/* This is the wrapper for dynamically linked executables * * Have mercy with this creature born in cross-platform wasteland. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* All defining behavior string */ char behaviour[]=BEHAVIOUR; #define REAL_EXT "_real" #define REAL_EXT_S (sizeof(REAL_EXT)-1) void *smalloc(size_t size); #if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) #include #include #define ENV_NAME "PATH" #define ENV_SEP ';' #define EXEEXT ".exe" #define SET_ENV(n,v) SetEnvironmentVariable(n,v) #define GET_ENV(n) getEnvWrapper(n) #define FREE_GET_ENV(x) free(x) #define DIR_SEP '\\' char *getEnvWrapper(const char *name) { int len=GetEnvironmentVariableA(name,NULL,0); char *value; if(!len) return NULL; value=smalloc(len); GetEnvironmentVariableA(name,value,len); return value; } #define CONVERT_PATH(x) replace(x,'/','\\') #elif defined(linux_HOST_OS) #define ENV_NAME "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" #define ENV_SEP ':' #define EXEEXT "" #define SET_ENV(n,v) setenv(n,v,1) #define GET_ENV(n) getenv(n) #define FREE_GET_ENV(x) #define CONVERT_PATH(x) #define DIR_SEP '/' #elif defined(darwin_HOST_OS) #define ENV_NAME "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" #define ENV_SEP ':' #define EXEEXT "" #define SET_ENV(n,v) setenv(n,v,1) #define GET_ENV(n) getenv(n) #define FREE_GET_ENV(x) #define CONVERT_PATH(x) #define DIR_SEP '/' #else #error no OS interface defined #endif #define EXEEXT_S (sizeof(EXEEXT)-1) /* Utility functions */ /* Like strtok_r but omitting the first arg and allowing only one delimiter */ char *stringTokenizer (char **this, const char delim) { char *oldthis=*this; char *matched; if(!this || !(*this)) return NULL; matched=strchr(*this, delim); if(matched) { *matched=0; *this=matched+1; return oldthis; } else { *this=NULL; return oldthis; } } /* Replaces all occourances of character 'from' with 'to' in 'x' */ void replace(char *x, char from, char to) { while(*x) { if(*x == from) *x=to; x++; } } /* Non-failing malloc -- will die on failure */ void *smalloc(size_t size) { void *ret=malloc(size); if(!ret) { fprintf(stderr,"Can not allocate %d bytes",size); perror(""); exit(-1); } return ret; } /* String Cons (scons) -- basically a linked list */ struct scons { char *value; struct scons *next; }; /* Free up a linked list */ void freescons(struct scons *root) { while(root) { struct scons *c=root; root=root->next; free(c->value); free(c); } } /* Removes duplicates among the string cons */ struct scons *unique(struct scons *in) { struct scons *ret=NULL; struct scons *ci; for(ci=in; ci!=NULL; ci=ci->next) { struct scons *cj; struct scons *nextscons; for(cj = ret; cj != NULL; cj=cj->next) { if(!strcmp(ci->value,cj->value)) break; } if(cj!=NULL) continue; nextscons=smalloc(sizeof(struct scons)); nextscons->next=ret; nextscons->value=strdup(ci->value); ret=nextscons; } return ret; } /* Tries to get a single line from the input stream really _inefficently_ */ char *afgets(FILE *input) { int bufsize=0; char *buf=(char *)malloc(bufsize); do { bufsize+=1; buf=realloc(buf,bufsize); } while(fread(buf+bufsize-1,1,1,input)==1 && buf[bufsize-1]!='\n'); buf[bufsize-1]=0; return buf; } /* Computes the real binaries' name from argv0 */ char *real_binary_name(char *argv0) { int arg0len=strlen(argv0); char *alterego; alterego=strdup(argv0); if(!strcmp(alterego+arg0len-EXEEXT_S,EXEEXT)) { alterego[arg0len-EXEEXT_S]=0; arg0len-=EXEEXT_S; } alterego=realloc(alterego,arg0len+REAL_EXT_S+EXEEXT_S+1); sprintf(alterego+arg0len,"%s%s",REAL_EXT,EXEEXT); return alterego; } /* Gets a field for a GHC package * This method can't deal with multiline fields */ #warning FIXME - getGhcPkgField can not deal with multline fields char *getGhcPkgField(char *ghcpkg, char *package, char *field) { char *command; char *line; FILE *input; int fieldLn=strlen(field); /* Format ghc-pkg command */ command=smalloc(strlen(ghcpkg)+strlen(package)+fieldLn+9); sprintf(command,"%s field %s %s",ghcpkg,package,field); /* Run */ input=popen(command,"r"); if(!input) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to invoke %s", command); perror(""); free(command); exit(-1); } line=afgets(input); pclose(input); free(command); /* Check for validity */ if(strncmp(line,field,fieldLn)) { /* Failed */ free(line); return NULL; } /* Cut off ": " in the output and return */ strcpy(line,line+fieldLn+2); return line; } /* Prepends a prefix to an environment variable. If it is set already, it puts a separator in between */ void prependenv(char *name, char *prefix, char sep) { char *orig=GET_ENV(name); if(orig) { char *new; int prefixlength=strlen(prefix); new=(char *)smalloc(strlen(orig)+prefixlength+2); strcpy(new,prefix); new[prefixlength]=sep; strcpy(new+prefixlength+1,orig); SET_ENV(name,new); free(new); } else { SET_ENV(name,prefix); } FREE_GET_ENV(orig); } /* This function probes the library-dirs of all package dependencies, removes duplicates and adds it to the environment ENV_NAME */ void withghcpkg(char *ghcpkg, char *packages) { struct scons *rootlist=NULL; struct scons *uniqueRootlist=NULL; struct scons *c; /* Save pointers for strtok */ char *packageParse; char *libParse; char *curpack; while(curpack=stringTokenizer(&packages,';')) { #warning We should query for a dynamic-library field not library-dirs. char *line=getGhcPkgField(ghcpkg, curpack,"library-dirs"); char *line_p=line; /* need to retain original line for freeing */ char *curlib; if(!line) { fprintf(stderr,"Can not query ghc-pkg for fields of packages %s",curpack); perror(""); exit(-1); } while(curlib=stringTokenizer(&line_p,' ')) { c=smalloc(sizeof(struct scons)); c->next=rootlist; c->value=strdup(curlib); rootlist=c; } free(line); } uniqueRootlist=unique(rootlist); for(c = uniqueRootlist; c != NULL; c=c->next) { CONVERT_PATH(c->value); prependenv(ENV_NAME,c->value,ENV_SEP); } freescons(rootlist); freescons(uniqueRootlist); } void add_to(char **base, int *base_size, char **target, const char *src, int src_size) { if((*target)-(*base)+src_size > *base_size) { *base=realloc(*base,*base_size+src_size); *base_size=*base_size+src_size; } memcpy(*target,src,src_size); *target=*target+src_size; } /* Scans str and constructs */ char *expandFlexiblePath(char *str) { int buffersize=strlen(str)+1; char *base=smalloc(buffersize); char *current=base; while(*str && *str!=';') { if(*str=='$' && *(str+1)=='{') { char *start; char *envcont; str+=2; start=str; while(*str && *str != '}') { str++; } if(!str) { fprintf(stderr,"End of string while scanning environment variable. Wrapper broken\n"); exit(-1); } *str='\0'; str++; envcont=GET_ENV(start); if(!envcont) { fprintf(stderr,"Referenced environment variable %s not set.",start); exit(-1); } add_to(&base,&buffersize,¤t,envcont,strlen(envcont)); FREE_GET_ENV(envcont); } else { add_to(&base,&buffersize,¤t,str,1); str++; } } return base; } char *getBasename(const char *path) { int i; char *ret; for(i=strlen(path); i>=0; i--) { if(path[i]==DIR_SEP) break; } ret=smalloc(i+1); strncpy(ret,path,i); } char *agetcwd() { char *cwd; int size=100; cwd=malloc(size); while(!getcwd(cwd,size)) { size+=100; cwd=realloc(cwd,size); } return cwd; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *alterego; int arg0len=strlen(argv[0]); switch(behaviour[0]) { case 'H': /* hard paths */ replace(behaviour+1,';',ENV_SEP); CONVERT_PATH(behaviour+1); prependenv(ENV_NAME,behaviour+1,ENV_SEP); break; case 'F': { /* flexible paths based on ghc-pkg in $GHC_PKG */ char *expanded; char *arg0base=getBasename(argv[0]); char *ghc_pkg=behaviour+1; char *packages; char *oldwd=agetcwd(); packages=strchr(behaviour+1,';'); *packages=0; packages++; expanded=expandFlexiblePath(ghc_pkg); #warning Will this also change drive on windows? WINDOWS IS SO BROKEN. chdir(arg0base); withghcpkg(expanded,packages); chdir(oldwd); free(oldwd); free(expanded); } break; default: printf("unset wrapper called\n"); exit(-1); } alterego=real_binary_name(argv[0]); return run(argv[0],alterego,argc,argv); }