module Flavour ( Flavour (..), werror , DocTargets, DocTarget(..) -- * Flavour transformers , addArgs , splitSections, splitSectionsIf , enableDebugInfo, enableTickyGhc ) where import Expression import Data.Set (Set) import Packages -- Please update doc/{,} when changing this file. -- | 'Flavour' is a collection of build settings that fully define a GHC build. -- Note the following type semantics: -- * @Bool@: a plain Boolean flag whose value is known at compile time. -- * @Action Bool@: a flag whose value can depend on the build environment. -- * @Predicate@: a flag whose value can depend on the build environment and -- on the current build target. data Flavour = Flavour { -- | Flavour name, to select this flavour from command line. name :: String, -- | Use these command line arguments. args :: Args, -- | Build these packages. packages :: Stage -> Action [Package], -- | Either 'integerGmp' or 'integerSimple'. integerLibrary :: Action Package, -- | Build libraries these ways. libraryWays :: Ways, -- | Build RTS these ways. rtsWays :: Ways, -- | Build dynamic GHC programs. dynamicGhcPrograms :: Action Bool, -- | Enable GHCi debugger. ghciWithDebugger :: Bool, -- | Build profiled GHC. ghcProfiled :: Bool, -- | Build GHC with debugging assertions. ghcDebugged :: Bool, -- | Whether to build docs and which ones -- (haddocks, user manual, haddock manual) ghcDocs :: Action DocTargets } -- | A set of documentation targets type DocTargets = Set DocTarget -- | Documentation targets -- -- While we can't reasonably expose settings or CLI options -- to selectively disable, say, base's haddocks, we can offer -- a less fine-grained choice: -- -- - haddocks for libraries -- - non-haddock html pages (e.g GHC's user manual) -- - PDF documents (e.g haddock's manual) -- - man pages (GHC's) -- -- The main goal being to have easy ways to do away with the need -- for e.g @sphinx-build@ or @xelatex@ and associated packages -- while still being able to build a(n almost) complete binary -- distribution. data DocTarget = Haddocks | SphinxHTML | SphinxPDFs | SphinxMan | SphinxInfo deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum) -- | Add arguments to the 'args' of a 'Flavour'. addArgs :: Args -> Flavour -> Flavour addArgs args' fl = fl { args = args fl <> args' } -- | Turn on -Werror for packages built with the stage1 compiler. -- It mimics the CI settings so is useful to turn on when developing. werror :: Flavour -> Flavour werror = addArgs (builder Ghc ? notStage0 ? arg "-Werror") -- | Build C and Haskell objects with debugging information. enableDebugInfo :: Flavour -> Flavour enableDebugInfo = addArgs $ mconcat [ builder (Ghc CompileHs) ? notStage0 ? arg "-g3" , builder (Cc CompileC) ? notStage0 ? arg "-g3" ] -- | Enable the ticky-ticky profiler in stage2 GHC enableTickyGhc :: Flavour -> Flavour enableTickyGhc = addArgs $ foldMap enableTickyFor [ghc, compiler, base] where enableTickyFor pkg = stage1 ? package pkg ? mconcat [ builder (Ghc CompileHs) ? ticky , builder (Ghc LinkHs) ? ticky ] ticky = arg "-ticky" <> arg "-ticky-allocd" -- | Transform the input 'Flavour' so as to build with -- @-split-sections@ whenever appropriate. You can -- select which package gets built with split sections -- by passing a suitable predicate. If the predicate holds -- for a given package, then @split-sections@ is used when -- building it. If the given flavour doesn't build -- anything in a @dyn@-enabled way, then 'splitSections' is a no-op. splitSectionsIf :: (Package -> Bool) -> Flavour -> Flavour splitSectionsIf pkgPredicate = addArgs $ do way <- getWay pkg <- getPackage (Dynamic `wayUnit` way) ? pkgPredicate pkg ? builder (Ghc CompileHs) ? arg "-split-sections" -- | Like 'splitSectionsIf', but with a fixed predicate: use -- split sections for all packages but the GHC library. splitSections :: Flavour -> Flavour splitSections = splitSectionsIf (/=ghc) -- Disable section splitting for the GHC library. It takes too long and -- there is little benefit.