#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pathlib import Path import urllib.request import subprocess import argparse from sys import stderr TARBALL_VERSION = '0.2' BASE_URL = "https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/mingw/{}".format(TARBALL_VERSION) DEST = Path('ghc-tarballs/mingw-w64') ARCHS = ['i686', 'x86_64', 'sources'] def file_url(arch: str, fname: str) -> str: return "{base}/{arch}/{fname}".format( base=BASE_URL, arch=arch, fname=fname) def fetch(url: str, dest: Path): print('Fetching', url, '=>', dest, file=stderr) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, dest) def fetch_arch(arch: str): manifest_url = file_url(arch, 'MANIFEST') print('Fetching', manifest_url, file=stderr) req = urllib.request.urlopen(manifest_url) files = req.read().decode('UTF-8').split('\n') d = DEST / arch if not d.is_dir(): d.mkdir(parents=True) fetch(file_url(arch, 'SHA256SUMS'), d / 'SHA256SUMS') for fname in files: if not (d / fname).is_file(): fetch(file_url(arch, fname), d / fname) verify(arch) def verify(arch: str): if not Path(DEST / arch / "SHA256SUMS").is_file(): raise IOError("SHA256SUMS doesn't exist; have you fetched?") cmd = ['sha256sum', '--quiet', '--check', '--ignore-missing', 'SHA256SUMS'] subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=DEST / arch) def main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('mode', choices=['verify', 'download']) parser.add_argument( 'arch', choices=ARCHS + ['all'], help="Architecture to fetch (either i686, x86_64, sources, or all)") args = parser.parse_args() action = fetch_arch if args.mode == 'download' else verify if args.arch == 'all': for arch in ARCHS: action(arch) else: action(args.arch) if __name__ == '__main__': main()