#!/bin/sh # # Running 'binary-dist' gives us a tree which # isn't quite right for the purposes of creating # a mingw/win32 install tree. This script rejigs # the tree. # # To use: # # foo$ cd <top of fptools build tree> # foo$ make binary-dist Project=Ghc # foo$ cd ghc-<version> # foo$ ../distrib/prep-bin-dist-mingw-alex <ghc-dir> # ghc_binary_dir=../$1 # Play safe if ! [ -d bin/i386-unknown-mingw32 ] ; then echo "Doesn't look as if I'm in the toplevel directory of a mingw tree" echo "Usage: cd ghc-<version> ; ../distrib/prep-bin-dist-mingw" exit 1; fi; echo "rejig bin/" mv lib/i386-unknown-mingw32/alex.bin $ghc_binary_dir/bin/alex.exe strip $ghc_binary_dir/bin/alex.exe echo "rejig lib/" mv lib/i386-unknown-mingw32/* $ghc_binary_dir exit 0