{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -optc-DNON_POSIX_SOURCE #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.90 2001/10/26 00:53:27 sof Exp $ -- -- GHC Driver program -- -- (c) Simon Marlow 2000 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- with path so that ghc -M can find config.h #include "../includes/config.h" module Main (main) where #include "HsVersions.h" #ifdef GHCI import InteractiveUI(ghciWelcomeMsg, interactiveUI) #endif import Finder ( initFinder ) import CompManager ( cmInit, cmLoadModule ) import HscTypes ( GhciMode(..) ) import Config ( cBooterVersion, cGhcUnregisterised, cProjectVersion ) import SysTools ( getPackageConfigPath, initSysTools, cleanTempFiles ) import Packages ( showPackages ) import DriverPipeline ( GhcMode(..), doLink, doMkDLL, genPipeline, getGhcMode, pipeLoop, v_GhcMode ) import DriverState ( buildCoreToDo, buildStgToDo, defaultHscLang, findBuildTag, getPackageInfo, unregFlags, v_Cmdline_libraries, v_Keep_tmp_files, v_Ld_inputs, v_OptLevel, v_Output_file, v_Output_hi, v_Package_details, v_Ways, getPackageExtraGhcOpts, readPackageConf ) import DriverFlags ( dynFlag, buildStaticHscOpts, dynamic_flags, processArgs, static_flags) import DriverMkDepend ( beginMkDependHS, endMkDependHS ) import DriverPhases ( Phase(HsPp, Hsc, HCc), haskellish_src_file, objish_file ) import DriverUtil ( add, handle, handleDyn, later, splitFilename, unknownFlagErr, getFileSuffix ) import CmdLineOpts ( dynFlag, defaultDynFlags, restoreDynFlags, saveDynFlags, setDynFlags, DynFlags(..), HscLang(..), v_Static_hsc_opts ) import Outputable import Util import Panic ( GhcException(..), panic ) -- Standard Haskell libraries import IO import Directory ( doesFileExist ) import IOExts ( readIORef, writeIORef ) import Exception ( throwDyn, Exception(..) ) import System ( getArgs, exitWith, ExitCode(..) ) import Monad import List import Maybe #ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS import Concurrent ( myThreadId ) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 500 import Exception ( raiseInThread ) #define throwTo raiseInThread #else import Exception ( throwTo ) #endif import Posix ( Handler(Catch), installHandler, sigINT, sigQUIT ) import Dynamic ( toDyn ) #endif ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Changes: -- * -fglasgow-exts NO LONGER IMPLIES -package lang!!! (-fglasgow-exts is a -- dynamic flag whereas -package is a static flag.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ToDo: -- new mkdependHS doesn't support all the options that the old one did (-X et al.) -- time commands when run with -v -- split marker -- java generation -- user ways -- Win32 support: proper signal handling -- make sure OPTIONS in .hs file propogate to .hc file if -C or -keep-hc-file-too -- reading the package configuration file is too slow -- -K ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Differences vs. old driver: -- No more "Enter your Haskell program, end with ^D (on a line of its own):" -- consistency checking removed (may do this properly later) -- removed -noC -- no -Ofile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main loop main = -- top-level exception handler: any unrecognised exception is a compiler bug. handle (\exception -> do case exception of -- an IO exception probably isn't our fault, so don't panic IOException _ -> hPutStr stderr (show exception) _other -> hPutStr stderr (show (Panic (show exception))) exitWith (ExitFailure 1) ) $ do -- all error messages are propagated as exceptions handleDyn (\dyn -> case dyn of PhaseFailed _phase code -> exitWith code Interrupted -> exitWith (ExitFailure 1) _ -> do hPutStrLn stderr (show (dyn :: GhcException)) exitWith (ExitFailure 1) ) $ do -- make sure we clean up after ourselves later (do forget_it <- readIORef v_Keep_tmp_files unless forget_it $ do verb <- dynFlag verbosity cleanTempFiles verb ) $ do -- exceptions will be blocked while we clean the temporary files, -- so there shouldn't be any difficulty if we receive further -- signals. -- install signal handlers #ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS main_thread <- myThreadId let sig_handler = Catch (throwTo main_thread (DynException (toDyn Interrupted))) installHandler sigQUIT sig_handler Nothing installHandler sigINT sig_handler Nothing #endif argv <- getArgs let (minusB_args, argv') = partition (prefixMatch "-B") argv top_dir <- initSysTools minusB_args -- Read the package configuration conf_file <- getPackageConfigPath readPackageConf conf_file -- find the phase to stop after (i.e. -E, -C, -c, -S flags) (flags2, mode, stop_flag) <- getGhcMode argv' writeIORef v_GhcMode mode -- process all the other arguments, and get the source files non_static <- processArgs static_flags flags2 [] -- -O and --interactive are not a good combination -- ditto with any kind of way selection orig_opt_level <- readIORef v_OptLevel when (orig_opt_level > 0 && mode == DoInteractive) $ do putStr "warning: -O conflicts with --interactive; -O turned off.\n" writeIORef v_OptLevel 0 orig_ways <- readIORef v_Ways when (not (null orig_ways) && mode == DoInteractive) $ do throwDyn (UsageError "--interactive can't be used with -prof, -ticky, -unreg or -smp.") -- Find the build tag, and re-process the build-specific options. -- Also add in flags for unregisterised compilation, if -- GhcUnregisterised=YES. way_opts <- findBuildTag let unreg_opts | cGhcUnregisterised == "YES" = unregFlags | otherwise = [] pkg_extra_opts <- getPackageExtraGhcOpts extra_non_static <- processArgs static_flags (unreg_opts ++ way_opts ++ pkg_extra_opts) [] -- give the static flags to hsc static_opts <- buildStaticHscOpts writeIORef v_Static_hsc_opts static_opts -- build the default DynFlags (these may be adjusted on a per -- module basis by OPTIONS pragmas and settings in the interpreter). core_todo <- buildCoreToDo stg_todo <- buildStgToDo -- set the "global" HscLang. The HscLang can be further adjusted on a module -- by module basis, using only the -fvia-C and -fasm flags. If the global -- HscLang is not HscC or HscAsm, -fvia-C and -fasm have no effect. opt_level <- readIORef v_OptLevel let lang = case mode of StopBefore HCc -> HscC DoInteractive -> HscInterpreted _other | opt_level >= 1 -> HscC -- -O implies -fvia-C | otherwise -> defaultHscLang setDynFlags (defaultDynFlags{ coreToDo = core_todo, stgToDo = stg_todo, hscLang = lang, -- leave out hscOutName for now hscOutName = panic "Main.main:hscOutName not set", verbosity = 1 }) -- the rest of the arguments are "dynamic" srcs <- processArgs dynamic_flags (extra_non_static ++ non_static) [] -- save the "initial DynFlags" away saveDynFlags -- complain about any unknown flags mapM unknownFlagErr [ f | f@('-':_) <- srcs ] verb <- dynFlag verbosity -- Show the GHCi banner # ifdef GHCI when (mode == DoInteractive && verb >= 1) $ hPutStrLn stdout ghciWelcomeMsg # endif -- Display details of the configuration in verbose mode when (verb >= 2) (do hPutStr stderr "Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version " hPutStr stderr cProjectVersion hPutStr stderr ", for Haskell 98, compiled by GHC version " hPutStrLn stderr cBooterVersion) when (verb >= 2) (hPutStrLn stderr ("Using package config file: " ++ conf_file)) pkg_details <- readIORef v_Package_details showPackages pkg_details when (verb >= 3) (hPutStrLn stderr ("Hsc static flags: " ++ unwords static_opts)) -- initialise the finder pkg_avails <- getPackageInfo initFinder pkg_avails -- mkdependHS is special when (mode == DoMkDependHS) beginMkDependHS -- -ohi sanity checking ohi <- readIORef v_Output_hi if (isJust ohi && (mode == DoMake || mode == DoInteractive || srcs `lengthExceeds` 1)) then throwDyn (UsageError "-ohi can only be used when compiling a single source file") else do -- make/interactive require invoking the compilation manager if (mode == DoMake) then beginMake srcs else do if (mode == DoInteractive) then beginInteractive srcs else do -- -o sanity checking o_file <- readIORef v_Output_file if (srcs `lengthExceeds` 1 && isJust o_file && mode /= DoLink && mode /= DoMkDLL) then throwDyn (UsageError "can't apply -o to multiple source files") else do if null srcs then throwDyn (UsageError "no input files") else do let compileFile src = do restoreDynFlags exists <- doesFileExist src when (not exists) $ throwDyn (CmdLineError ("file `" ++ src ++ "' does not exist")) -- We compile in two stages, because the file may have an -- OPTIONS pragma that affects the compilation pipeline (eg. -fvia-C) let (basename, suffix) = splitFilename src -- just preprocess (Haskell source only) let src_and_suff = (src, getFileSuffix src) let not_hs_file = not (haskellish_src_file src) pp <- if not_hs_file || mode == StopBefore Hsc || mode == StopBefore HsPp then return src_and_suff else do phases <- genPipeline (StopBefore Hsc) stop_flag False{-not persistent-} defaultHscLang src_and_suff pipeLoop phases src_and_suff False{-no linking-} False{-no -o flag-} basename suffix -- rest of compilation hsc_lang <- dynFlag hscLang phases <- genPipeline mode stop_flag True hsc_lang pp (r,_) <- pipeLoop phases pp (mode==DoLink || mode==DoMkDLL) True{-use -o flag-} basename suffix return r o_files <- mapM compileFile srcs when (mode == DoMkDependHS) endMkDependHS when (mode == DoLink) (doLink o_files) when (mode == DoMkDLL) (doMkDLL o_files) beginMake :: [String] -> IO () beginMake fileish_args = do let (objs, mods) = partition objish_file fileish_args mapM (add v_Ld_inputs) objs case mods of [] -> throwDyn (UsageError "no input files") mod -> do state <- cmInit Batch (_, ok, _) <- cmLoadModule state mods when (not ok) (exitWith (ExitFailure 1)) return () beginInteractive :: [String] -> IO () #ifndef GHCI beginInteractive = throwDyn (CmdLineError "not built for interactive use") #else beginInteractive fileish_args = do minus_ls <- readIORef v_Cmdline_libraries let (objs, mods) = partition objish_file fileish_args libs = map Left objs ++ map Right minus_ls state <- cmInit Interactive interactiveUI state mods libs #endif