module Rules.Compile (compilePackage) where import Hadrian.BuildPath import Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile import Base import Context as C import Expression import Oracles.Flag (platformSupportsSharedLibs) import Rules.Generate import Settings import Target import Utilities import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec -- * Rules for building objects and Haskell interface files compilePackage :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Rules () compilePackage rs = do root <- buildRootRules -- We match all file paths that look like: -- /...stuffs.../build/...stuffs.../. -- -- where: -- - the '...stuffs...' bits can be one or more path components, -- - the '' part is a way prefix (e.g thr_p_, or nothing if -- vanilla) followed by an object file extension, without the dot -- (o, o-boot, hi, hi-boot), -- -- and parse the information we need (stage, package path, ...) from -- the path and figure out the suitable way to produce that object file. alternatives $ do -- Language is identified by subdirectory under /build. -- These are non-haskell files so only have a .o or ._o suffix. [ root -/- "**/build/c/**/*." ++ wayPat ++ "o" | wayPat <- wayPats] |%> compileNonHsObject rs C [ root -/- "**/build/cmm/**/*." ++ wayPat ++ "o" | wayPat <- wayPats] |%> compileNonHsObject rs Cmm [ root -/- "**/build/cpp/**/*." ++ wayPat ++ "o" | wayPat <- wayPats] |%> compileNonHsObject rs Cxx [ root -/- "**/build/s/**/*." ++ wayPat ++ "o" | wayPat <- wayPats] |%> compileNonHsObject rs Asm [ root -/- "**/build/S/**/*." ++ wayPat ++ "o" | wayPat <- wayPats] |%> compileNonHsObject rs Asm -- All else is haskell. -- These come last as they overlap with the above rules' file patterns. -- When building dynamically we depend on the static rule if shared libs -- are supported, because it will add the -dynamic-too flag when -- compiling to build the dynamic files alongside the static files [ root -/- "**/build/**/*.dyn_o", root -/- "**/build/**/*.dyn_hi" ] &%> \ [dyn_o, _dyn_hi] -> do p <- platformSupportsSharedLibs if p then do -- We `need` ".o/.hi" because GHC is called with `-dynamic-too` -- and builds ".dyn_o/.dyn_hi" too. changed <- needHasChanged [dyn_o -<.> "o", dyn_o -<.> "hi"] -- If for some reason a previous Hadrian execution has been -- interrupted after the rule for .o/.hi generation has completed -- but before the current rule for .dyn_o/.dyn_hi has completed, -- or if some of the dynamic artifacts have been removed by the -- user, "needing" the non dynamic artifacts is not enough as -- Shake won't execute the associated action. Hence we detect -- this case and we explicitly build the dynamic artifacts here: case changed of [] -> compileHsObjectAndHi rs dyn_o _ -> pure () else compileHsObjectAndHi rs dyn_o forM_ ((,) <$> hsExts <*> wayPats) $ \ ((oExt, hiExt), wayPat) -> [ root -/- "**/build/**/*." ++ wayPat ++ oExt , root -/- "**/build/**/*." ++ wayPat ++ hiExt ] &%> \ [o, _hi] -> compileHsObjectAndHi rs o where hsExts = [ ("o", "hi") , ("o-boot", "hi-boot") ] wayPats = [ "", "*_" ] -- * Object file paths types and parsers {- We are using a non uniform representation that separates object files produced from Haskell code and from other languages, because the two "groups" have to be parsed differently enough that this would complicated the parser significantly. Indeed, non-Haskell files can only produce .o (or .thr_o, ...) files while Haskell modules can produce those as well as interface files, both in -boot or non-boot variants. Moreover, non-Haskell object files live under: /stage//build/{c,cmm,s}/ while Haskell object/interface files live under: /stage//build/ So the kind of object is partially determined by whether we're in c/, cmm/ or s/ but also by the object file's extension, in the case of a Haskell file. This could have been addressed with some knot-tying but Parsec's monad doesn't give us a MonadFix instance. We therefore stick to treating those two type of object files non uniformly. -} -- | Non Haskell source languages that we compile to get object files. data SourceLang = Asm | C | Cmm | Cxx deriving (Eq, Show) parseSourceLang :: Parsec.Parsec String () SourceLang parseSourceLang = Parsec.choice [ Parsec.char 'c' *> Parsec.choice [ Parsec.string "mm" *> pure Cmm , Parsec.string "pp" *> pure Cxx , pure C ] , Parsec.char 's' *> pure Asm ] type Basename = String parseBasename :: Parsec.Parsec String () Basename parseBasename = Parsec.manyTill Parsec.anyChar (Parsec.try $ Parsec.char '.') -- | > /._o data NonHsObject = NonHsObject SourceLang Basename Way deriving (Eq, Show) parseNonHsObject :: Parsec.Parsec String () NonHsObject parseNonHsObject = do lang <- parseSourceLang _ <- Parsec.char '/' file <- parseBasename way <- parseWayPrefix vanilla _ <- Parsec.char 'o' return (NonHsObject lang file way) -- | > data SuffixType = O | Hi | OBoot | HiBoot deriving (Eq, Show) parseSuffixType :: Parsec.Parsec String () SuffixType parseSuffixType = Parsec.choice [ Parsec.char 'o' *> Parsec.choice [ Parsec.string "-boot" *> pure OBoot , pure O ] , Parsec.string "hi" *> Parsec.choice [ Parsec.string "-boot" *> pure HiBoot , pure Hi ] ] -- | > _ data Extension = Extension Way SuffixType deriving (Eq, Show) parseExtension :: Parsec.Parsec String () Extension parseExtension = Extension <$> parseWayPrefix vanilla <*> parseSuffixType -- | > ._ data HsObject = HsObject Basename Extension deriving (Eq, Show) parseHsObject :: Parsec.Parsec String () HsObject parseHsObject = do file <- parseBasename ext <- parseExtension return (HsObject file ext) data Object = Hs HsObject | NonHs NonHsObject deriving (Eq, Show) parseObject :: Parsec.Parsec String () Object parseObject = Parsec.choice [ NonHs <$> parseNonHsObject , Hs <$> parseHsObject ] -- * Toplevel parsers parseBuildObject :: FilePath -> Parsec.Parsec String () (BuildPath Object) parseBuildObject root = parseBuildPath root parseObject -- * Getting contexts from objects objectContext :: BuildPath Object -> Context objectContext (BuildPath _ stage pkgPath obj) = Context stage (unsafeFindPackageByPath pkgPath) way where way = case obj of NonHs (NonHsObject _lang _file w) -> w Hs (HsObject _file (Extension w _suf)) -> w -- * Building an object compileHsObjectAndHi :: [(Resource, Int)] -> FilePath -> Action () compileHsObjectAndHi rs objpath = do root <- buildRoot b@(BuildPath _root stage _path _o) <- parsePath (parseBuildObject root) "" objpath let ctx = objectContext b way = C.way ctx ctxPath <- contextPath ctx (src, deps) <- lookupDependencies (ctxPath -/- ".dependencies") objpath need (src:deps) -- The .dependencies file lists indicating inputs. ghc will -- generally read more *.hi and *.hi-boot files (direct inputs). -- Allow such reads (see -- Note that this may allow too many *.hi and *.hi-boot files, but -- calculating the exact set of direct inputs is not feasible. trackAllow [ "**/*." ++ hisuf way , "**/*." ++ hibootsuf way ] buildWithResources rs $ target ctx (Ghc CompileHs stage) [src] [objpath] compileNonHsObject :: [(Resource, Int)] -> SourceLang -> FilePath -> Action () compileNonHsObject rs lang path = do root <- buildRoot b@(BuildPath _root stage _path _o) <- parsePath (parseBuildObject root) "" path let ctx = objectContext b builder = case lang of C -> Ghc CompileCWithGhc Cxx-> Ghc CompileCppWithGhc _ -> Ghc CompileHs src <- case lang of Asm -> obj2src "S" (const False) ctx path C -> obj2src "c" (const False) ctx path Cmm -> obj2src "cmm" isGeneratedCmmFile ctx path Cxx -> obj2src "cpp" (const False) ctx path need [src] needDependencies lang ctx src (path <.> "d") buildWithResources rs $ target ctx (builder stage) [src] [path] -- * Helpers -- | Discover dependencies of a given source file by iteratively calling @gcc@ -- in the @-MM -MG@ mode and building generated dependencies if they are missing -- until reaching a fixed point. needDependencies :: SourceLang -> Context -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Action () needDependencies lang context@Context {..} src depFile = do gens <- interpretInContext context generatedDependencies need gens discover where discover = do build $ target context (Cc (FindCDependencies depType) stage) [src] [depFile] deps <- parseFile depFile -- Generated dependencies, if not yet built, will not be found and hence -- will be referred to simply by their file names. let notFound = filter (\file -> file == takeFileName file) deps -- We find the full paths to generated dependencies, so we can request -- to build them by calling 'need'. todo <- catMaybes <$> mapM (fullPathIfGenerated context) notFound if null todo then need deps -- The list of dependencies is final, need all else do need todo -- Build newly discovered generated dependencies discover -- Continue the discovery process -- We need to pass different flags to cc depending on whether the -- file to compile is a .c or a .cpp file depType = if lang == Cxx then CxxDep else CDep parseFile :: FilePath -> Action [String] parseFile file = do input <- liftIO $ readFile file case parseMakefile input of [(_file, deps)] -> return deps _ -> return [] -- | Find a given 'FilePath' in the list of generated files in the given -- 'Context' and return its full path. fullPathIfGenerated :: Context -> FilePath -> Action (Maybe FilePath) fullPathIfGenerated context file = interpretInContext context $ do generated <- generatedDependencies return $ find ((== file) . takeFileName) generated obj2src :: String -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> Context -> FilePath -> Action FilePath obj2src extension isGenerated context@Context {..} obj | isGenerated src = return src | otherwise = (pkgPath package ++) <$> suffix where src = obj -<.> extension suffix = do path <- buildPath context return $ fromMaybe ("Cannot determine source for " ++ obj) $ stripPrefix (path -/- extension) src