module Settings ( getArgs, getLibraryWays, getRtsWays, flavour, knownPackages, findPackageByName, unsafeFindPackageByName, unsafeFindPackageByPath, isLibrary, stagePackages, getIntegerPackage, completeSetting ) where import CommandLine import Expression import Flavour import Packages import Settings.Parser import UserSettings (userFlavours, userPackages, userDefaultFlavour) import {-# SOURCE #-} Settings.Default import Settings.Flavours.Benchmark import Settings.Flavours.Development import Settings.Flavours.Llvm import Settings.Flavours.Performance import Settings.Flavours.Profiled import Settings.Flavours.Quick import Settings.Flavours.Quickest import Settings.Flavours.QuickCross import Settings.Flavours.GhcInGhci import Settings.Flavours.Validate import Control.Monad.Except import Data.Either getArgs :: Args getArgs = expr flavour >>= args getLibraryWays :: Ways getLibraryWays = expr flavour >>= libraryWays getRtsWays :: Ways getRtsWays = expr flavour >>= rtsWays stagePackages :: Stage -> Action [Package] stagePackages stage = do f <- flavour packages f stage hadrianFlavours :: [Flavour] hadrianFlavours = [ benchmarkFlavour, defaultFlavour, developmentFlavour Stage1 , developmentFlavour Stage2, performanceFlavour, profiledFlavour , quickFlavour, quickestFlavour, quickCrossFlavour, benchmarkLlvmFlavour , performanceLlvmFlavour, profiledLlvmFlavour, quickLlvmFlavour , ghcInGhciFlavour, validateFlavour, slowValidateFlavour ] -- | This action looks up a flavour with the name given on the -- command line with @--flavour@, defaulting to 'userDefaultFlavour' -- when no explicit @--flavour@ is passed. It then applies any -- potential setting update specified on the command line or in a -- /hadrian.settings file, using @k = v@ or @k += v@ style -- syntax. See Note [Hadrian settings] at the bottom of this file. flavour :: Action Flavour flavour = do flavourName <- fromMaybe userDefaultFlavour <$> cmdFlavour kvs <- userSetting ([] :: [KeyVal]) let flavours = hadrianFlavours ++ userFlavours (_settingErrs, tweak) = applySettings kvs return $ case filter (\fl -> name fl == flavourName) flavours of [] -> error $ "Unknown build flavour: " ++ flavourName [f] -> tweak f _ -> error $ "Multiple build flavours named " ++ flavourName getIntegerPackage :: Expr Package getIntegerPackage = expr (integerLibrary =<< flavour) -- TODO: switch to Set Package as the order of packages should not matter? -- Otherwise we have to keep remembering to sort packages from time to time. knownPackages :: [Package] knownPackages = sort $ ghcPackages ++ userPackages -- TODO: Speed up? Switch to Set? -- Note: this is slow but we keep it simple as there are just ~50 packages findPackageByName :: PackageName -> Maybe Package findPackageByName name = find (\pkg -> pkgName pkg == name) knownPackages unsafeFindPackageByName :: PackageName -> Package unsafeFindPackageByName name = fromMaybe (error msg) $ findPackageByName name where msg = "unsafeFindPackageByName: No package with name " ++ name unsafeFindPackageByPath :: FilePath -> Package unsafeFindPackageByPath path = err $ find (\pkg -> pkgPath pkg == path) knownPackages where err = fromMaybe $ error ("findPackageByPath: No package for path " ++ path) -- * CLI and /hadrian.settings options {- Note [Hadrian settings] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hadrian lets one customize GHC builds through the UserSettings module, where Hadrian users can override existing 'Flavour's or create entirely new ones, overriding/extending the options passed to some builder building the RTS in more ways and much more. It now also offers a more "old-school" interface, in the form of = v@ or += v@ expressions, that one can pass on the command line that invokes hadrian: > $ hadrian/build --flavour=quickest -j " += -v3" or in a file at /hadrian.settings, where is the build root to be used for the build, which is _build by default. For example, you could create a file at _build/hadrian.settings with the following contents: > += -v3 > stage1.base.ghc.hs.opts += -ddump-timings and issue: > $ hadrian/build Hadrian would pick up the settings given in _build/hadrian.settings (as well as any settings that you may additionally be passing on the command line) and update the relevant flavour accordingly, to issue the additional arguments specified by the user. The supported settings are described by 'builderSetting' below, using operations from Applicative + two new primitives, 'matchString' and 'matchOneOf', that come as members of the 'Match' class. This gives us a simple but powerful vocabulary to describe settings and parse them into values that we can use to compute interesting things, like a 'Predicate' that we can use to emit additional arguments, or a list of possible completions. > fmap, (<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b > pure :: Applicative f => a -> f a > (<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b > (*>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b > (<*) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a > (<$) :: Functor f => a -> f b -> f a > > str :: Match f => String -> f () > val :: Match f => String -> a -> f a > oneOf :: Match f => [f a] -> f a > choose :: Match f => [(String, a)] -> f a > wild :: Match f => [(String, a)] -> f (Wildcard a) For instance, to describe possible settings:{x, y} foo.baz.{a, b}.c we could write: > str "foo" *> oneOf [ str "bar" *> choose [ ("x", "x"), ("y", "y") ] > , str "baz" *> choose [ ("a", "ac"), ("b", "bc") <* str "c" ] > ] 'builderSetting' uses these combinators to describe the setting keys that Hadrian supports. A user-oriented description of this mechanism is available in hadrian/doc/ -} -- | Try to interpret all the 'KeyVal' as flavour updates, keeping -- a list of errors for the ones which don't match known -- settings. applySettings :: [KeyVal] -> ([SettingError], Flavour -> Flavour) applySettings kvs = case partitionEithers (map applySetting kvs) of (errs, fs) -> (errs, foldr (flip (.)) id fs) -- we need to compose the reverse way to have the following settings -- x = -b -- x += -c -- produce the final x = "-b -c" value. With just (.) we would apply -- the x = -b assignment last, which would silently drop the -c adddition. -- -- foldr (.) id [f, g, h] = f . g . h -- -- first function (f) is applied last, we're applying them in -- -- the wrong order! -- -- foldr (flip (.)) id [f, g, h] = h . g . f -- -- last function (f) is applied last, as desired -- | Try to interpret the given 'KeyVal' as a flavour update -- function, returning an error if it doesn't match a known -- setting. applySetting :: KeyVal -> Either SettingError (Flavour -> Flavour) applySetting (KeyVal ks op v) = case runSettingsM ks builderPredicate of Left err -> throwError $ "error while setting " ++ show ks ++ ": " ++ err Right pred -> Right $ \flav -> flav { args = update (args flav) pred } where override arguments predicate = do holds <- predicate if holds then pure (words v) else arguments augment arguments predicate = mconcat [arguments, predicate ? pure (words v)] update | op == Equal = override | otherwise = augment -- | Try to auto-complete the given @Key@ using -- all known settings, as described by 'builderSetting'. -- -- > completeSetting ["stage1","base", "ghc"] -- > -- returns [ ["stage1","base","ghc","c","opts"] -- > -- , ["stage1","base","ghc","hs","opts"] -- > -- , ["stage1","base","ghc","link","opts"] -- > -- , ["stage1","base","ghc","deps","opts"] -- > -- , ["stage1","base","ghc","toolargs","opts"] -- > -- ] completeSetting :: Key -> [Key] completeSetting ks = map snd (complete ks builderSetting) -- | Interpret a 'builderSetting' as a 'Predicate' that -- potentially constrains on the stage, package or -- (ghc or cc) builder mode. -- -- For example, gets mapped to -- a predicate that applies @'stage' 'Stage1'@, -- @'package' 'base'@ and @'builder' ('Ghc' 'LinkHs')@. builderPredicate :: SettingsM Predicate builderPredicate = builderSetting <&> (\(wstg, wpkg, builderMode) -> wildcard (pure True) stage wstg <&&> wildcard (pure True) package wpkg <&&> (case builderMode of BM_Ghc ghcMode -> wildcard (builder Ghc) (builder . Ghc) ghcMode BM_Cc ccMode -> wildcard (builder Cc) (builder . Cc) ccMode BM_CabalConfigure -> builder (Cabal Setup) ) ) where (<&&>) = liftA2 (&&) -- | Which builder a setting should apply to data BuilderMode = BM_Ghc (Wildcard GhcMode) | BM_Cc (Wildcard CcMode) | BM_CabalConfigure -- | Interpretation-agnostic description of the builder settings -- supported by Hadrian. -- -- Supported settings (to be kept in sync with the code): -- -- > ( or *).( or *).ghc.( or *).opts -- > ( or *).( or *).cc.( or *).opts -- > ( or *).( or *).cabal.configure.opts -- -- where: -- - @@ is one of @stage0@, @stage1@, @stage2@ or @stage3@; -- - @@ is the (Cabal) name of a package (@base@, -- @template-haskell@, ...); -- - @@ is one of @c@ (building C files), @hs@ (building Haskell -- modules), @link@ (linking object files), @deps@ (finding Haskell -- dependencies with @ghc -M@) or @toolargs@ (getting necessary flags to -- make hadrian/ghci work; -- - @@ is one of @c@ (building C files) or @deps@ (finding C -- dependencies); -- - locations that support a wildcard (@*@) entry are here to avoid -- repetition, a wildcard entry being equivalent to writing all the -- settings that the wildcard matches over; in our case, we can -- apply GHC or C compiler options uniformly over all stages, packages -- and compiler modes, if we so desire, by using a wildcard in the -- appropriate spot. builderSetting :: Match f => f (Wildcard Stage, Wildcard Package, BuilderMode) builderSetting = (,,) <$> wild stages <*> wild pkgs <*> matchOneOf [ str "ghc" *> fmap BM_Ghc (wild ghcBuilder) <* str "opts" , str "cc" *> fmap BM_Cc (wild ccBuilder) <* str "opts" , BM_CabalConfigure <$ str "cabal" <* str "configure" <* str "opts" ] where ghcBuilder = [ ("c", CompileCWithGhc) , ("deps", FindHsDependencies) , ("hs", CompileHs) , ("link", LinkHs) , ("toolargs", ToolArgs) ] ccBuilder = [ ("c", CompileC) , ("deps", FindCDependencies) ] stages = map (\stg -> (stageString stg, stg)) [minBound..maxBound] pkgs = map (\pkg -> (pkgName pkg, pkg)) knownPackages