{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP , NoImplicitPrelude , ForeignFunctionInterface , MagicHash , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving #-} #endif ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Foreign.Ptr -- Copyright : (c) The FFI task force 2001 -- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : ffi@haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- This module provides typed pointers to foreign data. It is part -- of the Foreign Function Interface (FFI) and will normally be -- imported via the "Foreign" module. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Foreign.Ptr ( -- * Data pointers Ptr, nullPtr, castPtr, plusPtr, alignPtr, minusPtr, -- * Function pointers FunPtr, nullFunPtr, castFunPtr, castFunPtrToPtr, castPtrToFunPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr, -- Free the function pointer created by foreign export dynamic. -- * Integral types with lossless conversion to and from pointers IntPtr, ptrToIntPtr, intPtrToPtr, WordPtr, ptrToWordPtr, wordPtrToPtr ) where #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ import GHC.Ptr import GHC.Base import GHC.Num import GHC.Read import GHC.Real import GHC.Show import GHC.Enum #else import Control.Monad ( liftM ) import Foreign.C.Types #endif import Data.Bits import Data.Typeable import Foreign.Storable ( Storable(..) ) #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -- | Release the storage associated with the given 'FunPtr', which -- must have been obtained from a wrapper stub. This should be called -- whenever the return value from a foreign import wrapper function is -- no longer required; otherwise, the storage it uses will leak. foreign import ccall unsafe "freeHaskellFunctionPtr" freeHaskellFunPtr :: FunPtr a -> IO () #endif #include "HsBaseConfig.h" #include "CTypes.h" #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -- | An unsigned integral type that can be losslessly converted to and from -- @Ptr@. This type is also compatible with the C99 type @uintptr_t@, and -- can be marshalled to and from that type safely. INTEGRAL_TYPE(WordPtr,tyConWordPtr,"WordPtr",Word) -- Word and Int are guaranteed pointer-sized in GHC -- | A signed integral type that can be losslessly converted to and from -- @Ptr@. This type is also compatible with the C99 type @intptr_t@, and -- can be marshalled to and from that type safely. INTEGRAL_TYPE(IntPtr,tyConIntPtr,"IntPtr",Int) -- Word and Int are guaranteed pointer-sized in GHC -- | casts a @Ptr@ to a @WordPtr@ ptrToWordPtr :: Ptr a -> WordPtr ptrToWordPtr (Ptr a#) = WordPtr (W# (int2Word# (addr2Int# a#))) -- | casts a @WordPtr@ to a @Ptr@ wordPtrToPtr :: WordPtr -> Ptr a wordPtrToPtr (WordPtr (W# w#)) = Ptr (int2Addr# (word2Int# w#)) -- | casts a @Ptr@ to an @IntPtr@ ptrToIntPtr :: Ptr a -> IntPtr ptrToIntPtr (Ptr a#) = IntPtr (I# (addr2Int# a#)) -- | casts an @IntPtr@ to a @Ptr@ intPtrToPtr :: IntPtr -> Ptr a intPtrToPtr (IntPtr (I# i#)) = Ptr (int2Addr# i#) #else /* !__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */ INTEGRAL_TYPE(WordPtr,tyConWordPtr,"WordPtr",CUIntPtr) INTEGRAL_TYPE(IntPtr,tyConIntPtr,"IntPtr",CIntPtr) {-# CFILES cbits/PrelIOUtils.c #-} foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_to_uintptr" ptrToWordPtr :: Ptr a -> WordPtr foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_from_uintptr" wordPtrToPtr :: WordPtr -> Ptr a foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_to_intptr" ptrToIntPtr :: Ptr a -> IntPtr foreign import ccall unsafe "__hscore_from_intptr" intPtrToPtr :: IntPtr -> Ptr a #endif /* !__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */