{-- This is a script to generate the necessary tables to support Windows code page encoding/decoding. License: see libraries/base/LICENSE The code page tables are available from : http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/ To run this script, use e.g. runghc MakeTable.hs /*.TXT Currently, this script only supports single-byte encodings, since the lookup tables required for the CJK double-byte codepages are too large to be statically linked into every executable. We plan to add support for them once GHC is able to produce Windows DLLs. --} module Main where import System.FilePath import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.IO import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Word import Numeric import Control.Monad.State import System.Environment import Control.Exception(evaluate) main :: IO () main = do moduleName:outFile:files <- getArgs let badFiles = -- These fail with an error like -- MakeTable: Enum.toEnum{Word8}: tag (33088) is outside of bounds (0,255) -- I have no idea what's going on, so for now we just -- skip them. ["CPs/CP932.TXT", "CPs/CP936.TXT", "CPs/CP949.TXT", "CPs/CP950.TXT"] let files' = filter (`notElem` badFiles) files sbes <- mapM readMapAndIx files' putStrLn "Writing output" withBinaryFile outFile WriteMode $ flip hPutStr $ unlines $ makeTableFile moduleName files' sbes where readMapAndIx f = do putStrLn ("Reading " ++ f) m <- readMap f return (codePageNum f, m) -- filenames are assumed to be of the form "CP1250.TXT" codePageNum :: FilePath -> Int codePageNum = read . drop 2 . takeBaseName readMap :: (Ord a, Enum a) => FilePath -> IO (Map.Map a Char) readMap f = withBinaryFile f ReadMode $ \h -> do contents <- hGetContents h let ms = Map.fromList $ mapMaybe parseLine $ lines contents evaluate $ Map.size ms return ms parseLine :: Enum a => String -> Maybe (a,Char) parseLine s = case words s of ('#':_):_ -> Nothing bs:"#DBCS":_ -> Just (readHex' bs, toEnum 0xDC00) bs:"#UNDEFINED":_ -> Just (readHex' bs, toEnum 0) bs:cs:('#':_):_ -> Just (readHex' bs, readCharHex cs) _ -> Nothing readHex' :: Enum a => String -> a readHex' ('0':'x':s) = case readHex s of [(n,"")] -> toEnum n -- explicitly call toEnum to catch overflow errors. _ -> errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Can't read hex: " ++ show s readHex' s = errorWithoutStackTrace $ "Can't read hex: " ++ show s readCharHex :: String -> Char readCharHex s = if c > fromEnum (maxBound :: Word16) then errorWithoutStackTrace "Can't handle non-BMP character." else toEnum c where c = readHex' s ------------------------------------------- -- Writing out the main data values. makeTableFile :: String -> [FilePath] -> [(Int,Map.Map Word8 Char)] -> [String] makeTableFile moduleName files maps = concat [ languageDirectives, firstComment files, header, theImports, theTypes, blockSizeText, tablePart] where header = [ "module " ++ moduleName ++ " where" , "" ] tablePart = [ "codePageMap :: [(Word32, CodePageArrays)]" , "codePageMap = [" ] ++ (intersperse "\n ," $ map mkTableEntry maps) ++ [" ]"] mkTableEntry (i,m) = " (" ++ show i ++ ", " ++ makeSBE m ++ " )" blockSizeText = ["blockBitSize :: Int", "blockBitSize = " ++ show blockBitSize] makeSBE :: Map.Map Word8 Char -> String makeSBE m = unlines [ "SingleByteCP {" , " decoderArray = " ++ mkConvArray es , " , encoderArray = " ++ mkCompactArray (swapMap m) , " }" ] where es = [Map.findWithDefault '\0' x m | x <- [minBound..maxBound]] swapMap :: (Ord a, Ord b, Enum a, Enum b) => Map.Map a b -> Map.Map b a swapMap = Map.insert (toEnum 0) (toEnum 0) . Map.fromList . map swap . Map.toList where swap (x,y) = (y,x) mkConvArray :: Embed a => [a] -> String mkConvArray xs = "ConvArray \"" ++ concatMap mkHex xs ++ "\"#" ------------------------------------------- -- Compact arrays -- -- The decoding map (from Word8 to Char) can be implemented with a simple array -- of 256 Word16's. Bytes which do not belong to the code page are mapped to -- '\0'. -- -- However, a naive table mapping Char to Word8 would require 2^16 Word8's. We -- can use much less space with the right data structure, since at most 256 of -- those entries are nonzero. -- -- We use "compact arrays", as described in "Unicode Demystified" by Richard -- Gillam. -- -- Fix a block size S which is a power of two. We compress an array of N -- entries (where N>>S) as follows. First, split the array into blocks of size -- S, then remove all repeate blocks to form the "value" array. Then construct -- a separate "index" array which maps the position of blocks in the old array -- to a position in the value array. -- -- For example, assume that S=32 we have six blocks ABABCA, each with 32 -- elements. -- -- Then the compressed table consists of two arrays: -- 1) An array "values", concatenating the unique blocks ABC -- 2) An array "indices" which equals [0,1,0,1,2,0]. -- -- To look up '\100', first calculate divMod 100 32 = (3,4). Since -- indices[3]=1, we look at the second unique block B; thus the encoded byte is -- B[4]. -- -- The upshot of this representation is that the lookup is very quick as it only -- requires two array accesses plus some bit masking/shifting. -- From testing, this is an optimal size. blockBitSize :: Int blockBitSize = 6 mkCompactArray :: (Embed a, Embed b) => Map.Map a b -> String mkCompactArray m = unlines [ "" , " CompactArray {" , " encoderIndices = " ++ mkConvArray is' , " , encoderValues = " ++ mkConvArray (concat $ Map.elems vs) , " , encoderMax = " ++ show (fst $ Map.findMax m) , " }" ] where blockSize = 2 ^ blockBitSize (is,(vs,_)) = compress blockSize $ m is' = map (* blockSize) is type CompressState b = (Map.Map Int [b], Map.Map [b] Int) -- each entry in the list corresponds to a block of size n. compress :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Ord a, Bounded b, Ord b) => Int -> Map.Map a b -> ([Int], CompressState b) compress n ms = runState (mapM lookupOrAdd chunks) (Map.empty, Map.empty) where chunks = mkChunks $ map (\i -> Map.findWithDefault minBound i ms) $ [minBound..fst (Map.findMax ms)] mkChunks [] = [] mkChunks xs = take n xs : mkChunks (drop n xs) lookupOrAdd xs = do (m,rm) <- get case Map.lookup xs rm of Just i -> return i Nothing -> do let i = if Map.null m then 0 else 1 + fst (Map.findMax m) put (Map.insert i xs m, Map.insert xs i rm) return i ------------------------------------------- -- Static parts of the generated module. languageDirectives :: [String] languageDirectives = ["{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, NoImplicitPrelude #-}"] firstComment :: [FilePath] -> [String] firstComment files = map ("-- " ++) $ [ "Do not edit this file directly!" , "It was generated by the MakeTable.hs script using the files below." , "To regenerate it, run \"make\" in ../../../../codepages/" , "" , "Files:" ] ++ map takeFileName files theImports :: [String] theImports = map ("import " ++ ) ["GHC.Prim", "GHC.Base", "GHC.Word"] theTypes :: [String] theTypes = [ "data ConvArray a = ConvArray Addr#" , "data CompactArray a b = CompactArray {" , " encoderMax :: !a," , " encoderIndices :: !(ConvArray Int)," , " encoderValues :: !(ConvArray b)" , " }" , "" , "data CodePageArrays = SingleByteCP {" , " decoderArray :: !(ConvArray Char)," , " encoderArray :: !(CompactArray Char Word8)" , " }" , "" ] ------------------------------------------- -- Embed class and associated functions class (Ord a, Enum a, Bounded a, Show a) => Embed a where mkHex :: a -> String instance Embed Word8 where mkHex = showHex' instance Embed Word16 where mkHex = repDualByte instance Embed Char where mkHex = repDualByte -- this is used for the indices of the compressed array. instance Embed Int where mkHex = repDualByte showHex' :: Integral a => a -> String showHex' s = "\\x" ++ showHex s "" repDualByte :: Enum c => c -> String repDualByte c | n >= 2^(16::Int) = errorWithoutStackTrace "value is too high!" -- NOTE : this assumes little-endian architecture. But we're only using this on Windows, -- so it's probably OK. | otherwise = showHex' (n `mod` 256) ++ showHex' (n `div` 256) where n = fromEnum c