# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # (c) 2009 The University of Glasgow # # This file is part of the GHC build system. # # To understand how the build system works and how to modify it, see # http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building/Architecture # http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building/Modifying # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ToDo List. # # * finish installation # * Windows: should we have ghc-pkg-<version>? # * should we be stripping things? # * install libgmp.a, gmp.h # * need to fix Cabal for new Windows layout, see # Distribution/Simple/GHC.configureToolchain. # * remove old Makefiles, add new stubs for building in subdirs # * docs/Makefile # * docs/docbook-cheat-sheet/Makefile # * docs/ext-core/Makefile # * docs/man/Makefile # * docs/storage-mgmt/Makefile # * docs/vh/Makefile # * rts/dotnet/Makefile # * utils/Makefile # * optionally install stage3? # * add Makefiles for the rest of the utils/ programs that aren't built # by default (need to exclude them from 'make all' too) # # Tickets we can now close, or fix and close: # # * 1693 make distclean # Possible cleanups: # # * per-source-file dependencies instead of one .depend file? # * eliminate undefined variables, and use --warn-undefined-variables? # * put outputs from different ways in different subdirs of distdir/build, # then we don't have to use -osuf/-hisuf. We would have to install # them in different places too, so we'd need ghc-pkg support for packages # of different ways. # * make PACKAGES generated by './configure' or 'perl boot'? # * we should use a directory of package.conf files rather than a single # file for the inplace package database, so that we can express # dependencies more accurately. Otherwise it's possible to get into # a state where the package database is out of date, and the build # system doesn't know. # Approximate build order. # # The actual build order is defined by dependencies, and the phase # ordering used to ensure correct ordering of makefile-generation; see # http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building/Architecture/Idiom/PhaseOrdering # # * With bootstrapping compiler: # o Build utils/ghc-cabal # o Build utils/ghc-pkg # o Build utils/hsc2hs # * For each package: # o configure, generate package-data.mk and inplace-pkg-info # o register each package into inplace/lib/package.conf # * build libffi # * With bootstrapping compiler: # o Build libraries/{filepath,hpc,extensible-exceptions,Cabal} # o Build compiler (stage 1) # * With stage 1: # o Build libraries/* # o Build rts # o Build utils/* (except haddock) # o Build compiler (stage 2) # * With stage 2: # o Build utils/haddock # o Build compiler (stage 3) (optional) # * With haddock: # o libraries/* # o compiler .PHONY: default all haddock # We need second expansion for the way we handle directories, so that # | $$$$(dir $$$$@)/. # expands to the directory of a rule that uses a % pattern. .SECONDEXPANSION: default : all # Catch make if it runs away into an infinite loop ifeq "$(MAKE_RESTARTS)" "" else ifeq "$(MAKE_RESTARTS)" "1" else ifeq "$(MAKE_RESTARTS)" "2" else $(error Make has restarted itself $(MAKE_RESTARTS) times; is there a makefile bug?) endif # Just bring makefiles up to date: .PHONY: just-makefiles just-makefiles: @: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc GNU make utils nothing= space=$(nothing) $(nothing) comma=, # Cancel all suffix rules. Ideally we'd like to have 'make -r' turned on # by default, because that disables all the implicit rules, but there doesn't # seem to be a good way to do that. This turns off all the old-style suffix # rules, which does half the job and speeds up make quite a bit: .SUFFIXES: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Makefile debugging # to see the effective value used for a Makefile variable, do # make show VALUE=MY_VALUE # show: @echo '$(VALUE)="$($(VALUE))"' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include subsidiary build-system bits include mk/tree.mk ifeq "$(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" "" include mk/config.mk ifeq "$(ProjectVersion)" "" $(error Please run ./configure first) endif endif include mk/ways.mk # (Optional) build-specific configuration include mk/custom-settings.mk ifeq "$(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" "" ifeq "$(GhcLibWays)" "" $(error $$(GhcLibWays) is empty, it must contain at least one way) endif endif # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Macros for standard targets include rules/all-target.mk include rules/clean-target.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The inplace tree $(eval $(call clean-target,inplace,,inplace)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Whether to build dependencies or not # When we're just doing 'make clean' or 'make show', then we don't need # to build dependencies. ifneq "$(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" "" NO_INCLUDE_DEPS = YES NO_INCLUDE_PKGDATA = YES endif ifneq "$(findstring bootstrapping-files,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" "" NO_INCLUDE_DEPS = YES NO_INCLUDE_PKGDATA = YES endif ifeq "$(findstring show,$(MAKECMDGOALS))" "show" NO_INCLUDE_DEPS = YES # We want package-data.mk for show endif # We don't haddock the bootstrapping libraries libraries/hpc_dist-boot_DO_HADDOCK = NO libraries/Cabal_dist-boot_DO_HADDOCK = NO libraries/extensible-exceptions_dist-boot_DO_HADDOCK = NO libraries/filepath_dist-boot_DO_HADDOCK = NO libraries/binary_dist-boot_DO_HADDOCK = NO libraries/bin-package-db_dist-boot_DO_HADDOCK = NO # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ways include rules/way-prelims.mk $(foreach way,$(ALL_WAYS),\ $(eval $(call way-prelims,$(way)))) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compilation Flags include rules/distdir-way-opts.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Finding source files and object files include rules/hs-sources.mk include rules/c-sources.mk include rules/includes-sources.mk include rules/hs-objs.mk include rules/c-objs.mk include rules/cmm-objs.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Suffix rules # Suffix rules cause "make clean" to fail on Windows (trac #3233) # so we don't make any when cleaning. ifneq "$(CLEANING)" "YES" include rules/hs-suffix-rules-srcdir.mk include rules/hs-suffix-rules.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Suffix rules for .hi files include rules/hi-rule.mk $(foreach way,$(ALL_WAYS),\ $(eval $(call hi-rule,$(way)))) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # C-related suffix rules include rules/c-suffix-rules.mk #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CMM-related suffix rules include rules/cmm-suffix-rules.mk endif # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Building package-data.mk files from .cabal files include rules/package-config.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Building dependencies include rules/build-dependencies.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build package-data.mk files include rules/build-package-data.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build and install a program include rules/build-prog.mk include rules/shell-wrapper.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build a perl script include rules/build-perl.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build a package include rules/build-package.mk include rules/build-package-way.mk include rules/haddock.mk include rules/tags-package.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Registering hand-written package descriptions (used in libffi and rts) include rules/manual-package-config.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Docs include rules/docbook.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Making bindists include rules/bindist.mk # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Building libraries define addPackage # args: $1 = package, $2 = condition ifneq "$2" "" ifeq "$$(CLEANING)" "YES" PACKAGES += $1 else ifeq $2 PACKAGES += $1 endif endif else PACKAGES += $1 endif endef $(eval $(call addPackage,ghc-prim)) ifeq "$(CLEANING)" "YES" $(eval $(call addPackage,integer-gmp)) $(eval $(call addPackage,integer-simple)) else $(eval $(call addPackage,$(INTEGER_LIBRARY))) endif $(eval $(call addPackage,base)) $(eval $(call addPackage,filepath)) $(eval $(call addPackage,array)) $(eval $(call addPackage,bytestring)) $(eval $(call addPackage,containers)) $(eval $(call addPackage,Win32,($$(Windows),YES))) $(eval $(call addPackage,unix,($$(Windows),NO))) $(eval $(call addPackage,old-locale)) $(eval $(call addPackage,old-time)) $(eval $(call addPackage,time)) $(eval $(call addPackage,directory)) $(eval $(call addPackage,process)) $(eval $(call addPackage,random)) $(eval $(call addPackage,extensible-exceptions)) $(eval $(call addPackage,haskell98)) $(eval $(call addPackage,hpc)) $(eval $(call addPackage,pretty)) $(eval $(call addPackage,template-haskell)) $(eval $(call addPackage,Cabal)) $(eval $(call addPackage,binary)) $(eval $(call addPackage,bin-package-db)) $(eval $(call addPackage,mtl)) $(eval $(call addPackage,utf8-string)) $(eval $(call addPackage,xhtml)) $(eval $(call addPackage,terminfo,($$(Windows),NO))) $(eval $(call addPackage,haskeline)) $(foreach pkg,$(EXTRA_PACKAGES),$(eval $(call addPackage,$(pkg)))) ifneq "$(BootingFromHc)" "YES" PACKAGES_STAGE2 += \ dph/dph-base \ dph/dph-prim-interface \ dph/dph-prim-seq \ dph/dph-prim-par \ dph/dph-seq \ dph/dph-par endif # We assume that the stage0 compiler has a suitable bytestring package, # so we don't have to include it below. BOOT_PKGS = Cabal hpc extensible-exceptions binary bin-package-db BOOT_PKG_CONSTRAINTS := $(foreach p,$(BOOT_PKGS),--constraint "$p == $(shell grep -i "^Version:" libraries/$p/$p.cabal | sed "s/[^0-9.]//g")") # The actual .a and .so/.dll files: needed for dependencies. ALL_STAGE1_LIBS = $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_v_LIB)) ifeq "$(BuildSharedLibs)" "YES" ALL_STAGE1_LIBS += $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_dyn_LIB)) endif BOOT_LIBS = $(foreach lib,$(BOOT_PKGS),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-boot_v_LIB)) OTHER_LIBS = libffi/dist-install/build/libHSffi$(v_libsuf) libffi/dist-install/build/HSffi.o ifeq "$(BuildSharedLibs)" "YES" OTHER_LIBS += libffi/dist-install/build/libHSffi$(dyn_libsuf) endif # We cannot run ghc-cabal to configure a package until we have # configured and registered all of its dependencies. So the following # hack forces all the configure steps to happen in exactly the following order: # # $(PACKAGES) ghc(stage2) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2) # # Ideally we should use the correct dependencies here to allow more # parallelism, but we don't know the dependencies until we've # generated the pacakge-data.mk files. define fixed_pkg_dep libraries/$1/$2/package-data.mk : $$(GHC_PKG_INPLACE) $$(fixed_pkg_prev) fixed_pkg_prev:=libraries/$1/$2/package-data.mk endef ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES" fixed_pkg_prev= $(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES),$(eval $(call fixed_pkg_dep,$(pkg),dist-install))) # the GHC package doesn't live in libraries/, so we add its dependency manually: compiler/stage2/package-data.mk: $(fixed_pkg_prev) fixed_pkg_prev:=compiler/stage2/package-data.mk # and continue with PACKAGES_STAGE2, which depend on GHC: $(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES_STAGE2),$(eval $(call fixed_pkg_dep,$(pkg),dist-install))) ghc/stage1/package-data.mk: compiler/stage1/package-data.mk ghc/stage2/package-data.mk: compiler/stage2/package-data.mk # haddock depends on ghc and some libraries, but depending on GHC's # package-data.mk is sufficient, as that in turn depends on all the # libraries utils/haddock/dist/package-data.mk: compiler/stage2/package-data.mk utils/hsc2hs/dist-install/package-data.mk: compiler/stage2/package-data.mk utils/compare_sizes/dist/package-data.mk: compiler/stage2/package-data.mk # add the final two package.conf dependencies: ghc-prim depends on RTS, # and RTS depends on libffi. libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/package-data.mk : rts/package.conf.inplace rts/package.conf.inplace : libffi/package.conf.inplace endif # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directories # Don't try to delete directories: .PRECIOUS: %/. # Create build directories on demand. NB. the | below: this indicates # that $(MKDIRHIER) is an order-only dependency, which means that this # rule fires after building mkdirhier, but we won't try to recreate # directories if mkdirhier changes. %/. : | $(MKDIRHIER) "$(MKDIRHIER)" $@ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special magic for the ghc-prim package # We want the ghc-prim package to include the GHC.Prim module when it # is registered, but not when it is built, because GHC.Prim is not a # real source module, it is built-in to GHC. The old build system did # this using Setup.hs, but we can't do that here, so we have a flag to # enable GHC.Prim in the .cabal file (so that the ghc-prim package # remains compatible with the old build system for the time being). # GHC.Prim module in the ghc-prim package with a flag: # libraries/ghc-prim_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flag=include-ghc-prim # And then we strip it out again before building the package: define libraries/ghc-prim_PACKAGE_MAGIC libraries/ghc-prim_dist-install_MODULES := $$(filter-out GHC.Prim,$$(libraries/ghc-prim_dist-install_MODULES)) endef PRIMOPS_TXT = $(GHC_COMPILER_DIR)/prelude/primops.txt libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs : $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) $(PRIMOPS_TXT) | $$(dir $$@)/. "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --make-haskell-wrappers <$(PRIMOPS_TXT) >$@ # Required so that Haddock documents the primops. libraries/ghc-prim_dist-install_EXTRA_HADDOCK_SRCS = libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/autogen/GHC/Prim.hs # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Include build instructions from all subdirs # For the rationale behind the build phases, see # http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building/Architecture/Idiom/PhaseOrdering # Setting foo_dist_DISABLE=YES means "in directory foo, for build # "dist", just read the package-data.mk file, do not build anything". # We carefully engineer things so that we can build the # package-data.mk files early on: they depend only on a few tools also # built early. Having got the package-data.mk files built, we can # restart make with up-to-date information about all the packages # (this is phase 0). The remaining problem is the .depend files: # # - .depend files in libraries need the stage 1 compiler to build # - ghc/stage1/.depend needs compiler/stage1 built # - compiler/stage1/.depend needs the bootstrap libs built # # GHC 6.11+ can build a .depend file without having built the # dependencies of the package, but we can't rely on the bootstrapping # compiler being able to do this, which is why we have to separate the # three phases above. # So this is the final ordering: # Phase 0 : all package-data.mk files # (requires ghc-cabal, ghc-pkg, mkdirhier, dummy-ghc etc.) # Phase 1 : .depend files for bootstrap libs # (requires hsc2hs) # Phase 2 : compiler/stage1/.depend # (requires bootstrap libs and genprimopcode) # Phase 3 : ghc/stage1/.depend # (requires compiler/stage1) # # The rest : libraries/*/dist-install, compiler/stage2, ghc/stage2 BUILD_DIRS = ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES" BUILD_DIRS += \ $(GHC_MKDIRHIER_DIR) endif BUILD_DIRS += \ docs/users_guide \ docs/ext-core \ docs/man \ libraries/Cabal/doc \ $(GHC_UNLIT_DIR) \ $(GHC_HP2PS_DIR) ifneq "$(GhcUnregisterised)" "YES" BUILD_DIRS += \ $(GHC_MANGLER_DIR) \ $(GHC_SPLIT_DIR) endif ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES" BUILD_DIRS += \ $(GHC_GENPRIMOP_DIR) endif BUILD_DIRS += \ driver \ driver/ghci \ driver/ghc \ libffi \ includes \ rts ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES" BUILD_DIRS += \ bindisttest \ $(GHC_CABAL_DIR) \ $(GHC_GENAPPLY_DIR) endif ifneq "$(HADDOCK_DOCS)" "NO" BUILD_DIRS += \ utils/haddock \ utils/haddock/doc endif ifneq "$(CLEANING)" "YES" BUILD_DIRS += \ $(patsubst %, libraries/%, $(PACKAGES)) endif ifneq "$(BootingFromHc)" "YES" BUILD_DIRS += \ libraries/dph endif ifeq "$(INTEGER_LIBRARY)" "integer-gmp" BUILD_DIRS += libraries/integer-gmp/gmp endif BUILD_DIRS += \ compiler \ $(GHC_HSC2HS_DIR) \ $(GHC_PKG_DIR) \ utils/testremove \ utils/ghctags \ utils/hpc \ utils/runghc \ ghc ifeq "$(Windows)" "YES" BUILD_DIRS += \ $(GHC_TOUCHY_DIR) endif BUILD_DIRS += utils/count_lines BUILD_DIRS += utils/compare_sizes ifneq "$(CLEANING)" "YES" # After compiler/, because these packages depend on it BUILD_DIRS += \ $(patsubst %, libraries/%, $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) endif # XXX libraries/% must come before any programs built with stage1, see # Note [lib-depends]. ifeq "$(phase)" "0" $(foreach lib,$(BOOT_PKGS),$(eval \ libraries/$(lib)_dist-boot_DISABLE = YES)) endif ifneq "$(findstring $(phase),0 1)" "" # We can build deps for compiler/stage1 in phase 2 compiler_stage1_DISABLE = YES endif ifneq "$(findstring $(phase),0 1 2)" "" ghc_stage1_DISABLE = YES endif ifneq "$(CLEANING)" "YES" ifeq "$(INTEGER_LIBRARY)" "integer-gmp" libraries/base_dist-install_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=-integer-simple else ifeq "$(INTEGER_LIBRARY)" "integer-simple" libraries/base_dist-install_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --flags=integer-simple else $(error Unknown integer library: $(INTEGER_LIBRARY)) endif endif endif ifneq "$(findstring $(phase),0 1 2 3)" "" # In phases 0-3, we disable stage2-3, the full libraries and haddock utils/haddock_dist_DISABLE = YES utils/runghc_dist_DISABLE = YES utils/ghctags_dist_DISABLE = YES utils/hpc_dist_DISABLE = YES utils/hsc2hs_dist-install_DISABLE = YES utils/ghc-pkg_dist-install_DISABLE = YES utils/compare_sizes_dist_DISABLE = YES compiler_stage2_DISABLE = YES compiler_stage3_DISABLE = YES ghc_stage2_DISABLE = YES ghc_stage3_DISABLE = YES $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2),$(eval \ libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_DISABLE = YES)) endif # These packages don't pass the Cabal checks because hs-source-dirs # points outside the source directory. This isn't a real problem in # these cases, so we just skip checking them. CHECKED_libraries/dph/dph-seq = YES CHECKED_libraries/dph/dph-par = YES # In compiler's case, include-dirs points outside of the source tree CHECKED_compiler = YES include $(patsubst %, %/ghc.mk, $(BUILD_DIRS)) # We need -fno-warn-deprecated-flags to avoid failure with -Werror GhcLibHcOpts += -fno-warn-deprecated-flags GhcBootLibHcOpts += -fno-warn-deprecated-flags # ---------------------------------------------- # Per-package compiler flags # # If you want to add per-package compiler flags, this # is the place to do it. Do it like this for package <pkg> # # libraries/<pkg>_dist-boot_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn # libraries/<pkg>_dist-install_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn # Add $(GhcLibHcOpts) to all library builds $(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2),$(eval libraries/$(pkg)_dist-install_HC_OPTS += $$(GhcLibHcOpts))) # XXX Hack; remove this # Use -Wwarn for dph $(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES_STAGE2),$(eval libraries/$(pkg)_dist-install_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn)) # XXX Hack; remove this # Use -Wwarn for 'binary' becuase it has redundant UNPACK pragmas libraries/binary_dist-install_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn libraries/binary_dist-boot_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn # XXX hack: xhtml has warnings libraries/xhtml_dist-install_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn # ---------------------------------------------- # A useful pseudo-target .PHONY: stage1_libs stage1_libs : $(ALL_STAGE1_LIBS) ifeq "$(HADDOCK_DOCS)" "YES" libraries/index.html: $(ALL_HADDOCK_FILES) cd libraries && sh gen_contents_index --inplace $(eval $(call all-target,library_doc_index,libraries/index.html)) INSTALL_LIBRARY_DOCS += libraries/*.html libraries/*.gif libraries/*.css libraries/*.js CLEAN_FILES += libraries/doc-index* libraries/haddock*.css \ libraries/haddock*.js libraries/index*.html libraries/*.gif endif ifeq "$(CHECK_PACKAGES)" "YES" all: check_packages endif # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bootstrapping libraries # We need to build a few libraries with the installed GHC, since GHC itself # and some of the tools depend on them: ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES" ifneq "$(BOOTSTRAPPING_CONF)" "" ifeq "$(wildcard $(BOOTSTRAPPING_CONF))" "" $(shell echo "[]" >$(BOOTSTRAPPING_CONF)) endif endif $(eval $(call clean-target,$(BOOTSTRAPPING_CONF),,$(BOOTSTRAPPING_CONF))) # These three libraries do not depend on each other, so we can build # them straight off: $(eval $(call build-package,libraries/hpc,dist-boot,0)) $(eval $(call build-package,libraries/extensible-exceptions,dist-boot,0)) $(eval $(call build-package,libraries/Cabal,dist-boot,0)) $(eval $(call build-package,libraries/binary,dist-boot,0)) $(eval $(call build-package,libraries/bin-package-db,dist-boot,0)) # register the boot packages in strict sequence, because running # multiple ghc-pkgs in parallel doesn't work (registrations may get # lost). fixed_pkg_prev= $(foreach pkg,$(BOOT_PKGS),$(eval $(call fixed_pkg_dep,$(pkg),dist-boot))) compiler/stage1/package-data.mk : \ libraries/Cabal/dist-boot/package-data.mk \ libraries/hpc/dist-boot/package-data.mk \ libraries/extensible-exceptions/dist-boot/package-data.mk \ libraries/bin-package-db/dist-boot/package-data.mk # These are necessary because the bootstrapping compiler may not know # about cross-package dependencies: $(compiler_stage1_depfile_haskell) : $(BOOT_LIBS) $(ghc_stage1_depfile_haskell) : $(compiler_stage1_v_LIB) # A few careful dependencies between bootstrapping packages. When we # can rely on the stage 0 compiler being able to generate # cross-package dependencies with -M (fixed in GHC 6.12.1) we can drop # these, and also some of the phases. # # If you miss any out here, then 'make -j8' will probably tell you. # libraries/bin-package-db/dist-boot/build/Distribution/InstalledPackageInfo/Binary.$(v_osuf) : libraries/binary/dist-boot/build/Data/Binary.$(v_hisuf) libraries/Cabal/dist-boot/build/Distribution/InstalledPackageInfo.$(v_hisuf) $(foreach pkg,$(BOOT_PKGS),$(eval libraries/$(pkg)_dist-boot_HC_OPTS += $$(GhcBootLibHcOpts))) # Make sure we have all the GHCi libs by the time we've built # ghc-stage2. DPH includes a bit of Template Haskell which needs the # GHCI libs, and we don't have a better way to express that dependency. # GHCI_LIBS = $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_GHCI_LIB)) \ $(compiler_stage2_GHCI_LIB) ghc/stage2/build/tmp/$(ghc_stage2_PROG) : $(GHCI_LIBS) endif # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creating a local mingw copy on Windows ifeq "$(Windows)" "YES" install : install_mingw .PHONY: install_mingw install_mingw : $(INPLACE_MINGW) "$(CP)" -Rp $(INPLACE_MINGW) $(prefix) install : install_perl .PHONY: install_perl install_perl : $(INPLACE_PERL) "$(CP)" -Rp $(INPLACE_PERL) $(prefix) endif # Windows ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES" $(ghc-prim-$(libraries/ghc-prim_dist-install_VERSION)_HADDOCK_FILE): \ libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/autogen/GHC/Prim.hs \ libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/autogen/GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs endif # BINDIST libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/autogen/GHC/Prim.hs: \ $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) \ | $$(dir $$@)/. "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --make-haskell-source < $< > $@ libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/autogen/GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs: \ $(PRIMOPS_TXT) $(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE) \ | $$(dir $$@)/. "$(GENPRIMOP_INPLACE)" --make-haskell-wrappers < $< > $@ .PHONY: tags tags: tags_compiler .PHONY: TAGS TAGS: TAGS_compiler # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Installation install: install_packages install_libs install_libexecs install_headers \ install_libexec_scripts install_bins install_docs \ install_topdirs install_bins: $(INSTALL_BINS) $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" for i in $(INSTALL_BINS); do \ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(INSTALL_BIN_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)" ; \ done install_libs: $(INSTALL_LIBS) $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibdir)" for i in $(INSTALL_LIBS); do \ case $$i in \ *.a) \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibdir)"; \ $(RANLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(ghclibdir)/`basename $$i` ;; \ *.dll) \ $(INSTALL_DATA) -s $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibdir)" ;; \ *.so) \ $(INSTALL_SHLIB) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibdir)" ;; \ *.dylib) \ $(INSTALL_SHLIB) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibdir)";; \ *) \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibdir)"; \ esac; \ done install_libexec_scripts: $(INSTALL_LIBEXEC_SCRIPTS) ifeq "$(INSTALL_LIBEXEC_SCRIPTS)" "" @: else $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibexecdir)" for i in $(INSTALL_LIBEXEC_SCRIPTS); do \ $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibexecdir)"; \ done endif install_libexecs: $(INSTALL_LIBEXECS) ifeq "$(INSTALL_LIBEXECS)" "" @: else $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibexecdir)" for i in $(INSTALL_LIBEXECS); do \ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(INSTALL_BIN_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibexecdir)"; \ done # We rename ghc-stage2, so that the right program name is used in error # messages etc. "$(MV)" "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibexecdir)/ghc-stage2" "$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibexecdir)/ghc" endif install_topdirs: $(INSTALL_TOPDIRS) $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(topdir)" for i in $(INSTALL_TOPDIRS); do \ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(INSTALL_BIN_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(topdir)"; \ done install_headers: $(INSTALL_HEADERS) $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(ghcheaderdir)" for i in $(INSTALL_HEADERS); do \ $(INSTALL_HEADER) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(ghcheaderdir)"; \ done install_docs: $(INSTALL_DOCS) $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)" ifneq "$(INSTALL_DOCS)" "" for i in $(INSTALL_DOCS); do \ $(INSTALL_DOC) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)"; \ done endif $(INSTALL_DIR) $(INSTALL_OPTS) "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html" $(INSTALL_DOC) $(INSTALL_OPTS) docs/index.html "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html" ifneq "$(INSTALL_LIBRARY_DOCS)" "" $(INSTALL_DIR) $(INSTALL_OPTS) "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/libraries" for i in $(INSTALL_LIBRARY_DOCS); do \ $(INSTALL_DOC) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/libraries/"; \ done $(INSTALL_DATA) $(INSTALL_OPTS) libraries/prologue.txt "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/libraries/" $(INSTALL_SCRIPT) $(INSTALL_OPTS) libraries/gen_contents_index "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/libraries/" endif ifneq "$(INSTALL_HTML_DOC_DIRS)" "" for i in $(INSTALL_HTML_DOC_DIRS); do \ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(INSTALL_OPTS) "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/`basename $$i`"; \ $(INSTALL_DOC) $(INSTALL_OPTS) $$i/* "$(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/html/`basename $$i`"; \ done endif INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CONF=$(DESTDIR)$(topdir)/package.conf.d # Install packages in the right order, so that ghc-pkg doesn't complain. # Also, install ghc-pkg first. ifeq "$(Windows)" "NO" INSTALLED_GHC_REAL=$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibexecdir)/ghc INSTALLED_GHC_PKG_REAL=$(DESTDIR)$(ghclibexecdir)/ghc-pkg else INSTALLED_GHC_REAL=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghc.exe INSTALLED_GHC_PKG_REAL=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghc-pkg.exe endif INSTALLED_PACKAGES := $(filter-out haskeline mtl terminfo utf8-string xhtml,$(PACKAGES)) ifeq "$(InstallExtraPackages)" "NO" INSTALLED_PACKAGES := $(filter-out $(EXTRA_PACKAGES), $(INSTALLED_PACKAGES)) endif HIDDEN_PACKAGES = binary define set_INSTALL_DISTDIR # $1 = libraries/base, $2 = dist-install # => # INSTALL_DISTDIR_libraries/base = dist-install INSTALL_DISTDIR_$1 = $2 endef $(eval $(foreach p,$(INSTALLED_PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2),\ $(call set_INSTALL_DISTDIR,libraries/$p,dist-install))) INSTALL_DISTDIR_compiler = stage2 ALL_INSTALLED_PACKAGES = $(addprefix libraries/,$(INSTALLED_PACKAGES)) \ compiler \ $(addprefix libraries/,$(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) install_packages: install_libexecs install_packages: libffi/package.conf.install rts/package.conf.install $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(topdir)" "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) "$(INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CONF)" $(INSTALL_DIR) "$(INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CONF)" "$(INSTALLED_GHC_PKG_REAL)" --force --global-conf "$(INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CONF)" update libffi/package.conf.install "$(INSTALLED_GHC_PKG_REAL)" --force --global-conf "$(INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CONF)" update rts/package.conf.install $(foreach p, $(ALL_INSTALLED_PACKAGES),\ "$(GHC_CABAL_INPLACE)" install \ "$(INSTALLED_GHC_REAL)" \ "$(INSTALLED_GHC_PKG_REAL)" \ "$(STRIP_CMD)" \ "$(DESTDIR)$(topdir)" \ $p $(INSTALL_DISTDIR_$p) \ '$(DESTDIR)' '$(prefix)' '$(ghclibdir)' '$(docdir)/html/libraries' \ $(RelocatableBuild) &&) true $(foreach p, $(HIDDEN_PACKAGES),\ "$(INSTALLED_GHC_PKG_REAL)" --global-conf "$(INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CONF)" \ hide $p &&) true # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Binary distributions ifneq "$(CLEANING)" "YES" # This rule seems to hold some files open on Windows which prevents # cleaning, perhaps due to the $(wildcard). $(eval $(call bindist,.,\ LICENSE \ README \ INSTALL \ configure config.sub config.guess install-sh \ extra-gcc-opts.in \ Makefile \ mk/config.mk.in \ $(INPLACE_BIN)/mkdirhier \ $(INPLACE_BIN)/ghc-cabal \ utils/ghc-pwd/ghc-pwd \ $(BINDIST_WRAPPERS) \ $(BINDIST_PERL_SOURCES) \ $(BINDIST_LIBS) \ $(BINDIST_HI) \ $(BINDIST_EXTRAS) \ $(includes_H_CONFIG) \ $(includes_H_PLATFORM) \ $(includes_H_FILES) \ includes/ghcconfig.h \ includes/rts/Config.h \ $(INSTALL_HEADERS) \ $(INSTALL_LIBEXECS) \ $(INSTALL_LIBEXEC_SCRIPTS) \ $(INSTALL_TOPDIRS) \ $(INSTALL_BINS) \ $(INSTALL_MANPAGES) \ $(INSTALL_DOCS) \ $(INSTALL_LIBRARY_DOCS) \ $(addsuffix /*,$(INSTALL_HTML_DOC_DIRS)) \ docs/index.html \ compiler/stage2/doc \ $(wildcard libraries/*/dist-install/doc/) \ $(wildcard libraries/*/*/dist-install/doc/) \ $(filter-out extra-gcc-opts,$(INSTALL_LIBS)) \ $(filter-out %/project.mk mk/config.mk %/mk/install.mk,$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) \ mk/project.mk \ mk/install.mk.in \ bindist.mk \ libraries/gen_contents_index \ libraries/prologue.txt \ libraries/dph/LICENSE \ )) endif # mk/project.mk gets an absolute path, so we manually include it in # the bindist with a relative path BIN_DIST_MK = $(BIN_DIST_PREP_DIR)/bindist.mk unix-binary-dist-prep: "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) bindistprep/ "$(MKDIRHIER)" $(BIN_DIST_PREP_DIR) set -e; for i in LICENSE compiler ghc rts libraries utils docs libffi includes driver mk rules Makefile aclocal.m4 config.sub config.guess install-sh extra-gcc-opts.in ghc.mk inplace distrib/configure.ac distrib/README distrib/INSTALL; do ln -s ../../$$i $(BIN_DIST_PREP_DIR)/; done echo "HADDOCK_DOCS = $(HADDOCK_DOCS)" >> $(BIN_DIST_MK) echo "LATEX_DOCS = $(LATEX_DOCS)" >> $(BIN_DIST_MK) echo "BUILD_DOCBOOK_HTML = $(BUILD_DOCBOOK_HTML)" >> $(BIN_DIST_MK) echo "BUILD_DOCBOOK_PS = $(BUILD_DOCBOOK_PS)" >> $(BIN_DIST_MK) echo "BUILD_DOCBOOK_PDF = $(BUILD_DOCBOOK_PDF)" >> $(BIN_DIST_MK) echo "BUILD_MAN = $(BUILD_MAN)" >> $(BIN_DIST_MK) cd $(BIN_DIST_PREP_DIR) && autoreconf "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(BIN_DIST_PREP_TAR) # h means "follow symlinks", e.g. if aclocal.m4 is a symlink to a source # tree then we want to include the real file, not a symlink to it cd bindistprep && "$(TAR_CMD)" hcf - -T ../$(BIN_DIST_LIST) | bzip2 -c > ../$(BIN_DIST_PREP_TAR_BZ2) windows-binary-dist-prep: "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) bindistprep/ $(MAKE) prefix=$(TOP)/$(BIN_DIST_PREP_DIR) install cd bindistprep && "$(TAR_CMD)" cf - $(BIN_DIST_NAME) | bzip2 -c > ../$(BIN_DIST_PREP_TAR_BZ2) windows-installer: ifeq "$(ISCC_CMD)" "" @echo No ISCC_CMD, so not making installer else "$(ISCC_CMD)" /O. /Fbindistprep/$(WINDOWS_INSTALLER_BASE) - < distrib/ghc.iss endif # tryTimes tries to run its third argument multiple times, until it # succeeds. Don't call it directly; call try10Times instead. # The first and second argument to tryTimes are lists of values. # The length of the first argument is the number of times we have # already tried. The length of the second argument is the number more # times we will try. tryTimes = $(if $2, \ { echo 'Try $(words x $1): $3' ; $3 ; } || \ $(call tryTimes,x $1,$(wordlist 2,$(words $2),$2),$3), \ ) # Try to run the argument 10 times. If all 10 fail, fail. try10Times = $(call tryTimes,,x x x x x x x x x x,$1) { echo Failed; false; } .PHONY: publish-binary-dist publish-binary-dist: $(call try10Times,$(PublishCp) $(BIN_DIST_TAR_BZ2) $(PublishLocation)/dist) ifeq "$(mingw32_TARGET_OS)" "1" $(call try10Times,$(PublishCp) $(WINDOWS_INSTALLER) $(PublishLocation)/dist) endif .PHONY: publish-docs publish-docs: $(call try10Times,$(PublishCp) -r bindisttest/installed/share/doc/ghc/* $(PublishLocation)/docs) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Source distributions # Do it like this: # # $ make # $ make sdist # # A source dist is built from a complete build tree, because we # require some extra files not contained in a darcs checkout: the # output from Happy and Alex, for example. # # The steps performed by 'make dist' are as follows: # - create a complete link-tree of the current build tree in /tmp # - run 'make distclean' on that tree # - remove a bunch of other files that we know shouldn't be in the dist # - tar up first the extralibs package, then the main source package # # Directory in which we're going to build the src dist # SRC_DIST_NAME=ghc-$(ProjectVersion) SRC_DIST_DIR=$(shell pwd)/$(SRC_DIST_NAME) # # Files to include in source distributions # SRC_DIST_DIRS = mk rules docs distrib bindisttest libffi includes utils docs rts compiler ghc driver libraries ghc-tarballs SRC_DIST_FILES += \ configure.ac config.guess config.sub configure \ aclocal.m4 README ANNOUNCE HACKING LICENSE Makefile install-sh \ ghc.spec.in ghc.spec extra-gcc-opts.in VERSION \ boot boot-pkgs packages ghc.mk SRC_DIST_TARBALL = $(SRC_DIST_NAME)-src.tar.bz2 VERSION : echo $(ProjectVersion) >VERSION sdist : VERSION # Use: # $(call sdist_file,compiler,stage2,cmm,Foo/Bar,CmmLex,x) # to copy the generated file that replaces compiler/cmm/Foo/Bar/CmmLex.x, where # "stage2" is the dist dir. define sdist_file "$(CP)" $1/$2/build/$4/$5.hs $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/$1/$3/$4 mv $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/$1/$3/$4/$5.$6 $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/$1/$3/$4/$5.$6.source endef .PHONY: sdist-prep sdist-prep : "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) $(SRC_DIST_DIR) "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(SRC_DIST_TARBALL) mkdir $(SRC_DIST_DIR) cd $(SRC_DIST_DIR) && for i in $(SRC_DIST_DIRS); do mkdir $$i; ( cd $$i && lndir $(TOP)/$$i ); done cd $(SRC_DIST_DIR) && for i in $(SRC_DIST_FILES); do $(LN_S) $(TOP)/$$i .; done cd $(SRC_DIST_DIR) && $(MAKE) distclean rm -rf $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/libraries/tarballs/ rm -rf $(SRC_DIST_DIR)/libraries/stamp/ $(call sdist_file,compiler,stage2,cmm,,CmmLex,x) $(call sdist_file,compiler,stage2,cmm,,CmmParse,y) $(call sdist_file,compiler,stage2,parser,,Lexer,x) $(call sdist_file,compiler,stage2,parser,,Parser,y.pp) $(call sdist_file,compiler,stage2,parser,,ParserCore,y) $(call sdist_file,utils/hpc,dist,,,HpcParser,y) $(call sdist_file,utils/genprimopcode,dist,,,Lexer,x) $(call sdist_file,utils/genprimopcode,dist,,,Parser,y) $(call sdist_file,utils/haddock,dist,src,Haddock,Lex,x) $(call sdist_file,utils/haddock,dist,src,Haddock,Parse,y) cd $(SRC_DIST_DIR) && "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) compiler/stage[123] mk/build.mk cd $(SRC_DIST_DIR) && "$(FIND)" $(SRC_DIST_DIRS) \( -name _darcs -o -name SRC -o -name "autom4te*" -o -name "*~" -o -name ".cvsignore" -o -name "\#*" -o -name ".\#*" -o -name "log" -o -name "*-SAVE" -o -name "*.orig" -o -name "*.rej" -o -name "*-darcs-backup*" \) -print | "$(XARGS)" $(XARGS_OPTS) "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) .PHONY: sdist sdist : sdist-prep "$(TAR_CMD)" chf - $(SRC_DIST_NAME) 2>$src_log | bzip2 >$(TOP)/$(SRC_DIST_TARBALL) sdist-manifest : $(SRC_DIST_TARBALL) tar tjf $(SRC_DIST_TARBALL) | sed "s|^ghc-$(ProjectVersion)/||" | sort >sdist-manifest # Upload the distribution(s) # Retrying is to work around buggy firewalls that corrupt large file transfers # over SSH. ifneq "$(PublishLocation)" "" publish-sdist : $(call try10Times,$(PublishCp) $(SRC_DIST_TARBALL) $(PublishLocation)/dist) endif ifeq "$(BootingFromHc)" "YES" # In a normal build we use GHC to compile C files (see # rules/c-suffix-rules.mk), which passes a number of its own options # to the C compiler. So when bootstrapping we have to provide these # flags explicitly to C compilations. SRC_CC_OPTS += -DNO_REGS -DUSE_MINIINTERPRETER SRC_CC_OPTS += -D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=$(ProjectVersionInt) SRC_CC_OPTS += -I$(GHC_INCLUDE_DIR) endif # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sdisting libraries # Use manually, with e.g.: # make sdist_directory sdist_%: inplace/bin/ghc-cabal sdist libraries/$* dist-install # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cleaning .PHONY: clean CLEAN_FILES += utils/ghc-pwd/ghc-pwd CLEAN_FILES += utils/ghc-pwd/ghc-pwd.exe CLEAN_FILES += utils/ghc-pwd/ghc-pwd.hi CLEAN_FILES += utils/ghc-pwd/ghc-pwd.o CLEAN_FILES += libraries/bootstrapping.conf CLEAN_FILES += libraries/integer-gmp/cbits/GmpDerivedConstants.h CLEAN_FILES += libraries/integer-gmp/cbits/mkGmpDerivedConstants clean : clean_files clean_libraries .PHONY: clean_files clean_files : "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(CLEAN_FILES) ifneq "$(NO_CLEAN_GMP)" "YES" CLEAN_FILES += libraries/integer-gmp/gmp/gmp.h CLEAN_FILES += libraries/integer-gmp/gmp/libgmp.a clean : clean_gmp .PHONY: clean_gmp clean_gmp: "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) libraries/integer-gmp/gmp/objs "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) libraries/integer-gmp/gmp/gmpbuild endif .PHONY: clean_libraries clean_libraries: $(patsubst %,clean_libraries/%_dist-install,$(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) clean_libraries: $(patsubst %,clean_libraries/%_dist-boot,$(BOOT_PKGS)) clean_libraries: "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/dist, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/*.buildinfo, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) # We have to define a clean target for each library manually, because the # libraries/*/ghc.mk files are not included when we're cleaning. ifeq "$(CLEANING)" "YES" $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2),\ $(eval $(call clean-target,libraries/$(lib),dist-install,libraries/$(lib)/dist-install))) endif clean : clean_bindistprep .PHONY: clean_bindistprep clean_bindistprep: "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) bindistprep/ distclean : clean "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) config.cache config.status config.log mk/config.h mk/stamp-h "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) mk/config.mk mk/are-validating.mk mk/project.mk "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) mk/config.mk.old mk/project.mk.old "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) extra-gcc-opts docs/users_guide/ug-book.xml "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) compiler/ghc.cabal compiler/ghc.cabal.old "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) ghc/ghc-bin.cabal "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/base/include/HsBaseConfig.h "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/directory/include/HsDirectoryConfig.h "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/process/include/HsProcessConfig.h "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/unix/include/HsUnixConfig.h "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/old-time/include/HsTimeConfig.h "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/config.log, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/config.status, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/include/Hs*Config.h, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/autom4te.cache, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) maintainer-clean : distclean "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) configure mk/config.h.in "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) autom4te.cache libraries/*/autom4te.cache "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) ghc.spec "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/GNUmakefile, \ $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/ghc.mk, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/configure, \ $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)) "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/base/include/HsBaseConfig.h.in "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/directory/include/HsDirectoryConfig.h.in "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/process/include/HsProcessConfig.h.in "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/unix/include/HsUnixConfig.h.in "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/old-time/include/HsTimeConfig.h.in .PHONY: all_libraries .PHONY: bootstrapping-files bootstrapping-files: $(OTHER_LIBS) bootstrapping-files: includes/ghcautoconf.h bootstrapping-files: includes/DerivedConstants.h bootstrapping-files: includes/GHCConstants.h .DELETE_ON_ERROR: