# Despite the name "package", this file contains the master list of # the *repositories* that make up GHC. It is parsed by # * boot # * rules/foreachLibrary.mk # # Some of this information is duplicated elsewhere in the build system: # See Trac #3896 # In particular when adding libraries to this file, you also need to add # the library to the SUBDIRS variable in libraries/Makefile so that they # actually get built # # The repos are of several kinds: # - The main GHC source repo # - Each boot package lives in a repo # - DPH is a repo that contains several packages # - Haddock and hsc2hs are applications, built on top of GHC, # and in turn needed to bootstrap GHC # - ghc-tarballs is need to build GHC # - nofib is an optional helpers # # The format of the lines in this file is: # localpath tag remotepath upstreamurl # where # * 'localpath' is where to put the repository in a checked out tree. # * 'remotepath' is where the repository is in the central repository. # It is - for submodules. # * 'upstreamurl' is the upstream Git repo location for packages # maintained outside of GHC HQ. Repositories which are hosted on # GitHub and GHC developers are granted push-rights for are denoted by # being specified with the `ssh://` scheme. Thus, `https://` # repo urls denote read-only access. # * 'tag', in combination with the variables BUILD_DPH and BUILD_EXTRA_PKGS, # determines which packages are build by default. # # Lines that start with a '#' are comments. # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # localpath tag remotepath upstreamurl # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ghc-tarballs windows ghc-tarballs.git - libffi-tarballs - - - utils/hsc2hs - - - utils/haddock - - ssh://git@github.com/haskell/haddock.git libraries/array - - - libraries/binary - - https://github.com/kolmodin/binary.git libraries/bytestring - - https://github.com/haskell/bytestring.git libraries/Cabal - - https://github.com/haskell/cabal.git libraries/ghc-compact - - - libraries/containers - - https://github.com/haskell/containers.git libraries/deepseq - - ssh://git@github.com/haskell/deepseq.git libraries/directory - - ssh://git@github.com/haskell/directory.git libraries/filepath - - ssh://git@github.com/haskell/filepath.git libraries/haskeline - - https://github.com/judah/haskeline.git libraries/hpc - - - libraries/mtl - - https://github.com/ekmett/mtl.git libraries/parsec - - https://github.com/haskell/parsec.git libraries/pretty - - https://github.com/haskell/pretty.git libraries/process - - ssh://git@github.com/haskell/process.git libraries/terminfo - - https://github.com/judah/terminfo.git libraries/text - - https://github.com/bos/text.git libraries/time - - https://github.com/haskell/time.git libraries/transformers - - https://git.haskell.org/darcs-mirrors/transformers.git libraries/unix - - ssh://git@github.com/haskell/unix.git libraries/Win32 - - https://github.com/haskell/win32.git libraries/xhtml - - https://github.com/haskell/xhtml.git nofib nofib - - libraries/parallel extra - ssh://git@github.com/haskell/parallel.git libraries/stm extra - - libraries/random extra - https://github.com/haskell/random.git libraries/primitive dph - https://github.com/haskell/primitive.git libraries/vector dph - https://github.com/haskell/vector.git libraries/dph dph - - . - ghc.git -