% % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 % \section[CoreRules]{Transformation rules} \begin{code} module Rules ( RuleBase, emptyRuleBase, mkRuleBase, extendRuleBaseList, unionRuleBase, pprRuleBase, ruleCheckProgram, mkSpecInfo, extendSpecInfo, addSpecInfo, rulesOfBinds, addIdSpecialisations, lookupRule, mkLocalRule, roughTopNames ) where #include "HsVersions.h" import CoreSyn -- All of it import OccurAnal ( occurAnalyseExpr ) import CoreFVs ( exprFreeVars, exprsFreeVars, rulesRhsFreeVars ) import CoreUnfold ( isCheapUnfolding, unfoldingTemplate ) import CoreUtils ( tcEqExprX ) import PprCore ( pprRules ) import Type ( Type ) import TcType ( tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ) import CoreTidy ( tidyRules ) import Id ( Id, idUnfolding, isLocalId, isGlobalId, idName, idSpecialisation, idCoreRules, setIdSpecialisation ) import IdInfo ( SpecInfo( SpecInfo ) ) import Var ( Var ) import VarEnv ( IdEnv, TyVarEnv, InScopeSet, emptyTidyEnv, emptyInScopeSet, mkInScopeSet, extendInScopeSetList, emptyVarEnv, lookupVarEnv, extendVarEnv, nukeRnEnvL, mkRnEnv2, rnOccR, rnOccL, inRnEnvR, rnBndrR, rnBndr2, rnBndrL, rnBndrs2 ) import VarSet import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..), nameOccName ) import NameEnv import Unify ( tcMatchTyX, MatchEnv(..) ) import BasicTypes ( Activation, CompilerPhase, isActive ) import Outputable import FastString import Maybe ( isJust ) import Bag import Util ( singleton ) import List ( isPrefixOf ) \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[specialisation-IdInfo]{Specialisation info about an @Id@} %* * %************************************************************************ A @CoreRule@ holds details of one rule for an @Id@, which includes its specialisations. For example, if a rule for @f@ contains the mapping: \begin{verbatim} forall a b d. [Type (List a), Type b, Var d] ===> f' a b \end{verbatim} then when we find an application of f to matching types, we simply replace it by the matching RHS: \begin{verbatim} f (List Int) Bool dict ===> f' Int Bool \end{verbatim} All the stuff about how many dictionaries to discard, and what types to apply the specialised function to, are handled by the fact that the Rule contains a template for the result of the specialisation. There is one more exciting case, which is dealt with in exactly the same way. If the specialised value is unboxed then it is lifted at its definition site and unlifted at its uses. For example: pi :: forall a. Num a => a might have a specialisation [Int#] ===> (case pi' of Lift pi# -> pi#) where pi' :: Lift Int# is the specialised version of pi. \begin{code} mkLocalRule :: RuleName -> Activation -> Name -> [CoreBndr] -> [CoreExpr] -> CoreExpr -> CoreRule -- Used to make CoreRule for an Id defined in this module mkLocalRule name act fn bndrs args rhs = Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn, ru_act = act, ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs, ru_rough = roughTopNames args, ru_orph = Just (nameOccName fn), ru_local = True } -------------- roughTopNames :: [CoreExpr] -> [Maybe Name] roughTopNames args = map roughTopName args roughTopName :: CoreExpr -> Maybe Name -- Find the "top" free name of an expression -- a) the function in an App chain (if a GlobalId) -- b) the TyCon in a type -- This is used for the fast-match-check for rules; -- if the top names don't match, the rest can't roughTopName (Type ty) = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of Just (tc,_) -> Just (getName tc) Nothing -> Nothing roughTopName (App f a) = roughTopName f roughTopName (Var f) | isGlobalId f = Just (idName f) | otherwise = Nothing roughTopName other = Nothing ruleCantMatch :: [Maybe Name] -> [Maybe Name] -> Bool -- (ruleCantMatch tpl actual) returns True only if 'actual' -- definitely can't match 'tpl' by instantiating 'tpl'. -- It's only a one-way match; unlike instance matching we -- don't consider unification ruleCantMatch (Just n1 : ts) (Just n2 : as) = n1 /= n2 || ruleCantMatch ts as ruleCantMatch (Just n1 : ts) (Nothing : as) = True ruleCantMatch (t : ts) (a : as) = ruleCantMatch ts as ruleCantMatch ts as = False \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * SpecInfo: the rules in an IdInfo %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} mkSpecInfo :: [CoreRule] -> SpecInfo mkSpecInfo rules = SpecInfo rules (rulesRhsFreeVars rules) extendSpecInfo :: SpecInfo -> [CoreRule] -> SpecInfo extendSpecInfo (SpecInfo rs1 fvs1) rs2 = SpecInfo (rs2 ++ rs1) (rulesRhsFreeVars rs2 `unionVarSet` fvs1) addSpecInfo :: SpecInfo -> SpecInfo -> SpecInfo addSpecInfo (SpecInfo rs1 fvs1) (SpecInfo rs2 fvs2) = SpecInfo (rs1 ++ rs2) (fvs1 `unionVarSet` fvs2) addIdSpecialisations :: Id -> [CoreRule] -> Id addIdSpecialisations id rules = setIdSpecialisation id $ extendSpecInfo (idSpecialisation id) rules rulesOfBinds :: [CoreBind] -> [CoreRule] rulesOfBinds binds = concatMap (concatMap idCoreRules . bindersOf) binds \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * RuleBase %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} type RuleBase = NameEnv [CoreRule] -- Maps (the name of) an Id to its rules -- The rules are are unordered; -- we sort out any overlaps on lookup emptyRuleBase = emptyNameEnv mkRuleBase :: [CoreRule] -> RuleBase mkRuleBase rules = extendRuleBaseList emptyRuleBase rules extendRuleBaseList :: RuleBase -> [CoreRule] -> RuleBase extendRuleBaseList rule_base new_guys = foldl extendRuleBase rule_base new_guys unionRuleBase :: RuleBase -> RuleBase -> RuleBase unionRuleBase rb1 rb2 = plusNameEnv_C (++) rb1 rb2 extendRuleBase :: RuleBase -> CoreRule -> RuleBase extendRuleBase rule_base rule = extendNameEnv_Acc (:) singleton rule_base (ruleIdName rule) rule pprRuleBase :: RuleBase -> SDoc pprRuleBase rules = vcat [ pprRules (tidyRules emptyTidyEnv rs) | rs <- nameEnvElts rules ] \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Matching} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code} lookupRule :: (Activation -> Bool) -> InScopeSet -> RuleBase -- Imported rules -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> Maybe (RuleName, CoreExpr) lookupRule is_active in_scope rule_base fn args = matchRules is_active in_scope fn args rules where rules | isLocalId fn = idCoreRules fn | otherwise = case lookupNameEnv rule_base (idName fn) of Just rules -> rules Nothing -> [] matchRules :: (Activation -> Bool) -> InScopeSet -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreRule] -> Maybe (RuleName, CoreExpr) -- See comments on matchRule matchRules is_active in_scope fn args rules = case go [] rules of [] -> Nothing (m:ms) -> Just (case findBest (fn,args) m ms of (rule, ans) -> (ru_name rule, ans)) where rough_args = map roughTopName args go :: [(CoreRule,CoreExpr)] -> [CoreRule] -> [(CoreRule,CoreExpr)] go ms [] = ms go ms (r:rs) = case (matchRule is_active in_scope args rough_args r) of Just e -> go ((r,e):ms) rs Nothing -> go ms rs findBest :: (Id, [CoreExpr]) -> (CoreRule,CoreExpr) -> [(CoreRule,CoreExpr)] -> (CoreRule,CoreExpr) -- All these pairs matched the expression -- Return the pair the the most specific rule -- The (fn,args) is just for overlap reporting findBest target (rule,ans) [] = (rule,ans) findBest target (rule1,ans1) ((rule2,ans2):prs) | rule1 `isMoreSpecific` rule2 = findBest target (rule1,ans1) prs | rule2 `isMoreSpecific` rule1 = findBest target (rule1,ans1) prs #ifdef DEBUG | otherwise = pprTrace "Rules.findBest: rule overlap (Rule 1 wins)" (vcat [ptext SLIT("Expression to match:") <+> ppr fn <+> sep (map ppr args), ptext SLIT("Rule 1:") <+> ppr rule1, ptext SLIT("Rule 2:") <+> ppr rule2]) $ findBest target (rule1,ans1) prs #else | otherwise = findBest target (rule1,ans1) prs #endif where (fn,args) = target isMoreSpecific :: CoreRule -> CoreRule -> Bool isMoreSpecific (BuiltinRule {}) r2 = True isMoreSpecific r1 (BuiltinRule {}) = False isMoreSpecific (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs1, ru_args = args1 }) (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs2, ru_args = args2 }) = isJust (matchN in_scope bndrs2 args2 args1) where in_scope = mkInScopeSet (mkVarSet bndrs1) -- Actually we should probably include the free vars -- of rule1's args, but I can't be bothered noBlackList :: Activation -> Bool noBlackList act = False -- Nothing is black listed matchRule :: (Activation -> Bool) -> InScopeSet -> [CoreExpr] -> [Maybe Name] -> CoreRule -> Maybe CoreExpr -- If (matchRule rule args) returns Just (name,rhs) -- then (f args) matches the rule, and the corresponding -- rewritten RHS is rhs -- -- The bndrs and rhs is occurrence-analysed -- -- Example -- -- The rule -- forall f g x. map f (map g x) ==> map (f . g) x -- is stored -- CoreRule "map/map" -- [f,g,x] -- tpl_vars -- [f,map g x] -- tpl_args -- map (f.g) x) -- rhs -- -- Then the call: matchRule the_rule [e1,map e2 e3] -- = Just ("map/map", (\f,g,x -> rhs) e1 e2 e3) -- -- Any 'surplus' arguments in the input are simply put on the end -- of the output. matchRule is_active in_scope args rough_args (BuiltinRule { ru_name = name, ru_try = match_fn }) = case match_fn args of Just expr -> Just expr Nothing -> Nothing matchRule is_active in_scope args rough_args (Rule { ru_name = rn, ru_act = act, ru_rough = tpl_tops, ru_bndrs = tpl_vars, ru_args = tpl_args, ru_rhs = rhs }) | not (is_active act) = Nothing | ruleCantMatch tpl_tops rough_args = Nothing | otherwise = case matchN in_scope tpl_vars tpl_args args of Nothing -> Nothing Just (tpl_vals, leftovers) -> Just (rule_fn `mkApps` tpl_vals `mkApps` leftovers) where rule_fn = occurAnalyseExpr (mkLams tpl_vars rhs) -- We could do this when putting things into the rulebase, I guess \end{code} \begin{code} matchN :: InScopeSet -> [Var] -- Template tyvars -> [CoreExpr] -- Template -> [CoreExpr] -- Target; can have more elts than template -> Maybe ([CoreExpr], -- What is substituted for each template var [CoreExpr]) -- Leftover target exprs matchN in_scope tmpl_vars tmpl_es target_es = do { (subst, leftover_es) <- go init_menv emptySubstEnv tmpl_es target_es ; return (map (lookup_tmpl subst) tmpl_vars, leftover_es) } where init_menv = ME { me_tmpls = mkVarSet tmpl_vars, me_env = init_rn_env } init_rn_env = mkRnEnv2 (extendInScopeSetList in_scope tmpl_vars) go menv subst [] es = Just (subst, es) go menv subst ts [] = Nothing -- Fail if too few actual args go menv subst (t:ts) (e:es) = do { subst1 <- match menv subst t e ; go menv subst1 ts es } lookup_tmpl :: (TvSubstEnv, IdSubstEnv) -> Var -> CoreExpr lookup_tmpl (tv_subst, id_subst) tmpl_var | isTyVar tmpl_var = case lookupVarEnv tv_subst tmpl_var of Just ty -> Type ty Nothing -> unbound tmpl_var | otherwise = case lookupVarEnv id_subst tmpl_var of Just e -> e other -> unbound tmpl_var unbound var = pprPanic "Template variable unbound in rewrite rule" (ppr var) \end{code} --------------------------------------------- The inner workings of matching --------------------------------------------- \begin{code} -- These two definitions are not the same as in Subst, -- but they simple and direct, and purely local to this module -- The third, for TvSubstEnv, is the same as in VarEnv, but repeated here -- for uniformity with IdSubstEnv type SubstEnv = (TvSubstEnv, IdSubstEnv) type IdSubstEnv = IdEnv CoreExpr type TvSubstEnv = TyVarEnv Type emptySubstEnv :: SubstEnv emptySubstEnv = (emptyVarEnv, emptyVarEnv) -- At one stage I tried to match even if there are more -- template args than real args. -- I now think this is probably a bad idea. -- Should the template (map f xs) match (map g)? I think not. -- For a start, in general eta expansion wastes work. -- SLPJ July 99 match :: MatchEnv -> SubstEnv -> CoreExpr -- Template -> CoreExpr -- Target -> Maybe SubstEnv -- See the notes with Unify.match, which matches types -- Everything is very similar for terms -- Interesting examples: -- Consider matching -- \x->f against \f->f -- When we meet the lambdas we must remember to rename f to f' in the -- second expresion. The RnEnv2 does that. -- -- Consider matching -- forall a. \b->b against \a->3 -- We must rename the \a. Otherwise when we meet the lambdas we -- might substitute [a/b] in the template, and then erroneously -- succeed in matching what looks like the template variable 'a' against 3. -- The Var case follows closely what happens in Unify.match match menv subst@(tv_subst, id_subst) (Var v1) e2 | v1 `elemVarSet` me_tmpls menv = case lookupVarEnv id_subst v1' of Nothing | any (inRnEnvR rn_env) (varSetElems (exprFreeVars e2)) -> Nothing -- Occurs check failure -- e.g. match forall a. (\x-> a x) against (\y. y y) | otherwise -> Just (tv_subst, extendVarEnv id_subst v1 e2) Just e2' | tcEqExprX (nukeRnEnvL rn_env) e2' e2 -> Just subst other -> Nothing | otherwise -- v1 is not a template variable = case e2 of Var v2 | v1' == rnOccR rn_env v2 -> Just subst other -> Nothing where rn_env = me_env menv v1' = rnOccL rn_env v1 -- Here is another important rule: if the term being matched is a -- variable, we expand it so long as its unfolding is a WHNF -- (Its occurrence information is not necessarily up to date, -- so we don't use it.) match menv subst e1 (Var v2) | isCheapUnfolding unfolding = match menv subst e1 (unfoldingTemplate unfolding) where unfolding = idUnfolding v2 match menv subst (Lit lit1) (Lit lit2) | lit1 == lit2 = Just subst match menv subst (App f1 a1) (App f2 a2) = do { subst' <- match menv subst f1 f2 ; match menv subst' a1 a2 } match menv subst (Lam x1 e1) (Lam x2 e2) = match menv' subst e1 e2 where menv' = menv { me_env = rnBndr2 (me_env menv) x1 x2 } -- This rule does eta expansion -- (\x.M) ~ N iff M ~ N x match menv subst (Lam x1 e1) e2 = match menv' subst e1 (App e2 (varToCoreExpr new_x)) where (rn_env', new_x) = rnBndrL (me_env menv) x1 menv' = menv { me_env = rn_env' } -- Eta expansion the other way -- M ~ (\y.N) iff M y ~ N match menv subst e1 (Lam x2 e2) = match menv' subst (App e1 (varToCoreExpr new_x)) e2 where (rn_env', new_x) = rnBndrR (me_env menv) x2 menv' = menv { me_env = rn_env' } match menv subst (Case e1 x1 ty1 alts1) (Case e2 x2 ty2 alts2) = do { subst1 <- match_ty menv subst ty1 ty2 ; subst2 <- match menv subst1 e1 e2 ; let menv' = menv { me_env = rnBndr2 (me_env menv) x2 x2 } ; match_alts menv' subst2 alts1 alts2 -- Alts are both sorted } match menv subst (Type ty1) (Type ty2) = match_ty menv subst ty1 ty2 match menv subst (Note (Coerce to1 from1) e1) (Note (Coerce to2 from2) e2) = do { subst1 <- match_ty menv subst to1 to2 ; subst2 <- match_ty menv subst1 from1 from2 ; match menv subst2 e1 e2 } -- This is an interesting rule: we simply ignore lets in the -- term being matched against! The unfolding inside it is (by assumption) -- already inside any occurrences of the bound variables, so we'll expand -- them when we encounter them. match menv subst e1 (Let (NonRec x2 r2) e2) = match menv' subst e1 e2 where menv' = menv { me_env = fst (rnBndrR (me_env menv) x2) } -- It's important to do this renaming. For example: -- Matching -- forall f,x,xs. f (x:xs) -- against -- f (let y = e in (y:[])) -- We must not get success with x->y! Instead, we -- need an occurs check. -- Everything else fails match menv subst e1 e2 = Nothing ------------------------------------------ match_alts :: MatchEnv -> SubstEnv -> [CoreAlt] -- Template -> [CoreAlt] -- Target -> Maybe SubstEnv match_alts menv subst [] [] = return subst match_alts menv subst ((c1,vs1,r1):alts1) ((c2,vs2,r2):alts2) | c1 == c2 = do { subst1 <- match menv' subst r1 r2 ; match_alts menv subst1 alts1 alts2 } where menv' :: MatchEnv menv' = menv { me_env = rnBndrs2 (me_env menv) vs1 vs2 } match_alts menv subst alts1 alts2 = Nothing \end{code} Matching Core types: use the matcher in TcType. Notice that we treat newtypes as opaque. For example, suppose we have a specialised version of a function at a newtype, say newtype T = MkT Int We only want to replace (f T) with f', not (f Int). \begin{code} ------------------------------------------ match_ty menv (tv_subst, id_subst) ty1 ty2 = do { tv_subst' <- Unify.tcMatchTyX menv tv_subst ty1 ty2 ; return (tv_subst', id_subst) } \end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Checking a program for failing rule applications} %* * %************************************************************************ ----------------------------------------------------- Game plan ----------------------------------------------------- We want to know what sites have rules that could have fired but didn't. This pass runs over the tree (without changing it) and reports such. NB: we assume that this follows a run of the simplifier, so every Id occurrence (including occurrences of imported Ids) is decorated with all its (active) rules. No need to construct a rule base or anything like that. \begin{code} ruleCheckProgram :: CompilerPhase -> String -> [CoreBind] -> SDoc -- Report partial matches for rules beginning -- with the specified string ruleCheckProgram phase rule_pat binds | isEmptyBag results = text "Rule check results: no rule application sites" | otherwise = vcat [text "Rule check results:", line, vcat [ p $$ line | p <- bagToList results ] ] where results = unionManyBags (map (ruleCheckBind (phase, rule_pat)) binds) line = text (replicate 20 '-') type RuleCheckEnv = (CompilerPhase, String) -- Phase and Pattern ruleCheckBind :: RuleCheckEnv -> CoreBind -> Bag SDoc -- The Bag returned has one SDoc for each call site found ruleCheckBind env (NonRec b r) = ruleCheck env r ruleCheckBind env (Rec prs) = unionManyBags [ruleCheck env r | (b,r) <- prs] ruleCheck :: RuleCheckEnv -> CoreExpr -> Bag SDoc ruleCheck env (Var v) = emptyBag ruleCheck env (Lit l) = emptyBag ruleCheck env (Type ty) = emptyBag ruleCheck env (App f a) = ruleCheckApp env (App f a) [] ruleCheck env (Note n e) = ruleCheck env e ruleCheck env (Let bd e) = ruleCheckBind env bd `unionBags` ruleCheck env e ruleCheck env (Lam b e) = ruleCheck env e ruleCheck env (Case e _ _ as) = ruleCheck env e `unionBags` unionManyBags [ruleCheck env r | (_,_,r) <- as] ruleCheckApp env (App f a) as = ruleCheck env a `unionBags` ruleCheckApp env f (a:as) ruleCheckApp env (Var f) as = ruleCheckFun env f as ruleCheckApp env other as = ruleCheck env other \end{code} \begin{code} ruleCheckFun :: RuleCheckEnv -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> Bag SDoc -- Produce a report for all rules matching the predicate -- saying why it doesn't match the specified application ruleCheckFun (phase, pat) fn args | null name_match_rules = emptyBag | otherwise = unitBag (ruleAppCheck_help phase fn args name_match_rules) where name_match_rules = filter match (idCoreRules fn) match rule = pat `isPrefixOf` unpackFS (ruleName rule) ruleAppCheck_help :: CompilerPhase -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreRule] -> SDoc ruleAppCheck_help phase fn args rules = -- The rules match the pattern, so we want to print something vcat [text "Expression:" <+> ppr (mkApps (Var fn) args), vcat (map check_rule rules)] where n_args = length args i_args = args `zip` [1::Int ..] rough_args = map roughTopName args check_rule rule = rule_herald rule <> colon <+> rule_info rule rule_herald (BuiltinRule { ru_name = name }) = ptext SLIT("Builtin rule") <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name) rule_herald (Rule { ru_name = name }) = ptext SLIT("Rule") <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name) rule_info rule | Just _ <- matchRule noBlackList emptyInScopeSet args rough_args rule = text "matches (which is very peculiar!)" rule_info (BuiltinRule {}) = text "does not match" rule_info (Rule { ru_name = name, ru_act = act, ru_bndrs = rule_bndrs, ru_args = rule_args}) | not (isActive phase act) = text "active only in later phase" | n_args < n_rule_args = text "too few arguments" | n_mismatches == n_rule_args = text "no arguments match" | n_mismatches == 0 = text "all arguments match (considered individually), but rule as a whole does not" | otherwise = text "arguments" <+> ppr mismatches <+> text "do not match (1-indexing)" where n_rule_args = length rule_args n_mismatches = length mismatches mismatches = [i | (rule_arg, (arg,i)) <- rule_args `zip` i_args, not (isJust (match_fn rule_arg arg))] lhs_fvs = exprsFreeVars rule_args -- Includes template tyvars match_fn rule_arg arg = match menv emptySubstEnv rule_arg arg where in_scope = lhs_fvs `unionVarSet` exprFreeVars arg menv = ME { me_env = mkRnEnv2 (mkInScopeSet in_scope) , me_tmpls = mkVarSet rule_bndrs } \end{code}