import Data.Bits (shiftL) import Data.Word import Data.Int -- This magical #include brings in all the everybody-knows-these magic -- constants unfortunately, we need to be *explicit* about which one -- we want; if we just hope a -I... will get the right one, we could -- be in trouble. {- Pull in the autoconf defines (HAVE_FOO), but don't include ghcconfig.h, because that will include ghcplatform.h which has the wrong platform settings for the compiler (it has the platform settings for the target plat instead). -} #include "../includes/ghcautoconf.h" #include "stg/MachRegs.h" #include "rts/Constants.h" #include "MachDeps.h" #include "../includes/dist-derivedconstants/header/DerivedConstants.h" -- import Util -- All pretty arbitrary: mAX_TUPLE_SIZE :: Int mAX_TUPLE_SIZE = 62 -- Should really match the number -- of decls in Data.Tuple mAX_CONTEXT_REDUCTION_DEPTH :: Int mAX_CONTEXT_REDUCTION_DEPTH = 200 -- Increase to 200; see Trac #5395 -- specialised fun/thunk/constr closure types mAX_SPEC_THUNK_SIZE :: Int mAX_SPEC_THUNK_SIZE = MAX_SPEC_THUNK_SIZE mAX_SPEC_FUN_SIZE :: Int mAX_SPEC_FUN_SIZE = MAX_SPEC_FUN_SIZE mAX_SPEC_CONSTR_SIZE :: Int mAX_SPEC_CONSTR_SIZE = MAX_SPEC_CONSTR_SIZE -- pre-compiled thunk types mAX_SPEC_SELECTEE_SIZE :: Int mAX_SPEC_SELECTEE_SIZE = MAX_SPEC_SELECTEE_SIZE mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE :: Int mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE = MAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE -- closure sizes: these do NOT include the header (see below for header sizes) mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE ::Int mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE = MIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE mIN_INTLIKE, mAX_INTLIKE :: Int mIN_INTLIKE = MIN_INTLIKE mAX_INTLIKE = MAX_INTLIKE mIN_CHARLIKE, mAX_CHARLIKE :: Int mIN_CHARLIKE = MIN_CHARLIKE mAX_CHARLIKE = MAX_CHARLIKE mUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS :: Int mUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS = MUT_ARR_PTRS_CARD_BITS -- A section of code-generator-related MAGIC CONSTANTS. mAX_Vanilla_REG :: Int mAX_Vanilla_REG = MAX_VANILLA_REG mAX_Float_REG :: Int mAX_Float_REG = MAX_FLOAT_REG mAX_Double_REG :: Int mAX_Double_REG = MAX_DOUBLE_REG mAX_Long_REG :: Int mAX_Long_REG = MAX_LONG_REG mAX_Real_Vanilla_REG :: Int mAX_Real_Vanilla_REG = MAX_REAL_VANILLA_REG mAX_Real_Float_REG :: Int mAX_Real_Float_REG = MAX_REAL_FLOAT_REG mAX_Real_Double_REG :: Int mAX_Real_Double_REG = MAX_REAL_DOUBLE_REG mAX_Real_Long_REG :: Int #ifdef MAX_REAL_LONG_REG mAX_Real_Long_REG = MAX_REAL_LONG_REG #else mAX_Real_Long_REG = 0 #endif -- Closure header sizes. sTD_HDR_SIZE :: Int sTD_HDR_SIZE = STD_HDR_SIZE pROF_HDR_SIZE :: Int pROF_HDR_SIZE = PROF_HDR_SIZE -- Size of a double in StgWords. dOUBLE_SIZE :: Int dOUBLE_SIZE = SIZEOF_DOUBLE wORD64_SIZE :: Int wORD64_SIZE = 8 iNT64_SIZE :: Int iNT64_SIZE = wORD64_SIZE -- This tells the native code generator the size of the spill -- area is has available. rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES :: Int rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES = RESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES -- The amount of (Haskell) stack to leave free for saving registers when -- returning to the scheduler. rESERVED_STACK_WORDS :: Int rESERVED_STACK_WORDS = RESERVED_STACK_WORDS -- Continuations that need more than this amount of stack should do their -- own stack check (see bug #1466). aP_STACK_SPLIM :: Int aP_STACK_SPLIM = AP_STACK_SPLIM -- Size of a word, in bytes wORD_SIZE :: Int wORD_SIZE = SIZEOF_HSWORD wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS :: Int wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS = wORD_SIZE * 8 -- Define a fixed-range integral type equivalent to the target Int/Word #if SIZEOF_HSWORD == 4 type TargetInt = Int32 type TargetWord = Word32 #elif SIZEOF_HSWORD == 8 type TargetInt = Int64 type TargetWord = Word64 #else #error unknown SIZEOF_HSWORD #endif tARGET_MIN_INT, tARGET_MAX_INT, tARGET_MAX_WORD :: Integer tARGET_MIN_INT = fromIntegral (minBound :: TargetInt) tARGET_MAX_INT = fromIntegral (maxBound :: TargetInt) tARGET_MAX_WORD = fromIntegral (maxBound :: TargetWord) tARGET_MAX_CHAR :: Int tARGET_MAX_CHAR = 0x10ffff -- Amount of pointer bits used for semi-tagging constructor closures tAG_BITS :: Int tAG_BITS = TAG_BITS tAG_MASK :: Int tAG_MASK = (1 `shiftL` tAG_BITS) - 1 mAX_PTR_TAG :: Int mAX_PTR_TAG = tAG_MASK -- Size of a C int, in bytes. May be smaller than wORD_SIZE. cINT_SIZE :: Int cINT_SIZE = SIZEOF_INT cLONG_SIZE :: Int cLONG_SIZE = SIZEOF_LONG cLONG_LONG_SIZE :: Int cLONG_LONG_SIZE = SIZEOF_LONG_LONG -- Size of a storage manager block (in bytes). bLOCK_SIZE :: Int bLOCK_SIZE = BLOCK_SIZE bLOCK_SIZE_W :: Int bLOCK_SIZE_W = bLOCK_SIZE `quot` wORD_SIZE -- blocks that fit in an MBlock, leaving space for the block descriptors bLOCKS_PER_MBLOCK :: Int bLOCKS_PER_MBLOCK = BLOCKS_PER_MBLOCK -- Number of bits to shift a bitfield left by in an info table. bITMAP_BITS_SHIFT :: Int bITMAP_BITS_SHIFT = BITMAP_BITS_SHIFT -- Constants derived from headers in ghc/includes, generated by the program -- ../includes/mkDerivedConstants.c. #include "../includes/dist-ghcconstants/header/GHCConstants.h"