StgExpr -> StgExpr mk_stg_let cc (new_var, old_var) body = let rhs_body = StgApp old_var [{-args-}] rhs_closure = StgRhsClosure cc stgArgOcc [{-fvs-}] ReEntrant NoSRT{-eeek!!!-} [{-args-}] rhs_body in StgLet (StgNonRec new_var rhs_closure) body where bOGUS_LVs = emptyUniqSet -- easier to print than: panic "mk_stg_let: LVs" #endif \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Boring monad stuff for this} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} newtype MassageM result = MassageM { unMassageM :: Module -- module name -> CostCentreStack -- prevailing CostCentre -- if none, subsumedCosts at top-level -- currentCostCentre at nested levels -> UniqSupply -> VarSet -- toplevel-ish Ids for boxing -> CollectedCCs -> (CollectedCCs, result) } instance Monad MassageM where return x = MassageM (\_ _ _ _ ccs -> (ccs, x)) (>>=) = thenMM (>>) = thenMM_ -- the initMM function also returns the final CollectedCCs initMM :: Module -- module name, which we may consult -> UniqSupply -> MassageM a -> (CollectedCCs, a) initMM mod_name init_us (MassageM m) = m mod_name noCCS init_us emptyVarSet ([],[],[]) thenMM :: MassageM a -> (a -> MassageM b) -> MassageM b thenMM_ :: MassageM a -> (MassageM b) -> MassageM b thenMM expr cont = MassageM $ \mod scope_cc us ids ccs -> case splitUniqSupply us of { (s1, s2) -> case unMassageM expr mod scope_cc s1 ids ccs of { (ccs2, result) -> unMassageM (cont result) mod scope_cc s2 ids ccs2 }} thenMM_ expr cont = MassageM $ \mod scope_cc us ids ccs -> case splitUniqSupply us of { (s1, s2) -> case unMassageM expr mod scope_cc s1 ids ccs of { (ccs2, _) -> unMassageM cont mod scope_cc s2 ids ccs2 }} #ifdef PROF_DO_BOXING getUniqueMM :: MassageM Unique getUniqueMM = MassageM \mod scope_cc us ids ccs -> (ccs, uniqFromSupply us) #endif addTopLevelIshId :: Id -> MassageM a -> MassageM a addTopLevelIshId id scope = MassageM $ \mod scope_cc us ids ccs -> if isCurrentCCS scope_cc then unMassageM scope mod scope_cc us ids ccs else unMassageM scope mod scope_cc us (extendVarSet ids id) ccs addTopLevelIshIds :: [Id] -> MassageM a -> MassageM a addTopLevelIshIds [] cont = cont addTopLevelIshIds (id:ids) cont = addTopLevelIshId id (addTopLevelIshIds ids cont) #ifdef PROF_DO_BOXING getTopLevelIshIds :: MassageM VarSet getTopLevelIshIds = MassageM $ \_mod _scope_cc _us ids ccs -> (ccs, ids) #endif \end{code} The prevailing CCS is used to tell whether we're in a top-levelish position, where top-levelish is defined as "not inside a lambda". Prevailing CCs used to be used for something much more complicated, I'm sure --SDM \begin{code} set_lambda_cc :: MassageM a -> MassageM a set_lambda_cc action = MassageM $ \mod _scope_cc us ids ccs -> unMassageM action mod currentCCS us ids ccs set_prevailing_cc :: CostCentreStack -> MassageM a -> MassageM a set_prevailing_cc cc_to_set_to action = MassageM $ \mod _scope_cc us ids ccs -> unMassageM action mod cc_to_set_to us ids ccs \end{code} \begin{code} collectCC :: CostCentre -> MassageM () collectCC cc = MassageM $ \mod_name _scope_cc _us _ids (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss) -> ASSERT(not (noCCAttached cc)) if (cc `ccFromThisModule` mod_name) then ((cc : local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss), ()) else -- must declare it "extern" ((local_ccs, cc : extern_ccs, ccss), ()) -- Version of collectCC used when we definitely want to declare this -- CC as local, even if its module name is not the same as the current -- module name (eg. the special :Main module) see bug #249, #1472, -- test prof001,prof002. collectNewCC :: CostCentre -> MassageM () collectNewCC cc = MassageM $ \_mod_name _scope_cc _us _ids (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss) -> ((cc : local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss), ()) collectCCS :: CostCentreStack -> MassageM () collectCCS ccs = MassageM $ \_mod_name _scope_cc _us _ids (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss) -> ASSERT(not (noCCSAttached ccs)) ((local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccs : ccss), ()) \end{code}