cabal-version: 2.2 name: ghc-prim version: 0.8.0 -- NOTE: Don't forget to update ./ license: BSD-3-Clause license-file: LICENSE category: GHC maintainer: bug-reports: synopsis: GHC primitives build-type: Custom description: This package contains the primitive types and operations supplied by GHC. extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: subdir: libraries/ghc-prim custom-setup setup-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, Cabal >= 1.23 Library default-language: Haskell2010 other-extensions: BangPatterns CPP DeriveGeneric MagicHash MultiParamTypeClasses NoImplicitPrelude StandaloneDeriving Trustworthy TypeFamilies UnboxedTuples UnliftedFFITypes build-depends: rts == 1.0.* exposed-modules: GHC.CString GHC.Classes GHC.Debug GHC.Magic GHC.Magic.Dict GHC.Prim.Ext GHC.Prim.Panic GHC.Prim.Exception GHC.Prim.PtrEq GHC.PrimopWrappers GHC.Tuple GHC.Types virtual-modules: GHC.Prim -- OS Specific if os(windows) -- Windows requires some extra libraries for linking because the RTS -- is no longer re-exporting them (see #11223) -- msvcrt: standard C library. The RTS will automatically include this, -- but is added for completeness. -- mingwex: provides C99 compatibility. libm is a stub on MingW. -- mingw32: Unfortunately required because of a resource leak between -- mingwex and mingw32. the __math_err symbol is defined in -- mingw32 which is required by mingwex. -- user32: provides access to apis to modify user components (UI etc) -- on Windows. Required because of mingw32. extra-libraries: user32, mingw32, mingwex if os(linux) -- we need libm, but for musl and other's we might need libc, as libm -- is just an empty shell. extra-libraries: c, m c-sources: cbits/atomic.c cbits/bswap.c cbits/bitrev.c cbits/clz.c cbits/ctz.c cbits/debug.c cbits/longlong.c cbits/pdep.c cbits/pext.c cbits/popcnt.c cbits/word2float.c -- We need to set the unit ID to ghc-prim (without a version number) -- as it's magic. ghc-options: -this-unit-id ghc-prim