%% %% CoreSyn.ott %% %% defines formal version of core syntax %% %% See accompanying README file embed {{ tex-preamble \newcommand{\coderef}[2]{\ghcfile{#1}:\texttt{#2}% } \newcommand{\keyword}[1]{\textbf{#1} } \newcommand{\labeledjudge}[1]{\vdash_{\!\!\mathsf{#1} } } }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Metavariables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% metavar f, x, y, z ::= {{ com Variable names }} metavar K ::= {{ com Data constructor names }} indexvar i, j, k, n ::= {{ com Indices to be used in lists }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Syntax %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% grammar lit {{ tex \textsf{lit} }} :: 'Literal_' ::= {{ com Literals, \coderef{basicTypes/Literal.hs}{Literal} }} op {{ tex \textsf{op} }} :: 'StgOp_' ::= {{ com Primitive operation or foreign call, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.hs}{StgOp} }} cc {{ tex \textsf{cc} }} :: 'CostCentre_' ::= {{ com Cost-centre, \coderef{profiling/CostCentre.hs}{CostCentre} }} ccs {{ tex \textsf{ccs} }} :: 'CostCentreStack_' ::= | CCCS :: :: CurrentCCS {{ com Current cost-centre stack }} {{ tex \bullet }} | _ :: :: DontCareCCS {{ com Don't care cost-centre stack }} | ccs ^ ccs' :: :: EnterFunCCS {{ com Function entry, \coderef{rts/Profiling.c}{enterFunCCS} }} | ccs # cc :: :: PushCC {{ com Push a cost-centre, \coderef{rts/Profiling.c}{pushCostCentre} }} {{ com Cost-centre stack, \coderef{profiling/CostCentre.hs}{CostCentreStack} }} a, b, c :: 'StgArg_' ::= {{ com Arguments, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.hs}{StgArg} }} | x :: :: StgVarArg {{ com Variable }} | lit :: :: StgLitArg {{ com Literal }} args :: 'StgArgs_' ::= {{ com List of arguments }} | :: :: List | args args' :: :: Append | xs :: :: CastVariables | nil :: :: EmptyList xs :: 'Ids_' ::= {{ com List of variables }} | :: :: List | nil :: :: EmptyList | xs xs' :: :: Append e :: 'StgExpr_' ::= {{ com Expressions, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.hs}{StgExpr} }} | lit :: :: StgLit {{ com Literal }} | x args :: :: StgApp {{ com Function application (or variable) }} | K args :: :: StgConApp {{ com Saturated constructor application }} | op args :: :: StgOpApp {{ com Saturated primitive application }} | case e as x of :: :: StgCase {{ com Pattern match }} | let binding in e :: :: StgLet {{ com Let binding }} | lne binding in e :: :: StgLetNoEscape {{ com Let-no-escape binding }} | scc cc e :: :: StgSCC {{ com Set cost-centre }} | ( e ) :: M :: Parens {{ com Parenthesized expression }} | e' subst :: M :: Tsub subst :: 'Subst_' ::= {{ com List of substitutions }} | [ a / x ] :: :: Mapping | :: :: List binding :: 'StgBind_' ::= {{ com Let-bindings, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.hs}{StgBind} }} | x = rhs :: :: StgNonRec {{ com Non-recursive binding }} | rec :: :: StgRec {{ com Recursive binding }} upd :: 'UpdateFlag_' ::= {{ com Update flag, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.hs}{UpdateFlag} }} | r :: :: ReEntrant {{ com Function (re-entrant closure) }} | u :: :: Updatable {{ com Thunk (updatable closure) }} cl :: 'StgRhsClosure_' ::= {{ com StgRhsClosure }} | \ upd ccs xs . e :: :: StgRhsClosure rhs :: 'StgRhs_' ::= {{ com Right-hand sides, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.hs}{StgRhs} }} | cl :: :: StgRhsClosure {{ com Closure }} | K ccs args :: :: StgRhsCon {{ com Constructor }} | x :: :: StgRhsIndirection {{ com Indirection (runtime only) }} alt :: 'StgAlt_' ::= {{ com Case alternative, \coderef{stgSyn/StgSyn.hs}{StgAlt} }} | K -> e :: :: StgAlt {{ com Constructor applied to fresh names }} terminals :: 'terminals_' ::= | \ :: :: lambda {{ tex \lambda }} | -> :: :: arrow {{ tex \rightarrow }} | |-> :: :: mapsto {{ tex \mapsto }} | <> :: :: union {{ tex \mathbin{\mathaccent\cdot\cup} }} | nil :: :: empty {{ tex \cdot }} | /= :: :: neq {{ tex \neq }} | ^ :: :: enterFun {{ tex \bowtie }} | # :: :: push {{ tex \triangleright }}