Using GHCiGHCiinterpreterGHCiinteractiveGHCiGHCiThe ‘i’ stands for “Interactive”
is GHC's interactive environment, in which Haskell expressions can
be interactively evaluated and programs can be interpreted. If
you're familiar with HugsHugs, then you'll be right at home with GHCi. However, GHCi
also has support for interactively loading compiled code, as well as
supporting allexcept foreign export, at the moment the language extensions that GHC provides.
FFIGHCi supportForeign Function
InterfaceGHCi support.
GHCi also includes an interactive debugger (see ).Introduction to GHCiLet's start with an example GHCi session. You can fire up
GHCi with the command ghci:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 6.12.1: :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
There may be a short pause while GHCi loads the prelude and
standard libraries, after which the prompt is shown. As the banner
says, you can type :? to see the list of commands
available, and a half line description of each of them.We'll explain most of these commands as we go along. For
Hugs users: many things work the same as in Hugs, so you should be
able to get going straight away.Haskell expressions can be typed at the prompt:promptGHCi
Prelude> 1+2
Prelude> let x = 42 in x / 9
GHCi interprets the whole line as an expression to evaluate.
The expression may not span several lines - as soon as you press enter,
GHCi will attempt to evaluate it.GHCi also has a multiline mode,
:set +m,
which is terminated by an empty line:
Prelude> :set +m
Prelude> let x = 42 in x / 9
In Haskell, a let expression is followed
by in. However, in GHCi, since the expression
can also be interpreted in the IO monad,
a let binding with no accompanying
in statement can be signalled by an empty line,
as in the above example.Multiline mode is useful when entering monadic
do statements:
Control.Monad.State> flip evalStateT 0 $ do
Control.Monad.State| i <- get
Control.Monad.State| lift $ do
Control.Monad.State| putStrLn "Hello World!"
Control.Monad.State| print i
"Hello World!"
During a multiline interaction, the user can interrupt and
return to the top-level prompt.
Prelude> do
Prelude| putStrLn "Hello, World!"
Prelude| ^C
Loading source filesSuppose we have the following Haskell source code, which we
place in a file Main.hs:
main = print (fac 20)
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n-1)
You can save Main.hs anywhere you like,
but if you save it somewhere other than the current
directoryIf you started up GHCi from the command
line then GHCi's current directory is the same as the current
directory of the shell from which it was started. If you started
GHCi from the “Start” menu in Windows, then the
current directory is probably something like
C:\Documents and Settings\user
name. then we will
need to change to the right directory in GHCi:
Prelude> :cd dirwhere dir is the directory (or
folder) in which you saved Main.hs.To load a Haskell source file into GHCi, use the
:load command::load
Prelude> :load Main
Compiling Main ( Main.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
GHCi has loaded the Main module, and the
prompt has changed to “*Main>” to
indicate that the current context for expressions typed at the
prompt is the Main module we just loaded (we'll
explain what the * means later in ). So we can now type expressions involving
the functions from Main.hs:
*Main> fac 17
Loading a multi-module program is just as straightforward;
just give the name of the “topmost” module to the
:load command (hint: :load
can be abbreviated to :l). The topmost module
will normally be Main, but it doesn't have to
be. GHCi will discover which modules are required, directly or
indirectly, by the topmost module, and load them all in dependency
order.Modules vs. filenamesmodulesand filenamesfilenamesof modulesQuestion: How does GHC find the filename which contains
module M? Answer: it looks for the
file M.hs, or
M.lhs. This means
that for most modules, the module name must match the filename.
If it doesn't, GHCi won't be able to find it.There is one exception to this general rule: when you load
a program with :load, or specify it when you
invoke ghci, you can give a filename rather
than a module name. This filename is loaded if it exists, and
it may contain any module you like. This is particularly
convenient if you have several Main modules
in the same directory and you can't call them all
Main.hs.The search path for finding source files is specified with
the option on the GHCi command line, like
so:ghci -idir1:...:dirnor it can be set using the :set command
from within GHCi (see )Note that in
GHCi, and mode, the
option is used to specify the search path for
source files, whereas in standard
batch-compilation mode the option is used to
specify the search path for interface files, see .One consequence of the way that GHCi follows dependencies
to find modules to load is that every module must have a source
file. The only exception to the rule is modules that come from
a package, including the Prelude and standard
libraries such as IO and
Complex. If you attempt to load a module for
which GHCi can't find a source file, even if there are object
and interface files for the module, you'll get an error
message.Making changes and recompilation:reloadIf you make some changes to the source code and want GHCi
to recompile the program, give the :reload
command. The program will be recompiled as necessary, with GHCi
doing its best to avoid actually recompiling modules if their
external dependencies haven't changed. This is the same
mechanism we use to avoid re-compiling modules in the batch
compilation setting (see ).Loading compiled codecompiled codein GHCiWhen you load a Haskell source module into GHCi, it is
normally converted to byte-code and run using the interpreter.
However, interpreted code can also run alongside compiled code in
GHCi; indeed, normally when GHCi starts, it loads up a compiled
copy of the base package, which contains the
Prelude.Why should we want to run compiled code? Well, compiled
code is roughly 10x faster than interpreted code, but takes about
2x longer to produce (perhaps longer if optimisation is on). So
it pays to compile the parts of a program that aren't changing
very often, and use the interpreter for the code being actively
developed.When loading up source modules with :load,
GHCi normally looks for any corresponding compiled object files,
and will use one in preference to interpreting the source if
possible. For example, suppose we have a 4-module program
consisting of modules A, B, C, and D. Modules B and C both import
D only, and A imports both B & C:
/ \
\ /
We can compile D, then load the whole program, like this:
Prelude> :! ghc -c D.hs
Prelude> :load A
Compiling B ( B.hs, interpreted )
Compiling C ( C.hs, interpreted )
Compiling A ( A.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
In the messages from the compiler, we see that there is no line
for D. This is because
it isn't necessary to compile D,
because the source and everything it depends on
is unchanged since the last compilation.At any time you can use the command
:show modules
to get a list of the modules currently loaded
into GHCi:
*Main> :show modules
D ( D.hs, D.o )
C ( C.hs, interpreted )
B ( B.hs, interpreted )
A ( A.hs, interpreted )
*Main>If we now modify the source of D (or pretend to: using the Unix
command touch on the source file is handy for
this), the compiler will no longer be able to use the object file,
because it might be out of date:
*Main> :! touch D.hs
*Main> :reload
Compiling D ( D.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
Note that module D was compiled, but in this instance
because its source hadn't really changed, its interface remained
the same, and the recompilation checker determined that A, B and C
didn't need to be recompiled.So let's try compiling one of the other modules:
*Main> :! ghc -c C.hs
*Main> :load A
Compiling D ( D.hs, interpreted )
Compiling B ( B.hs, interpreted )
Compiling C ( C.hs, interpreted )
Compiling A ( A.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
We didn't get the compiled version of C! What happened?
Well, in GHCi a compiled module may only depend on other compiled
modules, and in this case C depends on D, which doesn't have an
object file, so GHCi also rejected C's object file. Ok, so let's
also compile D:
*Main> :! ghc -c D.hs
*Main> :reload
Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
Nothing happened! Here's another lesson: newly compiled
modules aren't picked up by :reload, only
*Main> :load A
Compiling B ( B.hs, interpreted )
Compiling A ( A.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
The automatic loading of object files can sometimes lead to
confusion, because non-exported top-level definitions of a module
are only available for use in expressions at the prompt when the
module is interpreted (see ). For
this reason, you might sometimes want to force GHCi to load a
module using the interpreter. This can be done by prefixing
a * to the module name or filename when
using :load, for example
Prelude> :load *A
Compiling A ( A.hs, interpreted )
When the * is used, GHCi ignores any
pre-compiled object code and interprets the module. If you have
already loaded a number of modules as object code and decide that
you wanted to interpret one of them, instead of re-loading the whole
set you can use :add *M to specify that you want
M to be interpreted (note that this might cause
other modules to be interpreted too, because compiled modules cannot
depend on interpreted ones).To always compile everything to object code and never use the
interpreter, use the -fobject-code option (see
).HINT: since GHCi will only use a compiled object file if it
can be sure that the compiled version is up-to-date, a good technique
when working on a large program is to occasionally run
ghc ––make to compile the whole project (say
before you go for lunch :-), then continue working in the
interpreter. As you modify code, the changed modules will be
interpreted, but the rest of the project will remain
compiled.Interactive evaluation at the promptWhen you type an expression at the prompt, GHCi immediately
evaluates and prints the result:
Prelude> reverse "hello"
Prelude> 5+5
I/O actions at the promptGHCi does more than simple expression evaluation at the prompt.
If you type something of type IO a for some
a, then GHCi executes it
as an IO-computation.
Prelude> "hello"
Prelude> putStrLn "hello"
Furthermore, GHCi will print the result of the I/O action if (and only
The result type is an instance of Show.The result type is not
For example, remembering that putStrLn :: String -> IO ():
Prelude> putStrLn "hello"
Prelude> do { putStrLn "hello"; return "yes" }
Using do-notation at the promptdo-notationin GHCistatementsin GHCiGHCi actually accepts statements
rather than just expressions at the prompt. This means you can
bind values and functions to names, and use them in future
expressions or statements.The syntax of a statement accepted at the GHCi prompt is
exactly the same as the syntax of a statement in a Haskell
do expression. However, there's no monad
overloading here: statements typed at the prompt must be in the
IO monad.
Prelude> x <- return 42
Prelude> print x
The statement x <- return 42 means
“execute return 42 in the
IO monad, and bind the result to
x”. We can then use
x in future statements, for example to print
it as we did above.If is set then
GHCi will print the result of a statement if and only if:
The statement is not a binding, or it is a monadic binding
(p <- e) that binds exactly one
variable.The variable's type is not polymorphic, is not
(), and is an instance of
Of course, you can also bind normal non-IO expressions
using the let-statement:
Prelude> let x = 42
Prelude> x
Another important difference between the two types of binding
is that the monadic bind (p <- e) is
strict (it evaluates e),
whereas with the let form, the expression
isn't evaluated immediately:
Prelude> let x = error "help!"
Prelude> print x
*** Exception: help!
Note that let bindings do not automatically
print the value bound, unlike monadic bindings.Hint: you can also use let-statements
to define functions at the prompt:
Prelude> let add a b = a + b
Prelude> add 1 2
However, this quickly gets tedious when defining functions
with multiple clauses, or groups of mutually recursive functions,
because the complete definition has to be given on a single line,
using explicit braces and semicolons instead of layout:
Prelude> let { f op n [] = n ; f op n (h:t) = h `op` f op n t }
Prelude> f (+) 0 [1..3]
To alleviate this issue, GHCi commands can be split over
multiple lines, by wrapping them in :{ and
:} (each on a single line of its own):
Prelude> :{
Prelude| let { g op n [] = n
Prelude| ; g op n (h:t) = h `op` g op n t
Prelude| }
Prelude| :}
Prelude> g (*) 1 [1..3]
Such multiline commands can be used with any GHCi command,
and the lines between :{ and
:} are simply merged into a single line for
interpretation. That implies that each such group must form a single
valid command when merged, and that no layout rule is used.
The main purpose of multiline commands is not to replace module
loading but to make definitions in .ghci-files (see ) more readable and maintainable.Any exceptions raised during the evaluation or execution
of the statement are caught and printed by the GHCi command line
interface (for more information on exceptions, see the module
Control.Exception in the libraries
documentation).Every new binding shadows any existing bindings of the
same name, including entities that are in scope in the current
module context.WARNING: temporary bindings introduced at the prompt only
last until the next :load or
:reload command, at which time they will be
simply lost. However, they do survive a change of context with
:module: the temporary bindings just move to
the new location.HINT: To get a list of the bindings currently in scope, use the
:show bindings command:
Prelude> :show bindings
x :: Int
Prelude>HINT: if you turn on the +t option,
GHCi will show the type of each variable bound by a statement.
For example:+t
Prelude> :set +t
Prelude> let (x:xs) = [1..]
x :: Integer
xs :: [Integer]
What's really in scope at the prompt?When you type an expression at the prompt, what
identifiers and types are in scope? GHCi provides a flexible
way to control exactly how the context for an expression is
constructed. Let's start with the simple cases; when you start
GHCi the prompt looks like this:Prelude>Which indicates that everything from the module
Prelude is currently in scope. If we now
load a file into GHCi, the prompt will change:
Prelude> :load Main.hs
Compiling Main ( Main.hs, interpreted )
The new prompt is *Main, which
indicates that we are typing expressions in the context of the
top-level of the Main module. Everything
that is in scope at the top-level in the module
Main we just loaded is also in scope at the
prompt (probably including Prelude, as long
as Main doesn't explicitly hide it).The syntax
*module indicates
that it is the full top-level scope of
module that is contributing to the
scope for expressions typed at the prompt. Without the
*, just the exports of the module are
visible.We're not limited to a single module: GHCi can combine
scopes from multiple modules, in any mixture of
* and non-* forms. GHCi
combines the scopes from all of these modules to form the scope
that is in effect at the prompt.NOTE: for technical reasons, GHCi can only support the
*-form for modules that are interpreted.
Compiled modules and package modules can only contribute their
exports to the current scope. To ensure that GHCi loads the
interpreted version of a module, add the *
when loading the module, e.g. :load *M.The scope is manipulated using the
:module command. For example, if the current
scope is Prelude, then we can bring into
scope the exports from the module IO like
Prelude> :module +IO
Prelude IO> hPutStrLn stdout "hello\n"
Prelude IO>
(Note: you can use conventional
haskell import syntax as
well, but this does not support
* forms).
:module can also be shortened to
:m. The full syntax of the
:module command is:
:module +|-*mod1 ... *modnUsing the + form of the
module commands adds modules to the current
scope, and - removes them. Without either
+ or -, the current scope
is replaced by the set of modules specified. Note that if you
use this form and leave out Prelude, GHCi
will assume that you really wanted the
Prelude and add it in for you (if you don't
want the Prelude, then ask to remove it with
:m -Prelude).The scope is automatically set after a
:load command, to the most recently loaded
"target" module, in a *-form if possible.
For example, if you say :load foo.hs bar.hs
and bar.hs contains module
Bar, then the scope will be set to
*Bar if Bar is
interpreted, or if Bar is compiled it will be
set to Prelude Bar (GHCi automatically adds
Prelude if it isn't present and there aren't
any *-form modules).With multiple modules in scope, especially multiple
*-form modules, it is likely that name
clashes will occur. Haskell specifies that name clashes are
only reported when an ambiguous identifier is used, and GHCi
behaves in the same way for expressions typed at the
Hint: GHCi will tab-complete names that are in scope; for
example, if you run GHCi and type J<tab>
then GHCi will expand it to “Just ”.
:module and
:loadIt might seem that :module and
:load do similar things: you can use both
to bring a module into scope. However, there is a clear
difference. GHCi is concerned with two sets of modules:The set of modules that are
currently loaded. This set is
by :load, :add
and :reload.
The set of modules that are currently in
scope at the prompt. This set is modified
by :module, and it is also set
after :load, :add,
and :reload.You cannot add a module to the scope if it is not
loaded. This is why trying to
use :module to load a new module results
in the message “module M is not
loaded”.Qualified namesTo make life slightly easier, the GHCi prompt also
behaves as if there is an implicit import
qualified declaration for every module in every
package, and every module currently loaded into GHCi. This
behaviour can be disabled with the flag .The :main and :run commands
When a program is compiled and executed, it can use the
getArgs function to access the
command-line arguments.
However, we cannot simply pass the arguments to the
main function while we are testing in ghci,
as the main function doesn't take its
Instead, we can use the :main command.
This runs whatever main is in scope, with
any arguments being treated the same as command-line arguments,
Prelude> let main = System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
Prelude> :main foo bar
We can also quote arguments which contains characters like
spaces, and they are treated like Haskell strings, or we can
just use Haskell list syntax:
Prelude> :main foo "bar baz"
["foo","bar baz"]
Prelude> :main ["foo", "bar baz"]
["foo","bar baz"]
Finally, other functions can be called, either with the
-main-is flag or the :run
Prelude> let foo = putStrLn "foo" >> System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
Prelude> let bar = putStrLn "bar" >> System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
Prelude> :set -main-is foo
Prelude> :main foo "bar baz"
["foo","bar baz"]
Prelude> :run bar ["foo", "bar baz"]
["foo","bar baz"]
The it variableitWhenever an expression (or a non-binding statement, to be
precise) is typed at the prompt, GHCi implicitly binds its value
to the variable it. For example:
Prelude> 1+2
Prelude> it * 2
What actually happens is that GHCi typechecks the
expression, and if it doesn't have an IO type,
then it transforms it as follows: an expression
e turns into
let it = e;
print it
which is then run as an IO-action.Hence, the original expression must have a type which is an
instance of the Show class, or GHCi will
Prelude> id
No instance for (Show (a -> a))
arising from use of `print' at <interactive>:1:0-1
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show (a -> a))
In the expression: print it
In a 'do' expression: print it
The error message contains some clues as to the
transformation happening internally.If the expression was instead of type IO a for
some a, then it will be
bound to the result of the IO computation,
which is of type a. eg.:
Prelude> Time.getClockTime
Wed Mar 14 12:23:13 GMT 2001
Prelude> print it
Wed Mar 14 12:23:13 GMT 2001
The corresponding translation for an IO-typed
e is
it <- eNote that it is shadowed by the new
value each time you evaluate a new expression, and the old value
of it is lost.Type defaulting in GHCiType defaultShow class
Consider this GHCi session:
ghci> reverse []
What should GHCi do? Strictly speaking, the program is ambiguous. show (reverse [])
(which is what GHCi computes here) has type Show a => String and how that displays depends
on the type a. For example:
ghci> reverse ([] :: String)
ghci> reverse ([] :: [Int])
However, it is tiresome for the user to have to specify the type, so GHCi extends Haskell's type-defaulting
rules (Section 4.3.4 of the Haskell 2010 Report) as follows. The
standard rules take each group of constraints (C1 a, C2 a, ..., Cn
a) for each type variable a, and defaults the
type variable if
The type variable a appears in no
other constraints
All the classes Ci are standard.
At least one of the classes Ci is
At the GHCi prompt, or with GHC if the
-XExtendedDefaultRules flag is given,
the following additional differences apply:
Rule 2 above is relaxed thus:
All of the classes
Ci are single-parameter type classes.
Rule 3 above is relaxed this:
At least one of the classes Ci is
numeric, or is Show,
Eq, or
The unit type () is added to the
start of the standard list of types which are tried when
doing type defaulting.
The last point means that, for example, this program:
main :: IO ()
main = print def
instance Num ()
def :: (Num a, Enum a) => a
def = toEnum 0
prints () rather than 0 as the
type is defaulted to () rather than
The motivation for the change is that it means IO a
actions default to IO (), which in turn means that
ghci won't try to print a result when running them. This is
particularly important for printf, which has an
instance that returns IO a.
However, it is only able to return
(the reason for the instance having this type is so that printf
doesn't require extensions to the class system), so if the type defaults to
Integer then ghci gives an error when running a
The GHCi Debuggerdebuggerin GHCiGHCi contains a simple imperative-style debugger in which you can
stop a running computation in order to examine the values of
variables. The debugger is integrated into GHCi, and is turned on by
default: no flags are required to enable the debugging
facilities. There is one major restriction: breakpoints and
single-stepping are only available in interpreted modules;
compiled code is invisible to the debuggerNote that packages
only contain compiled code, so debugging a package requires
finding its source and loading that directly..The debugger provides the following:
The ability to set a breakpoint on a
function definition or expression in the program. When the function
is called, or the expression evaluated, GHCi suspends
execution and returns to the prompt, where you can inspect the
values of local variables before continuing with the
execution.Execution can be single-stepped: the
evaluator will suspend execution approximately after every
reduction, allowing local variables to be inspected. This is
equivalent to setting a breakpoint at every point in the
program.Execution can take place in tracing
mode, in which the evaluator remembers each
evaluation step as it happens, but doesn't suspend execution until
an actual breakpoint is reached. When this happens, the history of
evaluation steps can be inspected.Exceptions (e.g. pattern matching failure and
error) can be treated as breakpoints, to help
locate the source of an exception in the program.There is currently no support for obtaining a “stack
trace”, but the tracing and history features provide a
useful second-best, which will often be enough to establish the
context of an error. For instance, it is possible to break
automatically when an exception is thrown, even if it is thrown
from within compiled code (see ).Breakpoints and inspecting variablesLet's use quicksort as a running example. Here's the code:
qsort [] = []
qsort (a:as) = qsort left ++ [a] ++ qsort right
where (left,right) = (filter (<=a) as, filter (>a) as)
main = print (qsort [8, 4, 0, 3, 1, 23, 11, 18])
First, load the module into GHCi:
Prelude> :l qsort.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( qsort.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
Now, let's set a breakpoint on the right-hand-side of the second
equation of qsort:
*Main> :break 2
Breakpoint 0 activated at qsort.hs:2:15-46
The command :break 2 sets a breakpoint on line
2 of the most recently-loaded module, in this case
qsort.hs. Specifically, it picks the
leftmost complete subexpression on that line on which to set the
breakpoint, which in this case is the expression
(qsort left ++ [a] ++ qsort right).Now, we run the program:
*Main> main
Stopped at qsort.hs:2:15-46
_result :: [a]
a :: a
left :: [a]
right :: [a]
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main>
Execution has stopped at the breakpoint. The prompt has changed to
indicate that we are currently stopped at a breakpoint, and the location:
[qsort.hs:2:15-46]. To further clarify the
location, we can use the :list command:
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :list
1 qsort [] = []
2 qsort (a:as) = qsort left ++ [a] ++ qsort right
3 where (left,right) = (filter (<=a) as, filter (>a) as)
The :list command lists the source code around
the current breakpoint. If your output device supports it, then GHCi
will highlight the active subexpression in bold.GHCi has provided bindings for the free variablesWe
originally provided bindings for all variables in scope, rather
than just
the free variables of the expression, but found that this affected
performance considerably, hence the current restriction to just the
free variables. of the expression
on which the
breakpoint was placed (a, left,
right), and additionally a binding for the result of
the expression (_result). These variables are just
like other variables that you might define in GHCi; you
can use them in expressions that you type at the prompt, you can ask
for their types with :type, and so on. There is one
important difference though: these variables may only have partial
types. For example, if we try to display the value of
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> left
Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
`Show a' arising from a use of `print' at <interactive>:1:0-3
Cannot resolve unknown runtime types: a
Use :print or :force to determine these types
This is because qsort is a polymorphic function,
and because GHCi does not carry type information at runtime, it cannot
determine the runtime types of free variables that involve type
variables. Hence, when you ask to display left at
the prompt, GHCi can't figure out which instance of
Show to use, so it emits the type error above.Fortunately, the debugger includes a generic printing command,
:print, which can inspect the actual runtime value of a
variable and attempt to reconstruct its type. If we try it on
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :set -fprint-evld-with-show
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :print left
left = (_t1::[a])
This isn't particularly enlightening. What happened is that
left is bound to an unevaluated computation (a
suspension, or thunk), and
:print does not force any evaluation. The idea is
that :print can be used to inspect values at a
breakpoint without any unfortunate side effects. It won't force any
evaluation, which could cause the program to give a different answer
than it would normally, and hence it won't cause any exceptions to be
raised, infinite loops, or further breakpoints to be triggered (see
Rather than forcing thunks, :print
binds each thunk to a fresh variable beginning with an
underscore, in this case
_t1.The flag -fprint-evld-with-show instructs
:print to reuse
available Show instances when possible. This happens
only when the contents of the variable being inspected
are completely evaluated.If we aren't concerned about preserving the evaluatedness of a
variable, we can use :force instead of
:print. The :force command
behaves exactly like :print, except that it forces
the evaluation of any thunks it encounters:
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :force left
left = [4,0,3,1]
Now, since :force has inspected the runtime
value of left, it has reconstructed its type. We
can see the results of this type reconstruction:
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :show bindings
_result :: [Integer]
a :: Integer
left :: [Integer]
right :: [Integer]
_t1 :: [Integer]
Not only do we now know the type of left, but
all the other partial types have also been resolved. So we can ask
for the value of a, for example:
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> a
You might find it useful to use Haskell's
seq function to evaluate individual thunks rather
than evaluating the whole expression with :force.
For example:
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :print right
right = (_t1::[Integer])
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> seq _t1 ()
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :print right
right = 23 : (_t2::[Integer])
We evaluated only the _t1 thunk, revealing the
head of the list, and the tail is another thunk now bound to
_t2. The seq function is a
little inconvenient to use here, so you might want to use
:def to make a nicer interface (left as an exercise
for the reader!).Finally, we can continue the current execution:
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :continue
Stopped at qsort.hs:2:15-46
_result :: [a]
a :: a
left :: [a]
right :: [a]
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main>
The execution continued at the point it previously stopped, and has
now stopped at the breakpoint for a second time.Setting breakpointsBreakpoints can be set in various ways. Perhaps the easiest way to
set a breakpoint is to name a top-level function:
:break identifierWhere identifier names any top-level
function in an interpreted module currently loaded into GHCi (qualified
names may be used). The breakpoint will be set on the body of the
function, when it is fully applied but before any pattern matching has
taken place.Breakpoints can also be set by line (and optionally column)
:break line
:break linecolumn
:break moduleline
:break modulelinecolumnWhen a breakpoint is set on a particular line, GHCi sets the
breakpoint on the
leftmost subexpression that begins and ends on that line. If two
complete subexpressions start at the same
column, the longest one is picked. If there is no complete
subexpression on the line, then the leftmost expression starting on
the line is picked, and failing that the rightmost expression that
partially or completely covers the line.When a breakpoint is set on a particular line and column, GHCi
picks the smallest subexpression that encloses that location on which
to set the breakpoint. Note: GHC considers the TAB character to have a
width of 1, wherever it occurs; in other words it counts
characters, rather than columns. This matches what some editors do,
and doesn't match others. The best advice is to avoid tab
characters in your source code altogether (see
in ).If the module is omitted, then the most recently-loaded module is
used.Not all subexpressions are potential breakpoint locations. Single
variables are typically not considered to be breakpoint locations
(unless the variable is the right-hand-side of a function definition,
lambda, or case alternative). The rule of thumb is that all redexes
are breakpoint locations, together with the bodies of functions,
lambdas, case alternatives and binding statements. There is normally
no breakpoint on a let expression, but there will always be a
breakpoint on its body, because we are usually interested in inspecting
the values of the variables bound by the let.Listing and deleting breakpointsThe list of breakpoints currently enabled can be displayed using
:show breaks:
*Main> :show breaks
[0] Main qsort.hs:1:11-12
[1] Main qsort.hs:2:15-46
To delete a breakpoint, use the :delete
command with the number given in the output from :show breaks:
*Main> :delete 0
*Main> :show breaks
[1] Main qsort.hs:2:15-46
To delete all breakpoints at once, use :delete *.Single-steppingSingle-stepping is a great way to visualise the execution of your
program, and it is also a useful tool for identifying the source of a
bug. GHCi offers two variants of stepping. Use
:step to enable all the
breakpoints in the program, and execute until the next breakpoint is
reached. Use :steplocal to limit the set
of enabled breakpoints to those in the current top level function.
Similarly, use :stepmodule to single step only on
breakpoints contained in the current module.
For example:
*Main> :step main
Stopped at qsort.hs:5:7-47
_result :: IO ()
The command :step
expr begins the evaluation of
expr in single-stepping mode. If
expr is omitted, then it single-steps from
the current breakpoint. :stepover
works similarly.The :list command is particularly useful when
single-stepping, to see where you currently are:
[qsort.hs:5:7-47] *Main> :list
5 main = print (qsort [8, 4, 0, 3, 1, 23, 11, 18])
[qsort.hs:5:7-47] *Main>
In fact, GHCi provides a way to run a command when a breakpoint is
hit, so we can make it automatically do
[qsort.hs:5:7-47] *Main> :set stop :list
[qsort.hs:5:7-47] *Main> :step
Stopped at qsort.hs:5:14-46
_result :: [Integer]
5 main = print (qsort [8, 4, 0, 3, 1, 23, 11, 18])
[qsort.hs:5:14-46] *Main>
Nested breakpointsWhen GHCi is stopped at a breakpoint, and an expression entered at
the prompt triggers a
second breakpoint, the new breakpoint becomes the “current”
one, and the old one is saved on a stack. An arbitrary number of
breakpoint contexts can be built up in this way. For example:
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :st qsort [1,3]
Stopped at qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
_result :: [a]
... [qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main>
While stopped at the breakpoint on line 2 that we set earlier, we
started a new evaluation with :step qsort [1,3].
This new evaluation stopped after one step (at the definition of
qsort). The prompt has changed, now prefixed with
..., to indicate that there are saved breakpoints
beyond the current one. To see the stack of contexts, use
:show context:
... [qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main> :show context
--> main
Stopped at qsort.hs:2:15-46
--> qsort [1,3]
Stopped at qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
... [qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main>
To abandon the current evaluation, use
... [qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main> :abandon
[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :abandon
The _result variableWhen stopped at a breakpoint or single-step, GHCi binds the
variable _result to the value of the currently
active expression. The value of _result is
presumably not available yet, because we stopped its evaluation, but it
can be forced: if the type is known and showable, then just entering
_result at the prompt will show it. However,
there's one caveat to doing this: evaluating _result
will be likely to trigger further breakpoints, starting with the
breakpoint we are currently stopped at (if we stopped at a real
breakpoint, rather than due to :step). So it will
probably be necessary to issue a :continue
immediately when evaluating _result. Alternatively,
you can use :force which ignores breakpoints.Tracing and historyA question that we often want to ask when debugging a program is
“how did I get here?”. Traditional imperative debuggers
usually provide some kind of stack-tracing feature that lets you see
the stack of active function calls (sometimes called the “lexical
call stack”), describing a path through the code
to the current location. Unfortunately this is hard to provide in
Haskell, because execution proceeds on a demand-driven basis, rather
than a depth-first basis as in strict languages. The
“stack“ in GHC's execution engine bears little
resemblance to the lexical call stack. Ideally GHCi would maintain a
separate lexical call stack in addition to the dynamic call stack, and
in fact this is exactly
what our profiling system does (), and what
some other Haskell debuggers do. For the time being, however, GHCi
doesn't maintain a lexical call stack (there are some technical
challenges to be overcome). Instead, we provide a way to backtrack from a
breakpoint to previous evaluation steps: essentially this is like
single-stepping backwards, and should in many cases provide enough
information to answer the “how did I get here?”
question.To use tracing, evaluate an expression with the
:trace command. For example, if we set a breakpoint
on the base case of qsort:
*Main> :list qsort
1 qsort [] = []
2 qsort (a:as) = qsort left ++ [a] ++ qsort right
3 where (left,right) = (filter (<=a) as, filter (>a) as)
*Main> :b 1
Breakpoint 1 activated at qsort.hs:1:11-12
and then run a small qsort with
*Main> :trace qsort [3,2,1]
Stopped at qsort.hs:1:11-12
_result :: [a]
[qsort.hs:1:11-12] *Main>
We can now inspect the history of evaluation steps:
[qsort.hs:1:11-12] *Main> :hist
-1 : qsort.hs:3:24-38
-2 : qsort.hs:3:23-55
-3 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
-4 : qsort.hs:2:15-24
-5 : qsort.hs:2:15-46
-6 : qsort.hs:3:24-38
-7 : qsort.hs:3:23-55
-8 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
-9 : qsort.hs:2:15-24
-10 : qsort.hs:2:15-46
-11 : qsort.hs:3:24-38
-12 : qsort.hs:3:23-55
-13 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
-14 : qsort.hs:2:15-24
-15 : qsort.hs:2:15-46
-16 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
<end of history>
To examine one of the steps in the history, use
[qsort.hs:1:11-12] *Main> :back
Logged breakpoint at qsort.hs:3:24-38
_result :: [a]
as :: [a]
a :: a
[-1: qsort.hs:3:24-38] *Main>
Note that the local variables at each step in the history have been
preserved, and can be examined as usual. Also note that the prompt has
changed to indicate that we're currently examining the first step in
the history: -1. The command
:forward can be used to traverse forward in the
history.The :trace command can be used with or without
an expression. When used without an expression, tracing begins from
the current breakpoint, just like :step.The history is only available when
using :trace; the reason for this is we found that
logging each breakpoint in the history cuts performance by a factor of
2 or more. GHCi remembers the last 50 steps in the history (perhaps in
the future we'll make this configurable).Debugging exceptionsAnother common question that comes up when debugging is
“where did this exception come from?”. Exceptions such as
those raised by error or head []
have no context information attached to them. Finding which
particular call to head in your program resulted in
the error can be a painstaking process, usually involving
Debug.Trace.trace, or compiling with
profiling and using +RTS -xc (see ).The GHCi debugger offers a way to hopefully shed some light on
these errors quickly and without modifying or recompiling the source
code. One way would be to set a breakpoint on the location in the
source code that throws the exception, and then use
:trace and :history to establish
the context. However, head is in a library and
we can't set a breakpoint on it directly. For this reason, GHCi
provides the flags -fbreak-on-exception which causes
the evaluator to stop when an exception is thrown, and
-fbreak-on-error, which works similarly but stops only on
uncaught exceptions. When stopping at an exception, GHCi will act
just as it does when a breakpoint is hit, with the deviation that it
will not show you any source code location. Due to this, these
commands are only really useful in conjunction with
:trace, in order to log the steps leading up to the
exception. For example:
*Main> :set -fbreak-on-exception
*Main> :trace qsort ("abc" ++ undefined)
“Stopped at <exception thrown>
_exception :: e
[<exception thrown>] *Main> :hist
-1 : qsort.hs:3:24-38
-2 : qsort.hs:3:23-55
-3 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
-4 : qsort.hs:2:15-24
-5 : qsort.hs:2:15-46
-6 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
<end of history>
[<exception thrown>] *Main> :back
Logged breakpoint at qsort.hs:3:24-38
_result :: [a]
as :: [a]
a :: a
[-1: qsort.hs:3:24-38] *Main> :force as
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
[-1: qsort.hs:3:24-38] *Main> :print as
as = 'b' : 'c' : (_t1::[Char])
The exception itself is bound to a new variable,
_exception.Breaking on exceptions is particularly useful for finding out what
your program was doing when it was in an infinite loop. Just hit
Control-C, and examine the history to find out what was going
on.Example: inspecting functions
It is possible to use the debugger to examine function values.
When we are at a breakpoint and a function is in scope, the debugger
cannot show
you the source code for it; however, it is possible to get some
information by applying it to some arguments and observing the result.
The process is slightly complicated when the binding is polymorphic.
We show the process by means of an example.
To keep things simple, we will use the well known map function:
import Prelude hiding (map)
map :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
We set a breakpoint on map, and call it.
*Main> :break 5
Breakpoint 0 activated at map.hs:5:15-28
*Main> map Just [1..5]
Stopped at map.hs:(4,0)-(5,12)
_result :: [b]
x :: a
f :: a -> b
xs :: [a]
GHCi tells us that, among other bindings, f is in scope.
However, its type is not fully known yet,
and thus it is not possible to apply it to any
arguments. Nevertheless, observe that the type of its first argument is the
same as the type of x, and its result type is shared
with _result.
As we demonstrated earlier (), the
debugger has some intelligence built-in to update the type of
f whenever the types of x or
_result are discovered. So what we do in this
scenario is
force x a bit, in order to recover both its type
and the argument part of f.
*Main> seq x ()
*Main> :print x
x = 1
We can check now that as expected, the type of x
has been reconstructed, and with it the
type of f has been too:
*Main> :t x
x :: Integer
*Main> :t f
f :: Integer -> b
From here, we can apply f to any argument of type Integer and observe
the results.
let b = f 10
*Main> :t b
b :: b
*Main> b
Ambiguous type variable `b' in the constraint:
`Show b' arising from a use of `print' at :1:0
*Main> :p b
b = (_t2::a)
*Main> seq b ()
*Main> :t b
b :: a
*Main> :p b
b = Just 10
*Main> :t b
b :: Maybe Integer
*Main> :t f
f :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
*Main> f 20
Just 20
*Main> map f [1..5]
[Just 1, Just 2, Just 3, Just 4, Just 5]
In the first application of f, we had to do
some more type reconstruction
in order to recover the result type of f.
But after that, we are free to use
f normally.
LimitationsWhen stopped at a breakpoint, if you try to evaluate a variable
that is already under evaluation, the second evaluation will hang.
The reason is
that GHC knows the variable is under evaluation, so the new
evaluation just waits for the result before continuing, but of
course this isn't going to happen because the first evaluation is
stopped at a breakpoint. Control-C can interrupt the hung
evaluation and return to the prompt.The most common way this can happen is when you're evaluating a
CAF (e.g. main), stop at a breakpoint, and ask for the value of the
CAF at the prompt again.
Implicit parameters (see ) are only available
at the scope of a breakpoint if there is an explicit type signature.
Invoking GHCiinvokingGHCiGHCi is invoked with the command ghci or
ghc ––interactive. One or more modules or
filenames can also be specified on the command line; this
instructs GHCi to load the specified modules or filenames (and all
the modules they depend on), just as if you had said
:load modules at the
GHCi prompt (see ). For example, to
start GHCi and load the program whose topmost module is in the
file Main.hs, we could say:
$ ghci Main.hs
Most of the command-line options accepted by GHC (see ) also make sense in interactive mode. The ones
that don't make sense are mostly obvious.Packagespackageswith GHCiMost packages (see ) are
available without needing to specify any extra flags at all:
they will be automatically loaded the first time they are
needed.For hidden packages, however, you need to request the
package be loaded by using the -package flag:
$ ghci -package readline
GHCi, version 6.8.1: :? for help
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package readline-1.0 ... linking ... done.
The following command works to load new packages into a
running GHCi:
Prelude> :set -package nameBut note that doing this will cause all currently loaded
modules to be unloaded, and you'll be dumped back into the
Prelude.Extra librarieslibrarieswith GHCiExtra libraries may be specified on the command line using
the normal -llib
option. (The term library here refers to
libraries of foreign object code; for using libraries of Haskell
source code, see .) For
example, to load the “m” library:
$ ghci -lm
On systems with .so-style shared
libraries, the actual library loaded will the GHCi
searches the following places for libraries, in this order:Paths specified using the
command-line option,the standard library search path for your system,
which on some systems may be overridden by setting the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable.On systems with .dll-style shared
libraries, the actual library loaded will be
lib.dll. Again,
GHCi will signal an error if it can't find the library.GHCi can also load plain object files
(.o or .obj depending on
your platform) from the command-line. Just add the name the
object file to the command line.Ordering of options matters: a library
should be mentioned before the libraries it
depends on (see ).GHCi commandsGHCi commands all begin with
‘:’ and consist of a single command
name followed by zero or more parameters. The command name may be
abbreviated, with ambiguities being resolved in favour of the more
commonly used commands.:abandon:abandonAbandons the current evaluation (only available when stopped at
a breakpoint).:add*module ...
:addAdd module(s) to the
current target set, and perform a
reload. Normally pre-compiled code for the module will be
loaded if available, or otherwise the module will be
compiled to byte-code. Using the *
prefix forces the module to be loaded as byte-code.:back:backTravel back one step in the history. See . See also:
:trace, :history,
:forward.:break [identifier |
[module] line
[column]]:breakSet a breakpoint on the specified function or line and
column. See .:browse!*module ...
:browseDisplays the identifiers defined by the module
module, which must be either
loaded into GHCi or be a member of a package. If
module is omitted, the most
recently-loaded module is used.If the * symbol is placed before
the module name, then all the
identifiers in scope in module are
shown; otherwise the list is limited to the exports of
module. The
*-form is only available for modules
which are interpreted; for compiled modules (including
modules from packages) only the non-*
form of :browse is available.
If the ! symbol is appended to the
command, data constructors and class methods will be
listed individually, otherwise, they will only be listed
in the context of their data type or class declaration.
The !-form also annotates the listing
with comments giving possible imports for each group of
Prelude> :browse! Data.Maybe
-- not currently imported
Data.Maybe.catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
Data.Maybe.fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
Data.Maybe.fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
Data.Maybe.isJust :: Maybe a -> Bool
Data.Maybe.isNothing :: Maybe a -> Bool
Data.Maybe.listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
Data.Maybe.mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
Data.Maybe.maybeToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
-- imported via Prelude
Just :: a -> Maybe a
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
Nothing :: Maybe a
maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
This output shows that, in the context of the current session, in the scope
of Prelude, the first group of items from
Data.Maybe have not been imported (but are available in
fully qualified form in the GHCi session - see ), whereas the second group of items have been
imported via Prelude and are therefore available either
unqualified, or with a Prelude. qualifier.
:cddir:cdChanges the current working directory to
dir. A
‘˜’ symbol at the
beginning of dir will be replaced
by the contents of the environment variable
HOME.NOTE: changing directories causes all currently loaded
modules to be unloaded. This is because the search path is
usually expressed using relative directories, and changing
the search path in the middle of a session is not
supported.:cmdexpr:cmdExecutes expr as a computation of
type IO String, and then executes the resulting
string as a list of GHCi commands. Multiple commands are separated
by newlines. The :cmd command is useful with
:def and :set stop.:continue:continueContinue the current evaluation, when stopped at a
breakpoint.:ctagsfilename:etagsfilename:etags:etagsGenerates a “tags” file for Vi-style editors
(:ctags) or
Emacs-style editors (:etags). If
no filename is specified, the default tags or
used, respectively. Tags for all the functions, constructors and
types in the currently loaded modules are created. All modules must
be interpreted for these commands to work.:def!nameexpr:def:def is used to define new
commands, or macros, in GHCi. The command
:defnameexpr defines a new GHCi command
implemented by the Haskell expression
expr, which must have type
String -> IO String. When
:nameargs is typed at the
prompt, GHCi will run the expression
(nameargs), take the
resulting String, and feed it back into
GHCi as a new sequence of commands. Separate commands in
the result must be separated by
‘\n’.That's all a little confusing, so here's a few
examples. To start with, here's a new GHCi command which
doesn't take any arguments or produce any results, it just
outputs the current date & time:
Prelude> let date _ = Time.getClockTime >>= print >> return ""
Prelude> :def date date
Prelude> :date
Fri Mar 23 15:16:40 GMT 2001
Here's an example of a command that takes an argument.
It's a re-implementation of :cd:
Prelude> let mycd d = Directory.setCurrentDirectory d >> return ""
Prelude> :def mycd mycd
Prelude> :mycd ..
Or I could define a simple way to invoke
“ghc ––make Main” in the
current directory:
Prelude> :def make (\_ -> return ":! ghc ––make Main")
We can define a command that reads GHCi input from a
file. This might be useful for creating a set of bindings
that we want to repeatedly load into the GHCi session:
Prelude> :def . readFile
Prelude> :. cmds.ghci
Notice that we named the command
:., by analogy with the
‘.’ Unix shell command that
does the same thing.Typing :def on its own lists the
currently-defined macros. Attempting to redefine an
existing command name results in an error unless the
:def! form is used, in which case the old
command with that name is silently overwritten.:delete * | num ...:deleteDelete one or more breakpoints by number (use :show
breaks to see the number of each breakpoint). The
* form deletes all the breakpoints.:edit file:editOpens an editor to edit the file
file, or the most recently loaded
module if file is omitted. The
editor to invoke is taken from the EDITOR
environment variable, or a default editor on your system if
EDITOR is not set. You can change the
editor using :set editor.:etagsSee :ctags.:force identifier ...:forcePrints the value of identifier in
the same way as :print. Unlike
:print, :force evaluates each
thunk that it encounters while traversing the value. This may
cause exceptions or infinite loops, or further breakpoints (which
are ignored, but displayed).:forward:forwardMove forward in the history. See . See also:
:trace, :history,
:back.:help:help:?:?Displays a list of the available commands.::Repeat the previous command.:history [num]:historyDisplay the history of evaluation steps. With a number,
displays that many steps (default: 20). For use with
:trace; see .:infoname ...
:infoDisplays information about the given name(s). For
example, if name is a class, then
the class methods and their types will be printed; if
name is a type constructor, then
its definition will be printed; if
name is a function, then its type
will be printed. If name has
been loaded from a source file, then GHCi will also display
the location of its definition in the source.For types and classes, GHCi also summarises instances that
mention them. To avoid showing irrelevant information, an instance
is shown only if (a) its head mentions name,
and (b) all the other things mentioned in the instance
are in scope (either qualified or otherwise) as a result of
a :load or :module commands. :kindtype:kindInfers and prints the kind of
type. The latter can be an arbitrary
type expression, including a partial application of a type constructor,
such as Either Int.:load*module ...
:loadRecursively loads the specified
modules, and all the modules they
depend on. Here, each module
must be a module name or filename, but may not be the name
of a module in a package.All previously loaded modules, except package modules,
are forgotten. The new set of modules is known as the
target set. Note that
:load can be used without any arguments
to unload all the currently loaded modules and
bindings.Normally pre-compiled code for a module will be loaded
if available, or otherwise the module will be compiled to
byte-code. Using the * prefix forces a
module to be loaded as byte-code.After a :load command, the current
context is set to:module, if it was loaded
successfully, orthe most recently successfully loaded module, if
any other modules were loaded as a result of the current
:load, orPrelude otherwise.:main arg1 ... argn:main
When a program is compiled and executed, it can use the
getArgs function to access the
command-line arguments.
However, we cannot simply pass the arguments to the
main function while we are testing in ghci,
as the main function doesn't take its
arguments directly.
Instead, we can use the :main command.
This runs whatever main is in scope, with
any arguments being treated the same as command-line arguments,
Prelude> let main = System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
Prelude> :main foo bar
We can also quote arguments which contains characters like
spaces, and they are treated like Haskell strings, or we can
just use Haskell list syntax:
Prelude> :main foo "bar baz"
["foo","bar baz"]
Prelude> :main ["foo", "bar baz"]
["foo","bar baz"]
Finally, other functions can be called, either with the
-main-is flag or the :run
Prelude> let foo = putStrLn "foo" >> System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
Prelude> let bar = putStrLn "bar" >> System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
Prelude> :set -main-is foo
Prelude> :main foo "bar baz"
["foo","bar baz"]
Prelude> :run bar ["foo", "bar baz"]
["foo","bar baz"]
:module +|-*mod1 ... *modn:moduleimport modSets or modifies the current context for statements
typed at the prompt. The form import
mod is equivalent to
:module +mod.
See for
more details.:print names ...
:printPrints a value without forcing its evaluation.
:print may be used on values whose types are
unknown or partially known, which might be the case for local
variables with polymorphic types at a breakpoint. While inspecting
the runtime value, :print attempts to
reconstruct the type of the value, and will elaborate the type in
GHCi's environment if possible. If any unevaluated components
(thunks) are encountered, then :print binds
a fresh variable with a name beginning with _t
to each thunk. See for more
information. See also the :sprint command,
which works like :print but does not bind new
variables.:quit:quitQuits GHCi. You can also quit by typing control-D
at the prompt.:reload:reloadAttempts to reload the current target set (see
:load) if any of the modules in the set,
or any dependent module, has changed. Note that this may
entail loading new modules, or dropping modules which are no
longer indirectly required by the target.:run:runSee :main.:scriptnfilename:scriptExecutes the lines of a file as a series of GHCi commands. This command
is compatible with multiline statements as set by :set +m:setoption...:setSets various options. See for a list of
available options and for a
list of GHCi-specific flags. The :set command by
itself shows which options are currently set. It also lists the current
dynamic flag settings, with GHCi-specific flags listed separately.:setargsarg ...
:set argsSets the list of arguments which are returned when the
program calls System.getArgsgetArgs.:seteditorcmdSets the command used by :edit to
cmd.:setprogprog:set progSets the string to be returned when the program calls
System.getProgNamegetProgName.:setpromptpromptSets the string to be used as the prompt in GHCi.
Inside prompt, the sequence
%s is replaced by the names of the
modules currently in scope, and %% is
replaced by %. If prompt
starts with " then it is parsed as a Haskell String;
otherwise it is treated as a literal string.:setstop
[num] cmdSet a command to be executed when a breakpoint is hit, or a new
item in the history is selected. The most common use of
:set stop is to display the source code at the
current location, e.g. :set stop :list.If a number is given before the command, then the commands are
run when the specified breakpoint (only) is hit. This can be quite
useful: for example, :set stop 1 :continue
effectively disables breakpoint 1, by running
:continue whenever it is hit (although GHCi will
still emit a message to say the breakpoint was hit). What's more,
with cunning use of :def and
:cmd you can use :set stop to
implement conditional breakpoints:
*Main> :def cond \expr -> return (":cmd if (" ++ expr ++ ") then return \"\" else return \":continue\"")
*Main> :set stop 0 :cond (x < 3)
Ignoring breakpoints for a specified number of iterations is
also possible using similar techniques.:show bindings:show bindingsShow the bindings made at the prompt and their
types.:show breaks:show breaksList the active breakpoints.:show context:show contextList the active evaluations that are stopped at breakpoints.:show modules:show modulesShow the list of modules currently loaded.:show packages:show packagesShow the currently active package flags, as well as the list of
packages currently loaded.:show languages:show languagesShow the currently active language flags.:show [args|prog|prompt|editor|stop]:showDisplays the specified setting (see
:set).:sprint:sprintPrints a value without forcing its evaluation.
:sprint is similar to :print,
with the difference that unevaluated subterms are not bound to new
variables, they are simply denoted by ‘_’.:step [expr]:stepSingle-step from the last breakpoint. With an expression
argument, begins evaluation of the expression with a
single-step.:trace [expr]:traceEvaluates the given expression (or from the last breakpoint if
no expression is given), and additionally logs the evaluation
steps for later inspection using :history. See
.:typeexpression:typeInfers and prints the type of
expression, including explicit
forall quantifiers for polymorphic types. The monomorphism
restriction is not applied to the
expression during type inference.:undefname:undefUndefines the user-defined command
name (see :def
:unsetUnsets certain options. See
for a list of available options.:!command...
:!shell commandsin GHCiExecutes the shell command
command.The :set command:setThe :set command sets two types of
options: GHCi options, which begin with
‘+’, and “command-line”
options, which begin with ‘-’. NOTE: at the moment, the :set command
doesn't support any kind of quoting in its arguments: quotes will
not be removed and cannot be used to group words together. For
example, :set -DFOO='BAR BAZ' will not do what
you expect.GHCi optionsoptionsGHCiGHCi options may be set using :set and
unset using :unset.The available GHCi options are:+m+mEnable parsing of multiline commands. A multiline command
is prompted for when the current input line contains open layout
contexts.+r+rCAFsin GHCiConstant Applicative FormCAFsNormally, any evaluation of top-level expressions
(otherwise known as CAFs or Constant Applicative Forms) in
loaded modules is retained between evaluations. Turning
on +r causes all evaluation of
top-level expressions to be discarded after each
evaluation (they are still retained
during a single evaluation).This option may help if the evaluated top-level
expressions are consuming large amounts of space, or if
you need repeatable performance measurements.+s+sDisplay some stats after evaluating each expression,
including the elapsed time and number of bytes allocated.
NOTE: the allocation figure is only accurate to the size
of the storage manager's allocation area, because it is
calculated at every GC. Hence, you might see values of
zero if no GC has occurred.+t+tDisplay the type of each variable bound after a
statement is entered at the prompt. If the statement is a
single expression, then the only variable binding will be
for the variable
‘it’.Setting GHC command-line options in GHCiNormal GHC command-line options may also be set using
:set. For example, to turn on
, you would say:
Prelude> :set -fglasgow-exts
Any GHC command-line option that is designated as
dynamic (see the table in ), may be set using
:set. To unset an option, you can set the
reverse option:dynamicoptions
Prelude> :set -fno-glasgow-exts
lists the reverse for each
option where applicable.Certain static options (,
, , and
in particular) will also work, but some may
not take effect until the next reload.staticoptionsThe .ghci file.ghcifilestartupfiles, GHCiWhen it starts, unless the -ignore-dot-ghci
flag is given, GHCi reads and executes commands from the following
files, in this order, if they exist:./.ghciappdata/ghc/ghci.conf,
where appdata depends on your system,
but is usually something like C:/Documents and Settings/user/Application DataOn Unix: $HOME/.ghc/ghci.conf$HOME/.ghciThe ghci.conf file is most useful for
turning on favourite options (eg. :set +s), and
defining useful macros. Placing a .ghci file
in a directory with a Haskell project is a useful way to set
certain project-wide options so you don't have to type them
everytime you start GHCi: eg. if your project uses GHC extensions
and CPP, and has source files in three subdirectories A, B and C,
you might put the following lines in
:set -fglasgow-exts -cpp
:set -iA:B:C
(Note that strictly speaking the flag is
a static one, but in fact it works to set it using
:set like this. The changes won't take effect
until the next :load, though.)Once you have a library of GHCi macros, you may want
to source them from separate files, or you may want to source
your .ghci file into your running GHCi
session while debugging it
:def source readFile
With this macro defined in your .ghci
file, you can use :source file to read GHCi
commands from file. You can find (and contribute!-)
other suggestions for .ghci files on this Haskell
wiki page: GHC/GHCiTwo command-line options control whether the
startup files files are read:Don't read either ./.ghci or the
other startup files when starting up.Read ./.ghci and the other
startup files (see above). This is normally the
default, but the option may
be used to override a previous
option.Compiling to object code inside GHCiBy default, GHCi compiles Haskell source code into byte-code
that is interpreted by the runtime system. GHCi can also compile
Haskell code to object code: to turn on this feature, use the
flag either on the command line or
with :set (the option
restores byte-code compilation
again). Compiling to object code takes longer, but typically the
code will execute 10-20 times faster than byte-code.Compiling to object code inside GHCi is particularly useful
if you are developing a compiled application, because the
:reload command typically runs much faster than
restarting GHC with from the command-line,
because all the interface files are already cached in
memory.There are disadvantages to compiling to object-code: you
can't set breakpoints in object-code modules, for example. Only
the exports of an object-code module will be visible in GHCi,
rather than all top-level bindings as in interpreted
modules.FAQ and Things To Watch Out ForThe interpreter can't load modules with foreign export
declarations!Unfortunately not. We haven't implemented it yet.
Please compile any offending modules by hand before loading
them into GHCi.-O doesn't work with GHCi!
For technical reasons, the bytecode compiler doesn't
interact well with one of the optimisation passes, so we
have disabled optimisation when using the interpreter. This
isn't a great loss: you'll get a much bigger win by
compiling the bits of your code that need to go fast, rather
than interpreting them with optimisation turned on.Unboxed tuples don't work with GHCiThat's right. You can always compile a module that
uses unboxed tuples and load it into GHCi, however.
(Incidentally the previous point, namely that
-O is incompatible with GHCi, is because
the bytecode compiler can't deal with unboxed
tuples).Concurrent threads don't carry on running when GHCi is
waiting for input.This should work, as long as your GHCi was built with
the switch, which is the default.
Consult whoever supplied your GHCi installation.After using getContents, I can't use
stdin again until I do
:load or :reload.This is the defined behaviour of
getContents: it puts the stdin Handle in
a state known as semi-closed, wherein
any further I/O operations on it are forbidden. Because I/O
state is retained between computations, the semi-closed
state persists until the next :load or
:reload command.You can make stdin reset itself
after every evaluation by giving GHCi the command
:set +r. This works because
stdin is just a top-level expression that
can be reverted to its unevaluated state in the same way as
any other top-level expression (CAF).I can't use Control-C to interrupt computations in
GHCi on Windows.See .The default buffering mode is different in GHCi to GHC.
In GHC, the stdout handle is line-buffered by default.
However, in GHCi we turn off the buffering on stdout,
because this is normally what you want in an interpreter:
output appears as it is generated.
If you want line-buffered behaviour, as in GHC, you can
start your program thus:
main = do { hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering; ... }