/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995-1998 * (c) The GHC Team, 1999 * * Dynamically expanding linear hash tables, as described in * Per-\AAke Larson, ``Dynamic Hash Tables,'' CACM 31(4), April 1988, * pp. 446 -- 457. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "rts/PosixSource.h" #include "Rts.h" #include "Hash.h" #include "RtsUtils.h" /* This file needs to be compiled with vectorization enabled. Unfortunately since we compile these things these days with cabal we can no longer specify optimization per file. So we have to resort to pragmas. */ #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__) #pragma GCC push_options #pragma GCC optimize ("O3") #endif #define XXH_NAMESPACE __rts_ #define XXH_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY /* access advanced declarations */ #define XXH_PRIVATE_API #include "xxhash.h" #include #define HSEGSIZE 1024 /* Size of a single hash table segment */ /* Also the minimum size of a hash table */ #define HDIRSIZE 1024 /* Size of the segment directory */ /* Maximum hash table size is HSEGSIZE * HDIRSIZE */ #define HLOAD 5 /* Maximum average load of a single hash bucket */ #define HCHUNK (1024 * sizeof(W_) / sizeof(HashList)) /* Number of HashList cells to allocate in one go */ /* Linked list of (key, data) pairs for separate chaining */ typedef struct hashlist { StgWord key; const void *data; struct hashlist *next; /* Next cell in bucket chain (same hash value) */ } HashList; typedef struct chunklist { struct chunklist *next; } HashListChunk; struct hashtable { int split; /* Next bucket to split when expanding */ int max; /* Max bucket of smaller table */ int mask1; /* Mask for doing the mod of h_1 (smaller table) */ int mask2; /* Mask for doing the mod of h_2 (larger table) */ int kcount; /* Number of keys */ int bcount; /* Number of buckets */ HashList **dir[HDIRSIZE]; /* Directory of segments */ HashList *freeList; /* free list of HashLists */ HashListChunk *chunks; /* list of HashListChunks so we can later free them */ }; /* Create an identical structure, but is distinct on a type level, * for string hash table. Since it's a direct embedding of * a hashtable and not a reference, there shouldn't be * any overhead post-compilation. */ struct strhashtable { struct hashtable table; }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Hash first using the smaller table. If the bucket is less than the * next bucket to be split, re-hash using the larger table. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int hashWord(const HashTable *table, StgWord key) { int bucket; /* Strip the boring zero bits */ key >>= sizeof(StgWord); /* Mod the size of the hash table (a power of 2) */ bucket = key & table->mask1; if (bucket < table->split) { /* Mod the size of the expanded hash table (also a power of 2) */ bucket = key & table->mask2; } return bucket; } int hashStr(const HashTable *table, StgWord w) { const char *key = (char*) w; #if defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH) StgWord h = XXH64 (key, strlen(key), 1048583); #else StgWord h = XXH32 (key, strlen(key), 1048583); #endif /* Mod the size of the hash table (a power of 2) */ int bucket = h & table->mask1; if (bucket < table->split) { /* Mod the size of the expanded hash table (also a power of 2) */ bucket = h & table->mask2; } return bucket; } STATIC_INLINE int compareWord(StgWord key1, StgWord key2) { return (key1 == key2); } STATIC_INLINE int compareStr(StgWord key1, StgWord key2) { return (strcmp((char *)key1, (char *)key2) == 0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Allocate a new segment of the dynamically growing hash table. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ STATIC_INLINE void allocSegment(HashTable *table, int segment) { table->dir[segment] = stgMallocBytes(HSEGSIZE * sizeof(HashList *), "allocSegment"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Expand the larger hash table by one bucket, and split one bucket * from the smaller table into two parts. Only the bucket referenced * by @table->split@ is affected by the expansion. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ STATIC_INLINE void expand(HashTable *table, HashFunction f) { int oldsegment; int oldindex; int newbucket; int newsegment; int newindex; HashList *hl; HashList *next; HashList *old, *new; if (table->split + table->max >= HDIRSIZE * HSEGSIZE) /* Wow! That's big. Too big, so don't expand. */ return; /* Calculate indices of bucket to split */ oldsegment = table->split / HSEGSIZE; oldindex = table->split % HSEGSIZE; newbucket = table->max + table->split; /* And the indices of the new bucket */ newsegment = newbucket / HSEGSIZE; newindex = newbucket % HSEGSIZE; if (newindex == 0) allocSegment(table, newsegment); if (++table->split == table->max) { table->split = 0; table->max *= 2; table->mask1 = table->mask2; table->mask2 = table->mask2 << 1 | 1; } table->bcount++; /* Split the bucket, paying no attention to the original order */ old = new = NULL; for (hl = table->dir[oldsegment][oldindex]; hl != NULL; hl = next) { next = hl->next; if (f(table, hl->key) == newbucket) { hl->next = new; new = hl; } else { hl->next = old; old = hl; } } table->dir[oldsegment][oldindex] = old; table->dir[newsegment][newindex] = new; return; } STATIC_INLINE void* lookupHashTable_inlined(const HashTable *table, StgWord key, HashFunction f, CompareFunction cmp) { int bucket; int segment; int index; HashList *hl; bucket = f(table, key); segment = bucket / HSEGSIZE; index = bucket % HSEGSIZE; for (hl = table->dir[segment][index]; hl != NULL; hl = hl->next) { if (cmp(hl->key, key)) return (void *) hl->data; } /* It's not there */ return NULL; } void * lookupHashTable_(const HashTable *table, StgWord key, HashFunction f, CompareFunction cmp) { return lookupHashTable_inlined(table, key, f, cmp); } void * lookupHashTable(const HashTable *table, StgWord key) { return lookupHashTable_inlined(table, key, hashWord, compareWord); } void * lookupStrHashTable(const StrHashTable* table, const char* key) { return lookupHashTable_inlined(&table->table, (StgWord) key, hashStr, compareStr); } // Puts up to szKeys keys of the hash table into the given array. Returns the // actual amount of keys that have been retrieved. // // If the table is modified concurrently, the function behavior is undefined. // int keysHashTable(HashTable *table, StgWord keys[], int szKeys) { int segment, index; int k = 0; HashList *hl; /* The last bucket with something in it is table->max + table->split - 1 */ segment = (table->max + table->split - 1) / HSEGSIZE; index = (table->max + table->split - 1) % HSEGSIZE; while (segment >= 0 && k < szKeys) { while (index >= 0 && k < szKeys) { hl = table->dir[segment][index]; while (hl && k < szKeys) { keys[k] = hl->key; k += 1; hl = hl->next; } index--; } segment--; index = HSEGSIZE - 1; } return k; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * We allocate the hashlist cells in large chunks to cut down on malloc * overhead. Although we keep a free list of hashlist cells, we make * no effort to actually return the space to the malloc arena. Eventually * they will all be freed when we free the HashListChunks. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static HashList * allocHashList (HashTable *table) { if (table->freeList != NULL) { HashList *hl = table->freeList; table->freeList = hl->next; return hl; } else { /* We allocate one block of memory which contains: * * 1. A HashListChunk, which gets linked onto HashTable.chunks. * This forms a list of all chunks associated with the HashTable * and is what we will free when we free the HashTable. * * 2. Several HashLists. One of these will get returned. The rest are * placed on the freeList. * */ HashListChunk *cl = stgMallocBytes(sizeof(HashListChunk) + HCHUNK * sizeof(HashList), "allocHashList"); HashList *hl = (HashList *) &cl[1]; cl->next = table->chunks; table->chunks = cl; table->freeList = hl + 1; HashList *p = table->freeList; for (; p < hl + HCHUNK - 1; p++) p->next = p + 1; p->next = NULL; return hl; } } static void freeHashList (HashTable *table, HashList *hl) { // We place the HashList on the freeList. We make no attempt to bound the // size of the free list for the time being. The HashLists on the freeList // are freed when the HashTable itself is freed as a result of freeing the // HashListChunks. hl->next = table->freeList; table->freeList = hl; } STATIC_INLINE void insertHashTable_inlined(HashTable *table, StgWord key, const void *data, HashFunction f) { int bucket; int segment; int index; HashList *hl; // Disable this assert; sometimes it's useful to be able to // overwrite entries in the hash table. // ASSERT(lookupHashTable(table, key) == NULL); /* When the average load gets too high, we expand the table */ if (++table->kcount >= HLOAD * table->bcount) expand(table, f); bucket = f(table, key); segment = bucket / HSEGSIZE; index = bucket % HSEGSIZE; hl = allocHashList(table); hl->key = key; hl->data = data; hl->next = table->dir[segment][index]; table->dir[segment][index] = hl; } void insertHashTable_(HashTable *table, StgWord key, const void *data, HashFunction f) { return insertHashTable_inlined(table, key, data, f); } void insertHashTable(HashTable *table, StgWord key, const void *data) { insertHashTable_inlined(table, key, data, hashWord); } void insertStrHashTable(StrHashTable *table, const char * key, const void *data) { insertHashTable_inlined(&table->table, (StgWord) key, data, hashStr); } STATIC_INLINE void* removeHashTable_inlined(HashTable *table, StgWord key, const void *data, HashFunction f, CompareFunction cmp) { int bucket; int segment; int index; HashList *hl; HashList *prev = NULL; bucket = f(table, key); segment = bucket / HSEGSIZE; index = bucket % HSEGSIZE; for (hl = table->dir[segment][index]; hl != NULL; hl = hl->next) { if (cmp(hl->key, key) && (data == NULL || hl->data == data)) { if (prev == NULL) table->dir[segment][index] = hl->next; else prev->next = hl->next; freeHashList(table,hl); table->kcount--; return (void *) hl->data; } prev = hl; } /* It's not there */ ASSERT(data == NULL); return NULL; } void* removeHashTable_(HashTable *table, StgWord key, const void *data, HashFunction f, CompareFunction cmp) { return removeHashTable_inlined(table, key, data, f, cmp); } void * removeHashTable(HashTable *table, StgWord key, const void *data) { return removeHashTable_inlined(table, key, data, hashWord, compareWord); } void * removeStrHashTable(StrHashTable *table, const char * key, const void *data) { return removeHashTable_inlined(&table->table, (StgWord) key, data, hashStr, compareStr); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * When we free a hash table, we are also good enough to free the * data part of each (key, data) pair, as long as our caller can tell * us how to do it. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void freeHashTable(HashTable *table, void (*freeDataFun)(void *) ) { /* The last bucket with something in it is table->max + table->split - 1 */ long segment = (table->max + table->split - 1) / HSEGSIZE; long index = (table->max + table->split - 1) % HSEGSIZE; /* Free table segments */ while (segment >= 0) { while (index >= 0) { HashList *next; for (HashList *hl = table->dir[segment][index]; hl != NULL; hl = next) { next = hl->next; if (freeDataFun != NULL) (*freeDataFun)((void *) hl->data); } index--; } stgFree(table->dir[segment]); segment--; index = HSEGSIZE - 1; } /* Free chunks */ HashListChunk *cl = table->chunks; while (cl != NULL) { HashListChunk *old = cl; cl = cl->next; stgFree(old); } stgFree(table); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Map a function over all the keys/values in a HashTable * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void mapHashTable(HashTable *table, void *data, MapHashFn fn) { /* The last bucket with something in it is table->max + table->split - 1 */ long segment = (table->max + table->split - 1) / HSEGSIZE; long index = (table->max + table->split - 1) % HSEGSIZE; while (segment >= 0) { while (index >= 0) { for (HashList *hl = table->dir[segment][index]; hl != NULL; hl = hl->next) { fn(data, hl->key, hl->data); } index--; } segment--; index = HSEGSIZE - 1; } } void mapHashTableKeys(HashTable *table, void *data, MapHashFnKeys fn) { /* The last bucket with something in it is table->max + table->split - 1 */ long segment = (table->max + table->split - 1) / HSEGSIZE; long index = (table->max + table->split - 1) % HSEGSIZE; while (segment >= 0) { while (index >= 0) { for (HashList *hl = table->dir[segment][index]; hl != NULL; hl = hl->next) { fn(data, &hl->key, hl->data); } index--; } segment--; index = HSEGSIZE - 1; } } void iterHashTable(HashTable *table, void *data, IterHashFn fn) { /* The last bucket with something in it is table->max + table->split - 1 */ long segment = (table->max + table->split - 1) / HSEGSIZE; long index = (table->max + table->split - 1) % HSEGSIZE; while (segment >= 0) { while (index >= 0) { for (HashList *hl = table->dir[segment][index]; hl != NULL; hl = hl->next) { if (!fn(data, hl->key, hl->data)) { return; } } index--; } segment--; index = HSEGSIZE - 1; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * When we initialize a hash table, we set up the first segment as well, * initializing all of the first segment's hash buckets to NULL. * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ HashTable * allocHashTable(void) { HashTable *table; HashList **hb; table = stgMallocBytes(sizeof(HashTable),"allocHashTable"); allocSegment(table, 0); for (hb = table->dir[0]; hb < table->dir[0] + HSEGSIZE; hb++) *hb = NULL; table->split = 0; table->max = HSEGSIZE; table->mask1 = HSEGSIZE - 1; table->mask2 = 2 * HSEGSIZE - 1; table->kcount = 0; table->bcount = HSEGSIZE; table->freeList = NULL; table->chunks = NULL; return table; } int keyCountHashTable (HashTable *table) { return table->kcount; }