/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * (c) The GHC Team, 2009 * * User-space dtrace probes for the runtime system. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "HsFFI.h" #include "rts/EventLogFormat.h" /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Payload datatypes for Haskell events * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* We effectively have: * * typedef uint16_t EventTypeNum; * typedef uint64_t EventTimestamp; // in nanoseconds * typedef uint32_t EventThreadID; * typedef uint16_t EventCapNo; * typedef uint16_t EventPayloadSize; // variable-size events * typedef uint16_t EventThreadStatus; * typedef uint32_t EventCapsetID; * typedef uint16_t EventCapsetType; // types for EVENT_CAPSET_CREATE */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The HaskellEvent provider captures everything from eventlog for use with * dtrace * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* These probes correspond to the events defined in EventLogFormat.h */ provider HaskellEvent { /* scheduler events */ probe create__thread (EventCapNo, EventThreadID); probe run__thread (EventCapNo, EventThreadID); probe stop__thread (EventCapNo, EventThreadID, EventThreadStatus, EventThreadID); probe thread__runnable (EventCapNo, EventThreadID); probe migrate__thread (EventCapNo, EventThreadID, EventCapNo); probe run__spark (EventCapNo, EventThreadID); probe steal__spark (EventCapNo, EventThreadID, EventCapNo); probe shutdown (EventCapNo); probe thread_wakeup (EventCapNo, EventThreadID, EventCapNo); probe gc__start (EventCapNo); probe gc__end (EventCapNo); probe request__seq__gc (EventCapNo); probe request__par__gc (EventCapNo); probe create__spark__thread (EventCapNo, EventThreadID); /* other events */ /* This one doesn't seem to be used at all at the moment: */ /* probe log__msg (char *); */ probe startup (EventCapNo); /* we don't need EVENT_BLOCK_MARKER with dtrace */ probe user__msg (EventCapNo, char *); probe gc__idle (EventCapNo); probe gc__work (EventCapNo); probe gc__done (EventCapNo); probe capset__create(EventCapsetID, EventCapsetType); probe capset__delete(EventCapsetID); probe capset__assign__cap(EventCapsetID, EventCapNo); probe capset__remove__cap(EventCapsetID, EventCapNo); };