% % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1996 % %************************************************************************ %* * \section[HsCore]{Core-syntax unfoldings in Haskell interface files} %* * %************************************************************************ We could either use this, or parameterise @GenCoreExpr@ on @Types@ and @TyVars@ as well. Currently trying the former. \begin{code} #include "HsVersions.h" module HsCore ( -- types: UnfoldingCoreExpr(..), UnfoldingCoreAlts(..), UnfoldingCoreDefault(..), UnfoldingCoreBinding(..), UnfoldingCoreAtom(..), UfId(..), UnfoldingType(..), UnfoldingPrimOp(..), UfCostCentre(..), -- function: eqUfExpr ) where import Ubiq{-uitous-} -- friends: import HsTypes ( cmpPolyType, MonoType(..), PolyType(..) ) import PrimOp ( PrimOp, tagOf_PrimOp ) -- others: import Literal ( Literal ) import Outputable ( Outputable(..) {-instances-} ) import Pretty import ProtoName ( cmpProtoName, eqProtoName, ProtoName ) import Util ( panic ) \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[HsCore-types]{Types for read/written Core unfoldings} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} data UnfoldingCoreExpr name = UfVar (UfId name) | UfLit Literal | UfCon name -- must be a "BoringUfId"... [UnfoldingType name] [UnfoldingCoreAtom name] | UfPrim (UnfoldingPrimOp name) [UnfoldingType name] [UnfoldingCoreAtom name] | UfLam (UfBinder name) (UnfoldingCoreExpr name) | UfApp (UnfoldingCoreExpr name) (UnfoldingCoreAtom name) | UfCase (UnfoldingCoreExpr name) (UnfoldingCoreAlts name) | UfLet (UnfoldingCoreBinding name) (UnfoldingCoreExpr name) | UfSCC (UfCostCentre name) (UnfoldingCoreExpr name) data UnfoldingPrimOp name = UfCCallOp FAST_STRING -- callee Bool -- True <=> casm, rather than ccall Bool -- True <=> might cause GC [UnfoldingType name] -- arg types, incl state token -- (which will be first) (UnfoldingType name) -- return type | UfOtherOp PrimOp data UnfoldingCoreAlts name = UfCoAlgAlts [(name, [UfBinder name], UnfoldingCoreExpr name)] (UnfoldingCoreDefault name) | UfCoPrimAlts [(Literal, UnfoldingCoreExpr name)] (UnfoldingCoreDefault name) data UnfoldingCoreDefault name = UfCoNoDefault | UfCoBindDefault (UfBinder name) (UnfoldingCoreExpr name) data UnfoldingCoreBinding name = UfCoNonRec (UfBinder name) (UnfoldingCoreExpr name) | UfCoRec [(UfBinder name, UnfoldingCoreExpr name)] data UnfoldingCoreAtom name = UfCoVarAtom (UfId name) | UfCoLitAtom Literal data UfCostCentre name = UfPreludeDictsCC Bool -- True <=> is dupd | UfAllDictsCC FAST_STRING -- module and group FAST_STRING Bool -- True <=> is dupd | UfUserCC FAST_STRING FAST_STRING FAST_STRING -- module and group Bool -- True <=> is dupd Bool -- True <=> is CAF | UfAutoCC (UfId name) FAST_STRING FAST_STRING -- module and group Bool Bool -- as above | UfDictCC (UfId name) FAST_STRING FAST_STRING -- module and group Bool Bool -- as above type UfBinder name = (name, UnfoldingType name) data UfId name = BoringUfId name | SuperDictSelUfId name name -- class and superclass | ClassOpUfId name name -- class and class op | DictFunUfId name -- class and type (UnfoldingType name) | ConstMethodUfId name name -- class, class op, and type (UnfoldingType name) | DefaultMethodUfId name name -- class and class op | SpecUfId (UfId name) -- its unspecialised "parent" [Maybe (MonoType name)] | WorkerUfId (UfId name) -- its non-working "parent" -- more to come? type UnfoldingType name = PolyType name \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[HsCore-print]{Printing Core unfoldings} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} instance Outputable name => Outputable (UnfoldingCoreExpr name) where ppr sty (UfVar v) = pprUfId sty v ppr sty (UfLit l) = ppr sty l ppr sty (UfCon c tys as) = ppCat [ppStr "(UfCon", ppr sty c, ppr sty tys, ppr sty as, ppStr ")"] ppr sty (UfPrim o tys as) = ppCat [ppStr "(UfPrim", ppr sty o, ppr sty tys, ppr sty as, ppStr ")"] ppr sty (UfLam bs body) = ppCat [ppChar '\\', ppr sty bs, ppStr "->", ppr sty body] ppr sty (UfApp fun arg) = ppCat [ppStr "(UfApp", ppr sty fun, ppr sty arg, ppStr ")"] ppr sty (UfCase scrut alts) = ppCat [ppStr "case", ppr sty scrut, ppStr "of {", pp_alts alts, ppStr "}"] where pp_alts (UfCoAlgAlts alts deflt) = ppCat [ppInterleave ppSemi (map pp_alt alts), pp_deflt deflt] where pp_alt (c,bs,rhs) = ppCat [ppr sty c, ppr sty bs, ppStr "->", ppr sty rhs] pp_alts (UfCoPrimAlts alts deflt) = ppCat [ppInterleave ppSemi (map pp_alt alts), pp_deflt deflt] where pp_alt (l,rhs) = ppCat [ppr sty l, ppStr "->", ppr sty rhs] pp_deflt UfCoNoDefault = ppNil pp_deflt (UfCoBindDefault b rhs) = ppCat [ppr sty b, ppStr "->", ppr sty rhs] ppr sty (UfLet (UfCoNonRec b rhs) body) = ppCat [ppStr "let", ppr sty b, ppEquals, ppr sty rhs, ppStr "in", ppr sty body] ppr sty (UfLet (UfCoRec pairs) body) = ppCat [ppStr "letrec {", ppInterleave ppSemi (map pp_pair pairs), ppStr "} in", ppr sty body] where pp_pair (b,rhs) = ppCat [ppr sty b, ppEquals, ppr sty rhs] ppr sty (UfSCC uf_cc body) = ppCat [ppStr "_scc_ ", ppr sty body] instance Outputable name => Outputable (UnfoldingPrimOp name) where ppr sty (UfCCallOp str is_casm can_gc arg_tys result_ty) = let before = ppStr (if is_casm then "_casm_ ``" else "_ccall_ ") after = if is_casm then ppStr "'' " else ppSP in ppBesides [before, ppPStr str, after, ppLbrack, ppr sty arg_tys, ppRbrack, ppSP, ppr sty result_ty] ppr sty (UfOtherOp op) = ppr sty op instance Outputable name => Outputable (UnfoldingCoreAtom name) where ppr sty (UfCoVarAtom v) = pprUfId sty v ppr sty (UfCoLitAtom l) = ppr sty l pprUfId sty (BoringUfId v) = ppr sty v pprUfId sty (SuperDictSelUfId c sc) = ppBesides [ppStr "({-superdict-}", ppr sty c, ppSP, ppr sty sc, ppStr ")"] pprUfId sty (ClassOpUfId c op) = ppBesides [ppStr "({-method-}", ppr sty c, ppSP, ppr sty op, ppStr ")"] pprUfId sty (DictFunUfId c ty) = ppBesides [ppStr "({-dfun-}", ppr sty c, ppSP, ppr sty ty, ppStr ")"] pprUfId sty (ConstMethodUfId c op ty) = ppBesides [ppStr "({-constm-}", ppr sty c, ppSP, ppr sty op, ppSP, ppr sty ty, ppStr ")"] pprUfId sty (DefaultMethodUfId c ty) = ppBesides [ppStr "({-defm-}", ppr sty c, ppSP, ppr sty ty, ppStr ")"] pprUfId sty (SpecUfId unspec ty_maybes) = ppBesides [ppStr "({-spec-} ", pprUfId sty unspec, ppInterleave ppSP (map pp_ty_maybe ty_maybes), ppStr ")"] where pp_ty_maybe Nothing = ppStr "_N_" pp_ty_maybe (Just t) = ppr sty t pprUfId sty (WorkerUfId unwrkr) = ppBesides [ppStr "({-wrkr-}", pprUfId sty unwrkr, ppStr ")"] \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[HsCore-equality]{Comparing Core unfoldings} %* * %************************************************************************ We want to check that they are {\em exactly} the same. \begin{code} --eqUfExpr :: ProtoNameCoreExpr -> ProtoNameCoreExpr -> Bool eqUfExpr (UfVar v1) (UfVar v2) = eqUfId v1 v2 eqUfExpr (UfLit l1) (UfLit l2) = l1 == l2 eqUfExpr (UfCon c1 tys1 as1) (UfCon c2 tys2 as2) = eq_name c1 c2 && eq_lists eq_type tys1 tys2 && eq_lists eq_atom as1 as2 eqUfExpr (UfPrim o1 tys1 as1) (UfPrim o2 tys2 as2) = eq_op o1 o2 && eq_lists eq_type tys1 tys2 && eq_lists eq_atom as1 as2 where eq_op (UfCCallOp _ _ _ _ _) (UfCCallOp _ _ _ _ _) = True eq_op (UfOtherOp o1) (UfOtherOp o2) = tagOf_PrimOp o1 _EQ_ tagOf_PrimOp o2 eqUfExpr (UfLam bs1 body1) (UfLam bs2 body2) = eq_binder bs1 bs2 && eqUfExpr body1 body2 eqUfExpr (UfApp fun1 arg1) (UfApp fun2 arg2) = eqUfExpr fun1 fun2 && eq_atom arg1 arg2 eqUfExpr (UfCase scrut1 alts1) (UfCase scrut2 alts2) = eqUfExpr scrut1 scrut2 && eq_alts alts1 alts2 where eq_alts (UfCoAlgAlts alts1 deflt1) (UfCoAlgAlts alts2 deflt2) = eq_lists eq_alt alts1 alts2 && eq_deflt deflt1 deflt2 where eq_alt (c1,bs1,rhs1) (c2,bs2,rhs2) = eq_name c1 c2 && eq_lists eq_binder bs1 bs2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2 eq_alts (UfCoPrimAlts alts1 deflt1) (UfCoPrimAlts alts2 deflt2) = eq_lists eq_alt alts1 alts2 && eq_deflt deflt1 deflt2 where eq_alt (l1,rhs1) (l2,rhs2) = l1 == l2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2 eq_alts _ _ = False -- catch-all eq_deflt UfCoNoDefault UfCoNoDefault = True eq_deflt (UfCoBindDefault b1 rhs1) (UfCoBindDefault b2 rhs2) = eq_binder b1 b2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2 eq_deflt _ _ = False eqUfExpr (UfLet (UfCoNonRec b1 rhs1) body1) (UfLet (UfCoNonRec b2 rhs2) body2) = eq_binder b1 b2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2 && eqUfExpr body1 body2 eqUfExpr (UfLet (UfCoRec pairs1) body1) (UfLet (UfCoRec pairs2) body2) = eq_lists eq_pair pairs1 pairs2 && eqUfExpr body1 body2 where eq_pair (b1,rhs1) (b2,rhs2) = eq_binder b1 b2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2 eqUfExpr (UfSCC cc1 body1) (UfSCC cc2 body2) = {-trace "eqUfExpr: not comparing cost-centres!"-} (eqUfExpr body1 body2) eqUfExpr _ _ = False -- Catch-all \end{code} \begin{code} eqUfId (BoringUfId n1) (BoringUfId n2) = eq_name n1 n2 eqUfId (SuperDictSelUfId a1 b1) (SuperDictSelUfId a2 b2) = eq_name a1 a2 && eq_name b1 b2 eqUfId (ClassOpUfId a1 b1) (ClassOpUfId a2 b2) = eq_name a1 a2 && eq_name b1 b2 eqUfId (DictFunUfId c1 t1) (DictFunUfId c2 t2) = eq_name c1 c2 && eq_tycon t1 t2 -- NB: **** only compare TyCons ****** where eq_tycon = panic "HsCore:eqUfId:eq_tycon:ToDo" {- LATER: eq_tycon (UnoverloadedTy ty1) (UnoverloadedTy ty2) = case (cmpInstanceTypes ty1 ty2) of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False } eq_tycon ty1 ty2 = trace "eq_tycon" (eq_type ty1 ty2) -- desperately try something else -} eqUfId (ConstMethodUfId a1 b1 t1) (ConstMethodUfId a2 b2 t2) = eq_name a1 a2 && eq_name b1 b2 && eq_type t1 t2 eqUfId (DefaultMethodUfId a1 b1) (DefaultMethodUfId a2 b2) = eq_name a1 a2 && eq_name b1 b2 eqUfId (SpecUfId id1 tms1) (SpecUfId id2 tms2) = eqUfId id1 id2 && eq_lists eq_ty_maybe tms1 tms2 where eq_ty_maybe = panic "HsCore:eqUfId:eq_ty_maybe:ToDo" {- eq_ty_maybe Nothing Nothing = True eq_ty_maybe (Just ty1) (Just ty2) = eq_type (UnoverloadedTy ty1) (UnoverloadedTy ty2) -- a HACKy way to compare MonoTypes (ToDo) [WDP 94/05/02] eq_ty_maybe _ _ = False -} eqUfId (WorkerUfId id1) (WorkerUfId id2) = eqUfId id1 id2 eqUfId _ _ = False -- catch-all \end{code} \begin{code} eq_atom (UfCoVarAtom id1) (UfCoVarAtom id2) = eqUfId id1 id2 eq_atom (UfCoLitAtom l1) (UfCoLitAtom l2) = l1 == l2 eq_atom _ _ = False eq_binder (n1, ty1) (n2, ty2) = eq_name n1 n2 && eq_type ty1 ty2 eq_name :: ProtoName -> ProtoName -> Bool eq_name pn1 pn2 = eqProtoName pn1 pn2 -- uses original names eq_type ty1 ty2 = case (cmpPolyType cmpProtoName ty1 ty2) of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False } \end{code} \begin{code} eq_lists :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool eq_lists eq [] [] = True eq_lists eq [] _ = False eq_lists eq _ [] = False eq_lists eq (x:xs) (y:ys) = eq x y && eq_lists eq xs ys \end{code}