{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-} module Rules.Test (testRules) where import System.Environment import Base import CommandLine import Expression import Flavour import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type (packageDependencies) import Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal (readPackageData) import Oracles.Setting import Oracles.TestSettings import Oracles.Flag import Packages import Settings import Settings.Builders.RunTest import Settings.Program (programContext) import Target import Utilities import Context.Type import qualified System.Directory as IO checkPprProgPath, checkPprSourcePath :: FilePath checkPprProgPath = "test/bin/check-ppr" <.> exe checkPprSourcePath = "utils/check-ppr/Main.hs" checkPprExtra :: [String] checkPprExtra = [] checkExactProgPath, checkExactSourcePath :: FilePath checkExactProgPath = "test/bin/check-exact" <.> exe checkExactSourcePath = "utils/check-exact/Main.hs" checkExactExtra :: [String] checkExactExtra = ["-iutils/check-exact"] countDepsProgPath, countDepsSourcePath :: FilePath countDepsProgPath = "test/bin/count-deps" <.> exe countDepsSourcePath = "utils/count-deps/Main.hs" countDepsExtra :: [String] countDepsExtra = ["-iutils/count-deps"] noteLinterProgPath, noteLinterSourcePath :: FilePath noteLinterProgPath = "test/bin/lint-notes" <.> exe noteLinterSourcePath = "linters/lint-notes/Main.hs" noteLinterExtra :: [String] noteLinterExtra = ["-ilinters/lint-notes"] whitespaceLinterProgPath, whitespaceLinterSourcePath :: FilePath whitespaceLinterProgPath = "test/bin/lint-whitespace" <.> exe whitespaceLinterSourcePath = "linters/lint-whitespace/Main.hs" whitespaceLinterExtra :: [String] whitespaceLinterExtra = ["-ilinters/lint-whitespace", "-ilinters/linters-common"] data CheckProgram = CheckProgram { cp_target :: String -- ^ Name for the hadrian target , cp_exe_path :: FilePath -- ^ Path to resulting executable , cp_src_path :: FilePath -- ^ Source to the Main.hs for the executable , cp_extra_args :: [String] -- ^ Any extra arguments to use when compiling Main.hs , cp_hadrian_pkg :: Package -- ^ How to build the executable when using in-tree compiler. , cp_modify_stage :: Stage -> Stage -- ^ Which stage GHC to build the executable with. , cp_modify_deps :: [Package] -> [Package] -- ^ How to modify the package dependencies, only used for the linter to remove the dependency on lintersCommon. } checkPrograms :: [CheckProgram] checkPrograms = [ CheckProgram "test:check-ppr" checkPprProgPath checkPprSourcePath checkPprExtra checkPpr id id , CheckProgram "test:check-exact" checkExactProgPath checkExactSourcePath checkExactExtra checkExact id id , CheckProgram "test:count-deps" countDepsProgPath countDepsSourcePath countDepsExtra countDeps id id , CheckProgram "lint:notes" noteLinterProgPath noteLinterSourcePath noteLinterExtra lintNotes (const stage0Boot) id , CheckProgram "lint:whitespace" whitespaceLinterProgPath whitespaceLinterSourcePath whitespaceLinterExtra lintWhitespace (const stage0Boot) (filter (/= lintersCommon)) ] inTreeOutTree :: (Stage -> Action b) -> Action b -> Action b inTreeOutTree inTree outTree = do args <- userSetting defaultTestArgs let testCompilerArg = testCompiler args case stageOf testCompilerArg of Just stg -> inTree stg Nothing -> outTree testsuiteDeps :: Rules () testsuiteDeps = do root <- buildRootRules "test:ghc" ~> inTreeOutTree (\stg -> do needTestsuitePackages stg need [(root -/- ghcConfigPath)] -- This is here because it's the one place we know that GHC is -- up-to-date. Later when we compute the in/out tree arguments -- we can't be sure whether checking this assertion will trigger -- a rebuild. assertSameCompilerArgs stg) (return ()) ghcConfigPath :: FilePath ghcConfigPath = "test/ghcconfig" -- TODO: clean up after testing testRules :: Rules () testRules = do root <- buildRootRules testsuiteDeps -- we need to create wrappers to test the stage1 compiler -- as the stage1 compiler needs the stage2 libraries -- to have any hope of passing tests. root -/- "stage1-test/bin/*" %> \path -> do bin_path <- stageBinPath stage0InTree let prog = takeBaseName path stage0prog = bin_path -/- prog <.> exe need [stage0prog] abs_prog_path <- liftIO (IO.canonicalizePath stage0prog) -- Use the stage1 package database pkgDb <- liftIO . IO.makeAbsolute =<< packageDbPath (PackageDbLoc Stage1 Final) if prog `elem` ["ghc","runghc"] then do let flags = [ "-no-global-package-db", "-no-user-package-db", "-hide-package", "ghc" , "-package-env","-","-package-db",pkgDb] writeFile' path $ unlines ["#!/bin/sh",unwords ((abs_prog_path : flags) ++ ["${1+\"$@\"}"])] makeExecutable path else if prog == "ghc-pkg" then do let flags = ["-no-global-package-db", "--no-user-package-db", "--global-package-db", pkgDb] writeFile' path $ unlines ["#!/bin/sh",unwords ((abs_prog_path : flags) ++ ["${1+\"$@\"}"])] makeExecutable path else createFileLink abs_prog_path path -- Rules for building check-ppr, check-exact and -- check-ppr-annotations with the compiler we are going to test -- (in-tree or out-of-tree). forM_ checkPrograms $ \(CheckProgram name progPath sourcePath mextra progPkg mod_stage mod_pkgs) -> do name ~> need [root -/- progPath] root -/- progPath %> \path -> do need [ sourcePath ] testGhc <- testCompiler <$> userSetting defaultTestArgs -- when we're about to test an in-tree compiler, just build the package -- normally, NOT stage3, as there are no rules for stage4 yet case stageOf testGhc of Just stg -> do fs <- pkgFile (mod_stage stg) progPkg need [fs] prog_path <- programPath =<< programContext (mod_stage stg) progPkg abs_prog_path <- liftIO (IO.canonicalizePath prog_path) createFileLink abs_prog_path path -- otherwise, build it by directly invoking ghc Nothing -> do top <- topDirectory depsPkgs <- mod_pkgs . packageDependencies <$> readPackageData progPkg bindir <- getBinaryDirectory testGhc test_args <- outOfTreeCompilerArgs let dynPrograms = hasDynamic test_args cmd [bindir "ghc" <.> exe] $ concatMap (\p -> ["-package", pkgName p]) depsPkgs ++ ["-o", top -/- path, top -/- sourcePath] ++ mextra ++ -- If GHC is build dynamic, then build check-ppr also dynamic. (if dynPrograms then ["-dynamic"] else []) root -/- ghcConfigPath %> \_ -> do alwaysRerun args <- userSetting defaultTestArgs let testGhc = testCompiler args ghcPath <- getCompilerPath testGhc whenJust (stageOf testGhc) $ \stg -> need . (:[]) =<< programPath (Context stg ghc vanilla Final) ghcConfigProgPath <- programPath =<< programContext stage0InTree ghcConfig cwd <- liftIO $ IO.getCurrentDirectory need [makeRelative cwd ghcPath, ghcConfigProgPath] cmd [FileStdout $ root -/- ghcConfigPath] ghcConfigProgPath [ghcPath] root -/- timeoutPath %> \_ -> timeoutProgBuilder "test" ~> do args <- userSetting defaultTestArgs let testCompilerArg = testCompiler args let stg = fromMaybe Stage2 $ stageOf testCompilerArg let test_target tt = target (vanillaContext stg compiler) (Testsuite tt) [] [] -- We need to ask the testsuite if it needs any extra hadrian dependencies for the -- tests it is going to run, -- for example "docs_haddock" -- We then need to go and build these dependencies extra_targets <- words <$> askWithResources [] (test_target GetExtraDeps) let ok_to_build = filter (isOkToBuild args) extra_targets putVerbose $ " | ExtraTargets: " ++ intercalate ", " extra_targets putVerbose $ " | ExtraTargets (ok-to-build): " ++ intercalate ", " ok_to_build need ok_to_build -- Prepare Ghc configuration file for input compiler. need [root -/- timeoutPath] ghcPath <- getCompilerPath testCompilerArg makePath <- builderPath $ Make "" top <- topDirectory ghcFlags <- runTestGhcFlags let ghciFlags = ghcFlags ++ unwords [ "--interactive", "-v0", "-ignore-dot-ghci" , "-fno-ghci-history" ] ccPath <- settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_CCompilerCommand ccFlags <- settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_CCompilerFlags pythonPath <- builderPath Python -- Set environment variables for test's Makefile. -- TODO: Ideally we would define all those env vars in 'env', so that -- Shake can keep track of them, but it is not as easy as it seems -- to get that to work. liftIO $ do -- Many of those env vars are used by Makefiles in the -- test infrastructure, or from tests or their -- Makefiles. setEnv "MAKE" makePath setEnv "PYTHON" pythonPath setEnv "TEST_HC" ghcPath setEnv "TEST_HC_OPTS" ghcFlags setEnv "TEST_HC_OPTS_INTERACTIVE" ghciFlags setEnv "TEST_CC" ccPath setEnv "TEST_CC_OPTS" ccFlags setEnv "CHECK_PPR" (top -/- root -/- checkPprProgPath) setEnv "CHECK_EXACT" (top -/- root -/- checkExactProgPath) setEnv "COUNT_DEPS" (top -/- root -/- countDepsProgPath) setEnv "LINT_NOTES" (top -/- root -/- noteLinterProgPath) setEnv "LINT_WHITESPACE" (top -/- root -/- whitespaceLinterProgPath) -- This lets us bypass the need to generate a config -- through Make, which happens in testsuite/mk/boilerplate.mk -- which is in turn included by all test 'Makefile's. setEnv "ghc_config_mk" (top -/- root -/- ghcConfigPath) -- Execute the test target. -- We override the verbosity setting to make sure the user can see -- the test output: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/15951. withVerbosity Diagnostic $ buildWithCmdOptions [] $ test_target RunTest -- | Given a test compiler and a hadrian dependency (target), check if we -- can build the target with the compiler -- -- We can always build a target with an intree compiler But we can only build -- targets with special support (checkPrograms) with arbitrary compilers. -- -- We need to build the dependencies if --test-have-intree-files is set. -- We should have built them already by this point, but isOkToBuild :: TestArgs -> String -> Bool isOkToBuild args target = isJust (stageOf (testCompiler args)) || testHasInTreeFiles args || target `elem` map cp_target checkPrograms -- | Build the timeout program. -- See: https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/master/testsuite/timeout/Makefile#L23 timeoutProgBuilder :: Action () timeoutProgBuilder = do root <- buildRoot if windowsHost then do prog <- programPath =<< programContext stage0InTree timeout copyFile prog (root -/- timeoutPath) else do python <- builderPath Python copyFile "testsuite/timeout/timeout.py" (root -/- timeoutPath <.> "py") let script = unlines [ "#!/bin/sh" , "exec " ++ python ++ " $0.py \"$@\"" ] writeFile' (root -/- timeoutPath) script makeExecutable (root -/- timeoutPath) -- | Build extra programs and libraries required by testsuite needTestsuitePackages :: Stage -> Action () needTestsuitePackages stg = do allpkgs <- packages <$> flavour -- We need the libraries of the successor stage libpkgs <- map (Stage1,) . filter isLibrary <$> allpkgs (succStage stg) -- And the executables of the current stage exepkgs <- map (stg,) . filter isProgram <$> allpkgs stg -- Don't require lib:ghc or lib:cabal when testing the stage1 compiler -- This is a hack, but a major usecase for testing the stage1 compiler is -- so that we can use it even if ghc stage2 fails to build -- Unfortunately, we still need the liba let pkgs = filter (\(_,p) -> not $ "iserv" `isInfixOf` pkgName p || ((pkgName p `elem` ["ghc", "Cabal"]) && isStage0 stg)) (libpkgs ++ exepkgs ++ [ (stg,timeout) | windowsHost ]) need =<< mapM (uncurry pkgFile) pkgs cross <- flag CrossCompiling when (not cross) $ needIservBins stg root <- buildRoot liftIO $ print stg -- require the shims for testing stage1 when (stg == stage0InTree) $ do -- Windows not supported as the wrapper scripts don't work on windows.. we could -- support it with a separate .bat or C wrapper code path but seems overkill when no-one will -- probably ever try and do this. when windowsHost $ do putFailure $ unlines [ "Testing stage1 compiler with windows is currently unsupported," , "if you desire to do this then please open a ticket"] fail "Testing stage1 is not supported" need =<< sequence [(\f -> root -/- "stage1-test/bin" -/- takeFileName f) <$> (pkgFile stage0InTree p) | (Stage0 InTreeLibs,p) <- exepkgs] -- stage 1 ghc lives under stage0/bin, -- stage 2 ghc lives under stage1/bin, etc stageOf :: String -> Maybe Stage stageOf "stage1" = Just stage0InTree stageOf "stage2" = Just Stage1 stageOf "stage3" = Just Stage2 stageOf _ = Nothing needIservBins :: Stage -> Action () needIservBins stg = do let ws = [vanilla, profiling, dynamic] progs <- catMaybes <$> mapM (canBuild stg) ws need progs where -- Only build iserv binaries if all dependencies are built the right -- way already. In particular this fixes the case of no_profiled_libs -- not working with the testsuite, see #19624 canBuild (Stage0 {}) _ = pure Nothing canBuild stg w = do contextDeps <- contextDependencies (Context stg iserv w Final) ws <- forM contextDeps $ \c -> interpretInContext c (getLibraryWays <> if Context.Type.package c == rts then getRtsWays else mempty) if (all (w `elem`) ws) then Just <$> programPath (Context stg iserv w Final) else return Nothing pkgFile :: Stage -> Package -> Action FilePath pkgFile stage pkg | isLibrary pkg = pkgConfFile (Context stage pkg profilingDynamic Final) | otherwise = programPath =<< programContext stage pkg