/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * (c) The GHC Team, 2005 * * RTS entry points as mandated by the FFI section of the Haskell report * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "PosixSource.h" #include "HsFFI.h" #include "Rts.h" #include "Stable.h" #include "Task.h" // hs_init and hs_exit are defined in RtsStartup.c void hs_set_argv(int argc, char *argv[]) { setProgArgv(argc,argv); } void hs_perform_gc(void) { /* Hmmm, the FFI spec is a bit vague, but it seems to imply a major GC... */ performMajorGC(); } void hs_lock_stable_tables (void) { stableLock(); } void hs_unlock_stable_tables (void) { stableUnlock(); } void hs_free_stable_ptr(HsStablePtr sp) { /* The cast is for clarity only, both HsStablePtr and StgStablePtr are typedefs for void*. */ freeStablePtr((StgStablePtr)sp); } void hs_free_stable_ptr_unsafe(HsStablePtr sp) { /* The cast is for clarity only, both HsStablePtr and StgStablePtr are typedefs for void*. */ freeStablePtrUnsafe((StgStablePtr)sp); } void hs_free_fun_ptr(HsFunPtr fp) { /* I simply *love* all these similar names... */ freeHaskellFunctionPtr(fp); } void hs_thread_done(void) { freeMyTask(); } // Local Variables: // mode: C // fill-column: 80 // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // End: