{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main (main) where import Development.Shake import Hadrian.Utilities import Settings.Parser import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory) import System.IO import System.Exit import System.Environment import Control.Exception import Data.IORef import qualified Base import qualified CommandLine import qualified Environment import qualified Rules import qualified Rules.Clean import qualified Rules.Docspec import qualified Rules.Documentation import qualified Rules.Lint import qualified Rules.Nofib #if HADRIAN_ENABLE_SELFTEST import qualified Rules.Selftest #endif import qualified Rules.SourceDist import qualified Rules.Test import qualified UserSettings main :: IO () main = do -- Provide access to command line arguments and some user settings through -- Shake's type-indexed map 'shakeExtra'. argsMap <- CommandLine.cmdLineArgsMap let extra = insertExtra UserSettings.buildProgressColour $ insertExtra UserSettings.successColour $ argsMap BuildRoot buildRoot = CommandLine.lookupBuildRoot argsMap rebuild = [ (RebuildLater, buildRoot -/- "stage0/**") | CommandLine.lookupFreeze1 argsMap || CommandLine.lookupFreeze2 argsMap ] ++ [ (RebuildLater, buildRoot -/- "stage1/**") | CommandLine.lookupFreeze2 argsMap ] ++ (if CommandLine.lookupSkipDepends argsMap then [(RebuildLater, buildRoot -/- "**/.dependencies.mk"), (RebuildLater, buildRoot -/- "**/.dependencies")] else []) cwd <- getCurrentDirectory shakeColor <- shouldUseColor let options :: ShakeOptions options = shakeOptions { shakeChange = ChangeModtimeAndDigest , shakeFiles = buildRoot -/- Base.shakeFilesDir , shakeProgress = progressSimple , shakeRebuild = rebuild , shakeTimings = False , shakeColor = shakeColor , shakeExtra = extra -- Setting shakeSymlink to False ensures files are copied out of -- shake's cloud cache instead of hard linked. This is important as -- the hard link mode makes all such files read only to avoid -- accidentally modifying cache files via the hard link. It turns -- out, many Hadrian rules attempt read access to such files and -- hence would in the hard link mode. These rules could be -- refactored to avoid write access, but setting shakeSymlink to -- False is a much simpler solution. , shakeSymlink = False -- Enable linting file accesses in the build dir and ghc root dir -- (cwd) when using the `--lint-fsatrace` option. , shakeLintInside = [ cwd, buildRoot ] , shakeLintIgnore = -- Ignore access to the package database caches. -- They are managed externally by the ghc-pkg tool. [ buildRoot -/- "**/package.conf.d/package.cache" -- Ignore access to autom4te.cache directories. -- They are managed externally by auto tools. , "//autom4te.cache/**" -- Ignore in-tree GMP objects , buildRoot -/- "**/gmp/objs/**" ] , shakeOutput = \v -> case v of -- We don't want to print internal shake diagnostic messages as -- they are too verbose to be of any use. See #20484. Diagnostic -> const (pure ()) _ -> shakeOutput shakeOptions v } rules :: Rules () rules = do Rules.buildRules Rules.Docspec.docspecRules Rules.Documentation.documentationRules Rules.Clean.cleanRules Rules.Lint.lintRules Rules.Nofib.nofibRules Rules.oracleRules #if HADRIAN_ENABLE_SELFTEST Rules.Selftest.selftestRules #endif Rules.SourceDist.sourceDistRules Rules.Test.testRules Rules.topLevelTargets Rules.toolArgsTarget -- This IORef is used to communicate the result of shake parsing -- command line options (which happens in shakeArgsOptionsWith, but -- isn't exposed to the user) to the exception handler, which uses the -- verbosity and colour information to decide how much of the error to display. shake_opts_var <- newIORef options handleShakeException shake_opts_var $ shakeArgsOptionsWith options CommandLine.optDescrs $ \shake_opts _ targets -> do writeIORef shake_opts_var shake_opts let targets' = filter (not . null) $ removeKVs targets Environment.setupEnvironment return . Just $ (shake_opts, if null targets' then rules else want targets' >> withoutActions rules) handleShakeException :: IORef ShakeOptions -> IO a -> IO a handleShakeException shake_opts_var shake_run = do args <- getArgs -- Using withArgs here is a bit of a hack but the API doesn't allow another way -- See https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues/811 -- Passing --exception means shake throws an exception rather than -- catching ShakeException and displaying the error itself to the user. catch (withArgs ("--exception" : args) $ shake_run) $ \(_e :: ShakeException) -> do shake_opts <- readIORef shake_opts_var let FailureColour col = lookupExtra red (shakeExtra shake_opts) esc = if shakeColor shake_opts then escape col else id if shakeVerbosity shake_opts >= Verbose then hPrint stderr _e else -- The SomeException here is normally an IOError which lacks -- very much structure, in the future we could try to catch -- a more structured exception and further refine the -- displayed output. https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/pull/812 hPrint stderr (shakeExceptionInner _e) hPutStrLn stderr (esc "Build failed.") exitFailure escForeground :: String -> String escForeground code = "\ESC[" ++ code ++ "m" escNormal :: String escNormal = "\ESC[0m" escape :: String -> String -> String escape code x = escForeground code ++ x ++ escNormal