{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -optc-DNON_POSIX_SOURCE #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- GHC Driver program -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2005 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Main (main) where -- The official GHC API import qualified GHC import GHC ( -- DynFlags(..), HscTarget(..), -- GhcMode(..), GhcLink(..), Ghc, GhcMonad(..), LoadHowMuch(..) ) import CmdLineParser -- Implementations of the various modes (--show-iface, mkdependHS. etc.) import LoadIface ( showIface ) import HscMain ( newHscEnv ) import DriverPipeline ( oneShot, compileFile ) import DriverMkDepend ( doMkDependHS ) #ifdef GHCI import InteractiveUI ( interactiveUI, ghciWelcomeMsg ) #endif -- Various other random stuff that we need import Config import HscTypes import Packages ( dumpPackages ) import DriverPhases ( Phase(..), isSourceFilename, anyHsc, startPhase, isHaskellSrcFilename ) import BasicTypes ( failed ) import StaticFlags import StaticFlagParser import DynFlags import ErrUtils import FastString import Outputable import SrcLoc import Util import Panic import MonadUtils ( liftIO ) -- Imports for --abi-hash import LoadIface ( loadUserInterface ) import Module ( mkModuleName ) import Finder ( findImportedModule, cannotFindInterface ) import TcRnMonad ( initIfaceCheck ) import Binary ( openBinMem, put_, fingerprintBinMem ) -- Standard Haskell libraries import System.IO import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.FilePath import Control.Monad import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Maybe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ToDo: -- time commands when run with -v -- user ways -- Win32 support: proper signal handling -- reading the package configuration file is too slow -- -K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GHC's command-line interface main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering GHC.defaultErrorHandler defaultLogAction $ do -- 1. extract the -B flag from the args argv0 <- getArgs let (minusB_args, argv1) = partition ("-B" `isPrefixOf`) argv0 mbMinusB | null minusB_args = Nothing | otherwise = Just (drop 2 (last minusB_args)) let argv1' = map (mkGeneralLocated "on the commandline") argv1 (argv2, staticFlagWarnings) <- parseStaticFlags argv1' -- 2. Parse the "mode" flags (--make, --interactive etc.) (mode, argv3, modeFlagWarnings) <- parseModeFlags argv2 let flagWarnings = staticFlagWarnings ++ modeFlagWarnings -- If all we want to do is something like showing the version number -- then do it now, before we start a GHC session etc. This makes -- getting basic information much more resilient. -- In particular, if we wait until later before giving the version -- number then bootstrapping gets confused, as it tries to find out -- what version of GHC it's using before package.conf exists, so -- starting the session fails. case mode of Left preStartupMode -> do case preStartupMode of ShowSupportedExtensions -> showSupportedExtensions ShowVersion -> showVersion ShowNumVersion -> putStrLn cProjectVersion Print str -> putStrLn str Right postStartupMode -> -- start our GHC session GHC.runGhc mbMinusB $ do dflags <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags case postStartupMode of Left preLoadMode -> liftIO $ do case preLoadMode of ShowInfo -> showInfo dflags ShowGhcUsage -> showGhcUsage dflags ShowGhciUsage -> showGhciUsage dflags PrintWithDynFlags f -> putStrLn (f dflags) Right postLoadMode -> main' postLoadMode dflags argv3 flagWarnings main' :: PostLoadMode -> DynFlags -> [Located String] -> [Located String] -> Ghc () main' postLoadMode dflags0 args flagWarnings = do -- set the default GhcMode, HscTarget and GhcLink. The HscTarget -- can be further adjusted on a module by module basis, using only -- the -fvia-C and -fasm flags. If the default HscTarget is not -- HscC or HscAsm, -fvia-C and -fasm have no effect. let dflt_target = hscTarget dflags0 (mode, lang, link) = case postLoadMode of DoInteractive -> (CompManager, HscInterpreted, LinkInMemory) DoEval _ -> (CompManager, HscInterpreted, LinkInMemory) DoMake -> (CompManager, dflt_target, LinkBinary) DoMkDependHS -> (MkDepend, dflt_target, LinkBinary) DoAbiHash -> (OneShot, dflt_target, LinkBinary) _ -> (OneShot, dflt_target, LinkBinary) let dflags1 = dflags0{ ghcMode = mode, hscTarget = lang, ghcLink = link, -- leave out hscOutName for now hscOutName = panic "Main.main:hscOutName not set", verbosity = case postLoadMode of DoEval _ -> 0 _other -> 1 } -- turn on -fimplicit-import-qualified for GHCi now, so that it -- can be overriden from the command-line dflags1a | DoInteractive <- postLoadMode = imp_qual_enabled | DoEval _ <- postLoadMode = imp_qual_enabled | otherwise = dflags1 where imp_qual_enabled = dflags1 `dopt_set` Opt_ImplicitImportQualified -- The rest of the arguments are "dynamic" -- Leftover ones are presumably files (dflags2, fileish_args, dynamicFlagWarnings) <- GHC.parseDynamicFlags dflags1a args let flagWarnings' = flagWarnings ++ dynamicFlagWarnings handleSourceError (\e -> do GHC.printException e liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) $ do liftIO $ handleFlagWarnings dflags2 flagWarnings' -- make sure we clean up after ourselves GHC.defaultCleanupHandler dflags2 $ do liftIO $ showBanner postLoadMode dflags2 -- we've finished manipulating the DynFlags, update the session _ <- GHC.setSessionDynFlags dflags2 dflags3 <- GHC.getSessionDynFlags hsc_env <- GHC.getSession let -- To simplify the handling of filepaths, we normalise all filepaths right -- away - e.g., for win32 platforms, backslashes are converted -- into forward slashes. normal_fileish_paths = map (normalise . unLoc) fileish_args (srcs, objs) = partition_args normal_fileish_paths [] [] -- Note: have v_Ld_inputs maintain the order in which 'objs' occurred on -- the command-line. liftIO $ mapM_ (consIORef v_Ld_inputs) (reverse objs) ---------------- Display configuration ----------- when (verbosity dflags3 >= 4) $ liftIO $ dumpPackages dflags3 when (verbosity dflags3 >= 3) $ do liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr ("Hsc static flags: " ++ unwords staticFlags) ---------------- Final sanity checking ----------- liftIO $ checkOptions postLoadMode dflags3 srcs objs ---------------- Do the business ----------- handleSourceError (\e -> do GHC.printException e liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) $ do case postLoadMode of ShowInterface f -> liftIO $ doShowIface dflags3 f DoMake -> doMake srcs DoMkDependHS -> doMkDependHS (map fst srcs) StopBefore p -> liftIO (oneShot hsc_env p srcs) DoInteractive -> interactiveUI srcs Nothing DoEval exprs -> interactiveUI srcs $ Just $ reverse exprs DoAbiHash -> abiHash srcs liftIO $ dumpFinalStats dflags3 #ifndef GHCI interactiveUI :: b -> c -> Ghc () interactiveUI _ _ = ghcError (CmdLineError "not built for interactive use") #endif -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Splitting arguments into source files and object files. This is where we -- interpret the -x option, and attach a (Maybe Phase) to each source -- file indicating the phase specified by the -x option in force, if any. partition_args :: [String] -> [(String, Maybe Phase)] -> [String] -> ([(String, Maybe Phase)], [String]) partition_args [] srcs objs = (reverse srcs, reverse objs) partition_args ("-x":suff:args) srcs objs | "none" <- suff = partition_args args srcs objs | StopLn <- phase = partition_args args srcs (slurp ++ objs) | otherwise = partition_args rest (these_srcs ++ srcs) objs where phase = startPhase suff (slurp,rest) = break (== "-x") args these_srcs = zip slurp (repeat (Just phase)) partition_args (arg:args) srcs objs | looks_like_an_input arg = partition_args args ((arg,Nothing):srcs) objs | otherwise = partition_args args srcs (arg:objs) {- We split out the object files (.o, .dll) and add them to v_Ld_inputs for use by the linker. The following things should be considered compilation manager inputs: - haskell source files (strings ending in .hs, .lhs or other haskellish extension), - module names (not forgetting hierarchical module names), - and finally we consider everything not containing a '.' to be a comp manager input, as shorthand for a .hs or .lhs filename. Everything else is considered to be a linker object, and passed straight through to the linker. -} looks_like_an_input :: String -> Bool looks_like_an_input m = isSourceFilename m || looksLikeModuleName m || '.' `notElem` m -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Option sanity checks -- | Ensure sanity of options. -- -- Throws 'UsageError' or 'CmdLineError' if not. checkOptions :: PostLoadMode -> DynFlags -> [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> [String] -> IO () -- Final sanity checking before kicking off a compilation (pipeline). checkOptions mode dflags srcs objs = do -- Complain about any unknown flags let unknown_opts = [ f | (f@('-':_), _) <- srcs ] when (notNull unknown_opts) (unknownFlagsErr unknown_opts) when (notNull (filter isRTSWay (wayNames dflags)) && isInterpretiveMode mode) $ hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: -debug, -threaded and -ticky are ignored by GHCi") -- -prof and --interactive are not a good combination when (notNull (filter (not . isRTSWay) (wayNames dflags)) && isInterpretiveMode mode) $ do ghcError (UsageError "--interactive can't be used with -prof or -unreg.") -- -ohi sanity check if (isJust (outputHi dflags) && (isCompManagerMode mode || srcs `lengthExceeds` 1)) then ghcError (UsageError "-ohi can only be used when compiling a single source file") else do -- -o sanity checking if (srcs `lengthExceeds` 1 && isJust (outputFile dflags) && not (isLinkMode mode)) then ghcError (UsageError "can't apply -o to multiple source files") else do let not_linking = not (isLinkMode mode) || isNoLink (ghcLink dflags) when (not_linking && not (null objs)) $ hPutStrLn stderr ("Warning: the following files would be used as linker inputs, but linking is not being done: " ++ unwords objs) -- Check that there are some input files -- (except in the interactive case) if null srcs && (null objs || not_linking) && needsInputsMode mode then ghcError (UsageError "no input files") else do -- Verify that output files point somewhere sensible. verifyOutputFiles dflags -- Compiler output options -- called to verify that the output files & directories -- point somewhere valid. -- -- The assumption is that the directory portion of these output -- options will have to exist by the time 'verifyOutputFiles' -- is invoked. -- verifyOutputFiles :: DynFlags -> IO () verifyOutputFiles dflags = do -- not -odir: we create the directory for -odir if it doesn't exist (#2278). let ofile = outputFile dflags when (isJust ofile) $ do let fn = fromJust ofile flg <- doesDirNameExist fn when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-o" fn) let ohi = outputHi dflags when (isJust ohi) $ do let hi = fromJust ohi flg <- doesDirNameExist hi when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-ohi" hi) where nonExistentDir flg dir = ghcError (CmdLineError ("error: directory portion of " ++ show dir ++ " does not exist (used with " ++ show flg ++ " option.)")) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GHC modes of operation type Mode = Either PreStartupMode PostStartupMode type PostStartupMode = Either PreLoadMode PostLoadMode data PreStartupMode = ShowVersion -- ghc -V/--version | ShowNumVersion -- ghc --numeric-version | ShowSupportedExtensions -- ghc --supported-extensions | Print String -- ghc --print-foo showVersionMode, showNumVersionMode, showSupportedExtensionsMode :: Mode showVersionMode = mkPreStartupMode ShowVersion showNumVersionMode = mkPreStartupMode ShowNumVersion showSupportedExtensionsMode = mkPreStartupMode ShowSupportedExtensions mkPreStartupMode :: PreStartupMode -> Mode mkPreStartupMode = Left isShowVersionMode :: Mode -> Bool isShowVersionMode (Left ShowVersion) = True isShowVersionMode _ = False isShowNumVersionMode :: Mode -> Bool isShowNumVersionMode (Left ShowNumVersion) = True isShowNumVersionMode _ = False data PreLoadMode = ShowGhcUsage -- ghc -? | ShowGhciUsage -- ghci -? | ShowInfo -- ghc --info | PrintWithDynFlags (DynFlags -> String) -- ghc --print-foo showGhcUsageMode, showGhciUsageMode, showInfoMode :: Mode showGhcUsageMode = mkPreLoadMode ShowGhcUsage showGhciUsageMode = mkPreLoadMode ShowGhciUsage showInfoMode = mkPreLoadMode ShowInfo printSetting :: String -> Mode printSetting k = mkPreLoadMode (PrintWithDynFlags f) where f dflags = fromMaybe (panic ("Setting not found: " ++ show k)) $ lookup k (compilerInfo dflags) mkPreLoadMode :: PreLoadMode -> Mode mkPreLoadMode = Right . Left isShowGhcUsageMode :: Mode -> Bool isShowGhcUsageMode (Right (Left ShowGhcUsage)) = True isShowGhcUsageMode _ = False isShowGhciUsageMode :: Mode -> Bool isShowGhciUsageMode (Right (Left ShowGhciUsage)) = True isShowGhciUsageMode _ = False data PostLoadMode = ShowInterface FilePath -- ghc --show-iface | DoMkDependHS -- ghc -M | StopBefore Phase -- ghc -E | -C | -S -- StopBefore StopLn is the default | DoMake -- ghc --make | DoInteractive -- ghc --interactive | DoEval [String] -- ghc -e foo -e bar => DoEval ["bar", "foo"] | DoAbiHash -- ghc --abi-hash doMkDependHSMode, doMakeMode, doInteractiveMode, doAbiHashMode :: Mode doMkDependHSMode = mkPostLoadMode DoMkDependHS doMakeMode = mkPostLoadMode DoMake doInteractiveMode = mkPostLoadMode DoInteractive doAbiHashMode = mkPostLoadMode DoAbiHash showInterfaceMode :: FilePath -> Mode showInterfaceMode fp = mkPostLoadMode (ShowInterface fp) stopBeforeMode :: Phase -> Mode stopBeforeMode phase = mkPostLoadMode (StopBefore phase) doEvalMode :: String -> Mode doEvalMode str = mkPostLoadMode (DoEval [str]) mkPostLoadMode :: PostLoadMode -> Mode mkPostLoadMode = Right . Right isDoInteractiveMode :: Mode -> Bool isDoInteractiveMode (Right (Right DoInteractive)) = True isDoInteractiveMode _ = False isStopLnMode :: Mode -> Bool isStopLnMode (Right (Right (StopBefore StopLn))) = True isStopLnMode _ = False isDoMakeMode :: Mode -> Bool isDoMakeMode (Right (Right DoMake)) = True isDoMakeMode _ = False #ifdef GHCI isInteractiveMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool isInteractiveMode DoInteractive = True isInteractiveMode _ = False #endif -- isInterpretiveMode: byte-code compiler involved isInterpretiveMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool isInterpretiveMode DoInteractive = True isInterpretiveMode (DoEval _) = True isInterpretiveMode _ = False needsInputsMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool needsInputsMode DoMkDependHS = True needsInputsMode (StopBefore _) = True needsInputsMode DoMake = True needsInputsMode _ = False -- True if we are going to attempt to link in this mode. -- (we might not actually link, depending on the GhcLink flag) isLinkMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool isLinkMode (StopBefore StopLn) = True isLinkMode DoMake = True isLinkMode DoInteractive = True isLinkMode (DoEval _) = True isLinkMode _ = False isCompManagerMode :: PostLoadMode -> Bool isCompManagerMode DoMake = True isCompManagerMode DoInteractive = True isCompManagerMode (DoEval _) = True isCompManagerMode _ = False -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing the mode flag parseModeFlags :: [Located String] -> IO (Mode, [Located String], [Located String]) parseModeFlags args = do let ((leftover, errs1, warns), (mModeFlag, errs2, flags')) = runCmdLine (processArgs mode_flags args CmdLineOnly True) (Nothing, [], []) mode = case mModeFlag of Nothing -> doMakeMode Just (m, _) -> m errs = errs1 ++ map (mkGeneralLocated "on the commandline") errs2 when (not (null errs)) $ ghcError $ errorsToGhcException errs return (mode, flags' ++ leftover, warns) type ModeM = CmdLineP (Maybe (Mode, String), [String], [Located String]) -- mode flags sometimes give rise to new DynFlags (eg. -C, see below) -- so we collect the new ones and return them. mode_flags :: [Flag ModeM] mode_flags = [ ------- help / version ---------------------------------------------- flagC "?" (PassFlag (setMode showGhcUsageMode)) , flagC "-help" (PassFlag (setMode showGhcUsageMode)) , flagC "V" (PassFlag (setMode showVersionMode)) , flagC "-version" (PassFlag (setMode showVersionMode)) , flagC "-numeric-version" (PassFlag (setMode showNumVersionMode)) , flagC "-info" (PassFlag (setMode showInfoMode)) , flagC "-supported-languages" (PassFlag (setMode showSupportedExtensionsMode)) , flagC "-supported-extensions" (PassFlag (setMode showSupportedExtensionsMode)) ] ++ [ flagC k' (PassFlag (setMode (printSetting k))) | k <- ["Project version", "Booter version", "Stage", "Build platform", "Host platform", "Target platform", "Have interpreter", "Object splitting supported", "Have native code generator", "Support SMP", "Unregisterised", "Tables next to code", "RTS ways", "Leading underscore", "Debug on", "LibDir", "Global Package DB", "C compiler flags", "Gcc Linker flags", "Ld Linker flags"], let k' = "-print-" ++ map (replaceSpace . toLower) k replaceSpace ' ' = '-' replaceSpace c = c ] ++ ------- interfaces ---------------------------------------------------- [ flagC "-show-iface" (HasArg (\f -> setMode (showInterfaceMode f) "--show-iface")) ------- primary modes ------------------------------------------------ , flagC "c" (PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (stopBeforeMode StopLn) f addFlag "-no-link" f)) , flagC "M" (PassFlag (setMode doMkDependHSMode)) , flagC "E" (PassFlag (setMode (stopBeforeMode anyHsc))) , flagC "C" (PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (stopBeforeMode HCc) f addFlag "-fvia-C" f)) , flagC "S" (PassFlag (setMode (stopBeforeMode As))) , flagC "-make" (PassFlag (setMode doMakeMode)) , flagC "-interactive" (PassFlag (setMode doInteractiveMode)) , flagC "-abi-hash" (PassFlag (setMode doAbiHashMode)) , flagC "e" (SepArg (\s -> setMode (doEvalMode s) "-e")) ] setMode :: Mode -> String -> EwM ModeM () setMode newMode newFlag = liftEwM $ do (mModeFlag, errs, flags') <- getCmdLineState let (modeFlag', errs') = case mModeFlag of Nothing -> ((newMode, newFlag), errs) Just (oldMode, oldFlag) -> case (oldMode, newMode) of -- -c/--make are allowed together, and mean --make -no-link _ | isStopLnMode oldMode && isDoMakeMode newMode || isStopLnMode newMode && isDoMakeMode oldMode -> ((doMakeMode, "--make"), []) -- If we have both --help and --interactive then we -- want showGhciUsage _ | isShowGhcUsageMode oldMode && isDoInteractiveMode newMode -> ((showGhciUsageMode, oldFlag), []) | isShowGhcUsageMode newMode && isDoInteractiveMode oldMode -> ((showGhciUsageMode, newFlag), []) -- Otherwise, --help/--version/--numeric-version always win | isDominantFlag oldMode -> ((oldMode, oldFlag), []) | isDominantFlag newMode -> ((newMode, newFlag), []) -- We need to accumulate eval flags like "-e foo -e bar" (Right (Right (DoEval esOld)), Right (Right (DoEval [eNew]))) -> ((Right (Right (DoEval (eNew : esOld))), oldFlag), errs) -- Saying e.g. --interactive --interactive is OK _ | oldFlag == newFlag -> ((oldMode, oldFlag), errs) -- Otherwise, complain _ -> let err = flagMismatchErr oldFlag newFlag in ((oldMode, oldFlag), err : errs) putCmdLineState (Just modeFlag', errs', flags') where isDominantFlag f = isShowGhcUsageMode f || isShowGhciUsageMode f || isShowVersionMode f || isShowNumVersionMode f flagMismatchErr :: String -> String -> String flagMismatchErr oldFlag newFlag = "cannot use `" ++ oldFlag ++ "' with `" ++ newFlag ++ "'" addFlag :: String -> String -> EwM ModeM () addFlag s flag = liftEwM $ do (m, e, flags') <- getCmdLineState putCmdLineState (m, e, mkGeneralLocated loc s : flags') where loc = "addFlag by " ++ flag ++ " on the commandline" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Run --make mode doMake :: [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> Ghc () doMake srcs = do let (hs_srcs, non_hs_srcs) = partition haskellish srcs haskellish (f,Nothing) = looksLikeModuleName f || isHaskellSrcFilename f || '.' `notElem` f haskellish (_,Just phase) = phase `notElem` [As, Cc, Cobjc, Cobjcpp, CmmCpp, Cmm, StopLn] hsc_env <- GHC.getSession -- if we have no haskell sources from which to do a dependency -- analysis, then just do one-shot compilation and/or linking. -- This means that "ghc Foo.o Bar.o -o baz" links the program as -- we expect. if (null hs_srcs) then liftIO (oneShot hsc_env StopLn srcs) else do o_files <- mapM (\x -> liftIO $ compileFile hsc_env StopLn x) non_hs_srcs liftIO $ mapM_ (consIORef v_Ld_inputs) (reverse o_files) targets <- mapM (uncurry GHC.guessTarget) hs_srcs GHC.setTargets targets ok_flag <- GHC.load LoadAllTargets when (failed ok_flag) (liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) return () -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --show-iface mode doShowIface :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO () doShowIface dflags file = do hsc_env <- newHscEnv dflags showIface hsc_env file -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Various banners and verbosity output. showBanner :: PostLoadMode -> DynFlags -> IO () showBanner _postLoadMode dflags = do let verb = verbosity dflags #ifdef GHCI -- Show the GHCi banner when (isInteractiveMode _postLoadMode && verb >= 1) $ putStrLn ghciWelcomeMsg #endif -- Display details of the configuration in verbose mode when (verb >= 2) $ do hPutStr stderr "Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version " hPutStr stderr cProjectVersion hPutStr stderr ", stage " hPutStr stderr cStage hPutStr stderr " booted by GHC version " hPutStrLn stderr cBooterVersion -- We print out a Read-friendly string, but a prettier one than the -- Show instance gives us showInfo :: DynFlags -> IO () showInfo dflags = do let sq x = " [" ++ x ++ "\n ]" putStrLn $ sq $ intercalate "\n ," $ map show $ compilerInfo dflags showSupportedExtensions :: IO () showSupportedExtensions = mapM_ putStrLn supportedLanguagesAndExtensions showVersion :: IO () showVersion = putStrLn (cProjectName ++ ", version " ++ cProjectVersion) showGhcUsage :: DynFlags -> IO () showGhcUsage = showUsage False showGhciUsage :: DynFlags -> IO () showGhciUsage = showUsage True showUsage :: Bool -> DynFlags -> IO () showUsage ghci dflags = do let usage_path = if ghci then ghciUsagePath dflags else ghcUsagePath dflags usage <- readFile usage_path dump usage where dump "" = return () dump ('$':'$':s) = putStr progName >> dump s dump (c:s) = putChar c >> dump s dumpFinalStats :: DynFlags -> IO () dumpFinalStats dflags = when (dopt Opt_D_faststring_stats dflags) $ dumpFastStringStats dflags dumpFastStringStats :: DynFlags -> IO () dumpFastStringStats dflags = do buckets <- getFastStringTable let (entries, longest, is_z, has_z) = countFS 0 0 0 0 buckets msg = text "FastString stats:" $$ nest 4 (vcat [text "size: " <+> int (length buckets), text "entries: " <+> int entries, text "longest chain: " <+> int longest, text "z-encoded: " <+> (is_z `pcntOf` entries), text "has z-encoding: " <+> (has_z `pcntOf` entries) ]) -- we usually get more "has z-encoding" than "z-encoded", because -- when we z-encode a string it might hash to the exact same string, -- which will is not counted as "z-encoded". Only strings whose -- Z-encoding is different from the original string are counted in -- the "z-encoded" total. putMsg dflags msg where x `pcntOf` y = int ((x * 100) `quot` y) <> char '%' countFS :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [[FastString]] -> (Int, Int, Int, Int) countFS entries longest is_z has_z [] = (entries, longest, is_z, has_z) countFS entries longest is_z has_z (b:bs) = let len = length b longest' = max len longest entries' = entries + len is_zs = length (filter isZEncoded b) has_zs = length (filter hasZEncoding b) in countFS entries' longest' (is_z + is_zs) (has_z + has_zs) bs -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ABI hash support {- ghc --abi-hash Data.Foo System.Bar Generates a combined hash of the ABI for modules Data.Foo and System.Bar. The modules must already be compiled, and appropriate -i options may be necessary in order to find the .hi files. This is used by Cabal for generating the InstalledPackageId for a package. The InstalledPackageId must change when the visible ABI of the package chagnes, so during registration Cabal calls ghc --abi-hash to get a hash of the package's ABI. -} abiHash :: [(String, Maybe Phase)] -> Ghc () abiHash strs = do hsc_env <- getSession let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env liftIO $ do let find_it str = do let modname = mkModuleName str r <- findImportedModule hsc_env modname Nothing case r of Found _ m -> return m _error -> ghcError $ CmdLineError $ showSDoc $ cannotFindInterface dflags modname r mods <- mapM find_it (map fst strs) let get_iface modl = loadUserInterface False (text "abiHash") modl ifaces <- initIfaceCheck hsc_env $ mapM get_iface mods bh <- openBinMem (3*1024) -- just less than a block put_ bh opt_HiVersion -- package hashes change when the compiler version changes (for now) -- see #5328 mapM_ (put_ bh . mi_mod_hash) ifaces f <- fingerprintBinMem bh putStrLn (showSDoc (ppr f)) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Util unknownFlagsErr :: [String] -> a unknownFlagsErr fs = ghcError (UsageError ("unrecognised flags: " ++ unwords fs))