{-# OPTIONS -w #-} -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge. -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix -- any warnings in the module. See -- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#Warnings -- for details module RnHsDoc ( rnHaddock, rnHsDoc, rnLHsDoc, rnMbLHsDoc ) where import TcRnTypes import TcRnMonad ( RnM ) import RnEnv ( dataTcOccs, lookupGreRn_maybe ) import HsSyn import RdrName ( RdrName, gre_name ) import Name ( Name ) import SrcLoc ( Located(..) ) import Outputable ( ppr, defaultUserStyle ) rnHaddock :: HaddockModInfo RdrName -> Maybe (HsDoc RdrName) -> TcGblEnv -> RnM TcGblEnv rnHaddock module_info maybe_doc tcg_env = do { rn_module_doc <- rnMbHsDoc maybe_doc ; -- Rename the Haddock module info ; rn_description <- rnMbHsDoc (hmi_description module_info) ; let { rn_module_info = module_info { hmi_description = rn_description } } ; return (tcg_env { tcg_doc = rn_module_doc, tcg_hmi = rn_module_info }) } rnMbHsDoc :: Maybe (HsDoc RdrName) -> RnM (Maybe (HsDoc Name)) rnMbHsDoc mb_doc = case mb_doc of Just doc -> do doc' <- rnHsDoc doc return (Just doc') Nothing -> return Nothing rnMbLHsDoc mb_doc = case mb_doc of Just doc -> do doc' <- rnLHsDoc doc return (Just doc') Nothing -> return Nothing rnLHsDoc (L pos doc) = do doc' <- rnHsDoc doc return (L pos doc') ids2string [] = [] ids2string (x:_) = show $ ppr x defaultUserStyle rnHsDoc :: HsDoc RdrName -> RnM (HsDoc Name) rnHsDoc doc = case doc of DocEmpty -> return DocEmpty DocAppend a b -> do a' <- rnHsDoc a b' <- rnHsDoc b return (DocAppend a' b') DocString str -> return (DocString str) DocParagraph doc -> do doc' <- rnHsDoc doc return (DocParagraph doc') DocIdentifier ids -> do let choices = concatMap dataTcOccs ids mb_gres <- mapM lookupGreRn_maybe choices case [gre_name gre | Just gre <- mb_gres] of [] -> return (DocString (ids2string ids)) ids' -> return (DocIdentifier ids') DocModule str -> return (DocModule str) DocEmphasis doc -> do doc' <- rnHsDoc doc return (DocEmphasis doc') DocMonospaced doc -> do doc' <- rnHsDoc doc return (DocMonospaced doc') DocUnorderedList docs -> do docs' <- mapM rnHsDoc docs return (DocUnorderedList docs') DocOrderedList docs -> do docs' <- mapM rnHsDoc docs return (DocOrderedList docs') DocDefList list -> do list' <- mapM (\(a,b) -> do a' <- rnHsDoc a b' <- rnHsDoc b return (a', b')) list return (DocDefList list') DocCodeBlock doc -> do doc' <- rnHsDoc doc return (DocCodeBlock doc') DocURL str -> return (DocURL str) DocPic str -> return (DocPic str) DocAName str -> return (DocAName str)