module Rules.Generate ( isGeneratedCmmFile, compilerDependencies, generatePackageCode, generateRules, copyRules, generatedDependencies, ghcPrimDependencies ) where import Base import qualified Context import Expression import Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile (lookupValueOrError) import Oracles.Flag import Oracles.ModuleFiles import Oracles.Setting import Packages import Rules.Libffi import Settings import Target import Utilities -- | Track this file to rebuild generated files whenever it changes. trackGenerateHs :: Expr () trackGenerateHs = expr $ need [sourcePath -/- "Rules/Generate.hs"] primopsSource :: FilePath primopsSource = "compiler/GHC/Builtin/primops.txt.pp" primopsTxt :: Stage -> FilePath primopsTxt stage = buildDir (vanillaContext stage compiler) -/- "primops.txt" isGeneratedCmmFile :: FilePath -> Bool isGeneratedCmmFile file = takeBaseName file == "AutoApply" ghcPrimDependencies :: Expr [FilePath] ghcPrimDependencies = do stage <- getStage path <- expr $ buildPath (vanillaContext stage ghcPrim) return [path -/- "GHC/Prim.hs", path -/- "GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs"] rtsDependencies :: Expr [FilePath] rtsDependencies = do stage <- getStage rtsPath <- expr (rtsBuildPath stage) let headers = [ "ghcautoconf.h", "ghcplatform.h" , "DerivedConstants.h" , "rts" -/- "EventTypes.h" , "rts" -/- "EventLogConstants.h" ] ++ libffiHeaderFiles pure $ ((rtsPath -/- "include") -/-) <$> headers genapplyDependencies :: Expr [FilePath] genapplyDependencies = do stage <- getStage rtsPath <- expr (rtsBuildPath $ succ stage) ((stage /= Stage3) ?) $ pure $ ((rtsPath -/- "include") -/-) <$> [ "ghcautoconf.h", "ghcplatform.h" ] compilerDependencies :: Expr [FilePath] compilerDependencies = do stage <- getStage ghcPath <- expr $ buildPath (vanillaContext stage compiler) pure $ (ghcPath -/-) <$> [ "primop-can-fail.hs-incl" , "primop-code-size.hs-incl" , "primop-commutable.hs-incl" , "primop-data-decl.hs-incl" , "primop-fixity.hs-incl" , "primop-has-side-effects.hs-incl" , "primop-list.hs-incl" , "primop-out-of-line.hs-incl" , "primop-primop-info.hs-incl" , "primop-strictness.hs-incl" , "primop-tag.hs-incl" , "primop-vector-tycons.hs-incl" , "primop-vector-tys-exports.hs-incl" , "primop-vector-tys.hs-incl" , "primop-vector-uniques.hs-incl" , "primop-docs.hs-incl" , "GHC/Platform/Constants.hs" ] generatedDependencies :: Expr [FilePath] generatedDependencies = do mconcat [ package compiler ? compilerDependencies , package ghcPrim ? ghcPrimDependencies , package rts ? rtsDependencies , package genapply ? genapplyDependencies ] generate :: FilePath -> Context -> Expr String -> Action () generate file context expr = do contents <- interpretInContext context expr writeFileChanged file contents putSuccess $ "| Successfully generated " ++ file ++ "." generatePackageCode :: Context -> Rules () generatePackageCode context@(Context stage pkg _) = do root <- buildRootRules let dir = buildDir context generated f = (root -/- dir -/- "**/*.hs") ?== f && not ("//autogen/*" ?== f) go gen file = generate file context gen generated ?> \file -> do let unpack = fromMaybe . error $ "No generator for " ++ file ++ "." (src, builder) <- unpack <$> findGenerator context file need [src] build $ target context builder [src] [file] let boot = src -<.> "hs-boot" whenM (doesFileExist boot) $ do let target = file -<.> "hs-boot" copyFile boot target produces [target] priority 2.0 $ do when (pkg == compiler) $ do root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "GHC/Platform/Constants.hs" %> genPlatformConstantsType context root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "GHC/Settings/Config.hs" %> go generateConfigHs root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "*.hs-incl" %> genPrimopCode context when (pkg == ghcPrim) $ do root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "GHC/Prim.hs" %> genPrimopCode context root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs" %> genPrimopCode context when (pkg == ghcBoot) $ do root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "GHC/Version.hs" %> go generateVersionHs root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "GHC/Platform/Host.hs" %> go generatePlatformHostHs when (pkg == compiler) $ do root -/- primopsTxt stage %> \file -> do need $ [primopsSource] build $ target context HsCpp [primopsSource] [file] when (pkg == rts) $ do root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "cmm/AutoApply.cmm" %> \file -> build $ target context GenApply [] [file] let go gen file = generate file (semiEmptyTarget stage) gen root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "include/ghcautoconf.h" %> go generateGhcAutoconfH root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "include/ghcplatform.h" %> go generateGhcPlatformH root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "include/DerivedConstants.h" %> genPlatformConstantsHeader context root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "include/rts/EventLogConstants.h" %> genEventTypes "--event-types-defines" root -/- "**" -/- dir -/- "include/rts/EventTypes.h" %> genEventTypes "--event-types-array" genEventTypes :: String -> FilePath -> Action () genEventTypes flag file = do need ["rts" -/- ""] runBuilder Python ["rts" -/- "", flag, file] [] [] genPrimopCode :: Context -> FilePath -> Action () genPrimopCode context@(Context stage _pkg _) file = do root <- buildRoot need [root -/- primopsTxt stage] build $ target context GenPrimopCode [root -/- primopsTxt stage] [file] genPlatformConstantsType :: Context -> FilePath -> Action () genPlatformConstantsType context file = do withTempDir $ \tmpdir -> build $ target context DeriveConstants [] [file,tmpdir] genPlatformConstantsHeader :: Context -> FilePath -> Action () genPlatformConstantsHeader context file = do -- N.B. deriveConstants needs to compile programs which #include -- PosixSource.h, which #include's ghcplatform.h. Fixes #18290. let prefix = takeDirectory file need [ prefix -/- "ghcplatform.h" , prefix -/- "ghcautoconf.h" ] withTempDir $ \tmpdir -> build $ target context DeriveConstants [] [file, tmpdir] copyRules :: Rules () copyRules = do root <- buildRootRules forM_ [Stage0 ..] $ \stage -> do let prefix = root -/- stageString stage -/- "lib" infixl 1 <~ pattern <~ mdir = pattern %> \file -> do dir <- mdir copyFile (dir -/- makeRelative prefix file) file prefix -/- "ghc-usage.txt" <~ return "driver" prefix -/- "ghci-usage.txt" <~ return "driver" prefix -/- "llvm-targets" <~ return "." prefix -/- "llvm-passes" <~ return "." prefix -/- "template-hsc.h" <~ return (pkgPath hsc2hs -/- "data") prefix -/- "html/**" <~ return "utils/haddock/haddock-api/resources" prefix -/- "latex/**" <~ return "utils/haddock/haddock-api/resources" generateRules :: Rules () generateRules = do root <- buildRootRules (root -/- "ghc-stage1") <~+ ghcWrapper Stage1 (root -/- "ghc-stage2") <~+ ghcWrapper Stage2 (root -/- "ghc-stage3") <~+ ghcWrapper Stage3 forM_ [Stage0 ..] $ \stage -> do let prefix = root -/- stageString stage -/- "lib" go gen file = generate file (semiEmptyTarget stage) gen (prefix -/- "settings") %> go generateSettings where file <~+ gen = file %> \out -> generate out emptyTarget gen >> makeExecutable out -- TODO: Use the Types, Luke! (drop partial function) -- We sometimes need to evaluate expressions that do not require knowing all -- information about the context. In this case, we don't want to know anything. semiEmptyTarget :: Stage -> Context semiEmptyTarget stage = vanillaContext stage (error "Rules.Generate.emptyTarget: unknown package") emptyTarget :: Context emptyTarget = vanillaContext (error "Rules.Generate.emptyTarget: unknown stage") (error "Rules.Generate.emptyTarget: unknown package") -- Generators -- | GHC wrapper scripts used for passing the path to the right package database -- when invoking in-tree GHC executables. ghcWrapper :: Stage -> Expr String ghcWrapper Stage0 = error "Stage0 GHC does not require a wrapper script to run." ghcWrapper stage = do dbPath <- expr $ () <$> topDirectory <*> packageDbPath stage ghcPath <- expr $ () <$> topDirectory <*> programPath (vanillaContext (pred stage) ghc) return $ unwords $ map show $ [ ghcPath ] ++ (if stage == Stage1 then ["-no-global-package-db" , "-package-db " ++ dbPath ] else []) ++ [ "$@" ] -- | Given a 'String' replace characters '.' and '-' by underscores ('_') so that -- the resulting 'String' is a valid C preprocessor identifier. cppify :: String -> String cppify = replaceEq '-' '_' . replaceEq '.' '_' -- | Generate @ghcplatform.h@ header. generateGhcPlatformH :: Expr String generateGhcPlatformH = do trackGenerateHs stage <- getStage let chooseSetting x y = getSetting $ if stage == Stage0 then x else y buildPlatform <- chooseSetting BuildPlatform HostPlatform buildArch <- chooseSetting BuildArch HostArch buildOs <- chooseSetting BuildOs HostOs buildVendor <- chooseSetting BuildVendor HostVendor hostPlatform <- chooseSetting HostPlatform TargetPlatform hostArch <- chooseSetting HostArch TargetArch hostOs <- chooseSetting HostOs TargetOs hostVendor <- chooseSetting HostVendor TargetVendor ghcUnreg <- getFlag GhcUnregisterised return . unlines $ [ "#if !defined(__GHCPLATFORM_H__)" , "#define __GHCPLATFORM_H__" , "" , "#define BuildPlatform_TYPE " ++ cppify buildPlatform , "#define HostPlatform_TYPE " ++ cppify hostPlatform , "" , "#define " ++ cppify buildPlatform ++ "_BUILD 1" , "#define " ++ cppify hostPlatform ++ "_HOST 1" , "" , "#define " ++ buildArch ++ "_BUILD_ARCH 1" , "#define " ++ hostArch ++ "_HOST_ARCH 1" , "#define BUILD_ARCH " ++ show buildArch , "#define HOST_ARCH " ++ show hostArch , "" , "#define " ++ buildOs ++ "_BUILD_OS 1" , "#define " ++ hostOs ++ "_HOST_OS 1" , "#define BUILD_OS " ++ show buildOs , "#define HOST_OS " ++ show hostOs , "" , "#define " ++ buildVendor ++ "_BUILD_VENDOR 1" , "#define " ++ hostVendor ++ "_HOST_VENDOR 1" , "#define BUILD_VENDOR " ++ show buildVendor , "#define HOST_VENDOR " ++ show hostVendor , "" ] ++ [ "#define UnregisterisedCompiler 1" | ghcUnreg ] ++ [ "" , "#endif /* __GHCPLATFORM_H__ */" ] -- See Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows] generateSettings :: Expr String generateSettings = do ctx <- getContext settings <- traverse sequence $ [ ("GCC extra via C opts", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "gcc-extra-via-c-opts") , ("C compiler command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_CCompilerCommand) , ("C compiler flags", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_CCompilerFlags) , ("C++ compiler flags", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_CxxCompilerFlags) , ("C compiler link flags", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_CCompilerLinkFlags) , ("C compiler supports -no-pie", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_CCompilerSupportsNoPie) , ("Haskell CPP command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_HaskellCPPCommand) , ("Haskell CPP flags", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_HaskellCPPFlags) , ("ld command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_LdCommand) , ("ld flags", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_LdFlags) , ("ld supports compact unwind", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "ld-has-no-compact-unwind") , ("ld supports build-id", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "ld-has-build-id") , ("ld supports filelist", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "ld-has-filelist") , ("ld is GNU ld", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "ld-is-gnu-ld") , ("Merge objects command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_MergeObjectsCommand) , ("Merge objects flags", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_MergeObjectsFlags) , ("ar command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_ArCommand) , ("ar flags", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "ar-args") , ("ar supports at file", expr $ yesNo <$> flag ArSupportsAtFile) , ("ranlib command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_RanlibCommand) , ("otool command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_OtoolCommand) , ("install_name_tool command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_InstallNameToolCommand) , ("touch command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_TouchCommand) , ("dllwrap command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_DllWrapCommand) , ("windres command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_WindresCommand) , ("libtool command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_LibtoolCommand) , ("unlit command", ("$topdir/bin/" <>) <$> expr (programName (ctx { Context.package = unlit }))) , ("cross compiling", expr $ yesNo <$> flag CrossCompiling) , ("target platform string", getSetting TargetPlatform) , ("target os", getSetting TargetOsHaskell) , ("target arch", getSetting TargetArchHaskell) , ("target word size", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "target-word-size") , ("target word big endian", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "target-word-big-endian") , ("target has GNU nonexec stack", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "target-has-gnu-nonexec-stack") , ("target has .ident directive", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "target-has-ident-directive") , ("target has subsections via symbols", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "target-has-subsections-via-symbols") , ("target has RTS linker", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "target-has-rts-linker") , ("target has libm", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "target-has-libm") , ("Unregisterised", expr $ yesNo <$> flag GhcUnregisterised) , ("LLVM target", getSetting LlvmTarget) , ("LLVM llc command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_LlcCommand) , ("LLVM opt command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_OptCommand) , ("LLVM clang command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_ClangCommand) , ("Use inplace MinGW toolchain", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_DistroMinGW) , ("Use interpreter", expr $ yesNo <$> ghcWithInterpreter) , ("Support SMP", expr $ yesNo <$> targetSupportsSMP) , ("RTS ways", unwords . map show <$> getRtsWays) , ("Tables next to code", expr $ yesNo <$> flag TablesNextToCode) , ("Leading underscore", expr $ yesNo <$> flag LeadingUnderscore) , ("Use LibFFI", expr $ yesNo <$> useLibffiForAdjustors) , ("RTS expects libdw", yesNo <$> getFlag WithLibdw) ] let showTuple (k, v) = "(" ++ show k ++ ", " ++ show v ++ ")" pure $ case settings of [] -> "[]" s : ss -> unlines $ ("[" ++ showTuple s) : ((\s' -> "," ++ showTuple s') <$> ss) ++ ["]"] -- | Generate @Config.hs@ files. generateConfigHs :: Expr String generateConfigHs = do stage <- getStage let chooseSetting x y = getSetting $ if stage == Stage0 then x else y buildPlatform <- chooseSetting BuildPlatform HostPlatform hostPlatform <- chooseSetting HostPlatform TargetPlatform trackGenerateHs cProjectName <- getSetting ProjectName cBooterVersion <- getSetting GhcVersion return $ unlines [ "module GHC.Settings.Config" , " ( module GHC.Version" , " , cBuildPlatformString" , " , cHostPlatformString" , " , cProjectName" , " , cBooterVersion" , " , cStage" , " ) where" , "" , "import GHC.Prelude" , "" , "import GHC.Version" , "" , "cBuildPlatformString :: String" , "cBuildPlatformString = " ++ show buildPlatform , "" , "cHostPlatformString :: String" , "cHostPlatformString = " ++ show hostPlatform , "" , "cProjectName :: String" , "cProjectName = " ++ show cProjectName , "" , "cBooterVersion :: String" , "cBooterVersion = " ++ show cBooterVersion , "" , "cStage :: String" , "cStage = show (" ++ show (fromEnum stage + 1) ++ " :: Int)" ] -- | Generate @ghcautoconf.h@ header. generateGhcAutoconfH :: Expr String generateGhcAutoconfH = do trackGenerateHs configHContents <- expr $ mapMaybe undefinePackage <$> readFileLines configH return . unlines $ [ "#if !defined(__GHCAUTOCONF_H__)" , "#define __GHCAUTOCONF_H__" ] ++ configHContents ++ [ "#endif /* __GHCAUTOCONF_H__ */" ] where undefinePackage s | "#define PACKAGE_" `isPrefixOf` s = Just $ "/* #undef " ++ takeWhile (/=' ') (drop 8 s) ++ " */" | "#define __GLASGOW_HASKELL" `isPrefixOf` s = Nothing | "/* REMOVE ME */" == s = Nothing | otherwise = Just s -- | Generate @Version.hs@ files. generateVersionHs :: Expr String generateVersionHs = do trackGenerateHs cProjectGitCommitId <- getSetting ProjectGitCommitId cProjectVersion <- getSetting ProjectVersion cProjectVersionInt <- getSetting ProjectVersionInt cProjectPatchLevel <- getSetting ProjectPatchLevel cProjectPatchLevel1 <- getSetting ProjectPatchLevel1 cProjectPatchLevel2 <- getSetting ProjectPatchLevel2 return $ unlines [ "module GHC.Version where" , "" , "import Prelude -- See Note [Why do we import Prelude here?]" , "" , "cProjectGitCommitId :: String" , "cProjectGitCommitId = " ++ show cProjectGitCommitId , "" , "cProjectVersion :: String" , "cProjectVersion = " ++ show cProjectVersion , "" , "cProjectVersionInt :: String" , "cProjectVersionInt = " ++ show cProjectVersionInt , "" , "cProjectPatchLevel :: String" , "cProjectPatchLevel = " ++ show cProjectPatchLevel , "" , "cProjectPatchLevel1 :: String" , "cProjectPatchLevel1 = " ++ show cProjectPatchLevel1 , "" , "cProjectPatchLevel2 :: String" , "cProjectPatchLevel2 = " ++ show cProjectPatchLevel2 ] -- | Generate @Platform/Host.hs@ files. generatePlatformHostHs :: Expr String generatePlatformHostHs = do trackGenerateHs cHostPlatformArch <- getSetting HostArchHaskell cHostPlatformOS <- getSetting HostOsHaskell return $ unlines [ "module GHC.Platform.Host where" , "" , "import GHC.Platform.ArchOS" , "" , "hostPlatformArch :: Arch" , "hostPlatformArch = " ++ cHostPlatformArch , "" , "hostPlatformOS :: OS" , "hostPlatformOS = " ++ cHostPlatformOS , "" , "hostPlatformArchOS :: ArchOS" , "hostPlatformArchOS = ArchOS hostPlatformArch hostPlatformOS" ]