% % (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998 % \section[SimplMonad]{The simplifier Monad} \begin{code} module SimplMonad ( -- The monad SimplM, initSmpl, returnSmpl, thenSmpl, thenSmpl_, mapSmpl, mapAndUnzipSmpl, mapAccumLSmpl, getDOptsSmpl, getRules, getFamEnvs, -- Unique supply getUniqueSmpl, getUniquesSmpl, getUniqSupplySmpl, newId, -- Counting SimplCount, Tick(..), tick, freeTick, getSimplCount, zeroSimplCount, pprSimplCount, plusSimplCount, isZeroSimplCount, -- Switch checker SwitchChecker, SwitchResult(..), getSimplIntSwitch, isAmongSimpl, intSwitchSet, switchIsOn ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import Id ( Id, mkSysLocal ) import Type ( Type ) import FamInstEnv ( FamInstEnv ) import Rules ( RuleBase ) import UniqSupply ( uniqsFromSupply, uniqFromSupply, splitUniqSupply, UniqSupply ) import DynFlags ( SimplifierSwitch(..), DynFlags, DynFlag(..), dopt ) import StaticFlags ( opt_PprStyle_Debug, opt_HistorySize ) import Unique ( Unique ) import Maybes ( expectJust ) import FiniteMap ( FiniteMap, emptyFM, isEmptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, plusFM_C, fmToList ) import FastString ( FastString ) import Outputable import FastTypes import GHC.Exts ( indexArray# ) import GHC.Arr ( Array(..) ) import Array ( array, (//) ) infixr 0 `thenSmpl`, `thenSmpl_` \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Monad plumbing} %* * %************************************************************************ For the simplifier monad, we want to {\em thread} a unique supply and a counter. (Command-line switches move around through the explicitly-passed SimplEnv.) \begin{code} newtype SimplM result = SM { unSM :: SimplTopEnv -- Envt that does not change much -> UniqSupply -- We thread the unique supply because -- constantly splitting it is rather expensive -> SimplCount -> (result, UniqSupply, SimplCount)} data SimplTopEnv = STE { st_flags :: DynFlags , st_rules :: RuleBase , st_fams :: (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv) } \end{code} \begin{code} initSmpl :: DynFlags -> RuleBase -> (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv) -> UniqSupply -- No init count; set to 0 -> SimplM a -> (a, SimplCount) initSmpl dflags rules fam_envs us m = case unSM m env us (zeroSimplCount dflags) of (result, _, count) -> (result, count) where env = STE { st_flags = dflags, st_rules = rules, st_fams = fam_envs } {-# INLINE thenSmpl #-} {-# INLINE thenSmpl_ #-} {-# INLINE returnSmpl #-} instance Monad SimplM where (>>) = thenSmpl_ (>>=) = thenSmpl return = returnSmpl returnSmpl :: a -> SimplM a returnSmpl e = SM (\ st_env us sc -> (e, us, sc)) thenSmpl :: SimplM a -> (a -> SimplM b) -> SimplM b thenSmpl_ :: SimplM a -> SimplM b -> SimplM b thenSmpl m k = SM (\ st_env us0 sc0 -> case (unSM m st_env us0 sc0) of (m_result, us1, sc1) -> unSM (k m_result) st_env us1 sc1 ) thenSmpl_ m k = SM (\st_env us0 sc0 -> case (unSM m st_env us0 sc0) of (_, us1, sc1) -> unSM k st_env us1 sc1) \end{code} \begin{code} mapSmpl :: (a -> SimplM b) -> [a] -> SimplM [b] mapAndUnzipSmpl :: (a -> SimplM (b, c)) -> [a] -> SimplM ([b],[c]) mapSmpl f [] = returnSmpl [] mapSmpl f (x:xs) = f x `thenSmpl` \ x' -> mapSmpl f xs `thenSmpl` \ xs' -> returnSmpl (x':xs') mapAndUnzipSmpl f [] = returnSmpl ([],[]) mapAndUnzipSmpl f (x:xs) = f x `thenSmpl` \ (r1, r2) -> mapAndUnzipSmpl f xs `thenSmpl` \ (rs1, rs2) -> returnSmpl (r1:rs1, r2:rs2) mapAccumLSmpl :: (acc -> b -> SimplM (acc,c)) -> acc -> [b] -> SimplM (acc, [c]) mapAccumLSmpl f acc [] = returnSmpl (acc, []) mapAccumLSmpl f acc (x:xs) = f acc x `thenSmpl` \ (acc', x') -> mapAccumLSmpl f acc' xs `thenSmpl` \ (acc'', xs') -> returnSmpl (acc'', x':xs') \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{The unique supply} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} getUniqSupplySmpl :: SimplM UniqSupply getUniqSupplySmpl = SM (\st_env us sc -> case splitUniqSupply us of (us1, us2) -> (us1, us2, sc)) getUniqueSmpl :: SimplM Unique getUniqueSmpl = SM (\st_env us sc -> case splitUniqSupply us of (us1, us2) -> (uniqFromSupply us1, us2, sc)) getUniquesSmpl :: SimplM [Unique] getUniquesSmpl = SM (\st_env us sc -> case splitUniqSupply us of (us1, us2) -> (uniqsFromSupply us1, us2, sc)) getDOptsSmpl :: SimplM DynFlags getDOptsSmpl = SM (\st_env us sc -> (st_flags st_env, us, sc)) getRules :: SimplM RuleBase getRules = SM (\st_env us sc -> (st_rules st_env, us, sc)) getFamEnvs :: SimplM (FamInstEnv, FamInstEnv) getFamEnvs = SM (\st_env us sc -> (st_fams st_env, us, sc)) newId :: FastString -> Type -> SimplM Id newId fs ty = getUniqueSmpl `thenSmpl` \ uniq -> returnSmpl (mkSysLocal fs uniq ty) \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Counting up what we've done} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} getSimplCount :: SimplM SimplCount getSimplCount = SM (\st_env us sc -> (sc, us, sc)) tick :: Tick -> SimplM () tick t = SM (\st_env us sc -> let sc' = doTick t sc in sc' `seq` ((), us, sc')) freeTick :: Tick -> SimplM () -- Record a tick, but don't add to the total tick count, which is -- used to decide when nothing further has happened freeTick t = SM (\st_env us sc -> let sc' = doFreeTick t sc in sc' `seq` ((), us, sc')) \end{code} \begin{code} verboseSimplStats = opt_PprStyle_Debug -- For now, anyway zeroSimplCount :: DynFlags -> SimplCount isZeroSimplCount :: SimplCount -> Bool pprSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SDoc doTick, doFreeTick :: Tick -> SimplCount -> SimplCount plusSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SimplCount -> SimplCount \end{code} \begin{code} data SimplCount = VerySimplZero -- These two are used when | VerySimplNonZero -- we are only interested in -- termination info | SimplCount { ticks :: !Int, -- Total ticks details :: !TickCounts, -- How many of each type n_log :: !Int, -- N log1 :: [Tick], -- Last N events; <= opt_HistorySize log2 :: [Tick] -- Last opt_HistorySize events before that } type TickCounts = FiniteMap Tick Int zeroSimplCount dflags -- This is where we decide whether to do -- the VerySimpl version or the full-stats version | dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats dflags = SimplCount {ticks = 0, details = emptyFM, n_log = 0, log1 = [], log2 = []} | otherwise = VerySimplZero isZeroSimplCount VerySimplZero = True isZeroSimplCount (SimplCount { ticks = 0 }) = True isZeroSimplCount other = False doFreeTick tick sc@SimplCount { details = dts } = dts' `seqFM` sc { details = dts' } where dts' = dts `addTick` tick doFreeTick tick sc = sc -- Gross hack to persuade GHC 3.03 to do this important seq seqFM fm x | isEmptyFM fm = x | otherwise = x doTick tick sc@SimplCount { ticks = tks, details = dts, n_log = nl, log1 = l1, log2 = l2 } | nl >= opt_HistorySize = sc1 { n_log = 1, log1 = [tick], log2 = l1 } | otherwise = sc1 { n_log = nl+1, log1 = tick : l1 } where sc1 = sc { ticks = tks+1, details = dts `addTick` tick } doTick tick sc = VerySimplNonZero -- The very simple case -- Don't use plusFM_C because that's lazy, and we want to -- be pretty strict here! addTick :: TickCounts -> Tick -> TickCounts addTick fm tick = case lookupFM fm tick of Nothing -> addToFM fm tick 1 Just n -> n1 `seq` addToFM fm tick n1 where n1 = n+1 plusSimplCount sc1@(SimplCount { ticks = tks1, details = dts1 }) sc2@(SimplCount { ticks = tks2, details = dts2 }) = log_base { ticks = tks1 + tks2, details = plusFM_C (+) dts1 dts2 } where -- A hackish way of getting recent log info log_base | null (log1 sc2) = sc1 -- Nothing at all in sc2 | null (log2 sc2) = sc2 { log2 = log1 sc1 } | otherwise = sc2 plusSimplCount VerySimplZero VerySimplZero = VerySimplZero plusSimplCount sc1 sc2 = VerySimplNonZero pprSimplCount VerySimplZero = ptext SLIT("Total ticks: ZERO!") pprSimplCount VerySimplNonZero = ptext SLIT("Total ticks: NON-ZERO!") pprSimplCount (SimplCount { ticks = tks, details = dts, log1 = l1, log2 = l2 }) = vcat [ptext SLIT("Total ticks: ") <+> int tks, text "", pprTickCounts (fmToList dts), if verboseSimplStats then vcat [text "", ptext SLIT("Log (most recent first)"), nest 4 (vcat (map ppr l1) $$ vcat (map ppr l2))] else empty ] pprTickCounts :: [(Tick,Int)] -> SDoc pprTickCounts [] = empty pprTickCounts ((tick1,n1):ticks) = vcat [int tot_n <+> text (tickString tick1), pprTCDetails real_these, pprTickCounts others ] where tick1_tag = tickToTag tick1 (these, others) = span same_tick ticks real_these = (tick1,n1):these same_tick (tick2,_) = tickToTag tick2 == tick1_tag tot_n = sum [n | (_,n) <- real_these] pprTCDetails ticks@((tick,_):_) | verboseSimplStats || isRuleFired tick = nest 4 (vcat [int n <+> pprTickCts tick | (tick,n) <- ticks]) | otherwise = empty \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Ticks} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} data Tick = PreInlineUnconditionally Id | PostInlineUnconditionally Id | UnfoldingDone Id | RuleFired FastString -- Rule name | LetFloatFromLet | EtaExpansion Id -- LHS binder | EtaReduction Id -- Binder on outer lambda | BetaReduction Id -- Lambda binder | CaseOfCase Id -- Bndr on *inner* case | KnownBranch Id -- Case binder | CaseMerge Id -- Binder on outer case | AltMerge Id -- Case binder | CaseElim Id -- Case binder | CaseIdentity Id -- Case binder | FillInCaseDefault Id -- Case binder | BottomFound | SimplifierDone -- Ticked at each iteration of the simplifier isRuleFired (RuleFired _) = True isRuleFired other = False instance Outputable Tick where ppr tick = text (tickString tick) <+> pprTickCts tick instance Eq Tick where a == b = case a `cmpTick` b of { EQ -> True; other -> False } instance Ord Tick where compare = cmpTick tickToTag :: Tick -> Int tickToTag (PreInlineUnconditionally _) = 0 tickToTag (PostInlineUnconditionally _) = 1 tickToTag (UnfoldingDone _) = 2 tickToTag (RuleFired _) = 3 tickToTag LetFloatFromLet = 4 tickToTag (EtaExpansion _) = 5 tickToTag (EtaReduction _) = 6 tickToTag (BetaReduction _) = 7 tickToTag (CaseOfCase _) = 8 tickToTag (KnownBranch _) = 9 tickToTag (CaseMerge _) = 10 tickToTag (CaseElim _) = 11 tickToTag (CaseIdentity _) = 12 tickToTag (FillInCaseDefault _) = 13 tickToTag BottomFound = 14 tickToTag SimplifierDone = 16 tickToTag (AltMerge _) = 17 tickString :: Tick -> String tickString (PreInlineUnconditionally _) = "PreInlineUnconditionally" tickString (PostInlineUnconditionally _)= "PostInlineUnconditionally" tickString (UnfoldingDone _) = "UnfoldingDone" tickString (RuleFired _) = "RuleFired" tickString LetFloatFromLet = "LetFloatFromLet" tickString (EtaExpansion _) = "EtaExpansion" tickString (EtaReduction _) = "EtaReduction" tickString (BetaReduction _) = "BetaReduction" tickString (CaseOfCase _) = "CaseOfCase" tickString (KnownBranch _) = "KnownBranch" tickString (CaseMerge _) = "CaseMerge" tickString (AltMerge _) = "AltMerge" tickString (CaseElim _) = "CaseElim" tickString (CaseIdentity _) = "CaseIdentity" tickString (FillInCaseDefault _) = "FillInCaseDefault" tickString BottomFound = "BottomFound" tickString SimplifierDone = "SimplifierDone" pprTickCts :: Tick -> SDoc pprTickCts (PreInlineUnconditionally v) = ppr v pprTickCts (PostInlineUnconditionally v)= ppr v pprTickCts (UnfoldingDone v) = ppr v pprTickCts (RuleFired v) = ppr v pprTickCts LetFloatFromLet = empty pprTickCts (EtaExpansion v) = ppr v pprTickCts (EtaReduction v) = ppr v pprTickCts (BetaReduction v) = ppr v pprTickCts (CaseOfCase v) = ppr v pprTickCts (KnownBranch v) = ppr v pprTickCts (CaseMerge v) = ppr v pprTickCts (AltMerge v) = ppr v pprTickCts (CaseElim v) = ppr v pprTickCts (CaseIdentity v) = ppr v pprTickCts (FillInCaseDefault v) = ppr v pprTickCts other = empty cmpTick :: Tick -> Tick -> Ordering cmpTick a b = case (tickToTag a `compare` tickToTag b) of GT -> GT EQ | isRuleFired a || verboseSimplStats -> cmpEqTick a b | otherwise -> EQ LT -> LT -- Always distinguish RuleFired, so that the stats -- can report them even in non-verbose mode cmpEqTick :: Tick -> Tick -> Ordering cmpEqTick (PreInlineUnconditionally a) (PreInlineUnconditionally b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (PostInlineUnconditionally a) (PostInlineUnconditionally b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (UnfoldingDone a) (UnfoldingDone b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (RuleFired a) (RuleFired b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (EtaExpansion a) (EtaExpansion b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (EtaReduction a) (EtaReduction b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (BetaReduction a) (BetaReduction b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (CaseOfCase a) (CaseOfCase b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (KnownBranch a) (KnownBranch b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (CaseMerge a) (CaseMerge b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (AltMerge a) (AltMerge b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (CaseElim a) (CaseElim b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (CaseIdentity a) (CaseIdentity b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick (FillInCaseDefault a) (FillInCaseDefault b) = a `compare` b cmpEqTick other1 other2 = EQ \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsubsection{Command-line switches} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} type SwitchChecker = SimplifierSwitch -> SwitchResult data SwitchResult = SwBool Bool -- on/off | SwString FastString -- nothing or a String | SwInt Int -- nothing or an Int isAmongSimpl :: [SimplifierSwitch] -> SimplifierSwitch -> SwitchResult isAmongSimpl on_switches -- Switches mentioned later occur *earlier* -- in the list; defaults right at the end. = let tidied_on_switches = foldl rm_dups [] on_switches -- The fold*l* ensures that we keep the latest switches; -- ie the ones that occur earliest in the list. sw_tbl :: Array Int SwitchResult sw_tbl = (array (0, lAST_SIMPL_SWITCH_TAG) -- bounds... all_undefined) // defined_elems all_undefined = [ (i, SwBool False) | i <- [0 .. lAST_SIMPL_SWITCH_TAG ] ] defined_elems = map mk_assoc_elem tidied_on_switches in -- (avoid some unboxing, bounds checking, and other horrible things:) case sw_tbl of { Array _ _ stuff -> \ switch -> case (indexArray# stuff (tagOf_SimplSwitch switch)) of (# v #) -> v } where mk_assoc_elem k@(MaxSimplifierIterations lvl) = (iBox (tagOf_SimplSwitch k), SwInt lvl) mk_assoc_elem k = (iBox (tagOf_SimplSwitch k), SwBool True) -- I'm here, Mom! -- cannot have duplicates if we are going to use the array thing rm_dups switches_so_far switch = if switch `is_elem` switches_so_far then switches_so_far else switch : switches_so_far where sw `is_elem` [] = False sw `is_elem` (s:ss) = (tagOf_SimplSwitch sw) ==# (tagOf_SimplSwitch s) || sw `is_elem` ss \end{code} \begin{code} getSimplIntSwitch :: SwitchChecker -> (Int-> SimplifierSwitch) -> Int getSimplIntSwitch chkr switch = expectJust "getSimplIntSwitch" (intSwitchSet chkr switch) switchIsOn :: (switch -> SwitchResult) -> switch -> Bool switchIsOn lookup_fn switch = case (lookup_fn switch) of SwBool False -> False _ -> True intSwitchSet :: (switch -> SwitchResult) -> (Int -> switch) -> Maybe Int intSwitchSet lookup_fn switch = case (lookup_fn (switch (panic "intSwitchSet"))) of SwInt int -> Just int _ -> Nothing \end{code} These things behave just like enumeration types. \begin{code} instance Eq SimplifierSwitch where a == b = tagOf_SimplSwitch a ==# tagOf_SimplSwitch b instance Ord SimplifierSwitch where a < b = tagOf_SimplSwitch a <# tagOf_SimplSwitch b a <= b = tagOf_SimplSwitch a <=# tagOf_SimplSwitch b tagOf_SimplSwitch (MaxSimplifierIterations _) = _ILIT(1) tagOf_SimplSwitch NoCaseOfCase = _ILIT(2) -- If you add anything here, be sure to change lAST_SIMPL_SWITCH_TAG, too! lAST_SIMPL_SWITCH_TAG = 2 \end{code}