\begin{code} {-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : GHC.Arr -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000 -- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE -- -- Maintainer : cvs-ghc@haskell.org -- Stability : internal -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- GHC\'s array implementation. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GHC.Arr where import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Err ( error ) import GHC.Enum import GHC.Num import GHC.ST import GHC.Base import GHC.List import GHC.Show infixl 9 !, // default () \end{code} %********************************************************* %* * \subsection{The @Ix@ class} %* * %********************************************************* \begin{code} class (Ord a) => Ix a where range :: (a,a) -> [a] index, unsafeIndex :: (a,a) -> a -> Int inRange :: (a,a) -> a -> Bool rangeSize :: (a,a) -> Int unsafeRangeSize :: (a,a) -> Int -- Must specify one of index, unsafeIndex index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i | otherwise = error "Error in array index" unsafeIndex b i = index b i -- As long as you don't override the default rangeSize, -- you can specify unsafeRangeSize as follows, to speed up -- some operations: -- -- unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 -- rangeSize b@(_l,h) | inRange b h = unsafeIndex b h + 1 | otherwise = 0 unsafeRangeSize b = rangeSize b \end{code} Note that the following is NOT right rangeSize (l,h) | l <= h = index b h + 1 | otherwise = 0 Because it might be the case that l (a,a) -> a -> String -> b indexError rng i tp = error (showString "Ix{" . showString tp . showString "}.index: Index " . showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) . showString " out of range " $ showParen True (showsPrec 0 rng) "") ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Ix Char where {-# INLINE range #-} range (m,n) = [m..n] {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeIndex (m,_n) i = fromEnum i - fromEnum m index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i | otherwise = indexError b i "Char" inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Ix Int where {-# INLINE range #-} -- The INLINE stops the build in the RHS from getting inlined, -- so that callers can fuse with the result of range range (m,n) = [m..n] {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeIndex (m,_n) i = i - m index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i | otherwise = indexError b i "Int" {-# INLINE inRange #-} inRange (I# m,I# n) (I# i) = m <=# i && i <=# n unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Ix Integer where {-# INLINE range #-} range (m,n) = [m..n] {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeIndex (m,_n) i = fromInteger (i - m) index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i | otherwise = indexError b i "Integer" inRange (m,n) i = m <= i && i <= n unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Ix Bool where -- as derived {-# INLINE range #-} range (m,n) = [m..n] {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeIndex (l,_) i = fromEnum i - fromEnum l index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i | otherwise = indexError b i "Bool" inRange (l,u) i = fromEnum i >= fromEnum l && fromEnum i <= fromEnum u unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Ix Ordering where -- as derived {-# INLINE range #-} range (m,n) = [m..n] {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeIndex (l,_) i = fromEnum i - fromEnum l index b i | inRange b i = unsafeIndex b i | otherwise = indexError b i "Ordering" inRange (l,u) i = fromEnum i >= fromEnum l && fromEnum i <= fromEnum u unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Ix () where {-# INLINE range #-} range ((), ()) = [()] {-# INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeIndex ((), ()) () = 0 {-# INLINE inRange #-} inRange ((), ()) () = True {-# INLINE index #-} index b i = unsafeIndex b i unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance (Ix a, Ix b) => Ix (a, b) where -- as derived {-# SPECIALISE instance Ix (Int,Int) #-} {- INLINE range #-} range ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) = [ (i1,i2) | i1 <- range (l1,u1), i2 <- range (l2,u2) ] {- INLINE unsafeIndex #-} unsafeIndex ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) (i1,i2) = unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1 * unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) + unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 {- INLINE inRange #-} inRange ((l1,l2),(u1,u2)) (i1,i2) = inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 -- Default method for index ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3) => Ix (a1,a2,a3) where {-# SPECIALISE instance Ix (Int,Int,Int) #-} range ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) = [(i1,i2,i3) | i1 <- range (l1,u1), i2 <- range (l2,u2), i3 <- range (l3,u3)] unsafeIndex ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) (i1,i2,i3) = unsafeIndex (l3,u3) i3 + unsafeRangeSize (l3,u3) * ( unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 + unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) * ( unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1)) inRange ((l1,l2,l3),(u1,u2,u3)) (i1,i2,i3) = inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 && inRange (l3,u3) i3 unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 -- Default method for index ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3, Ix a4) => Ix (a1,a2,a3,a4) where range ((l1,l2,l3,l4),(u1,u2,u3,u4)) = [(i1,i2,i3,i4) | i1 <- range (l1,u1), i2 <- range (l2,u2), i3 <- range (l3,u3), i4 <- range (l4,u4)] unsafeIndex ((l1,l2,l3,l4),(u1,u2,u3,u4)) (i1,i2,i3,i4) = unsafeIndex (l4,u4) i4 + unsafeRangeSize (l4,u4) * ( unsafeIndex (l3,u3) i3 + unsafeRangeSize (l3,u3) * ( unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 + unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) * ( unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1))) inRange ((l1,l2,l3,l4),(u1,u2,u3,u4)) (i1,i2,i3,i4) = inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 && inRange (l3,u3) i3 && inRange (l4,u4) i4 unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 -- Default method for index instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3, Ix a4, Ix a5) => Ix (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) where range ((l1,l2,l3,l4,l5),(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5)) = [(i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) | i1 <- range (l1,u1), i2 <- range (l2,u2), i3 <- range (l3,u3), i4 <- range (l4,u4), i5 <- range (l5,u5)] unsafeIndex ((l1,l2,l3,l4,l5),(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5)) (i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) = unsafeIndex (l5,u5) i5 + unsafeRangeSize (l5,u5) * ( unsafeIndex (l4,u4) i4 + unsafeRangeSize (l4,u4) * ( unsafeIndex (l3,u3) i3 + unsafeRangeSize (l3,u3) * ( unsafeIndex (l2,u2) i2 + unsafeRangeSize (l2,u2) * ( unsafeIndex (l1,u1) i1)))) inRange ((l1,l2,l3,l4,l5),(u1,u2,u3,u4,u5)) (i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) = inRange (l1,u1) i1 && inRange (l2,u2) i2 && inRange (l3,u3) i3 && inRange (l4,u4) i4 && inRange (l5,u5) i5 unsafeRangeSize b@(_l,h) = unsafeIndex b h + 1 -- Default method for index \end{code} %********************************************************* %* * \subsection{The @Array@ types} %* * %********************************************************* \begin{code} type IPr = (Int, Int) data Ix i => Array i e = Array !i !i (Array# e) -- | Mutable, boxed, non-strict arrays in the 'ST' monad. The type -- arguments are as follows: -- -- * @s@: the state variable argument for the 'ST' type -- -- * @i@: the index type of the array (should be an instance of @Ix@) -- -- * @e@: the element type of the array. -- data STArray s i e = STArray !i !i (MutableArray# s e) -- No Ix context for STArray. They are stupid, -- and force an Ix context on the equality instance. -- Just pointer equality on mutable arrays: instance Eq (STArray s i e) where STArray _ _ arr1# == STArray _ _ arr2# = sameMutableArray# arr1# arr2# \end{code} %********************************************************* %* * \subsection{Operations on immutable arrays} %* * %********************************************************* \begin{code} {-# NOINLINE arrEleBottom #-} arrEleBottom :: a arrEleBottom = error "(Array.!): undefined array element" {-# INLINE array #-} array :: Ix i => (i,i) -> [(i, e)] -> Array i e array (l,u) ies = unsafeArray (l,u) [(index (l,u) i, e) | (i, e) <- ies] {-# INLINE unsafeArray #-} unsafeArray :: Ix i => (i,i) -> [(Int, e)] -> Array i e unsafeArray (l,u) ies = runST (ST $ \s1# -> case rangeSize (l,u) of { I# n# -> case newArray# n# arrEleBottom s1# of { (# s2#, marr# #) -> foldr (fill marr#) (done l u marr#) ies s2# }}) {-# INLINE fill #-} fill :: MutableArray# s e -> (Int, e) -> STRep s a -> STRep s a fill marr# (I# i#, e) next s1# = case writeArray# marr# i# e s1# of { s2# -> next s2# } {-# INLINE done #-} done :: Ix i => i -> i -> MutableArray# s e -> STRep s (Array i e) done l u marr# s1# = case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s1# of { (# s2#, arr# #) -> (# s2#, Array l u arr# #) } -- This is inefficient and I'm not sure why: -- listArray (l,u) es = unsafeArray (l,u) (zip [0 .. rangeSize (l,u) - 1] es) -- The code below is better. It still doesn't enable foldr/build -- transformation on the list of elements; I guess it's impossible -- using mechanisms currently available. {-# INLINE listArray #-} listArray :: Ix i => (i,i) -> [e] -> Array i e listArray (l,u) es = runST (ST $ \s1# -> case rangeSize (l,u) of { I# n# -> case newArray# n# arrEleBottom s1# of { (# s2#, marr# #) -> let fillFromList i# xs s3# | i# ==# n# = s3# | otherwise = case xs of [] -> s3# y:ys -> case writeArray# marr# i# y s3# of { s4# -> fillFromList (i# +# 1#) ys s4# } in case fillFromList 0# es s2# of { s3# -> done l u marr# s3# }}}) {-# INLINE (!) #-} (!) :: Ix i => Array i e -> i -> e arr@(Array l u _) ! i = unsafeAt arr (index (l,u) i) {-# INLINE unsafeAt #-} unsafeAt :: Ix i => Array i e -> Int -> e unsafeAt (Array _ _ arr#) (I# i#) = case indexArray# arr# i# of (# e #) -> e {-# INLINE bounds #-} bounds :: Ix i => Array i e -> (i,i) bounds (Array l u _) = (l,u) {-# INLINE indices #-} indices :: Ix i => Array i e -> [i] indices (Array l u _) = range (l,u) {-# INLINE elems #-} elems :: Ix i => Array i e -> [e] elems arr@(Array l u _) = [unsafeAt arr i | i <- [0 .. rangeSize (l,u) - 1]] {-# INLINE assocs #-} assocs :: Ix i => Array i e -> [(i, e)] assocs arr@(Array l u _) = [(i, unsafeAt arr (unsafeIndex (l,u) i)) | i <- range (l,u)] {-# INLINE accumArray #-} accumArray :: Ix i => (e -> a -> e) -> e -> (i,i) -> [(i, a)] -> Array i e accumArray f init (l,u) ies = unsafeAccumArray f init (l,u) [(index (l,u) i, e) | (i, e) <- ies] {-# INLINE unsafeAccumArray #-} unsafeAccumArray :: Ix i => (e -> a -> e) -> e -> (i,i) -> [(Int, a)] -> Array i e unsafeAccumArray f init (l,u) ies = runST (ST $ \s1# -> case rangeSize (l,u) of { I# n# -> case newArray# n# init s1# of { (# s2#, marr# #) -> foldr (adjust f marr#) (done l u marr#) ies s2# }}) {-# INLINE adjust #-} adjust :: (e -> a -> e) -> MutableArray# s e -> (Int, a) -> STRep s b -> STRep s b adjust f marr# (I# i#, new) next s1# = case readArray# marr# i# s1# of { (# s2#, old #) -> case writeArray# marr# i# (f old new) s2# of { s3# -> next s3# }} {-# INLINE (//) #-} (//) :: Ix i => Array i e -> [(i, e)] -> Array i e arr@(Array l u _) // ies = unsafeReplace arr [(index (l,u) i, e) | (i, e) <- ies] {-# INLINE unsafeReplace #-} unsafeReplace :: Ix i => Array i e -> [(Int, e)] -> Array i e unsafeReplace arr@(Array l u _) ies = runST (do STArray _ _ marr# <- thawSTArray arr ST (foldr (fill marr#) (done l u marr#) ies)) {-# INLINE accum #-} accum :: Ix i => (e -> a -> e) -> Array i e -> [(i, a)] -> Array i e accum f arr@(Array l u _) ies = unsafeAccum f arr [(index (l,u) i, e) | (i, e) <- ies] {-# INLINE unsafeAccum #-} unsafeAccum :: Ix i => (e -> a -> e) -> Array i e -> [(Int, a)] -> Array i e unsafeAccum f arr@(Array l u _) ies = runST (do STArray _ _ marr# <- thawSTArray arr ST (foldr (adjust f marr#) (done l u marr#) ies)) {-# INLINE amap #-} amap :: Ix i => (a -> b) -> Array i a -> Array i b amap f arr@(Array l u _) = unsafeArray (l,u) [(i, f (unsafeAt arr i)) | i <- [0 .. rangeSize (l,u) - 1]] {-# INLINE ixmap #-} ixmap :: (Ix i, Ix j) => (i,i) -> (i -> j) -> Array j e -> Array i e ixmap (l,u) f arr = unsafeArray (l,u) [(unsafeIndex (l,u) i, arr ! f i) | i <- range (l,u)] {-# INLINE eqArray #-} eqArray :: (Ix i, Eq e) => Array i e -> Array i e -> Bool eqArray arr1@(Array l1 u1 _) arr2@(Array l2 u2 _) = if rangeSize (l1,u1) == 0 then rangeSize (l2,u2) == 0 else l1 == l2 && u1 == u2 && and [unsafeAt arr1 i == unsafeAt arr2 i | i <- [0 .. rangeSize (l1,u1) - 1]] {-# INLINE cmpArray #-} cmpArray :: (Ix i, Ord e) => Array i e -> Array i e -> Ordering cmpArray arr1 arr2 = compare (assocs arr1) (assocs arr2) {-# INLINE cmpIntArray #-} cmpIntArray :: Ord e => Array Int e -> Array Int e -> Ordering cmpIntArray arr1@(Array l1 u1 _) arr2@(Array l2 u2 _) = if rangeSize (l1,u1) == 0 then if rangeSize (l2,u2) == 0 then EQ else LT else if rangeSize (l2,u2) == 0 then GT else case compare l1 l2 of EQ -> foldr cmp (compare u1 u2) [0 .. rangeSize (l1, min u1 u2) - 1] other -> other where cmp i rest = case compare (unsafeAt arr1 i) (unsafeAt arr2 i) of EQ -> rest other -> other {-# RULES "cmpArray/Int" cmpArray = cmpIntArray #-} \end{code} %********************************************************* %* * \subsection{Array instances} %* * %********************************************************* \begin{code} instance Ix i => Functor (Array i) where fmap = amap instance (Ix i, Eq e) => Eq (Array i e) where (==) = eqArray instance (Ix i, Ord e) => Ord (Array i e) where compare = cmpArray instance (Ix a, Show a, Show b) => Show (Array a b) where showsPrec p a = showParen (p > appPrec) $ showString "array " . showsPrec appPrec1 (bounds a) . showChar ' ' . showsPrec appPrec1 (assocs a) -- Precedence of 'array' is the precedence of application -- The Read instance is in GHC.Read \end{code} %********************************************************* %* * \subsection{Operations on mutable arrays} %* * %********************************************************* Idle ADR question: What's the tradeoff here between flattening these datatypes into @STArray ix ix (MutableArray# s elt)@ and using it as is? As I see it, the former uses slightly less heap and provides faster access to the individual parts of the bounds while the code used has the benefit of providing a ready-made @(lo, hi)@ pair as required by many array-related functions. Which wins? Is the difference significant (probably not). Idle AJG answer: When I looked at the outputted code (though it was 2 years ago) it seems like you often needed the tuple, and we build it frequently. Now we've got the overloading specialiser things might be different, though. \begin{code} {-# INLINE newSTArray #-} newSTArray :: Ix i => (i,i) -> e -> ST s (STArray s i e) newSTArray (l,u) init = ST $ \s1# -> case rangeSize (l,u) of { I# n# -> case newArray# n# init s1# of { (# s2#, marr# #) -> (# s2#, STArray l u marr# #) }} {-# INLINE boundsSTArray #-} boundsSTArray :: STArray s i e -> (i,i) boundsSTArray (STArray l u _) = (l,u) {-# INLINE readSTArray #-} readSTArray :: Ix i => STArray s i e -> i -> ST s e readSTArray marr@(STArray l u _) i = unsafeReadSTArray marr (index (l,u) i) {-# INLINE unsafeReadSTArray #-} unsafeReadSTArray :: Ix i => STArray s i e -> Int -> ST s e unsafeReadSTArray (STArray _ _ marr#) (I# i#) = ST $ \s1# -> readArray# marr# i# s1# {-# INLINE writeSTArray #-} writeSTArray :: Ix i => STArray s i e -> i -> e -> ST s () writeSTArray marr@(STArray l u _) i e = unsafeWriteSTArray marr (index (l,u) i) e {-# INLINE unsafeWriteSTArray #-} unsafeWriteSTArray :: Ix i => STArray s i e -> Int -> e -> ST s () unsafeWriteSTArray (STArray _ _ marr#) (I# i#) e = ST $ \s1# -> case writeArray# marr# i# e s1# of { s2# -> (# s2#, () #) } \end{code} %********************************************************* %* * \subsection{Moving between mutable and immutable} %* * %********************************************************* \begin{code} freezeSTArray :: Ix i => STArray s i e -> ST s (Array i e) freezeSTArray (STArray l u marr#) = ST $ \s1# -> case rangeSize (l,u) of { I# n# -> case newArray# n# arrEleBottom s1# of { (# s2#, marr'# #) -> let copy i# s3# | i# ==# n# = s3# | otherwise = case readArray# marr# i# s3# of { (# s4#, e #) -> case writeArray# marr'# i# e s4# of { s5# -> copy (i# +# 1#) s5# }} in case copy 0# s2# of { s3# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr'# s3# of { (# s4#, arr# #) -> (# s4#, Array l u arr# #) }}}} {-# INLINE unsafeFreezeSTArray #-} unsafeFreezeSTArray :: Ix i => STArray s i e -> ST s (Array i e) unsafeFreezeSTArray (STArray l u marr#) = ST $ \s1# -> case unsafeFreezeArray# marr# s1# of { (# s2#, arr# #) -> (# s2#, Array l u arr# #) } thawSTArray :: Ix i => Array i e -> ST s (STArray s i e) thawSTArray (Array l u arr#) = ST $ \s1# -> case rangeSize (l,u) of { I# n# -> case newArray# n# arrEleBottom s1# of { (# s2#, marr# #) -> let copy i# s3# | i# ==# n# = s3# | otherwise = case indexArray# arr# i# of { (# e #) -> case writeArray# marr# i# e s3# of { s4# -> copy (i# +# 1#) s4# }} in case copy 0# s2# of { s3# -> (# s3#, STArray l u marr# #) }}} {-# INLINE unsafeThawSTArray #-} unsafeThawSTArray :: Ix i => Array i e -> ST s (STArray s i e) unsafeThawSTArray (Array l u arr#) = ST $ \s1# -> case unsafeThawArray# arr# s1# of { (# s2#, marr# #) -> (# s2#, STArray l u marr# #) } \end{code}