/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ThreadLabels.c * * (c) The GHC Team 2002-2003 * * Table of thread labels. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "PosixSource.h" #include "Rts.h" #include "ThreadLabels.h" #include "RtsUtils.h" #include "Hash.h" #include "Trace.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #if defined(DEBUG) #if defined(THREADED_RTS) static Mutex threadLabels_mutex; #endif /* THREADED_RTS */ static HashTable * threadLabels = NULL; void initThreadLabelTable(void) { #if defined(THREADED_RTS) initMutex(&threadLabels_mutex); #endif /* THREADED_RTS */ if (threadLabels == NULL) { threadLabels = allocHashTable(); } } void freeThreadLabelTable(void) { ACQUIRE_LOCK(&threadLabels_mutex); if (threadLabels != NULL) { freeHashTable(threadLabels, stgFree); threadLabels = NULL; } RELEASE_LOCK(&threadLabels_mutex); } static void updateThreadLabel(StgWord key, void *data) { removeThreadLabel(key); ACQUIRE_LOCK(&threadLabels_mutex); insertHashTable(threadLabels,key,data); RELEASE_LOCK(&threadLabels_mutex); } void * lookupThreadLabel(StgWord key) { void * result; ACQUIRE_LOCK(&threadLabels_mutex); result = lookupHashTable(threadLabels,key); RELEASE_LOCK(&threadLabels_mutex); return result; } void removeThreadLabel(StgWord key) { ACQUIRE_LOCK(&threadLabels_mutex); void * old = NULL; if ((old = lookupHashTable(threadLabels,key))) { removeHashTable(threadLabels,key,old); stgFree(old); } RELEASE_LOCK(&threadLabels_mutex); } #endif /* DEBUG */ void labelThread(Capability *cap STG_UNUSED, StgTSO *tso STG_UNUSED, char *label STG_UNUSED) { #if defined(DEBUG) int len; void *buf; /* Caveat: Once set, you can only set the thread name to "" */ len = strlen(label)+1; buf = stgMallocBytes(len * sizeof(char), "Schedule.c:labelThread()"); strncpy(buf,label,len); /* Update will free the old memory for us */ updateThreadLabel(tso->id,buf); #endif traceThreadLabel(cap, tso, label); }