module Pretty(text, separate, cseparate, nest, pretty, (~.), (^.), IText(..), Context(..)) where infixr 8 ~. infixr 8 ^. type IText = Context -> [String] type Context = (Bool,Int,Int,Int) -- Bool laying out in vertical context -- Int character left on the line before margin is reached -- Int maximum preferred number of significant characters on a line -- Int number of characters on last line, excluding leading blanks text :: String -> IText text s (v,w,m,m') = [s] getContext t (v,w,m,m') = let tn = last t indent = length tn sig = if length t == 1 then m' + indent else length (dropWhile (==' ') tn) in (False,w-indent,m,sig) (~.) :: IText -> IText -> IText d1 ~. d2 = \ c@(v,w,m,m') -> let t = d1 (False,w,m,m') cx@(_,w',_,_) = getContext t c indent = w-w' tn = last t (l:ls) = d2 cx in init t ++ [tn ++ l] ++ map (space indent++) ls space :: Int -> String space n = [' ' | i<-[1..n]] (^.) :: IText -> IText -> IText d1 ^. d2 = \ (v,w,m,m') -> d1 (True,w,m,m') ++ d2 (True,w,m,0) separate :: [IText] -> IText separate [] _ = [""] separate ds c@(v,w,m,m') = let hor = joinText (text " ") ds ver = foldr1 (^.) ds t = hor c in if lengthLe t 1 && lengthLe (head t) ((w `min` (m-m')) `max` 0) then t else ver c -- Try to put as many things as possible on each line. -- Inefficient! cseparate :: [IText] -> IText cseparate [] _ = [""] cseparate ds c@(v,w,m,m') = let csep r a (d:ds) = let t = joinText (text " ") (a ++ [d]) c in if lengthLe t 1 then if lengthLe (head t) ((w `min` (m-m')) `max` 0) then csep r (a ++ [d]) ds else csep (r++adda a) [d] ds else csep (r ++ adda a ++ [d]) [] ds csep r a [] = r ++ adda a adda [] = [] adda a = [joinText (text " ") a] in foldr1 (^.) (csep [] [] ds) c joinText t ds = foldr1 (\d1 d2 -> d1 ~. t ~. d2) ds -- Check if the length of a list is less than n, without evaluating it completely. lengthLe :: [a] -> Int -> Bool lengthLe [] n = n >= 0 lengthLe (_:_) 0 = False lengthLe (_:xs) n = lengthLe xs (n-1) nest :: Int -> IText -> IText nest n d (v,w,m,m') = if v then map (space n++) (d (v,w-n,m,if m'==0 then 0 else m'+n)) else d (v,w,m,m') pretty :: Int->Int->IText->String pretty w m d = unlines (d (False,w,m,0))