{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, GADTs, LambdaCase #-} module Remote.Slave where import Network.Socket import Lib (serv) import Remote.Message import System.IO import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad (when, forever) import System.Directory import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, (), dropTrailingPathSeparator, isAbsolute, joinPath, splitPath) import GHCi.ResolvedBCO import Data.IORef import GHCi.Message (Pipe(..), Msg(..), Message(..), readPipe, writePipe) import Foreign.C.String import Data.Binary import GHC.Fingerprint (getFileHash) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS dropLeadingPathSeparator :: FilePath -> FilePath dropLeadingPathSeparator p | isAbsolute p = joinPath (drop 1 (splitPath p)) | otherwise = p -- | Path concatication that prevents a double path separator to appear in the -- final path. "/foo/bar/" "/baz/quux" == "/foo/bar/baz/quux" () :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath lhs rhs = dropTrailingPathSeparator lhs dropLeadingPathSeparator rhs infixr 5 foreign export ccall startSlave :: Bool -> Int -> CString -> IO () -- | @startSlave@ is the exported slave function, that the -- hosting application on the target needs to invoce to -- start the slave process, and runs iserv. startSlave :: Bool -> Int -> CString -> IO () startSlave verbose port s = do putStr "DocRoot: " base_path <- peekCString s putStrLn base_path startSlave' verbose base_path (toEnum port) startSlave' :: Bool -> String -> PortNumber -> IO () startSlave' verbose base_path port = do sock <- openSocket port _ <- forkIO $ forever $ do when verbose $ putStrLn "Opening socket" pipe <- acceptSocket sock >>= socketToPipe putStrLn $ "Listening on port " ++ show port when verbose $ putStrLn "Staring serv" uninterruptibleMask $ serv verbose (hook verbose base_path pipe) pipe when verbose $ putStrLn "serv ended" return () return () -- | The iserv library may need access to files, specifically -- archives and object files to be linked. If ghc and the slave -- are on the same host, this is trivial, as the underlying -- filestorage is the same. If however the slave does not run -- on the same host, the filestorage is not identical and we -- need to request data from the host where ghc runs on. -- -- If we however already have the requested file we need to make -- sure that this file is the same one ghc sees. Hence we -- calculate the Fingerprint of the file and send it back to the -- host for comparison. The proxy will then send back either @Nothing@ -- indicating that the file on the host has the same Fingerprint, or -- Maybe ByteString containing the payload to replace the existing -- file with. handleLoad :: Pipe -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () handleLoad pipe path localPath = do exists <- doesFileExist localPath if exists then getFileHash localPath >>= \hash -> proxyCall (Have path hash) >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just bs -> BS.writeFile localPath bs else do createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory localPath) resp <- proxyCall (Missing path) BS.writeFile localPath resp proxyCall Done where proxyCall :: (Binary a, Show a) => SlaveMessage a -> IO a proxyCall msg = do writePipe pipe (putSlaveMessage msg) readPipe pipe get -- | The hook we install in the @serv@ function from the -- iserv library, to request archives over the wire. hook :: Bool -> String -> Pipe -> Msg -> IO Msg hook verbose base_path pipe m = case m of Msg (AddLibrarySearchPath p) -> do when verbose $ putStrLn ("Need Path: " ++ (base_path p)) createDirectoryIfMissing True (base_path p) return $ Msg (AddLibrarySearchPath (base_path p)) Msg (LoadObj path) -> do when verbose $ putStrLn ("Need Obj: " ++ (base_path path)) handleLoad pipe path (base_path path) return $ Msg (LoadObj (base_path path)) Msg (LoadArchive path) -> do handleLoad pipe path (base_path path) return $ Msg (LoadArchive (base_path path)) -- when loading DLLs (.so, .dylib, .dll, ...) and these are provided -- as relative paths, the intention is to load a pre-existing system library, -- therefore we hook the LoadDLL call only for absolute paths to ship the -- dll from the host to the target. Msg (LoadDLL path) | isAbsolute path -> do when verbose $ putStrLn ("Need DLL: " ++ (base_path path)) handleLoad pipe path (base_path path) return $ Msg (LoadDLL (base_path path)) _other -> return m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- socket to pipe briding logic. socketToPipe :: Socket -> IO Pipe socketToPipe sock = do hdl <- socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode hSetBuffering hdl NoBuffering lo_ref <- newIORef Nothing pure Pipe{ pipeRead = hdl, pipeWrite = hdl, pipeLeftovers = lo_ref } openSocket :: PortNumber -> IO Socket openSocket port = do sock <- socket AF_INET Stream 0 setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1 bind sock (SockAddrInet port iNADDR_ANY) listen sock 1 return sock acceptSocket :: Socket -> IO Socket acceptSocket = fmap fst . accept