module Rules.Register ( configurePackageRules, registerPackageRules, registerPackages, libraryTargets ) where import Base import Context import Expression ( getContextData ) import Hadrian.BuildPath import Hadrian.Expression import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal import Packages import Rules.Rts import {-# SOURCE #-} Rules.Library (needLibrary) import Settings import Target import Utilities import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec import Distribution.Version (Version) import qualified Distribution.Parsec as Cabal import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageName as Cabal import qualified Distribution.Types.PackageId as Cabal import qualified Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Parse as Cabal import qualified System.Directory as IO -- * Configuring -- | Configure a package and build its @setup-config@ file, as well as files in -- the @build/pkgName/build/autogen@ directory. configurePackageRules :: Rules () configurePackageRules = do root <- buildRootRules root -/- "**/setup-config" %> \out -> do (stage, path) <- parsePath (parseSetupConfig root) "" out let pkg = unsafeFindPackageByPath path let ctx = Context stage pkg vanilla buildP <- buildPath ctx when (pkg == integerGmp) $ need [buildP -/- "include/ghc-gmp.h"] needLibrary =<< contextDependencies ctx Cabal.configurePackage ctx root -/- "**/autogen/cabal_macros.h" %> \out -> do (stage, path) <- parsePath (parseToBuildSubdirectory root) "" out let pkg = unsafeFindPackageByPath path Cabal.buildAutogenFiles (Context stage pkg vanilla) root -/- "**/autogen/Paths_*.hs" %> \out -> need [takeDirectory out -/- "cabal_macros.h"] parseSetupConfig :: FilePath -> Parsec.Parsec String () (Stage, FilePath) parseSetupConfig root = do _ <- Parsec.string root *> Parsec.optional (Parsec.char '/') stage <- parseStage _ <- Parsec.char '/' pkgPath <- Parsec.manyTill Parsec.anyChar (Parsec.try $ Parsec.string "/setup-config") return (stage, pkgPath) parseToBuildSubdirectory :: FilePath -> Parsec.Parsec String () (Stage, FilePath) parseToBuildSubdirectory root = do _ <- Parsec.string root *> Parsec.optional (Parsec.char '/') stage <- parseStage _ <- Parsec.char '/' pkgPath <- Parsec.manyTill Parsec.anyChar (Parsec.try $ Parsec.string "/build/") return (stage, pkgPath) -- * Registering registerPackages :: [Context] -> Action () registerPackages ctxs = do need =<< mapM pkgRegisteredLibraryFile ctxs -- Dynamic RTS library files need symlinks (Rules.Rts.rtsRules). forM_ ctxs $ \ ctx -> when (package ctx == rts) $ do ways <- interpretInContext ctx (getLibraryWays <> getRtsWays) needRtsSymLinks (stage ctx) ways -- | Register a package and initialise the corresponding package database if -- need be. Note that we only register packages in 'Stage0' and 'Stage1'. registerPackageRules :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Stage -> Rules () registerPackageRules rs stage = do root <- buildRootRules -- Initialise the package database. root -/- relativePackageDbPath stage -/- packageDbStamp %> \stamp -> writeFileLines stamp [] -- Register a package. root -/- relativePackageDbPath stage -/- "*.conf" %> \conf -> do historyDisable pkgName <- getPackageNameFromConfFile conf let pkg = unsafeFindPackageByName pkgName when (pkg == compiler) $ need =<< ghcLibDeps stage isBoot <- (pkg `notElem`) <$> stagePackages Stage0 let ctx = Context stage pkg vanilla case stage of Stage0 | isBoot -> copyConf rs ctx conf _ -> buildConf rs ctx conf buildConf :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Context -> FilePath -> Action () buildConf _ context@Context {..} _conf = do depPkgIds <- cabalDependencies context ensureConfigured context need =<< mapM (\pkgId -> packageDbPath stage <&> (-/- pkgId <.> "conf")) depPkgIds ways <- interpretInContext context (getLibraryWays <> if package == rts then getRtsWays else mempty) need =<< concatMapM (libraryTargets True) [ context { way = w } | w <- ways ] -- We might need some package-db resource to limit read/write, see packageRules. path <- buildPath context -- Special package cases (these should ideally be rolled into Cabal). when (package == rts) $ -- If Cabal knew about "generated-headers", we could read them from the -- 'configuredCabal' information, and just "need" them here. need [ path -/- "DerivedConstants.h" , path -/- "ghcautoconf.h" , path -/- "ghcplatform.h" , path -/- "ghcversion.h" ] -- we need to generate this file for GMP when (package == integerGmp) $ need [path -/- "include/ghc-gmp.h"] -- Copy and register the package. Cabal.copyPackage context Cabal.registerPackage context -- We declare that this rule also produces files matching: -- - /stage/lib/--ghc-/*libHS* -- (for .so files, Cabal's registration mechanism places them there) -- - /stage/lib/--ghc-//** -- (for interface files, static libs, ghci libs, includes, ...) -- -- so that if any change ends up modifying a library (but not its .conf -- file), we still rebuild things that depend on it. dir <- (-/-) <$> libPath context <*> distDir stage pkgid <- pkgIdentifier package files <- liftIO $ (++) <$> getDirectoryFilesIO "." [dir -/- "*libHS"++pkgid++"*"] <*> getDirectoryFilesIO "." [dir -/- pkgid -/- "**"] produces files copyConf :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Context -> FilePath -> Action () copyConf rs context@Context {..} conf = do depPkgIds <- fmap stdOutToPkgIds . askWithResources rs $ target context (GhcPkg Dependencies stage) [pkgName package] [] need =<< mapM (\pkgId -> packageDbPath stage <&> (-/- pkgId <.> "conf")) depPkgIds -- We should unregister if the file exists since @ghc-pkg@ will complain -- about existing package: -- Also, we don't always do the unregistration + registration to avoid -- repeated work after a full build. -- We do not track 'doesFileExist' since we are going to create the file if -- it is currently missing. TODO: Is this the right thing to do? -- See unlessM (liftIO $ IO.doesFileExist conf) $ do buildWithResources rs $ target context (GhcPkg Unregister stage) [pkgName package] [] buildWithResources rs $ target context (GhcPkg Copy stage) [pkgName package] [conf] where stdOutToPkgIds :: String -> [String] stdOutToPkgIds = drop 1 . concatMap words . lines getPackageNameFromConfFile :: FilePath -> Action String getPackageNameFromConfFile conf | takeBaseName conf == "rts" = return "rts" | otherwise = case parseCabalName (takeBaseName conf) of Left err -> error $ "getPackageNameFromConfFile: Couldn't parse " ++ takeBaseName conf ++ ": " ++ err Right (name, _) -> return name parseCabalName :: String -> Either String (String, Version) parseCabalName = fmap f . Cabal.eitherParsec where f :: Cabal.PackageId -> (String, Version) f pkg_id = (Cabal.unPackageName $ Cabal.pkgName pkg_id, Cabal.pkgVersion pkg_id) -- | Return extra library targets. extraTargets :: Context -> Action [FilePath] extraTargets context | package context == rts = needRtsLibffiTargets (Context.stage context) | otherwise = return [] -- | Given a library 'Package' this action computes all of its targets. Needing -- all the targets should build the library such that it is ready to be -- registered into the package database. -- See 'packageTargets' for the explanation of the @includeGhciLib@ parameter. libraryTargets :: Bool -> Context -> Action [FilePath] libraryTargets includeGhciLib context@Context {..} = do libFile <- pkgLibraryFile context ghciLib <- pkgGhciLibraryFile context ghci <- if includeGhciLib && not (wayUnit Dynamic way) then interpretInContext context $ getContextData buildGhciLib else return False extra <- extraTargets context return $ [ libFile ] ++ [ ghciLib | ghci ] ++ extra