{- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 \section[StgStats]{Gathers statistical information about programs} The program gather statistics about \begin{enumerate} \item number of boxed cases \item number of unboxed cases \item number of let-no-escapes \item number of non-updatable lets \item number of updatable lets \item number of applications \item number of primitive applications \item number of closures (does not include lets bound to constructors) \item number of free variables in closures %\item number of top-level functions %\item number of top-level CAFs \item number of constructors \end{enumerate} -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module StgStats ( showStgStats ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import StgSyn import Id (Id) import Panic import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map data CounterType = Literals | Applications | ConstructorApps | PrimitiveApps | LetNoEscapes | StgCases | FreeVariables | ConstructorBinds Bool{-True<=>top-level-} | ReEntrantBinds Bool{-ditto-} | SingleEntryBinds Bool{-ditto-} | UpdatableBinds Bool{-ditto-} deriving (Eq, Ord) type Count = Int type StatEnv = Map CounterType Count emptySE :: StatEnv emptySE = Map.empty combineSE :: StatEnv -> StatEnv -> StatEnv combineSE = Map.unionWith (+) combineSEs :: [StatEnv] -> StatEnv combineSEs = foldr combineSE emptySE countOne :: CounterType -> StatEnv countOne c = Map.singleton c 1 countN :: CounterType -> Int -> StatEnv countN = Map.singleton {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Top-level list of bindings (a ``program'')} * * ************************************************************************ -} showStgStats :: [StgBinding] -> String showStgStats prog = "STG Statistics:\n\n" ++ concat (map showc (Map.toList (gatherStgStats prog))) where showc (x,n) = (showString (s x) . shows n) "\n" s Literals = "Literals " s Applications = "Applications " s ConstructorApps = "ConstructorApps " s PrimitiveApps = "PrimitiveApps " s LetNoEscapes = "LetNoEscapes " s StgCases = "StgCases " s FreeVariables = "FreeVariables " s (ConstructorBinds True) = "ConstructorBinds_Top " s (ReEntrantBinds True) = "ReEntrantBinds_Top " s (SingleEntryBinds True) = "SingleEntryBinds_Top " s (UpdatableBinds True) = "UpdatableBinds_Top " s (ConstructorBinds _) = "ConstructorBinds_Nested " s (ReEntrantBinds _) = "ReEntrantBindsBinds_Nested " s (SingleEntryBinds _) = "SingleEntryBinds_Nested " s (UpdatableBinds _) = "UpdatableBinds_Nested " gatherStgStats :: [StgBinding] -> StatEnv gatherStgStats binds = combineSEs (map (statBinding True{-top-level-}) binds) {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Bindings} * * ************************************************************************ -} statBinding :: Bool -- True <=> top-level; False <=> nested -> StgBinding -> StatEnv statBinding top (StgNonRec b rhs) = statRhs top (b, rhs) statBinding top (StgRec pairs) = combineSEs (map (statRhs top) pairs) statRhs :: Bool -> (Id, StgRhs) -> StatEnv statRhs top (_, StgRhsCon _ _ _) = countOne (ConstructorBinds top) statRhs top (_, StgRhsClosure _ _ fv u _ body) = statExpr body `combineSE` countN FreeVariables (length fv) `combineSE` countOne ( case u of ReEntrant -> ReEntrantBinds top Updatable -> UpdatableBinds top SingleEntry -> SingleEntryBinds top ) {- ************************************************************************ * * \subsection{Expressions} * * ************************************************************************ -} statExpr :: StgExpr -> StatEnv statExpr (StgApp _ _) = countOne Applications statExpr (StgLit _) = countOne Literals statExpr (StgConApp _ _) = countOne ConstructorApps statExpr (StgOpApp _ _ _) = countOne PrimitiveApps statExpr (StgTick _ e) = statExpr e statExpr (StgLetNoEscape binds body) = statBinding False{-not top-level-} binds `combineSE` statExpr body `combineSE` countOne LetNoEscapes statExpr (StgLet binds body) = statBinding False{-not top-level-} binds `combineSE` statExpr body statExpr (StgCase expr _ _ alts) = statExpr expr `combineSE` stat_alts alts `combineSE` countOne StgCases where stat_alts alts = combineSEs (map statExpr [ e | (_,_,e) <- alts ]) statExpr (StgLam {}) = panic "statExpr StgLam"