{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : GHC.ConsoleHandler -- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow -- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE -- -- Maintainer : cvs-ghc@haskell.org -- Stability : internal -- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions) -- -- NB. the contents of this module are only available on Windows. -- -- Installing Win32 console handlers. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GHC.ConsoleHandler #if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) where import GHC.Base () -- dummy dependency #else /* whole file */ ( Handler(..) , installHandler , ConsoleEvent(..) , flushConsole ) where {- #include "rts/Signals.h" Note: this #include is inside a Haskell comment but it brings into scope some #defines that are used by CPP below (eg STG_SIG_DFL). Having it in a comment means that there's no danger that C-like crap will be misunderstood by GHC -} import GHC.Base import Foreign import Foreign.C import GHC.IO.FD import GHC.IO.Exception import GHC.IO.Handle.Types import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals import GHC.Conc import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Data.Typeable data Handler = Default | Ignore | Catch (ConsoleEvent -> IO ()) -- | Allows Windows console events to be caught and handled. To -- handle a console event, call 'installHandler' passing the -- appropriate 'Handler' value. When the event is received, if the -- 'Handler' value is @Catch f@, then a new thread will be spawned by -- the system to execute @f e@, where @e@ is the 'ConsoleEvent' that -- was received. -- -- Note that console events can only be received by an application -- running in a Windows console. Certain environments that look like consoles -- do not support console events, these include: -- -- * Cygwin shells with @CYGWIN=tty@ set (if you don't set @CYGWIN=tty@, -- then a Cygwin shell behaves like a Windows console). -- * Cygwin xterm and rxvt windows -- * MSYS rxvt windows -- -- In order for your application to receive console events, avoid running -- it in one of these environments. -- installHandler :: Handler -> IO Handler installHandler handler | threaded = modifyMVar win32ConsoleHandler $ \old_h -> do (new_h,rc) <- case handler of Default -> do r <- rts_installHandler STG_SIG_DFL nullPtr return (no_handler, r) Ignore -> do r <- rts_installHandler STG_SIG_IGN nullPtr return (no_handler, r) Catch h -> do r <- rts_installHandler STG_SIG_HAN nullPtr return (h, r) prev_handler <- case rc of STG_SIG_DFL -> return Default STG_SIG_IGN -> return Ignore STG_SIG_HAN -> return (Catch old_h) _ -> error "installHandler: Bad threaded rc value" return (new_h, prev_handler) | otherwise = alloca $ \ p_sp -> do rc <- case handler of Default -> rts_installHandler STG_SIG_DFL p_sp Ignore -> rts_installHandler STG_SIG_IGN p_sp Catch h -> do v <- newStablePtr (toHandler h) poke p_sp v rts_installHandler STG_SIG_HAN p_sp case rc of STG_SIG_DFL -> return Default STG_SIG_IGN -> return Ignore STG_SIG_HAN -> do osptr <- peek p_sp oldh <- deRefStablePtr osptr -- stable pointer is no longer in use, free it. freeStablePtr osptr return (Catch (\ ev -> oldh (fromConsoleEvent ev))) _ -> error "installHandler: Bad non-threaded rc value" where fromConsoleEvent ev = case ev of ControlC -> 0 {- CTRL_C_EVENT-} Break -> 1 {- CTRL_BREAK_EVENT-} Close -> 2 {- CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT-} Logoff -> 5 {- CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT-} Shutdown -> 6 {- CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT-} toHandler hdlr ev = do case toWin32ConsoleEvent ev of -- see rts/win32/ConsoleHandler.c for comments as to why -- rts_ConsoleHandlerDone is called here. Just x -> hdlr x >> rts_ConsoleHandlerDone ev Nothing -> return () -- silently ignore.. no_handler = error "win32ConsoleHandler" foreign import ccall "rtsSupportsBoundThreads" threaded :: Bool foreign import ccall unsafe "RtsExternal.h rts_InstallConsoleEvent" rts_installHandler :: CInt -> Ptr (StablePtr (CInt -> IO ())) -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "RtsExternal.h rts_ConsoleHandlerDone" rts_ConsoleHandlerDone :: CInt -> IO () flushConsole :: Handle -> IO () flushConsole h = wantReadableHandle_ "flushConsole" h $ \ Handle__{haDevice=dev} -> case cast dev of Nothing -> ioException $ IOError (Just h) IllegalOperation "flushConsole" "handle is not a file descriptor" Nothing Nothing Just fd -> do throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "flushConsole" $ flush_console_fd (fdFD fd) foreign import ccall unsafe "consUtils.h flush_input_console__" flush_console_fd :: CInt -> IO CInt #endif /* mingw32_HOST_OS */