{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Rules.Selftest (selftestRules) where import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal import Test.QuickCheck import Base import Context import Oracles.ModuleFiles import Oracles.Setting import Packages import Settings import Target import Utilities import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix (()) instance Arbitrary Way where arbitrary = wayFromUnits <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary WayUnit where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum test :: Testable a => a -> Action () test = liftIO . quickCheck selftestRules :: Rules () selftestRules = "selftest" ~> do testBuilder testChunksOfSize testDependencies testLookupAll testModuleName testPackages testPaths testWay testBuilder :: Action () testBuilder = do putBuild "==== trackArgument" let make = target undefined (Make undefined) undefined undefined test $ forAll (elements ["-j", "MAKEFLAGS=-j", "THREADS="]) $ \prefix (NonNegative n) -> not (trackArgument make prefix) && not (trackArgument make ("-j" ++ show (n :: Int))) testChunksOfSize :: Action () testChunksOfSize = do putBuild "==== chunksOfSize" test $ chunksOfSize 3 [ "a", "b", "c" , "defg" , "hi" , "jk" ] == [ ["a", "b", "c"], ["defg"], ["hi"], ["jk"] ] test $ \n xs -> let res = chunksOfSize n xs in concat res == xs && all (\r -> length r == 1 || length (concat r) <= n) res testDependencies :: Action () testDependencies = do putBuild "==== pkgDependencies" let pkgs = ghcPackages \\ [libffi] -- @libffi@ does not have a Cabal file. depLists <- mapM pkgDependencies pkgs test $ and [ deps == sort deps | deps <- depLists ] putBuild "==== Dependencies of the 'ghc-bin' binary" ghcDeps <- pkgDependencies ghc test $ pkgName compiler `elem` ghcDeps stage0Deps <- contextDependencies (vanillaContext Stage0 ghc) stage1Deps <- contextDependencies (vanillaContext Stage1 ghc) stage2Deps <- contextDependencies (vanillaContext Stage2 ghc) test $ vanillaContext Stage0 compiler `notElem` stage1Deps test $ vanillaContext Stage1 compiler `elem` stage1Deps test $ vanillaContext Stage2 compiler `notElem` stage1Deps test $ stage1Deps /= stage0Deps test $ stage1Deps == stage2Deps testLookupAll :: Action () testLookupAll = do putBuild "==== lookupAll" test $ lookupAll ["b" , "c" ] [("a", 1), ("c", 3), ("d", 4)] == [Nothing, Just (3 :: Int)] test $ forAll dicts $ \dict -> forAll extras $ \extra -> let items = sort $ map fst dict ++ extra in lookupAll items (sort dict) == map (`lookup` dict) items where dicts :: Gen [(Int, Int)] dicts = nubBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) <$> vector 20 extras :: Gen [Int] extras = vector 20 testModuleName :: Action () testModuleName = do putBuild "==== Encode/decode module name" test $ encodeModule "Data/Functor" "Identity.hs" == "Data.Functor.Identity" test $ encodeModule "" "Prelude" == "Prelude" test $ decodeModule "Data.Functor.Identity" == ("Data/Functor", "Identity") test $ decodeModule "Prelude" == ("", "Prelude") test $ forAll names $ \n -> uncurry encodeModule (decodeModule n) == n where names = intercalate "." <$> listOf1 (listOf1 $ elements "abcABC123_'") testPackages :: Action () testPackages = do putBuild "==== Check system configuration" win <- windowsHost -- This depends on the @boot@ and @configure@ scripts. putBuild "==== Packages, interpretInContext, configuration flags" forM_ [Stage0 ..] $ \stage -> do pkgs <- stagePackages stage when (win32 `elem` pkgs) . test $ win when (unix `elem` pkgs) . test $ not win test $ pkgs == nubOrd pkgs testWay :: Action () testWay = do putBuild "==== Read Way, Show Way" test $ \(x :: Way) -> read (show x) == x testPaths :: Action () testPaths = do putBuild "==== Absolute, Relative Path Concatenation" test $ forAll paths $ \(path1, path2) -> path1 -/- path2 == path1 Posix. path2 where paths = (,) <$> path <*> path path = frequency [(1, relativePath), (1, absolutePath)] relativePath = intercalate "/" <$> listOf1 (elements ["a"]) absolutePath = ('/':) <$> relativePath