%% %% CoreSyn.ott %% %% defines formal version of core syntax %% %% See accompanying README file embed {{ tex-preamble \newcommand{\coderef}[2]{\ghcfile{#1}:\texttt{#2}% } \newcommand{\keyword}[1]{\textbf{#1} } \newcommand{\labeledjudge}[1]{\vdash_{\!\!\mathsf{#1} } } \newcommand{\ctor}[1]{\texttt{#1}% } }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Metavariables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% metavar x, c ::= {{ com Term-level variable names }} metavar p ::= {{ com Labels }} metavar alpha {{ tex \alpha }}, beta {{ tex \beta }} ::= {{ com Type-level variable names }} metavar N ::= {{ com Type-level constructor names }} metavar M ::= {{ com Axiom rule names }} indexvar i, j, kk {{ tex k }}, aa {{ tex a }}, bb {{ tex b }}, cc {{ tex c }} ::= {{ com Indices to be used in lists }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Syntax %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% grammar lit {{ tex \textsf{lit} }} :: 'Literal_' ::= {{ com Literals, \coderef{basicTypes/Literal.hs}{Literal} }} z :: 'Name_' ::= {{ com Term or type name }} | alpha :: :: Type {{ com Type-level name }} | x :: :: Term {{ com Term-level name }} n, m, aname {{ tex \alpha }}, xname {{ tex x }} :: 'Var_' ::= {{ com Variable names, \coderef{basicTypes/Var.hs}{Var} }} | z _ t :: :: IdOrTyVar {{ com Name, labeled with type/kind }} {{ tex {[[z]]}^{[[t]]} }} | z $ :: M :: NoSupScript {{ com Name without an explicit type/kind }} | K :: M :: DataCon {{ com Data constructor }} l :: 'Label_' ::= {{ com Labels for join points, also \coderef{basicTypes/Var.hs}{Var} }} | p / I _ t :: :: Label {{ com Label with join arity and type }} {{ tex {[[p]]}_{[[I]]}^{[[t]]} }} vars :: 'Vars_' ::= {{ com List of variables }} | :: :: List | fv ( t ) :: M :: fv_t {{ tex \textit{fv}([[t]]) }} | fv ( e ) :: M :: fv_e {{ tex \textit{fv}([[e]]) }} | empty :: M :: empty | vars1 \inter vars2 :: M :: intersection {{ tex [[vars1]] \cap [[vars2]] }} labels :: 'Labels_' ::= {{ com List of labels }} | :: :: List | empty :: M :: empty e, u :: 'Expr_' ::= {{ com Expressions, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs}{Expr} }} | n :: :: Var {{ com \ctor{Var}: Variable }} | lit :: :: Lit {{ com \ctor{Lit}: Literal }} | e1 e2 :: :: App {{ com \ctor{App}: Application }} | jump l :: :: Jump {{ com \ctor{App}: Jump }} | \ n . e :: :: Lam {{ com \ctor{Lam}: Abstraction }} | let binding in e :: :: Let {{ com \ctor{Let}: Variable binding }} | join jbinding in e :: :: Join {{ com \ctor{Let}: Join binding }} | case e as n return t of :: :: Case {{ com \ctor{Case}: Pattern match }} | e |> g :: :: Cast {{ com \ctor{Cast}: Cast }} | e { tick } :: :: Tick {{ com \ctor{Tick}: Internal note }} {{ tex {[[e]]}_{\{[[tick]]\} } }} | t :: :: Type {{ com \ctor{Type}: Type }} | g :: :: Coercion {{ com \ctor{Coercion}: Coercion }} | e subst :: M :: Subst {{ com Substitution }} | ( e ) :: M :: Parens {{ com Parenthesized expression }} | e :: M :: Apps {{ com Nested application }} | S ( n ) :: M :: Lookup {{ com Lookup in the runtime store }} | \\ e :: M :: Newline {{ tex \qquad \\ \multicolumn{1}{r}{[[e]]} }} binding :: 'Bind_' ::= {{ com Let-bindings, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs}{Bind} }} | n = e :: :: NonRec {{ com \ctor{NonRec}: Non-recursive binding }} | rec :: :: Rec {{ com \ctor{Rec}: Recursive binding }} jbinding :: 'JoinBind_' ::= {{ com Join bindings, also \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs}{Bind} }} | l = e :: :: NonRec {{ com \ctor{NonRec}: Non-recursive binding }} | rec = ei // i /> :: :: Rec {{ com \ctor{Rec}: Recursive binding }} alt :: 'Alt_' ::= {{ com Case alternative, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs}{Alt} }} | Kp -> e :: :: Alt {{ com Constructor applied to fresh names }} tick :: 'Tickish_' ::= {{ com Internal notes, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs}{Tickish} }} Kp {{ tex \mathbb{K} }} :: 'AltCon_' ::= {{ com Constructors used in patterns, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs}{AltCon} }} | K :: :: DataAlt {{ com \ctor{DataAlt}: Data constructor }} | lit :: :: LitAlt {{ com \ctor{LitAlt}: Literal (such as an integer or character) }} | _ :: :: DEFAULT {{ com \ctor{DEFAULT}: Wildcard }} program :: 'CoreProgram_' ::= {{ com A System FC program, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs}{CoreProgram} }} | :: :: CoreProgram {{ com List of bindings }} %% TYPES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% t {{ tex \tau }}, k {{ tex \kappa }}, s {{ tex \sigma }}, phi {{ tex \phi }} :: 'Type_' ::= {{ com Types/kinds, \coderef{types/TyCoRep.hs}{Type} }} | n :: :: TyVarTy {{ com \ctor{TyVarTy}: Variable }} | t1 t2 :: :: AppTy {{ com \ctor{AppTy}: Application }} | T :: :: TyConApp {{ com \ctor{TyConApp}: Application of type constructor }} | t1 -> t2 :: :: FunTy {{ com \ctor{FunTy}: Function }} | forall n . t :: :: ForAllTy {{ com \ctor{ForAllTy}: Type and coercion polymorphism }} | lit :: :: LitTy {{ com \ctor{LitTy}: Type-level literal }} | t |> g :: :: CastTy {{ com \ctor{CastTy}: Kind cast }} | g :: :: CoercionTy {{ com \ctor{CoercionTy}: Coercion used in type }} | tyConKind T :: M :: tyConKind {{ com \coderef{types/TyCon.hs}{tyConKind} }} | t1 k1 ~# k2 t2 :: M :: unliftedEq {{ com Metanotation for coercion types }} {{ tex [[t1]] \mathop{ {}^{[[k1]]}\!\! \sim_{\#}^{[[k2]]} } [[t2]] }} | t1 k1 ~Rep# k2 t2 :: M :: unliftedREq {{ com Metanotation for coercion types }} {{ tex [[t1]] \mathop{ {}^{[[k1]]}\!\! \sim_{\mathsf{R}\#}^{[[k2]]} } [[t2]] }} | literalType lit :: M :: literalType {{ com \coderef{basicTypes/Literal.hs}{literalType} }} | ( t ) :: M :: parens {{ com Parentheses }} | { t } :: M :: IParens {{ com Invisible parentheses }} {{ tex [[t]] }} | t [ n |-> s ] :: M :: TySubst {{ com Type substitution }} | subst ( k ) :: M :: TySubstList {{ com Type substitution list }} | t subst :: M :: TySubstListPost {{ com Type substitution list }} | dataConRepType K :: M :: dataConRepType {{ com Type of DataCon }} | forall . t :: M :: ForAllTys {{ com Nested polymorphism }} | $ -> t' :: M :: FunTys {{ com Nested arrows }} %% COERCIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% g {{ tex \gamma }}, h {{ tex \eta }} :: 'Coercion_' ::= {{ com Coercions, \coderef{types/TyCoRep.hs}{Coercion} }} | < t > :: :: Refl {{ com \ctor{Refl}: Nominal Reflexivity }} {{ tex {\langle [[t]] \rangle} }} | < t > R mg :: :: GRefl {{ com \ctor{GRefl}: Generalized Reflexivity }} {{ tex {\langle [[t]] \rangle}^{[[mg]]}_{[[R]]} }} | T RA :: :: TyConAppCo {{ com \ctor{TyConAppCo}: Type constructor application }} | g1 g2 :: :: AppCo {{ com \ctor{AppCo}: Application }} | forall z : h . g :: :: ForAllCo {{ com \ctor{ForAllCo}: Polymorphism }} {{ tex [[forall]] [[z]]{:}[[h]].[[g]] }} | n :: :: CoVarCo {{ com \ctor{CoVarCo}: Variable }} | C ind :: :: AxiomInstCo {{ com \ctor{AxiomInstCo}: Axiom application }} | prov < t1 , t2 > _ R ^ ( h ) :: :: UnivCo {{ com \ctor{UnivCo}: Universal coercion }} {{ tex {}_{[[prov]]}{\langle [[t1]], [[t2]] \rangle}_{[[R]]}^{[[h]]} }} | sym g :: :: SymCo {{ com \ctor{SymCo}: Symmetry }} | g1 ; g2 :: :: TransCo {{ com \ctor{TransCo}: Transitivity }} | mu $ :: :: AxiomRuleCo {{ com \ctor{AxiomRuleCo}: Axiom-rule application (for type-nats) }} | nth R I g :: :: NthCo {{ com \ctor{NthCo}: Projection (0-indexed) }} {{ tex \textsf{nth}^{[[I]]}_{[[R]]}\,[[g]] }} | LorR g :: :: LRCo {{ com \ctor{LRCo}: Left/right projection }} | g @ h :: :: InstCo {{ com \ctor{InstCo}: Instantiation }} | kind g :: :: KindCo {{ com \ctor{KindCo}: Kind extraction }} | sub g :: :: SubCo {{ com \ctor{SubCo}: Sub-role --- convert nominal to representational }} | ( g ) :: M :: Parens {{ com Parentheses }} | t $ liftingsubst :: M :: Lifted {{ com Type lifted to coercion }} prov :: 'UnivCoProvenance_' ::= {{ com \ctor{UnivCo} provenance, \coderef{types/TyCoRep.hs}{UnivCoProvenance} }} | UnsafeCoerceProv :: :: UnsafeCoerceProv {{ com From \texttt{unsafeCoerce\#} }} {{ tex \mathsf{unsafe} }} | PhantomProv :: :: PhantomProv {{ com From the need for a phantom coercion }} {{ tex \mathsf{phant} }} | ProofIrrelProv :: :: ProofIrrelProv {{ com From proof irrelevance }} {{ tex \mathsf{irrel} }} mg {{ tex m }} :: 'MCoercion_' ::= {{ com A possibly reflexive coercion , \coderef{types/TyCoRep.hs}{MCoercion} }} | MRefl :: :: MRefl {{ com \ctor{MRefl}: A trivial reflexive coercion }} | MCo g :: :: MCo {{ com \ctor{MCo}: Other coercions }} {{ tex [[g]] }} LorR :: 'LeftOrRight_' ::= {{ com left or right deconstructor, \coderef{types/TyCoRep.hs}{LeftOrRight} }} | Left :: :: CLeft {{ com \ctor{CLeft}: Left projection }} | Right :: :: CRight {{ com \ctor{CRight}: Right projection }} C :: 'CoAxiom_' ::= {{ com Axioms, \coderef{types/TyCon.hs}{CoAxiom} }} | T RA :: :: CoAxiom {{ com \ctor{CoAxiom}: Axiom }} | ( C ) :: M :: Parens {{ com Parentheses }} R {{ tex \rho }} :: 'Role_' ::= {{ com Roles, \coderef{types/CoAxiom.hs}{Role} }} | Nom :: :: Nominal {{ com Nominal }} {{ tex \mathsf{N} }} | Rep :: :: Representational {{ com Representational }} {{ tex \mathsf{R} }} | Ph :: :: Phantom {{ com Phantom }} {{ tex \mathsf{P} }} | role_list [ i ] :: M :: RoleListIndex {{ com Look up in list }} axBranch, b :: 'CoAxBranch_' ::= {{ com Axiom branches, \coderef{types/TyCon.hs}{CoAxBranch} }} | forall . ( ~> s ) :: :: CoAxBranch {{ com \ctor{CoAxBranch}: Axiom branch }} | ( ) [ ind ] :: M :: lookup {{ com List lookup }} mu {{ tex \mu }} :: 'CoAxiomRule_' ::= {{ com CoAxiomRules, \coderef{types/CoAxiom.hs}{CoAxiomRule} }} | M ( I , role_list , R' ) :: :: CoAxiomRule {{ com Named rule, with parameter info }} {{ tex {[[M]]}_{([[I]], [[ role_list ]], [[R']])} }} %% TYCONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% T :: 'TyCon_' ::= {{ com Type constructors, \coderef{types/TyCon.hs}{TyCon} }} | ( -> ) :: :: FunTyCon {{ com \ctor{FunTyCon}: Arrow }} % the following also includes TupleTyCon, SynTyCon | N _ k :: :: AlgTyCon {{ com \ctor{AlgTyCon}, \ctor{TupleTyCon}, \ctor{SynTyCon}: algebraic, tuples, families, and synonyms }} {{ tex {[[N]]}^{[[k]]} }} | H :: :: PrimTyCon {{ com \ctor{PrimTyCon}: Primitive tycon }} | ' K :: :: PromotedDataCon {{ com \ctor{PromotedDataCon}: Promoted data constructor }} | dataConTyCon K :: M :: dataConTyCon {{ com TyCon extracted from DataCon }} H :: 'PrimTyCon_' ::= {{ com Primitive type constructors, \coderef{prelude/TysPrim.hs}{} }} | Int# :: :: intPrimTyCon {{ com Unboxed Int (\texttt{intPrimTyCon}) }} | ( ~# ) :: :: eqPrimTyCon {{ com Unboxed equality (\texttt{eqPrimTyCon}) }} | ( ~Rep# ) :: :: eqReprPrimTyCon {{ com Unboxed representational equality (\texttt{eqReprPrimTyCon}) }} | * :: :: liftedTypeKindTyCon {{ com Kind of lifted types (\texttt{liftedTypeKindTyCon}) }} | # :: :: unliftedTypeKindTyCon {{ com Kind of unlifted types (\texttt{unliftedTypeKindTyCon}) }} | OpenKind :: :: openTypeKindTyCon {{ com Either $*$ or $\#$ (\texttt{openTypeKindTyCon}) }} | Constraint :: :: constraintTyCon {{ com Constraint (\texttt{constraintTyCon}) }} | TYPE :: :: TYPE {{ com TYPE (\texttt{tYPETyCon}) }} | Levity :: :: Levity {{ com Levity (\texttt{LevityTyCon}) }} K :: 'DataCon_' ::= {{ com Data constructors, \coderef{basicTypes/DataCon.hs}{DataCon} }} | Lifted :: :: Lifted {{ com \ctor{Lifted}, a lifted type }} | Unlifted :: :: Unlifted {{ com \ctor{Unlifted}, an unlifted type }} %% CONTEXTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% G {{ tex \Gamma }} :: 'LintM_Bindings_' ::= {{ com List of bindings, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.hs}{LintM} }} | n :: :: Binding {{ com Single binding }} | :: :: Concat {{ com Context concatenation }} | vars_of binding :: M :: VarsOf {{ com \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs}{bindersOf} }} D {{ tex \Delta }} :: 'LintM_JoinBindings_' ::= {{ com List of join bindings, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.hs}{LintM} }} | l :: :: Binding {{ com Single binding }} | :: :: Concat {{ com Context concatenation }} | empty :: M :: Empty {{ com Empty context }} | labels_of binding :: M :: LabelsOf {{ com \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs}{bindersOf} }} O {{ tex \Omega }} :: 'VarEnv_Role_' ::= {{ com Mapping from type variables to roles }} | :: :: List {{ com List of bindings }} | O1 , O2 :: M :: Concat {{ com Concatenate two lists }} S {{ tex \Sigma }} :: 'St_' ::= {{ com Runtime store }} | [ n |-> e ] :: :: Binding {{ com Single binding }} | :: :: Concat {{ com Store concatentation }} %% UTILITY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% B {{ tex \mathbb{B} }} :: 'Bool_' ::= {{ com Booleans in metatheory }} | false :: :: False | true :: :: True kinded_types {{ tex \overline{(\sigma_i : \kappa_i)}^i }} :: 'Kinded_Types_' ::= {{ com List of types with kinds }} | :: :: List | empty :: M :: empty subst :: 'Subst_' ::= {{ com List of substitutions }} | [ n |-> t ] :: :: TyMapping | [ n |-> e ] :: :: TmMapping | [ z |-> t ] :: :: TyMapping_Raw | :: :: List | empty :: M :: Empty liftingsubst :: 'LiftSubst_' ::= {{ com List of lifting substitutions }} | [ n |-> g ] :: :: Mapping | :: :: List ind, I {{ tex i }} :: 'Ind_' ::= {{ com Indices, numbers }} | i :: :: index | length :: M :: length_t | length :: M :: length_g | length :: M :: length_axBranch | tyConArity T :: M :: tyConArity | ind - 1 :: M :: decrement | -1 :: M :: minusOne | 0 :: M :: zero | 1 :: M :: one | 2 :: M :: two | 3 :: M :: three terms :: 'Terms_' ::= {{ com List of terms }} | :: :: List types :: 'Types_' ::= {{ com List of types }} | :: :: List names {{ tex \overline{n_i}^i }} :: 'Names_' ::= {{ com List of names }} | :: :: List | empty :: M :: Empty | names , n :: M :: Snoc namesroles {{ tex \overline{n_i \!\! {}_{\rho_i} }^i }} :: 'NamesRoles_' ::= {{ com List of names, annotated with roles }} | :: :: List | empty :: M :: Empty | namesroles , n RA :: M :: Snoc gs {{ tex \overline{\gamma} }} :: 'Cos_' ::= {{ com List of coercions }} | :: :: List | empty :: M :: Empty | gs , g :: M :: Snoc RA {{ tex {\!\!{}_{\rho} } }} :: 'RoleAnnot_' ::= {{ com Role annotation }} | _ R :: M :: annotation {{ tex {\!\!{}_{[[R]]} } }} | _ ^^ R :: M :: spaced_annotation {{ tex {}_{[[R]]} }} role_list {{ tex {\overline{\rho_j} }^j }} :: 'RoleList_' ::= {{ com List of roles }} | :: :: List | tyConRolesX R T :: M :: tyConRolesX | tyConRoles T :: M :: tyConRoles | ( role_list ) :: M :: Parens | { role_list } :: M :: Braces | take ( ind , role_list ) :: M :: Take %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Terminals %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% terminals :: 'terminals_' ::= | \ :: :: lambda {{ tex \lambda }} | let :: :: let {{ tex \keyword{let} }} | join :: :: join {{ tex \keyword{join} }} | in :: :: key_in {{ tex \keyword{in} }} | rec :: :: rec {{ tex \keyword{rec} }} | and :: :: key_and {{ tex \keyword{and} }} | jump :: :: jump {{ tex \keyword{jump} }} | case :: :: case {{ tex \keyword{case} }} | of :: :: of {{ tex \keyword{of} }} | -> :: :: arrow {{ tex \to }} | |> :: :: cast {{ tex \triangleright }} | forall :: :: forall {{ tex {\forall}\! }} | ==>! :: :: unsafe {{ tex \twoheadrightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\! \raisebox{-.3ex}{!} \,\,\,\,\, }} | sym :: :: sym {{ tex \textsf{sym} }} | ; :: :: trans {{ tex \fatsemi }} | ;; :: :: semi {{ tex ; }} | Left :: :: Left {{ tex \textsf{left} }} | Right :: :: Right {{ tex \textsf{right} }} | _ :: :: wildcard {{ tex \text{\textvisiblespace} }} | Int# :: :: int_hash {{ tex {\textsf{Int} }_{\#} }} | ~# :: :: eq_hash {{ tex \mathop{ {\sim}_{\#} } }} | ~Rep# :: :: eq_repr_hash {{ tex \mathop{ {\sim}_{\mathsf{R}\#} } }} | OpenKind :: :: OpenKind {{ tex \textsf{OpenKind} }} | ok :: :: ok {{ tex \textsf{ ok} }} | no_duplicates :: :: no_duplicates {{ tex \textsf{no\_duplicates } }} | vars_of :: :: vars_of {{ tex \textsf{vars\_of } }} | split :: :: split {{ tex \mathop{\textsf{split} } }} | not :: :: not {{ tex \neg }} | isUnLiftedTyCon :: :: isUnLiftedTyCon {{ tex \textsf{isUnLiftedTyCon} }} | compatibleUnBoxedTys :: :: compatibleUnBoxedTys {{ tex \textsf{compatibleUnBoxedTys} }} | false :: :: false {{ tex \textsf{false} }} | true :: :: true {{ tex \textsf{true} }} | \/ :: :: or {{ tex \vee }} | /\ :: :: and {{ tex \mathop{\wedge} }} | elt :: :: elt {{ tex \in }} | /= :: :: neq {{ tex \neq }} | literalType :: :: literalType {{ tex \textsf{literalType} }} | |-> :: :: mapsto {{ tex \mapsto }} | <- :: :: assignment {{ tex \leftarrow }} | $ :: :: marker {{ tex }} | inits :: :: inits {{ tex \textsf{inits} }} | ~> :: :: squigarrow {{ tex \rightsquigarrow }} | tyConKind :: :: tyConKind {{ tex \mathop{\textsf{tyConKind} } }} | empty :: :: empty {{ tex \cdot }} | length :: :: length {{ tex \mathsf{length} }} | ~ :: :: eq {{ tex \sim }} | tyConArity :: :: tyConArity {{ tex \textsf{tyConArity} }} | dataConTyCon :: :: dataConTyCon {{ tex \textsf{dataConTyCon} }} | dataConRepType :: :: dataConRepType {{ tex \textsf{dataConRepType} }} | isNewTyCon :: :: isNewTyCon {{ tex \textsf{isNewTyCon} }} | Constraint :: :: Constraint {{ tex \textsf{Constraint} }} | TYPE :: :: TYPE {{ tex \textsf{TYPE} }} | RuntimeRep :: :: RuntimeRep {{ tex \textsf{RuntimeRep} }} | LiftedRep :: :: LiftedRep {{ tex \textsf{LiftedRep} }} | UnliftedRep :: :: UnliftedRep {{ tex \textsf{UnliftedRep} }} | no_conflict :: :: no_conflict {{ tex \textsf{no\_conflict} }} | apart :: :: apart {{ tex \textsf{apart} }} | kind :: :: kind {{ tex \textsf{kind} }} | kapp :: :: kapp {{ tex \textsf{kapp} }} | sub :: :: sub {{ tex \textsf{sub} }} | # :: :: free {{ tex \mathop{ \# } }} | BOX :: :: BOX {{ tex \square }} | * :: :: star {{ tex \star }} | unify :: :: unify {{ tex \textsf{unify} }} | tyConRolesX :: :: tyConRolesX {{ tex \textsf{tyConRolesX} }} | tyConRoles :: :: tyConRoles {{ tex \textsf{tyConRoles} }} | tyConDataCons :: :: tyConDataCons {{ tex \textsf{tyConDataCons} }} | validRoles :: :: validRoles {{ tex \textsf{validRoles} }} | validDcRoles :: :: validDcRoles {{ tex \textsf{validDcRoles} }} | --> :: :: steps {{ tex \longrightarrow }} | coercionKind :: :: coercionKind {{ tex \textsf{coercionKind} }} | coercionRole :: :: coercionRole {{ tex \textsf{coercionRole} }} | take :: :: take {{ tex \textsf{take}\! }} | coaxrProves :: :: coaxrProves {{ tex \textsf{coaxrProves} }} | Just :: :: Just {{ tex \textsf{Just} }} | \\ :: :: newline {{ tex \\ }} | classifiesTypeWithValues :: :: ctwv {{ tex \textsf{classifiesTypeWithValues} }} | 0 :: :: zero {{ tex 0 }} | +1 :: :: succ {{ tex +1 }} | MRefl :: :: mrefl {{ tex \cdot }} | MCo :: :: mco %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Formulae %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% formula :: 'formula_' ::= | judgement :: :: judgement | formula1 ... formulai :: :: dots | G1 = G2 :: :: context_rewrite | D1 = D2 :: :: join_context_rewrite | t1 = t2 :: :: type_rewrite | t1 /= t2 :: :: type_inequality | e1 /=e e2 :: :: expr_inequality {{ tex [[e1]] \neq [[e2]] }} | 0 <= ind1 < ind2 :: :: in_bounds {{ tex 0 \leq [[ind1]] < [[ind2]] }} | g1 = g2 :: :: co_rewrite | no_duplicates :: :: no_duplicates_name | no_duplicates :: :: no_duplicates_binding | no_duplicates :: :: no_duplicates_label | not formula :: :: not | isUnLiftedTyCon T :: :: isUnLiftedTyCon | compatibleUnBoxedTys t1 t2 :: :: compatibleUnBoxedTys | formula1 /\ formula2 :: :: and | formula1 \/ formula2 :: :: or | ( formula1 ) \\/ ( formula2 ) :: :: newline {{ tex \begin{array}{@{}l@{}% }[[formula1]] \vee \\ \multicolumn{1}{@{}r@{}% }{\quad [[formula2]]} \end{array} }} | ( formula ) :: :: parens | n elt G :: :: context_inclusion | l elt D :: :: join_context_inclusion | vars1 = vars2 :: :: vars_rewrite | = inits ( ) :: :: context_folding | = inits ( tj ] // j /> ) :: :: subst_folding | ind1 = ind2 :: :: eq_ind | ind1 < ind2 :: :: lt | G |- tylit lit : k :: :: lintTyLit {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{tylit} [[lit]] : [[k]] }} | isNewTyCon T :: :: isNewTyCon | k1 elt { } :: :: kind_elt | e is_a_type :: :: is_a_type {{ tex \exists \tau \text{ s.t.~} [[e]] = \tau }} | t is_a_coercion_type :: :: is_a_coercion_type {{ tex \exists \tau_1, \tau_2, \kappa_1, \kappa_2 \text{ s.t.~} [[t]] = \tau_1 \mathop{ {}^{\kappa_1} {\sim}_{\#}^{\kappa_2} } \tau_2 }} | e is_a_coercion :: :: is_a_coercion {{ tex \exists \gamma \text{ s.t.~} [[e]] = \gamma }} | t is_a_prop :: :: is_a_prop {{ tex \exists \tau_1, \tau_2, \kappa \text{ s.t.~} [[t]] = \tau_1 \mathop{ {\sim}_{\#}^{\kappa} } \tau_2 }} | axBranch1 = axBranch2 :: :: branch_rewrite | C1 = C2 :: :: axiom_rewrite | apart ( , ) :: :: apart | unify ( , ) = subst :: :: unify | role_list1 = role_list2 :: :: eq_role_list | R1 /= R2 :: :: role_neq | R1 = R2 :: :: eq_role | R1 <= R2 :: :: lte_role {{ tex [[R1]] \leq [[R2]] }} | = tyConDataCons T :: :: tyConDataCons | O ( n ) = R :: :: role_lookup | R elt role_list :: :: role_elt | formula1 => formula2 :: :: implication {{ tex [[formula1]] \implies [[formula2]] }} | alt1 = alt2 :: :: alt_rewrite | e1 = e2 :: :: e_rewrite | no other case matches :: :: no_other_case {{ tex \text{no other case matches} }} | t = coercionKind g :: :: coercionKind | R = coercionRole g :: :: coercionRole | Just ( t1 , t2 ) = coaxrProves mu :: :: coaxrProves | mu1 = mu2 :: :: mu_rewrite | classifiesTypeWithValues k :: :: classifies_type_with_values | z elt vars :: :: in_vars | split _ I s = types :: :: split_type {{ tex \mathop{\textsf{split} }_{[[I]]} [[s]] = [[types]] }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Subrules and Parsing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% parsing TyCon_FunTyCon right Type_AppTy TyCon_PrimTyCon right Type_AppTy TyCon_AlgTyCon right Type_AppTy TyCon_PromotedDataCon right Type_AppTy TyCon_FunTyCon right Coercion_AppCo TyCon_PrimTyCon right Coercion_AppCo TyCon_AlgTyCon right Coercion_AppCo TyCon_PromotedDataCon right Coercion_AppCo Subst_TyMapping <= Type_TySubstList Subst_TmMapping <= Type_TySubstList Subst_List <= Type_TySubstList Subst_TyMapping <= Type_TySubstListPost Subst_TmMapping <= Type_TySubstListPost Expr_Type <= formula_e_rewrite Expr_Jump <= Expr_Apps Coercion_TyConAppCo <= Coercion_AppCo Coercion_TyConAppCo <= Type_CoercionTy Coercion_CoVarCo <= Type_CoercionTy Type_unliftedEq left Var_IdOrTyVar Expr_Coercion <= Subst_TmMapping Type_CastTy <= Var_IdOrTyVar