module Rules.Test (testRules) where import System.Environment import Base import CommandLine import Expression import Flavour import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type (packageDependencies) import Hadrian.Oracles.Cabal (readPackageData) import Oracles.Setting import Oracles.TestSettings import Packages import Settings import Settings.Default import Settings.Builders.RunTest import Settings.Program (programContext) import Target import Utilities ghcConfigHsPath :: FilePath ghcConfigHsPath = "testsuite/mk/ghc-config.hs" ghcConfigProgPath :: FilePath ghcConfigProgPath = "test/bin/ghc-config" <.> exe checkPprProgPath, checkPprSourcePath :: FilePath checkPprProgPath = "test/bin/check-ppr" <.> exe checkPprSourcePath = "utils/check-ppr/Main.hs" checkPprExtra :: Maybe String checkPprExtra = Nothing checkExactProgPath, checkExactSourcePath :: FilePath checkExactProgPath = "test/bin/check-exact" <.> exe checkExactSourcePath = "utils/check-exact/Main.hs" checkExactExtra :: Maybe String checkExactExtra = Just "-iutils/check-exact" checkPrograms :: [(FilePath, FilePath, Maybe String, Package)] checkPrograms = [ (checkPprProgPath, checkPprSourcePath, checkPprExtra, checkPpr) , (checkExactProgPath, checkExactSourcePath, checkExactExtra, checkExact) ] ghcConfigPath :: FilePath ghcConfigPath = "test/ghcconfig" -- TODO: clean up after testing testRules :: Rules () testRules = do root <- buildRootRules -- Using program shipped with testsuite to generate ghcconfig file. root -/- ghcConfigProgPath %> \_ -> do ghc0Path <- getCompilerPath "stage0" -- Invoke via bash to work around #17362. -- Reasons why this is required are not entirely clear. cmd ["bash"] ["-c", ghc0Path ++ " " ++ ghcConfigHsPath ++ " -o " ++ (root -/- ghcConfigProgPath)] -- Rules for building check-ppr, check-exact and -- check-ppr-annotations with the compiler we are going to test -- (in-tree or out-of-tree). forM_ checkPrograms $ \(progPath, sourcePath, mextra, progPkg) -> root -/- progPath %> \path -> do need [ sourcePath ] testGhc <- testCompiler <$> userSetting defaultTestArgs top <- topDirectory depsPkgs <- packageDependencies <$> readPackageData progPkg -- when we're about to test an in-tree compiler, we make sure that -- we have the corresponding GHC binary available, along with the -- necessary libraries to build the check-* programs when (testGhc `elem` ["stage1", "stage2", "stage3"]) $ do let stg = stageOf testGhc ghcPath <- programPath (Context stg ghc vanilla) depsLibs <- traverse (\p -> pkgRegisteredLibraryFile (vanillaContext stg p)) depsPkgs need (ghcPath : depsLibs) bindir <- getBinaryDirectory testGhc debugged <- ghcDebugged <$> flavour dynPrograms <- dynamicGhcPrograms =<< flavour cmd [bindir "ghc" <.> exe] $ concatMap (\p -> ["-package", pkgName p]) depsPkgs ++ ["-o", top -/- path, top -/- sourcePath] ++ (maybe [] (\e -> [e]) mextra) ++ -- If GHC is build with debug options, then build check-ppr -- also with debug options. This allows, e.g., to print debug -- messages of various RTS subsystems while using check-ppr. if debugged then ["-debug"] else [] ++ -- If GHC is build dynamic, then build check-ppr also dynamic. if dynPrograms then ["-dynamic"] else [] root -/- ghcConfigPath %> \_ -> do args <- userSetting defaultTestArgs let testGhc = testCompiler args stg = stageOf testGhc ghcPath <- getCompilerPath testGhc when (testGhc `elem` ["stage1", "stage2", "stage3"]) $ need . (:[]) =<< programPath (Context stg ghc vanilla) need [root -/- ghcConfigProgPath] cmd [FileStdout $ root -/- ghcConfigPath] (root -/- ghcConfigProgPath) [ghcPath] root -/- timeoutPath %> \_ -> timeoutProgBuilder "test" ~> do needTestBuilders -- TODO : Should we remove the previously generated config file? -- Prepare Ghc configuration file for input compiler. need [root -/- ghcConfigPath, root -/- timeoutPath] args <- userSetting defaultTestArgs ghcPath <- getCompilerPath (testCompiler args) -- TODO This approach doesn't work. -- Set environment variables for test's Makefile. env <- sequence [ builderEnvironment "MAKE" $ Make "" , builderEnvironment "TEST_HC" $ Ghc CompileHs Stage2 , AddEnv "TEST_HC_OPTS" <$> runTestGhcFlags ] makePath <- builderPath $ Make "" top <- topDirectory ghcFlags <- runTestGhcFlags let ghciFlags = ghcFlags ++ unwords [ "--interactive", "-v0", "-ignore-dot-ghci" , "-fno-ghci-history" ] pythonPath <- builderPath Python need [ root -/- checkPprProgPath , root -/- checkExactProgPath ] -- Set environment variables for test's Makefile. -- TODO: Ideally we would define all those env vars in 'env', so that -- Shake can keep track of them, but it is not as easy as it seems -- to get that to work. liftIO $ do -- Many of those env vars are used by Makefiles in the -- test infrastructure, or from tests or their -- Makefiles. setEnv "MAKE" makePath setEnv "PYTHON" pythonPath setEnv "TEST_HC" ghcPath setEnv "TEST_HC_OPTS" ghcFlags setEnv "TEST_HC_OPTS_INTERACTIVE" ghciFlags setEnv "CHECK_PPR" (top -/- root -/- checkPprProgPath) setEnv "CHECK_EXACT" (top -/- root -/- checkExactProgPath) -- This lets us bypass the need to generate a config -- through Make, which happens in testsuite/mk/ -- which is in turn included by all test 'Makefile's. setEnv "ghc_config_mk" (top -/- root -/- ghcConfigPath) -- Execute the test target. -- We override the verbosity setting to make sure the user can see -- the test output: withVerbosity Loud $ buildWithCmdOptions env $ target (vanillaContext Stage2 compiler) RunTest [] [] -- | Build the timeout program. -- See: timeoutProgBuilder :: Action () timeoutProgBuilder = do root <- buildRoot if windowsHost then do prog <- programPath =<< programContext Stage0 timeout copyFile prog (root -/- timeoutPath) else do python <- builderPath Python copyFile "testsuite/timeout/" (root -/- timeoutPath <.> "py") let script = unlines [ "#!/usr/bin/env sh" , "exec " ++ python ++ " $ \"$@\"" ] writeFile' (root -/- timeoutPath) script makeExecutable (root -/- timeoutPath) needTestBuilders :: Action () needTestBuilders = do testGhc <- testCompiler <$> userSetting defaultTestArgs when (testGhc `elem` ["stage1", "stage2", "stage3"]) (needTestsuitePackages testGhc) -- | Build extra programs and libraries required by testsuite needTestsuitePackages :: String -> Action () needTestsuitePackages testGhc = do when (testGhc `elem` ["stage1", "stage2", "stage3"]) $ do let stg = stageOf testGhc allpkgs <- packages <$> flavour stgpkgs <- allpkgs (succ stg) testpkgs <- testsuitePackages let pkgs = filter (\p -> not $ "iserv" `isInfixOf` pkgName p) (stgpkgs ++ testpkgs) need =<< mapM (pkgFile stg) pkgs needIservBins -- stage 1 ghc lives under stage0/bin, -- stage 2 ghc lives under stage1/bin, etc stageOf :: String -> Stage stageOf "stage1" = Stage0 stageOf "stage2" = Stage1 stageOf "stage3" = Stage2 stageOf _ = error "unexpected stage argument" needIservBins :: Action () needIservBins = do testGhc <- testCompiler <$> userSetting defaultTestArgs let stg = stageOf testGhc rtsways <- interpretInContext (vanillaContext stg ghc) getRtsWays need =<< traverse programPath [ Context stg iserv w | w <- [vanilla, profiling, dynamic] , w `elem` rtsways ] pkgFile :: Stage -> Package -> Action FilePath pkgFile stage pkg | isLibrary pkg = pkgConfFile (Context stage pkg profilingDynamic) | otherwise = programPath =<< programContext stage pkg