{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main where import Data.List import Control.Exception -- This module briefly tests all the functions in PrelList and a few -- from List. -- ToDo: test strictness properties. main = do -- head print (head [1,2,3,4], head "a") catch (print (head [] :: String)) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "head []\n") -- tail print (tail [1,2,3,4], tail "a") catch (print (tail [] :: String)) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "tail []\n") -- init print (init [1,2,3,4], init "a") catch (print (init [] :: String)) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "init []\n") -- last print (last [1,2,3,4], last "a") catch (print (last [] :: String)) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "last []\n") -- null print [null [], null "abc"] -- length print (length [1..10]) -- foldl print (foldl (+) 1 [1..10]) -- foldl1 print (foldl1 (+) [1..10]) catch (print (foldl1 (+) [] :: Int)) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "foldl1 []\n") -- scanl print (scanl (+) 1 [1..10]) -- scanl1 print (scanl1 (+) [1..10]) print (scanl1 (+) [] :: [Int]) -- foldr1 print (foldr1 (+) [1..10]) catch (print (foldr1 (+) [] :: Int)) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "foldr1 []\n") -- scanr print (scanr (+) 1 [1..10]) -- scanr1 print (scanr1 (+) [1..10]) print (scanr1 (+) [] :: [Int]) -- iterate print (take 10 (cycle (take 4 (iterate (+1) 1)))) -- take print (take 4 (repeat "x"), take 0 (repeat "x"), take 5 [1..4]) catch (print (take (-1) [1..10])) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "take (-1)\n") -- replicate print [replicate 2 "abc", replicate 0 "abc", replicate 3 []] -- drop print [drop 5 [1..10], drop 0 [1..10], drop 5 [1..4]] catch (print (drop (-1) [1..10])) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "drop (-1)\n") -- splitAt print [splitAt 5 [1..10], splitAt 5 [1..4]] catch (print (splitAt (-1) [1..10])) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "splitAt (-1)\n") -- scan print (span (<5) [1..10]) -- break print (break (<5) [1..10]) -- reverse print [reverse [1..10], reverse []] -- and print [and [], and [True], and [False]] -- or print [or [], or [True], or [False]] -- elem print [elem 5 [1..10], elem 0 [1..10], elem 1 []] -- notElem print [notElem 5 [1..10], notElem 0 [1..10], notElem 1 []] -- lookkup print (lookup 4 (zip [1..10] (reverse [1..10]))) -- sum print [sum [1..10], sum []] -- product print [product [1..10], product []] -- maximum print (maximum [1..10]) catch (print (maximum [] :: Int)) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "maximum []\n") -- minimum print (minimum [1..10]) catch (print (minimum [] :: Int)) (\(ErrorCall _) -> putStr "minimum []\n") -- concatMap print (concatMap (:[]) [(1::Int)..10]) -- zip print [zip [1] [2], zip [1] [], zip [] [2], zip [1..5] [2..6]] -- zip3 print (zip3 [1,2] [3,4] [5,6]) -- zipWith print [zipWith (+) [1,2] [3,4], zipWith (+) [1] [], zipWith (+) [] []] -- unzip print [unzip [(1,2),(3,4)], unzip []] -- unzip3 print [unzip3 [(1,2,3),(3,4,5)], unzip3 []] -- unlines print (unlines (lines "a\nb\nc\n"), lines "", unlines []) -- words print (unwords (words "a b c d"), words "", unwords []) -- deleteBy print [deleteBy (==) 1 [0,1,1,2,3,4], deleteBy (==) (error "deleteBy") []] -- delete print [delete 1 [0,1,1,2,3,4], delete (error "delete") []] -- (\\) print [ [0,1,1,2,3,4] \\ [3,2,1], [1,2,3,4] \\ [], [] \\ [error "\\\\"] ]