module Rules.SimpleTargets ( simplePackageTargets , completionRule ) where import Base import CommandLine import Context import Packages import Settings import Data.Foldable -- | Simple aliases for library and executable targets. -- -- - @stage:lib:@ will build library @name@ with -- the stage N compiler, putting the result under -- @/stage/lib@. -- - @stage:exe:@ will build executable @name@ -- with the stage N-1 compiler, putting the result under -- @/stage/bin. simplePackageTargets :: Rules () simplePackageTargets = traverse_ simpleTarget targets where targets = [ (stage, target) | stage <- [minBound..maxBound] , target <- knownPackages ] simpleTarget :: (Stage, Package) -> Rules () simpleTarget (stage, target) = do root <- buildRootRules let tgt = intercalate ":" [stagestr, typ, pkgname] tgt ~> do p <- getTargetPath stage target need [ p ] -- build the _build/ghc-stageN wrappers if this is the ghc package if target == Packages.ghc then need [ root -/- ("ghc-" <> stagestr) ] else pure () where typ = if isLibrary target then "lib" else "exe" stagestr = stageString stage pkgname = pkgName target getTargetPath :: Stage -> Package -> Action FilePath getTargetPath stage pkg | isLibrary pkg = getLibraryPath stage pkg | otherwise = getProgramPath stage pkg getLibraryPath :: Stage -> Package -> Action FilePath getLibraryPath stage pkg = pkgConfFile (vanillaContext stage pkg) getProgramPath :: Stage -> Package -> Action FilePath getProgramPath Stage0 _ = error ("Cannot build a stage 0 executable target: " ++ "it is the boot compiler's toolchain") getProgramPath stage pkg = programPath (vanillaContext (pred stage) pkg) -- | A phony @autocomplete@ rule that prints all valid setting keys -- completions of the value specified in the @--complete-setting=...@ flag, -- or simply all valid setting keys if no such argument is passed to Hadrian. -- -- It is based on the 'completeSetting' function, from the "Settings" module. completionRule :: Rules () completionRule = "autocomplete" ~> do partialStr <- fromMaybe "" <$> cmdCompleteSetting case completeSetting (splitOn "." partialStr) of [] -> fail $ "No valid completion found for " ++ partialStr cs -> forM_ cs $ \ks -> liftIO . putStrLn $ intercalate "." ks