% $Id: Memo.lhs,v 1.1 2005/12/16 10:46:05 simonmar Exp $ % % (c) The GHC Team, 1999 % % Hashing memo tables. \begin{code} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Memo1 #ifndef __PARALLEL_HASKELL__ ( memo -- :: (a -> b) -> a -> b , memoSized -- :: Int -> (a -> b) -> a -> b ) #endif where #ifndef __PARALLEL_HASKELL__ import System.Mem.StableName ( StableName, makeStableName, hashStableName ) import System.Mem.Weak ( Weak, mkWeakPtr, mkWeak, deRefWeak, finalize ) import Data.Array.IO ( IOArray, newArray, readArray, writeArray ) import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( MVar, newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar ) \end{code} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memo table representation. The representation is this: a fixed-size hash table where each bucket is a list of table entries, of the form (key,value). The key in this case is (StableName key), and we use hashStableName to hash it. It's important that we can garbage collect old entries in the table when the key is no longer reachable in the heap. Hence the value part of each table entry is (Weak val), where the weak pointer "key" is the key for our memo table, and 'val' is the value of this memo table entry. When the key becomes unreachable, a finalizer will fire and remove this entry from the hash bucket, and further attempts to dereference the weak pointer will return Nothing. References from 'val' to the key are ignored (see the semantics of weak pointers in the documentation). \begin{code} type MemoTable key val = MVar ( Int, -- current table size IOArray Int [MemoEntry key val] -- hash table ) -- a memo table entry: compile with -funbox-strict-fields to eliminate -- the boxes around the StableName and Weak fields. data MemoEntry key val = MemoEntry !(StableName key) !(Weak val) \end{code} We use an MVar to the hash table, so that several threads may safely access it concurrently. This includes the finalization threads that remove entries from the table. ToDo: Can efficiency be improved at all? \begin{code} memo :: (a -> b) -> a -> b memo f = memoSized default_table_size f default_table_size = 1001 -- Our memo functions are *strict*. Lazy memo functions tend to be -- less useful because it is less likely you'll get a memo table hit -- for a thunk. This change was made to match Hugs's Memo -- implementation, and as the result of feedback from Conal Elliot -- . memoSized :: Int -> (a -> b) -> a -> b memoSized size f = strict (lazyMemoSized size f) strict = ($!) lazyMemoSized :: Int -> (a -> b) -> a -> b lazyMemoSized size f = let (table,weak) = unsafePerformIO ( do { tbl <- newArray (0,size) [] ; mvar <- newMVar (size,tbl) ; weak <- mkWeakPtr mvar (Just (table_finalizer tbl size)) ; return (mvar,weak) }) in memo' f table weak table_finalizer :: IOArray Int [MemoEntry key val] -> Int -> IO () table_finalizer table size = sequence_ [ finalizeBucket i | i <- [0..size] ] where finalizeBucket i = do bucket <- readArray table i sequence_ [ finalize w | MemoEntry _ w <- bucket ] memo' :: (a -> b) -> MemoTable a b -> Weak (MemoTable a b) -> a -> b memo' f ref weak_ref = \k -> unsafePerformIO $ do stable_key <- makeStableName k (size, table) <- takeMVar ref let hash_key = hashStableName stable_key `mod` size bucket <- readArray table hash_key lkp <- lookupSN stable_key bucket case lkp of Just result -> do putMVar ref (size,table) return result Nothing -> do let result = f k weak <- mkWeak k result (Just (finalizer hash_key stable_key weak_ref)) writeArray table hash_key (MemoEntry stable_key weak : bucket) putMVar ref (size,table) return result finalizer :: Int -> StableName a -> Weak (MemoTable a b) -> IO () finalizer hash_key stable_key weak_ref = do r <- deRefWeak weak_ref case r of Nothing -> return () Just mvar -> do (size,table) <- takeMVar mvar bucket <- readArray table hash_key let new_bucket = [ e | e@(MemoEntry sn weak) <- bucket, sn /= stable_key ] writeArray table hash_key new_bucket putMVar mvar (size,table) lookupSN :: StableName key -> [MemoEntry key val] -> IO (Maybe val) lookupSN sn [] = sn `seq` return Nothing -- make it strict in sn lookupSN sn (MemoEntry sn' weak : xs) | sn == sn' = do maybe_item <- deRefWeak weak case maybe_item of Nothing -> error ("dead weak pair: " ++ show (hashStableName sn)) Just v -> return (Just v) | otherwise = lookupSN sn xs #endif \end{code}