name: ghc-prim version: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE maintainer: bug-reports: synopsis: GHC primitives description: GHC primitives. cabal-version: >=1.6 build-type: Custom source-repository head type: git location: flag include-ghc-prim { Description: Include GHC.Prim in exposed-modules default: False } Library { build-depends: rts exposed-modules: GHC.Classes GHC.CString GHC.Debug GHC.Generics GHC.Magic GHC.Ordering GHC.PrimopWrappers GHC.IntWord32 GHC.IntWord64 GHC.Tuple GHC.Types GHC.Unit if flag(include-ghc-prim) { exposed-modules: GHC.Prim } c-sources: cbits/debug.c cbits/longlong.c extensions: CPP, MagicHash, ForeignFunctionInterface, UnliftedFFITypes, UnboxedTuples, EmptyDataDecls, NoImplicitPrelude -- We need to set the package name to ghc-prim (without a version number) -- as it's magic. ghc-options: -package-name ghc-prim }