module Settings.Builders.Cabal (cabalBuilderArgs) where import Hadrian.Builder (getBuilderPath, needBuilder) import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal import Builder import Context import Flavour import Packages import Settings.Builders.Common cabalBuilderArgs :: Args cabalBuilderArgs = builder (Cabal Setup) ? do verbosity <- expr getVerbosity top <- expr topDirectory pkg <- getPackage path <- getContextPath stage <- getStage windows <- expr windowsHost let prefix = "${pkgroot}" ++ (if windows then "" else "/..") mconcat [ arg "configure" -- Don't strip libraries when cross compiling. -- TODO: We need to set @--with-strip=(stripCmdPath :: Action FilePath)@, -- and if it's @:@ disable stripping as well. As it is now, I believe -- we might have issues with stripping on Windows, as I can't see a -- consumer of 'stripCmdPath'. -- TODO: See , flag CrossCompiling ? pure [ "--disable-executable-stripping" , "--disable-library-stripping" ] , arg "--cabal-file" , arg $ pkgCabalFile pkg , arg "--distdir" , arg $ top -/- path , arg "--ipid" , arg "$pkg-$version" , arg "--prefix" , arg prefix -- NB: this is valid only because Hadrian puts the @docs@ and -- @libraries@ folders in the same relative position: -- -- * libraries in @_build/stageN/libraries@ -- * docs in @_build/docs/html/libraries@ -- -- This doesn't hold if we move the @docs@ folder anywhere else. , arg "--htmldir" , arg $ "${pkgroot}/../../docs/html/libraries/" ++ pkgName pkg , withStaged $ Ghc CompileHs , withStaged (GhcPkg Update) , withBuilderArgs (GhcPkg Update stage) , bootPackageDatabaseArgs , libraryArgs , configureArgs , bootPackageConstraints , withStaged $ Cc CompileC , notStage0 ? with (Ld stage) , withStaged (Ar Pack) , with Alex , with Happy , verbosity < Chatty ? pure [ "-v0", "--configure-option=--quiet" , "--configure-option=--disable-option-checking" ] ] -- TODO: Isn't vanilla always built? If yes, some conditions are redundant. -- TODO: Need compiler_stage1_CONFIGURE_OPTS += --disable-library-for-ghci? -- TODO: should `elem` be `wayUnit`? -- This approach still doesn't work. Previously libraries were build only in the -- Default flavours and not using context. libraryArgs :: Args libraryArgs = do flavourWays <- getLibraryWays contextWay <- getWay package <- getPackage withGhci <- expr ghcWithInterpreter dynPrograms <- expr (flavour >>= dynamicGhcPrograms) let ways = flavourWays ++ [contextWay] hasVanilla = vanilla `elem` ways hasProfiling = any (wayUnit Profiling) ways hasDynamic = any (wayUnit Dynamic) ways pure [ if hasVanilla then "--enable-library-vanilla" else "--disable-library-vanilla" , if hasProfiling then "--enable-library-profiling" else "--disable-library-profiling" , if (hasVanilla || hasProfiling) && package /= rts && withGhci && not dynPrograms then "--enable-library-for-ghci" else "--disable-library-for-ghci" , if hasDynamic then "--enable-shared" else "--disable-shared" ] -- TODO: LD_OPTS? configureArgs :: Args configureArgs = do top <- expr topDirectory root <- getBuildRoot pkg <- getPackage let conf key expr = do values <- unwords <$> expr not (null values) ? arg ("--configure-option=" ++ key ++ "=" ++ values) cFlags = mconcat [ remove ["-Werror"] cArgs , getStagedSettingList ConfCcArgs , arg $ "-I" ++ top -/- root -/- generatedDir -- See , arg $ "-I" ++ top -/- pkgPath pkg , arg $ "-I" ++ top -/- "includes" ] ldFlags = ldArgs <> (getStagedSettingList ConfGccLinkerArgs) cppFlags = cppArgs <> (getStagedSettingList ConfCppArgs) cldFlags <- unwords <$> (cFlags <> ldFlags) mconcat [ conf "CFLAGS" cFlags , conf "LDFLAGS" ldFlags , conf "CPPFLAGS" cppFlags , not (null cldFlags) ? arg ("--gcc-options=" ++ cldFlags) , conf "--with-iconv-includes" $ arg =<< getSetting IconvIncludeDir , conf "--with-iconv-libraries" $ arg =<< getSetting IconvLibDir , conf "--with-gmp-includes" $ arg =<< getSetting GmpIncludeDir , conf "--with-gmp-libraries" $ arg =<< getSetting GmpLibDir , conf "--with-curses-libraries" $ arg =<< getSetting CursesLibDir , flag CrossCompiling ? (conf "--host" $ arg =<< getSetting TargetPlatformFull) , conf "--with-cc" $ arg =<< getBuilderPath . (Cc CompileC) =<< getStage , notStage0 ? (arg =<< ("--ghc-option=-ghcversion-file=" ++) <$> expr ((-/-) <$> topDirectory <*> ghcVersionH))] bootPackageConstraints :: Args bootPackageConstraints = stage0 ? do bootPkgs <- expr $ stagePackages Stage0 let pkgs = filter (\p -> p /= compiler && isLibrary p) bootPkgs constraints <- expr $ forM (sort pkgs) $ \pkg -> do version <- pkgVersion pkg return $ ((pkgName pkg ++ " == ") ++) version pure $ concat [ ["--constraint", c] | c <- constraints ] cppArgs :: Args cppArgs = do root <- getBuildRoot arg $ "-I" ++ root -/- generatedDir withBuilderKey :: Builder -> String withBuilderKey b = case b of Ar _ _ -> "--with-ar=" Ld _ -> "--with-ld=" Cc _ _ -> "--with-gcc=" Ghc _ _ -> "--with-ghc=" Alex -> "--with-alex=" Happy -> "--with-happy=" GhcPkg _ _ -> "--with-ghc-pkg=" _ -> error $ "withBuilderKey: not supported builder " ++ show b -- | Add arguments to builders if needed. withBuilderArgs :: Builder -> Args withBuilderArgs b = case b of GhcPkg _ stage -> do top <- expr topDirectory pkgDb <- expr $ packageDbPath stage notStage0 ? arg ("--ghc-pkg-option=--global-package-db=" ++ top -/- pkgDb) _ -> return [] -- no arguments -- | Expression 'with Alex' appends "--with-alex=/path/to/alex" and needs Alex. with :: Builder -> Args with b = do path <- getBuilderPath b if null path then mempty else do top <- expr topDirectory expr $ needBuilder b arg $ withBuilderKey b ++ unifyPath (top path) withStaged :: (Stage -> Builder) -> Args withStaged sb = with . sb =<< getStage