% % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 % %************************************************************************ %* * \section[OccurAnal]{Occurrence analysis pass} %* * %************************************************************************ The occurrence analyser re-typechecks a core expression, returning a new core expression with (hopefully) improved usage information. \begin{code} module OccurAnal ( occurAnalysePgm, occurAnalyseExpr ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import CoreSyn import CoreFVs ( idRuleVars ) import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial, isDefaultAlt ) import Id ( isDataConWorkId, isOneShotBndr, setOneShotLambda, idOccInfo, setIdOccInfo, isLocalId, isExportedId, idArity, idHasRules, idType, idUnique, Id ) import BasicTypes ( OccInfo(..), isOneOcc, InterestingCxt ) import VarSet import VarEnv import Type ( isFunTy, dropForAlls ) import Maybes ( orElse ) import Digraph ( stronglyConnCompR, SCC(..) ) import PrelNames ( buildIdKey, foldrIdKey, runSTRepIdKey, augmentIdKey ) import Unique ( Unique ) import UniqFM ( keysUFM ) import Util ( zipWithEqual, mapAndUnzip ) import Outputable \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[OccurAnal-main]{Counting occurrences: main function} %* * %************************************************************************ Here's the externally-callable interface: \begin{code} occurAnalysePgm :: [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind] occurAnalysePgm binds = snd (go initOccEnv binds) where go :: OccEnv -> [CoreBind] -> (UsageDetails, [CoreBind]) go env [] = (emptyDetails, []) go env (bind:binds) = (final_usage, bind' ++ binds') where (bs_usage, binds') = go env binds (final_usage, bind') = occAnalBind env bind bs_usage occurAnalyseExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -- Do occurrence analysis, and discard occurence info returned occurAnalyseExpr expr = snd (occAnal initOccEnv expr) \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[OccurAnal-main]{Counting occurrences: main function} %* * %************************************************************************ Bindings ~~~~~~~~ \begin{code} occAnalBind :: OccEnv -> CoreBind -> UsageDetails -- Usage details of scope -> (UsageDetails, -- Of the whole let(rec) [CoreBind]) occAnalBind env (NonRec binder rhs) body_usage | not (binder `usedIn` body_usage) -- It's not mentioned = (body_usage, []) | otherwise -- It's mentioned in the body = (final_body_usage `combineUsageDetails` rhs_usage, [NonRec tagged_binder rhs']) where (final_body_usage, tagged_binder) = tagBinder body_usage binder (rhs_usage, rhs') = occAnalRhs env tagged_binder rhs \end{code} Dropping dead code for recursive bindings is done in a very simple way: the entire set of bindings is dropped if none of its binders are mentioned in its body; otherwise none are. This seems to miss an obvious improvement. @ letrec f = ...g... g = ...f... in ...g... ===> letrec f = ...g... g = ...(...g...)... in ...g... @ Now @f@ is unused. But dependency analysis will sort this out into a @letrec@ for @g@ and a @let@ for @f@, and then @f@ will get dropped. It isn't easy to do a perfect job in one blow. Consider @ letrec f = ...g... g = ...h... h = ...k... k = ...m... m = ...m... in ...m... @ \begin{code} occAnalBind env (Rec pairs) body_usage = foldr (_scc_ "occAnalBind.dofinal" do_final_bind) (body_usage, []) sccs where analysed_pairs :: [Details1] analysed_pairs = [ (bndr, rhs_usage, rhs') | (bndr, rhs) <- pairs, let (rhs_usage, rhs') = occAnalRhs env bndr rhs ] sccs :: [SCC (Node Details1)] sccs = _scc_ "occAnalBind.scc" stronglyConnCompR edges ---- stuff for dependency analysis of binds ------------------------------- edges :: [Node Details1] edges = _scc_ "occAnalBind.assoc" [ (details, idUnique id, edges_from rhs_usage) | details@(id, rhs_usage, rhs) <- analysed_pairs ] -- (a -> b) means a mentions b -- Given the usage details (a UFM that gives occ info for each free var of -- the RHS) we can get the list of free vars -- or rather their Int keys -- -- by just extracting the keys from the finite map. Grimy, but fast. -- Previously we had this: -- [ bndr | bndr <- bndrs, -- maybeToBool (lookupVarEnv rhs_usage bndr)] -- which has n**2 cost, and this meant that edges_from alone -- consumed 10% of total runtime! edges_from :: UsageDetails -> [Unique] edges_from rhs_usage = _scc_ "occAnalBind.edges_from" keysUFM rhs_usage ---- stuff to "re-constitute" bindings from dependency-analysis info ------ -- Non-recursive SCC do_final_bind (AcyclicSCC ((bndr, rhs_usage, rhs'), _, _)) (body_usage, binds_so_far) | not (bndr `usedIn` body_usage) = (body_usage, binds_so_far) -- Dead code | otherwise = (combined_usage, new_bind : binds_so_far) where total_usage = combineUsageDetails body_usage rhs_usage (combined_usage, tagged_bndr) = tagBinder total_usage bndr new_bind = NonRec tagged_bndr rhs' -- Recursive SCC do_final_bind (CyclicSCC cycle) (body_usage, binds_so_far) | not (any (`usedIn` body_usage) bndrs) -- NB: look at body_usage, not total_usage = (body_usage, binds_so_far) -- Dead code | otherwise = (combined_usage, final_bind:binds_so_far) where details = [details | (details, _, _) <- cycle] bndrs = [bndr | (bndr, _, _) <- details] rhs_usages = [rhs_usage | (_, rhs_usage, _) <- details] rhs_usage = foldr1 combineUsageDetails rhs_usages total_usage = rhs_usage `combineUsageDetails` body_usage (combined_usage, tagged_bndrs) = tagBinders total_usage bndrs new_cycle :: [Node Details2] new_cycle = zipWithEqual "reorder" mk_node tagged_bndrs cycle final_bind = Rec (reOrderCycle rhs_usage new_cycle) mk_node tagged_bndr ((_, _, rhs'), key, keys) = ((tagged_bndr, rhs'), key, keys) {- An alternative; rebuild the edges. No semantic difference, but perf might change -- Hopefully 'bndrs' is a relatively small group now -- Now get ready for the loop-breaking phase, this time ignoring RulesOnly references -- We've done dead-code elimination already, so no worries about un-referenced binders keys = map idUnique bndrs mk_node tagged_bndr (_, rhs_usage, rhs') = ((tagged_bndr, rhs'), idUnique tagged_bndr, used) where used = [key | key <- keys, used_outside_rule rhs_usage key ] used_outside_rule usage uniq = case lookupUFM_Directly usage uniq of Nothing -> False Just RulesOnly -> False -- Ignore rules other -> True -} \end{code} @reOrderRec@ is applied to the list of (binder,rhs) pairs for a cyclic strongly connected component (there's guaranteed to be a cycle). It returns the same pairs, but a) in a better order, b) with some of the Ids having a IAmALoopBreaker pragma The "loop-breaker" Ids are sufficient to break all cycles in the SCC. This means that the simplifier can guarantee not to loop provided it never records an inlining for these no-inline guys. Furthermore, the order of the binds is such that if we neglect dependencies on the no-inline Ids then the binds are topologically sorted. This means that the simplifier will generally do a good job if it works from top bottom, recording inlinings for any Ids which aren't marked as "no-inline" as it goes. ============== [June 98: I don't understand the following paragraphs, and I've changed the a=b case again so that it isn't a special case any more.] Here's a case that bit me: letrec a = b b = \x. BIG in ...a...a...a.... Re-ordering doesn't change the order of bindings, but there was no loop-breaker. My solution was to make a=b bindings record b as Many, rather like INLINE bindings. Perhaps something cleverer would suffice. =============== \begin{code} type IdWithOccInfo = Id -- An Id with fresh PragmaInfo attached type Node details = (details, Unique, [Unique]) -- The Ints are gotten from the Unique, -- which is gotten from the Id. type Details1 = (Id, UsageDetails, CoreExpr) type Details2 = (IdWithOccInfo, CoreExpr) reOrderRec :: UsageDetails -> SCC (Node Details2) -> [Details2] -- Sorted into a plausible order. Enough of the Ids have -- IAmALoopBreaker pragmas that there are no loops left. reOrderRec rhs_usg (AcyclicSCC (bind, _, _)) = [bind] reOrderRec rhs_usg (CyclicSCC cycle) = reOrderCycle rhs_usg cycle reOrderCycle :: UsageDetails -> [Node Details2] -> [Details2] reOrderCycle rhs_usg [] = panic "reOrderCycle" reOrderCycle rhs_usg [bind] -- Common case of simple self-recursion = [(makeLoopBreaker rhs_usg tagged_bndr, rhs)] where ((tagged_bndr, rhs), _, _) = bind reOrderCycle rhs_usg (bind : binds) = -- Choose a loop breaker, mark it no-inline, -- do SCC analysis on the rest, and recursively sort them out concatMap (reOrderRec rhs_usg) (stronglyConnCompR unchosen) ++ [(makeLoopBreaker rhs_usg tagged_bndr, rhs)] where (chosen_pair, unchosen) = choose_loop_breaker bind (score bind) [] binds (tagged_bndr, rhs) = chosen_pair -- This loop looks for the bind with the lowest score -- to pick as the loop breaker. The rest accumulate in choose_loop_breaker (details,_,_) loop_sc acc [] = (details, acc) -- Done choose_loop_breaker loop_bind loop_sc acc (bind : binds) | sc < loop_sc -- Lower score so pick this new one = choose_loop_breaker bind sc (loop_bind : acc) binds | otherwise -- No lower so don't pick it = choose_loop_breaker loop_bind loop_sc (bind : acc) binds where sc = score bind score :: Node Details2 -> Int -- Higher score => less likely to be picked as loop breaker score ((bndr, rhs), _, _) | exprIsTrivial rhs = 4 -- Practically certain to be inlined -- Used to have also: && not (isExportedId bndr) -- But I found this sometimes cost an extra iteration when we have -- rec { d = (a,b); a = ...df...; b = ...df...; df = d } -- where df is the exported dictionary. Then df makes a really -- bad choice for loop breaker | not_fun_ty (idType bndr) = 3 -- Data types help with cases -- This used to have a lower score than inlineCandidate, but -- it's *really* helpful if dictionaries get inlined fast, -- so I'm experimenting with giving higher priority to data-typed things | inlineCandidate bndr rhs = 2 -- Likely to be inlined | idHasRules bndr = 1 -- Avoid things with specialisations; we'd like -- to take advantage of them in the subsequent bindings | otherwise = 0 inlineCandidate :: Id -> CoreExpr -> Bool inlineCandidate id (Note InlineMe _) = True inlineCandidate id rhs = isOneOcc (idOccInfo id) -- Real example (the Enum Ordering instance from PrelBase): -- rec f = \ x -> case d of (p,q,r) -> p x -- g = \ x -> case d of (p,q,r) -> q x -- d = (v, f, g) -- -- Here, f and g occur just once; but we can't inline them into d. -- On the other hand we *could* simplify those case expressions if -- we didn't stupidly choose d as the loop breaker. -- But we won't because constructor args are marked "Many". not_fun_ty ty = not (isFunTy (dropForAlls ty)) makeLoopBreaker :: UsageDetails -> Id -> Id -- Set the loop-breaker flag, recording whether the thing occurs only in -- the RHS of a RULE (in this recursive group) makeLoopBreaker rhs_usg bndr = setIdOccInfo bndr (IAmALoopBreaker rules_only) where rules_only = case lookupVarEnv rhs_usg bndr of Just RulesOnly -> True other -> False \end{code} @occAnalRhs@ deals with the question of bindings where the Id is marked by an INLINE pragma. For these we record that anything which occurs in its RHS occurs many times. This pessimistically assumes that ths inlined binder also occurs many times in its scope, but if it doesn't we'll catch it next time round. At worst this costs an extra simplifier pass. ToDo: try using the occurrence info for the inline'd binder. [March 97] We do the same for atomic RHSs. Reason: see notes with reOrderRec. [June 98, SLPJ] I've undone this change; I don't understand it. See notes with reOrderRec. \begin{code} occAnalRhs :: OccEnv -> Id -> CoreExpr -- Binder and rhs -- For non-recs the binder is alrady tagged -- with occurrence info -> (UsageDetails, CoreExpr) occAnalRhs env id rhs = (final_usage, rhs') where (rhs_usage, rhs') = occAnal ctxt rhs ctxt | certainly_inline id = env | otherwise = rhsCtxt -- Note that we generally use an rhsCtxt. This tells the occ anal n -- that it's looking at an RHS, which has an effect in occAnalApp -- -- But there's a problem. Consider -- x1 = a0 : [] -- x2 = a1 : x1 -- x3 = a2 : x2 -- g = f x3 -- First time round, it looks as if x1 and x2 occur as an arg of a -- let-bound constructor ==> give them a many-occurrence. -- But then x3 is inlined (unconditionally as it happens) and -- next time round, x2 will be, and the next time round x1 will be -- Result: multiple simplifier iterations. Sigh. -- Crude solution: use rhsCtxt for things that occur just once... certainly_inline id = case idOccInfo id of OneOcc in_lam one_br _ -> not in_lam && one_br other -> False -- [March 98] A new wrinkle is that if the binder has specialisations inside -- it then we count the specialised Ids as "extra rhs's". That way -- the "parent" keeps the specialised "children" alive. If the parent -- dies (because it isn't referenced any more), then the children will -- die too unless they are already referenced directly. final_usage = addRuleUsage rhs_usage id addRuleUsage :: UsageDetails -> Id -> UsageDetails -- Add the usage from RULES in Id to the usage addRuleUsage usage id = foldVarSet add usage (idRuleVars id) where add v u = addOneOcc u v RulesOnly -- Give a non-committal binder info -- (i.e manyOcc) because many copies -- of the specialised thing can appear \end{code} Expressions ~~~~~~~~~~~ \begin{code} occAnal :: OccEnv -> CoreExpr -> (UsageDetails, -- Gives info only about the "interesting" Ids CoreExpr) occAnal env (Type t) = (emptyDetails, Type t) occAnal env (Var v) = (mkOneOcc env v False, Var v) -- At one stage, I gathered the idRuleVars for v here too, -- which in a way is the right thing to do. -- Btu that went wrong right after specialisation, when -- the *occurrences* of the overloaded function didn't have any -- rules in them, so the *specialised* versions looked as if they -- weren't used at all. \end{code} We regard variables that occur as constructor arguments as "dangerousToDup": \begin{verbatim} module A where f x = let y = expensive x in let z = (True,y) in (case z of {(p,q)->q}, case z of {(p,q)->q}) \end{verbatim} We feel free to duplicate the WHNF (True,y), but that means that y may be duplicated thereby. If we aren't careful we duplicate the (expensive x) call! Constructors are rather like lambdas in this way. \begin{code} occAnal env expr@(Lit lit) = (emptyDetails, expr) \end{code} \begin{code} occAnal env (Note InlineMe body) = case occAnal env body of { (usage, body') -> (mapVarEnv markMany usage, Note InlineMe body') } occAnal env (Note note@(SCC cc) body) = case occAnal env body of { (usage, body') -> (mapVarEnv markInsideSCC usage, Note note body') } occAnal env (Note note body) = case occAnal env body of { (usage, body') -> (usage, Note note body') } occAnal env (Cast expr co) = case occAnal env expr of { (usage, expr') -> (usage, Cast expr' co) } \end{code} \begin{code} occAnal env app@(App fun arg) = occAnalApp env (collectArgs app) False -- Ignore type variables altogether -- (a) occurrences inside type lambdas only not marked as InsideLam -- (b) type variables not in environment occAnal env expr@(Lam x body) | isTyVar x = case occAnal env body of { (body_usage, body') -> (body_usage, Lam x body') } -- For value lambdas we do a special hack. Consider -- (\x. \y. ...x...) -- If we did nothing, x is used inside the \y, so would be marked -- as dangerous to dup. But in the common case where the abstraction -- is applied to two arguments this is over-pessimistic. -- So instead, we just mark each binder with its occurrence -- info in the *body* of the multiple lambda. -- Then, the simplifier is careful when partially applying lambdas. occAnal env expr@(Lam _ _) = case occAnal env_body body of { (body_usage, body') -> let (final_usage, tagged_binders) = tagBinders body_usage binders -- URGH! Sept 99: we don't seem to be able to use binders' here, because -- we get linear-typed things in the resulting program that we can't handle yet. -- (e.g. PrelShow) TODO really_final_usage = if linear then final_usage else mapVarEnv markInsideLam final_usage in (really_final_usage, mkLams tagged_binders body') } where env_body = vanillaCtxt -- Body is (no longer) an RhsContext (binders, body) = collectBinders expr binders' = oneShotGroup env binders linear = all is_one_shot binders' is_one_shot b = isId b && isOneShotBndr b occAnal env (Case scrut bndr ty alts) = case occ_anal_scrut scrut alts of { (scrut_usage, scrut') -> case mapAndUnzip (occAnalAlt alt_env bndr) alts of { (alts_usage_s, alts') -> let alts_usage = foldr1 combineAltsUsageDetails alts_usage_s alts_usage' = addCaseBndrUsage alts_usage (alts_usage1, tagged_bndr) = tagBinder alts_usage' bndr total_usage = scrut_usage `combineUsageDetails` alts_usage1 in total_usage `seq` (total_usage, Case scrut' tagged_bndr ty alts') }} where -- The case binder gets a usage of either "many" or "dead", never "one". -- Reason: we like to inline single occurrences, to eliminate a binding, -- but inlining a case binder *doesn't* eliminate a binding. -- We *don't* want to transform -- case x of w { (p,q) -> f w } -- into -- case x of w { (p,q) -> f (p,q) } addCaseBndrUsage usage = case lookupVarEnv usage bndr of Nothing -> usage Just occ -> extendVarEnv usage bndr (markMany occ) alt_env = setVanillaCtxt env -- Consider x = case v of { True -> (p,q); ... } -- Then it's fine to inline p and q occ_anal_scrut (Var v) (alt1 : other_alts) | not (null other_alts) || not (isDefaultAlt alt1) = (mkOneOcc env v True, Var v) occ_anal_scrut scrut alts = occAnal vanillaCtxt scrut -- No need for rhsCtxt occAnal env (Let bind body) = case occAnal env body of { (body_usage, body') -> case occAnalBind env bind body_usage of { (final_usage, new_binds) -> (final_usage, mkLets new_binds body') }} occAnalArgs env args = case mapAndUnzip (occAnal arg_env) args of { (arg_uds_s, args') -> (foldr combineUsageDetails emptyDetails arg_uds_s, args')} where arg_env = vanillaCtxt \end{code} Applications are dealt with specially because we want the "build hack" to work. \begin{code} occAnalApp env (Var fun, args) is_rhs = case args_stuff of { (args_uds, args') -> let -- We mark the free vars of the argument of a constructor or PAP -- as "many", if it is the RHS of a let(rec). -- This means that nothing gets inlined into a constructor argument -- position, which is what we want. Typically those constructor -- arguments are just variables, or trivial expressions. -- -- This is the *whole point* of the isRhsEnv predicate final_args_uds | isRhsEnv env, isDataConWorkId fun || valArgCount args < idArity fun = mapVarEnv markMany args_uds | otherwise = args_uds in (fun_uds `combineUsageDetails` final_args_uds, mkApps (Var fun) args') } where fun_uniq = idUnique fun fun_uds = mkOneOcc env fun (valArgCount args > 0) -- Hack for build, fold, runST args_stuff | fun_uniq == buildIdKey = appSpecial env 2 [True,True] args | fun_uniq == augmentIdKey = appSpecial env 2 [True,True] args | fun_uniq == foldrIdKey = appSpecial env 3 [False,True] args | fun_uniq == runSTRepIdKey = appSpecial env 2 [True] args -- (foldr k z xs) may call k many times, but it never -- shares a partial application of k; hence [False,True] -- This means we can optimise -- foldr (\x -> let v = ...x... in \y -> ...v...) z xs -- by floating in the v | otherwise = occAnalArgs env args occAnalApp env (fun, args) is_rhs = case occAnal (addAppCtxt env args) fun of { (fun_uds, fun') -> -- The addAppCtxt is a bit cunning. One iteration of the simplifier -- often leaves behind beta redexs like -- (\x y -> e) a1 a2 -- Here we would like to mark x,y as one-shot, and treat the whole -- thing much like a let. We do this by pushing some True items -- onto the context stack. case occAnalArgs env args of { (args_uds, args') -> let final_uds = fun_uds `combineUsageDetails` args_uds in (final_uds, mkApps fun' args') }} appSpecial :: OccEnv -> Int -> CtxtTy -- Argument number, and context to use for it -> [CoreExpr] -> (UsageDetails, [CoreExpr]) appSpecial env n ctxt args = go n args where arg_env = vanillaCtxt go n [] = (emptyDetails, []) -- Too few args go 1 (arg:args) -- The magic arg = case occAnal (setCtxt arg_env ctxt) arg of { (arg_uds, arg') -> case occAnalArgs env args of { (args_uds, args') -> (combineUsageDetails arg_uds args_uds, arg':args') }} go n (arg:args) = case occAnal arg_env arg of { (arg_uds, arg') -> case go (n-1) args of { (args_uds, args') -> (combineUsageDetails arg_uds args_uds, arg':args') }} \end{code} Case alternatives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the case binder occurs at all, the other binders effectively do too. For example case e of x { (a,b) -> rhs } is rather like let x = (a,b) in rhs If e turns out to be (e1,e2) we indeed get something like let a = e1; b = e2; x = (a,b) in rhs Note [Aug 06]: I don't think this is necessary any more, and it helpe to know when binders are unused. See esp the call to isDeadBinder in Simplify.mkDupableAlt \begin{code} occAnalAlt env case_bndr (con, bndrs, rhs) = case occAnal env rhs of { (rhs_usage, rhs') -> let (final_usage, tagged_bndrs) = tagBinders rhs_usage bndrs final_bndrs = tagged_bndrs -- See Note [Aug06] above {- final_bndrs | case_bndr `elemVarEnv` final_usage = bndrs | otherwise = tagged_bndrs -- Leave the binders untagged if the case -- binder occurs at all; see note above -} in (final_usage, (con, final_bndrs, rhs')) } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[OccurAnal-types]{OccEnv} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} data OccEnv = OccEnv OccEncl -- Enclosing context information CtxtTy -- Tells about linearity -- OccEncl is used to control whether to inline into constructor arguments -- For example: -- x = (p,q) -- Don't inline p or q -- y = /\a -> (p a, q a) -- Still don't inline p or q -- z = f (p,q) -- Do inline p,q; it may make a rule fire -- So OccEncl tells enought about the context to know what to do when -- we encounter a contructor application or PAP. data OccEncl = OccRhs -- RHS of let(rec), albeit perhaps inside a type lambda -- Don't inline into constructor args here | OccVanilla -- Argument of function, body of lambda, scruintee of case etc. -- Do inline into constructor args here type CtxtTy = [Bool] -- [] No info -- -- True:ctxt Analysing a function-valued expression that will be -- applied just once -- -- False:ctxt Analysing a function-valued expression that may -- be applied many times; but when it is, -- the CtxtTy inside applies initOccEnv :: OccEnv initOccEnv = OccEnv OccRhs [] vanillaCtxt = OccEnv OccVanilla [] rhsCtxt = OccEnv OccRhs [] isRhsEnv (OccEnv OccRhs _) = True isRhsEnv (OccEnv OccVanilla _) = False setVanillaCtxt :: OccEnv -> OccEnv setVanillaCtxt (OccEnv OccRhs ctxt_ty) = OccEnv OccVanilla ctxt_ty setVanillaCtxt other_env = other_env setCtxt :: OccEnv -> CtxtTy -> OccEnv setCtxt (OccEnv encl _) ctxt = OccEnv encl ctxt oneShotGroup :: OccEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> [CoreBndr] -- The result binders have one-shot-ness set that they might not have had originally. -- This happens in (build (\cn -> e)). Here the occurrence analyser -- linearity context knows that c,n are one-shot, and it records that fact in -- the binder. This is useful to guide subsequent float-in/float-out tranformations oneShotGroup (OccEnv encl ctxt) bndrs = go ctxt bndrs [] where go ctxt [] rev_bndrs = reverse rev_bndrs go (lin_ctxt:ctxt) (bndr:bndrs) rev_bndrs | isId bndr = go ctxt bndrs (bndr':rev_bndrs) where bndr' | lin_ctxt = setOneShotLambda bndr | otherwise = bndr go ctxt (bndr:bndrs) rev_bndrs = go ctxt bndrs (bndr:rev_bndrs) addAppCtxt (OccEnv encl ctxt) args = OccEnv encl (replicate (valArgCount args) True ++ ctxt) \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[OccurAnal-types]{OccEnv} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} type UsageDetails = IdEnv OccInfo -- A finite map from ids to their usage combineUsageDetails, combineAltsUsageDetails :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails combineUsageDetails usage1 usage2 = plusVarEnv_C addOccInfo usage1 usage2 combineAltsUsageDetails usage1 usage2 = plusVarEnv_C orOccInfo usage1 usage2 addOneOcc :: UsageDetails -> Id -> OccInfo -> UsageDetails addOneOcc usage id info = plusVarEnv_C addOccInfo usage (unitVarEnv id info) -- ToDo: make this more efficient emptyDetails = (emptyVarEnv :: UsageDetails) usedIn :: Id -> UsageDetails -> Bool v `usedIn` details = isExportedId v || v `elemVarEnv` details tagBinders :: UsageDetails -- Of scope -> [Id] -- Binders -> (UsageDetails, -- Details with binders removed [IdWithOccInfo]) -- Tagged binders tagBinders usage binders = let usage' = usage `delVarEnvList` binders uss = map (setBinderOcc usage) binders in usage' `seq` (usage', uss) tagBinder :: UsageDetails -- Of scope -> Id -- Binders -> (UsageDetails, -- Details with binders removed IdWithOccInfo) -- Tagged binders tagBinder usage binder = let usage' = usage `delVarEnv` binder binder' = setBinderOcc usage binder in usage' `seq` (usage', binder') setBinderOcc :: UsageDetails -> CoreBndr -> CoreBndr setBinderOcc usage bndr | isTyVar bndr = bndr | isExportedId bndr = case idOccInfo bndr of NoOccInfo -> bndr other -> setIdOccInfo bndr NoOccInfo -- Don't use local usage info for visible-elsewhere things -- BUT *do* erase any IAmALoopBreaker annotation, because we're -- about to re-generate it and it shouldn't be "sticky" | otherwise = setIdOccInfo bndr occ_info where occ_info = lookupVarEnv usage bndr `orElse` IAmDead \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Operations over OccInfo} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} mkOneOcc :: OccEnv -> Id -> InterestingCxt -> UsageDetails mkOneOcc env id int_cxt | isLocalId id = unitVarEnv id (OneOcc False True int_cxt) | otherwise = emptyDetails markMany, markInsideLam, markInsideSCC :: OccInfo -> OccInfo markMany IAmDead = IAmDead markMany other = NoOccInfo markInsideSCC occ = markMany occ markInsideLam (OneOcc _ one_br int_cxt) = OneOcc True one_br int_cxt markInsideLam occ = occ addOccInfo, orOccInfo :: OccInfo -> OccInfo -> OccInfo addOccInfo IAmDead info2 = info2 addOccInfo info1 IAmDead = info1 addOccInfo RulesOnly RulesOnly = RulesOnly addOccInfo info1 info2 = NoOccInfo -- (orOccInfo orig new) is used -- when combining occurrence info from branches of a case orOccInfo IAmDead info2 = info2 orOccInfo info1 IAmDead = info1 orOccInfo RulesOnly RulesOnly = RulesOnly orOccInfo (OneOcc in_lam1 one_branch1 int_cxt1) (OneOcc in_lam2 one_branch2 int_cxt2) = OneOcc (in_lam1 || in_lam2) False -- False, because it occurs in both branches (int_cxt1 && int_cxt2) orOccInfo info1 info2 = NoOccInfo \end{code}