module BuildInfo where import Control.Monad.State type BIMonad = StateT BuildInfo Maybe data BuildInfo = BuildInfo { biThingVersionMap :: ThingVersionMap, biThingHashMap :: ThingHashMap, biMaybeWays :: Maybe Ways } deriving Show type ThingMap = [(String, String)] -- Mapping from thing (e.g. "Cabal") to version (e.g. "") type ThingVersionMap = ThingMap -- Mapping from thing (e.g. "Cabal") to ABI hash -- (e.g. "e1f7c380581d61d42b0360d440cc35ed") type ThingHashMap = ThingMap -- The list of ways in the order the build system uses them, e.g. -- ["v", "p", "dyn"] => we have ".depend-v-p-dyn.haskell" files type Ways = [String] emptyBuildInfo :: Maybe Ways -> BuildInfo emptyBuildInfo mWays = BuildInfo { biThingVersionMap = [], biThingHashMap = [], biMaybeWays = mWays } addThingMap :: ThingMap -> String -> String -> Maybe ThingMap addThingMap mapping thing str = case lookup thing mapping of Just str' -> if str == str' then Just mapping else Nothing Nothing -> Just ((thing, str) : mapping) getMaybeWays :: BIMonad (Maybe Ways) getMaybeWays = do st <- get return $ biMaybeWays st haveThingVersion :: String -> String -> BIMonad () haveThingVersion thing thingVersion = do st <- get case addThingMap (biThingVersionMap st) thing thingVersion of Nothing -> fail "Inconsistent version" Just tvm -> put $ st { biThingVersionMap = tvm } haveThingHash :: String -> String -> BIMonad () haveThingHash thing thingHash = do st <- get case addThingMap (biThingHashMap st) thing thingHash of Nothing -> fail "Inconsistent hash" Just thm -> put $ st { biThingHashMap = thm }