module Utilities ( build, buildWithResources, buildWithCmdOptions, askWithResources, runBuilder, runBuilderWith, needLibrary, contextDependencies, stage1Dependencies, libraryTargets, topsortPackages, cabalDependencies, pluginDependencies ) where import qualified Hadrian.Builder as H import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal.Type import Hadrian.Utilities import Context import Expression hiding (stage) import Settings import Target build :: Target -> Action () build target = target getArgs buildWithResources :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Target -> Action () buildWithResources rs target = H.buildWithResources rs target getArgs buildWithCmdOptions :: [CmdOption] -> Target -> Action () buildWithCmdOptions opts target = H.buildWithCmdOptions opts target getArgs askWithResources :: [(Resource, Int)] -> Target -> Action String askWithResources rs target = H.askWithResources rs target getArgs -- TODO: Cache the computation. -- | Given a 'Context' this 'Action' looks up the package dependencies and wraps -- the results in appropriate contexts. -- To compute package dependencies we transitively scan Cabal files using -- 'pkgDependencies' defined in "Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal". contextDependencies :: Context -> Action [Context] contextDependencies Context {..} = do depPkgs <- go [package] return [ Context stage pkg way | pkg <- depPkgs, pkg /= package ] where go pkgs = do deps <- concatMapM step pkgs let newPkgs = nubOrd $ sort (deps ++ pkgs) if pkgs == newPkgs then return pkgs else go newPkgs step pkg = do deps <- pkgDependencies pkg active <- sort <$> stagePackages stage return $ intersectOrd (compare . pkgName) active deps cabalDependencies :: Context -> Action [String] cabalDependencies ctx = interpretInContext ctx $ getContextData depIds pluginDependencies :: Context -> Action [String] pluginDependencies ctx = interpretInContext ctx $ getContextData pluginDepIds -- | Lookup dependencies of a 'Package' in the @vanilla Stage1 context@. stage1Dependencies :: Package -> Action [Package] stage1Dependencies = fmap (map Context.package) . contextDependencies . vanillaContext Stage1 -- | Given a library 'Package' this action computes all of its targets. See -- 'packageTargets' for the explanation of the @includeGhciLib@ parameter. libraryTargets :: Bool -> Context -> Action [FilePath] libraryTargets includeGhciLib context@Context {..} = do libFile <- pkgLibraryFile context ghciLib <- pkgGhciLibraryFile context ghci <- if includeGhciLib && not (wayUnit Dynamic way) then interpretInContext context $ getContextData buildGhciLib else return False return $ [ libFile ] ++ [ ghciLib | ghci ] -- | Coarse-grain 'need': make sure all given libraries are fully built. needLibrary :: [Context] -> Action () needLibrary cs = need =<< concatMapM (libraryTargets True) cs -- HACK (izgzhen), see -- | Topological sort of packages according to their dependencies. topsortPackages :: [Package] -> Action [Package] topsortPackages pkgs = do elems <- mapM (\p -> (p,) <$> stage1Dependencies p) pkgs return $ map fst $ topSort elems where annotateInDeg es e = (foldr (\e' s -> if fst e' `elem` snd e then s + 1 else s) (0 :: Int) es, e) topSort [] = [] topSort es = let annotated = map (annotateInDeg es) es inDegZero = map snd $ filter ((== 0). fst) annotated in inDegZero ++ topSort (es \\ inDegZero)