module PprColour where import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Util (OverridingBool(..), split) import Data.Semigroup as Semi -- | A colour\/style for use with 'coloured'. newtype PprColour = PprColour { renderColour :: String } instance Semi.Semigroup PprColour where PprColour s1 <> PprColour s2 = PprColour (s1 <> s2) -- | Allow colours to be combined (e.g. bold + red); -- In case of conflict, right side takes precedence. instance Monoid PprColour where mempty = PprColour mempty mappend = (<>) renderColourAfresh :: PprColour -> String renderColourAfresh c = renderColour (colReset `mappend` c) colCustom :: String -> PprColour colCustom "" = mempty colCustom s = PprColour ("\27[" ++ s ++ "m") colReset :: PprColour colReset = colCustom "0" colBold :: PprColour colBold = colCustom ";1" colBlackFg :: PprColour colBlackFg = colCustom "30" colRedFg :: PprColour colRedFg = colCustom "31" colGreenFg :: PprColour colGreenFg = colCustom "32" colYellowFg :: PprColour colYellowFg = colCustom "33" colBlueFg :: PprColour colBlueFg = colCustom "34" colMagentaFg :: PprColour colMagentaFg = colCustom "35" colCyanFg :: PprColour colCyanFg = colCustom "36" colWhiteFg :: PprColour colWhiteFg = colCustom "37" data Scheme = Scheme { sHeader :: PprColour , sMessage :: PprColour , sWarning :: PprColour , sError :: PprColour , sFatal :: PprColour , sMargin :: PprColour } defaultScheme :: Scheme defaultScheme = Scheme { sHeader = mempty , sMessage = colBold , sWarning = colBold `mappend` colMagentaFg , sError = colBold `mappend` colRedFg , sFatal = colBold `mappend` colRedFg , sMargin = colBold `mappend` colBlueFg } -- | Parse the colour scheme from a string (presumably from the @GHC_COLORS@ -- environment variable). parseScheme :: String -> (OverridingBool, Scheme) -> (OverridingBool, Scheme) parseScheme "always" (_, cs) = (Always, cs) parseScheme "auto" (_, cs) = (Auto, cs) parseScheme "never" (_, cs) = (Never, cs) parseScheme input (b, cs) = ( b , Scheme { sHeader = fromMaybe (sHeader cs) (lookup "header" table) , sMessage = fromMaybe (sMessage cs) (lookup "message" table) , sWarning = fromMaybe (sWarning cs) (lookup "warning" table) , sError = fromMaybe (sError cs) (lookup "error" table) , sFatal = fromMaybe (sFatal cs) (lookup "fatal" table) , sMargin = fromMaybe (sMargin cs) (lookup "margin" table) } ) where table = do w <- split ':' input let (k, v') = break (== '=') w case v' of '=' : v -> return (k, colCustom v) _ -> []