/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * (c) Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, 2000- * * Parallel ticky profiling, monitoring basic RTS operations in GUM. * Similar in structure to TICKY_TICKY profiling, but doesn't need a * separate way of building GHC. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(PAR) && defined(PAR_TICKY) #include "Rts.h" #include "RtsFlags.h" #include "RtsUtils.h" //#include "StoragePriv.h" //#include "MBlock.h" //#include "Schedule.h" #include "GC.h" #include "Stats.h" #include "ParTicky.h" // ToDo: move into Rts.h #include "ParallelRts.h" #if defined(PAR) && defined(HAVE_GETRUSAGE) #include #endif /* external data */ extern double ElapsedTimeStart; extern ullong GC_tot_alloc; extern ullong GC_tot_copied; extern lnat MaxResidency; /* in words; for stats only */ extern lnat ResidencySamples; /* for stats only */ /* ngIplu' {Stats.c}vo' */ #define BIG_STRING_LEN 512 /* ngIplu' {Ticky.c}vo' */ #define INTAVG(a,b) ((b == 0) ? 0.0 : ((double) (a) / (double) (b))) #define PC(a) (100.0 * a) #define AVG(thing) \ StgDouble avg##thing = INTAVG(tot##thing,ctr##thing) #if 0 void set_foo_time(double *x) { *x = usertime(); } double get_foo_time(double x) { fprintf(stderr, "get_foo_time: %7.2f (%7.5f,%7.5f) \n", usertime()-x,usertime(),x); return (usertime()-x); } #endif static double start_time_GA = 0.0; static double start_mark = 0.0; static double start_pack = 0.0; static double start_unpack = 0.0; void par_ticky_Par_start (void) { # if !defined(HAVE_GETRUSAGE) || irix_HOST_OS || defined(_WIN32) fprintf(stderr, "|| sorry don't have RUSAGE\n"); return ; # else FILE *sf = RtsFlags.GcFlags.statsFile; struct rusage t; double utime, stime; if (RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats>1 && sf != NULL) { getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &t); utime = t.ru_utime.tv_sec + 1e-6*t.ru_utime.tv_usec; stime = t.ru_stime.tv_sec + 1e-6*t.ru_stime.tv_usec; fprintf(stderr, "|| user time: %5.2f; system time: %5.2f\n", utime, stime); fprintf(stderr, "|| max RSS: %ld; int SM size: %ld; int USM data size: %ld; int USS size: %ld\n", t.ru_maxrss, t.ru_ixrss, t.ru_idrss, t.ru_isrss); } #endif } #if 0 FYI: struct rusage { struct timeval ru_utime; /* user time used */ struct timeval ru_stime; /* system time used */ long ru_maxrss; /* maximum resident set size */ long ru_ixrss; /* integral shared memory size */ long ru_idrss; /* integral unshared data size */ long ru_isrss; /* integral unshared stack size */ long ru_minflt; /* page reclaims */ long ru_majflt; /* page faults */ long ru_nswap; /* swaps */ long ru_inblock; /* block input operations */ long ru_oublock; /* block output operations */ long ru_msgsnd; /* messages sent */ long ru_msgrcv; /* messages received */ long ru_nsignals; /* signals received */ long ru_nvcsw; /* voluntary context switches */ long ru_nivcsw; /* involuntary context switches */ }; #endif void par_ticky_rebuildGAtables_start(void) { // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats) if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { //set_foo_time(&start_time_GA); start_time_GA = usertime(); } } void par_ticky_rebuildGAtables_end(nat n, nat size_GA) { // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats) if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { static double foo = 0.0; foo = usertime() - start_time_GA; // get_foo_time(start_time_GA); globalParStats.cnt_rebuild_GA++; globalParStats.tot_rebuild_GA += n; if ( n > globalParStats.res_rebuild_GA ) globalParStats.res_rebuild_GA = n; // fprintf(stderr, "rebuildGAtables: footime=%7.2f (%11.5f, %11.5f)\n", // foo, usertime(), start_time_GA); globalParStats.time_rebuild_GA += foo; globalParStats.tot_size_GA += size_GA; if ( size_GA > globalParStats.res_size_GA ) globalParStats.res_size_GA = size_GA; } // fprintf(stderr, ">> n: %d; size: %d;; tot: %d; res: %d\n", // n, size_GA, globalParStats.tot_size_GA, globalParStats.res_size_GA); } void par_ticky_markLocalGAs_start(void) { // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats) if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { start_time_GA = usertime(); } } void par_ticky_markLocalGAs_end(nat n) { // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats) if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { globalParStats.cnt_mark_GA++; globalParStats.tot_mark_GA += n; if ( n > globalParStats.res_mark_GA ) globalParStats.res_mark_GA = n; globalParStats.time_mark_GA += usertime() - start_time_GA; } } void par_ticky_markSparkQueue_start(void) { // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats) if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { start_mark=usertime(); } } void par_ticky_markSparkQueue_end(nat n) { // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats) if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { globalParStats.time_sparks += usertime() - start_mark; globalParStats.tot_sparks_marked += n; if ( n > globalParStats.res_sparks_marked ) globalParStats.res_sparks_marked = n; } } void par_ticky_PackNearbyGraph_start (void) { if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { start_pack=usertime(); } } void par_ticky_PackNearbyGraph_end(nat n, nat thunks) { // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats) if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { globalParStats.time_pack += usertime() - start_pack; globalParStats.tot_packets++; globalParStats.tot_packet_size += n; if ( n > globalParStats.res_packet_size ) globalParStats.res_packet_size = n; globalParStats.tot_thunks += thunks; if ( thunks > globalParStats.res_thunks ) globalParStats.res_thunks = thunks; } } void par_ticky_UnpackGraph_start (void) { if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { start_unpack=usertime(); } } void par_ticky_UnpackGraph_end(nat n, nat thunks) { // collect parallel global statistics (currently done together with GC stats) if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { globalParStats.time_unpack += usertime() - start_unpack; globalParStats.rec_packets++; globalParStats.rec_packet_size += n; /* if ( n > globalParStats.res_packet_size ) globalParStats.res_packet_size = n; */ globalParStats.rec_thunks += thunks; /* if ( thunks > globalParStats.res_thunks ) globalParStats.res_thunks = thunks; */ } } void par_ticky_TP (void) { StgSparkPool *pool; nat tp_size, sp_size; // stats only // Global stats gathering /* the spark pool for the current PE */ pool = &(MainRegTable.rSparks); // generalise to cap = &MainRegTable // Global statistics: residency of thread and spark pool if (RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS) { tp_size = run_queue_len() + 1; // add the TSO just poped // No: there may be many blocked threads being awoken at the same time // ASSERT(tp_size <= RtsFlags.ParFlags.maxThreads); globalParStats.tot_tp += tp_size; globalParStats.emp_tp += (tp_size==0) ? 1 : 0; globalParStats.cnt_tp++; if ( tp_size > globalParStats.res_tp) globalParStats.res_tp = tp_size; // fprintf(stderr, "run_queue_len() = %d (max %d)\n", run_queue_len(), globalParStats.res_tp); sp_size = spark_queue_len(pool); //ASSERT(sp_size <= RtsFlags.ParFlags.maxLocalSparks); globalParStats.tot_sp += sp_size; globalParStats.emp_sp += (sp_size==0) ? 1 : 0; globalParStats.cnt_sp++; if ( sp_size > globalParStats.res_sp) globalParStats.res_sp = sp_size; // fprintf(stderr, "spark_queue_len(pool) = %d (max %d)\n", spark_queue_len(pool), globalParStats.res_sp); } } void globalParStat_exit(void) { FILE *sf = RtsFlags.GcFlags.statsFile; double time, etime; /* print only if GC stats is enabled, too; i.e. -sstderr */ if (!(RtsFlags.ParFlags.ParStats.Global && RtsFlags.GcFlags.giveStats > NO_GC_STATS)) return; time = usertime(); etime = elapsedtime() - ElapsedTimeStart; // fprintf(stderr, "foo=%7.2f\n", time); if (sf != NULL){ char temp[BIG_STRING_LEN]; // GC_tot_alloc += alloc; fprintf(sf,"\n"); fprintf(sf, "%11d threads created\n", globalParStats.tot_threads_created); /* Would need to add a ++ to the par macro to use this fprintf(sf, "%11d sparks created\n", globalParStats.tot_sparks_created); fprintf(sf, "%11d sparks ignored\n", globalParStats.tot_sparks_ignored); */ ullong_format_string(globalParStats.res_tp, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s thread pool residency", temp); fprintf(sf, " (avg: %3.2f; %d times (%2.2f%%) of %d empty)\n", (double)globalParStats.tot_tp/(double)globalParStats.cnt_tp, globalParStats.emp_tp, globalParStats.emp_tp*100.0/(double)globalParStats.cnt_tp, globalParStats.cnt_tp); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.res_sp, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s spark pool residency", temp); fprintf(sf, " (avg: %3.2f; %d times (%2.2f%%) of %d empty)\n", (double)globalParStats.tot_sp/(double)globalParStats.cnt_sp, globalParStats.emp_sp, globalParStats.emp_sp*100.0/(double)globalParStats.cnt_sp, globalParStats.cnt_sp); //ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_fishes, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11d messages sent (%d fish, %d fetch, %d resume, %d schedule", globalParStats.tot_fish_mess+globalParStats.tot_fetch_mess+ globalParStats.tot_resume_mess+globalParStats.tot_schedule_mess, globalParStats.tot_fish_mess, globalParStats.tot_fetch_mess, globalParStats.tot_resume_mess, globalParStats.tot_schedule_mess); #if defined(DIST) fprintf(sf, "%d revals", globalParStats.tot_reval_mess); #endif fprintf(sf,")\n"); fprintf(sf, "%11d messages received (%d fish, %d fetch, %d resume, %d schedule", globalParStats.rec_fish_mess+globalParStats.rec_fetch_mess+ globalParStats.rec_resume_mess+globalParStats.rec_schedule_mess, globalParStats.rec_fish_mess, globalParStats.rec_fetch_mess, globalParStats.rec_resume_mess, globalParStats.rec_schedule_mess); #if defined(DIST) fprintf(sf, "%d revals", globalParStats.rec_reval_mess); #endif fprintf(sf,")\n\n"); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_size_GA*sizeof(W_), temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s bytes of global heap in total ", temp); fprintf(sf, "(%5.2f%% of total allocated heap)\n", globalParStats.tot_size_GA*sizeof(W_)*100.0/(double)GC_tot_alloc*sizeof(W_)); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.res_size_GA*sizeof(W_), temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s bytes global heap residency ", temp); fprintf(sf, "(%5.2f%% of max heap residency)\n", globalParStats.res_size_GA*sizeof(W_)*100.0/(double)MaxResidency*sizeof(W_)); //ullong_format_string(globalParStats.res_mark_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); //fprintf(sf, "%11s GAs residency in GALA table ", temp); // ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_mark_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); //fprintf(sf, "(avg %5.2f; %d samples)\n", // (double)globalParStats.tot_mark_GA/(double)globalParStats.cnt_mark_GA, // globalParStats.cnt_mark_GA); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.local_alloc_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s GAs locally allocated (calls to makeGlobal)\n", temp); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_rebuild_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s live GAs in total (after rebuilding tables)\n", temp); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.res_rebuild_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s GAs residency (after rebuilding tables) ", temp); fprintf(sf, "(avg %5.2f; %d samples)\n", (double)globalParStats.tot_rebuild_GA/(double)globalParStats.cnt_rebuild_GA, globalParStats.cnt_rebuild_GA); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.res_free_GA, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s residency of freeing GAs", temp); fprintf(sf, " (avg %5.2f; %d samples)\n", (double)globalParStats.tot_free_GA/(double)globalParStats.cnt_free_GA, globalParStats.cnt_free_GA); fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent marking GAs (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs)\n", globalParStats.time_mark_GA, globalParStats.time_mark_GA*100./time, time); fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent rebuilding GALA tables (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs; %7.2f%% of %7.2fs)\n", globalParStats.time_rebuild_GA, globalParStats.time_rebuild_GA*100./time, time, globalParStats.time_rebuild_GA*100./etime, etime); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_sparks_marked, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s sparks marked\t", temp); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.res_sparks_marked, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%6s spark mark residency\n", temp); fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent marking sparks (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs; %7.2f%% of %7.2fs elapsed)\n", globalParStats.time_sparks, globalParStats.time_sparks*100./time, time, globalParStats.time_sparks*100./etime, etime); fprintf(sf,"\n"); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_packets, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s packets sent\n", temp); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_packet_size, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s bytes of graph sent in total (max %d; avg %.2f)\n", temp, globalParStats.res_packet_size, (double)globalParStats.tot_packet_size/(double)globalParStats.tot_packets); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_thunks, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s thunks sent in total (max %d; avg %.2f)\n", temp, globalParStats.res_thunks, (double)globalParStats.tot_thunks/(double)globalParStats.tot_packets); fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent packing graph structures (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs; %7.2f%% of %7.2fs elapsed)\n", globalParStats.time_pack, globalParStats.time_pack*100./time, time, globalParStats.time_pack*100./etime, etime); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.rec_packets, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s packets received\n", temp); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.rec_packet_size, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s bytes of graph received in total (max %d; avg %.2f)\n", temp, globalParStats.rec_res_packet_size, (double)globalParStats.rec_packet_size/(double)globalParStats.rec_packets); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.rec_thunks, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s thunks received in total (max %d; avg %.2f)\n", temp, globalParStats.rec_res_thunks, (double)globalParStats.rec_thunks/(double)globalParStats.rec_packets); fprintf(sf, "%11.2fs spent unpacking graph structures (%7.2f%% of %7.2fs; %7.2f%% of %7.2fs elapsed)\n", globalParStats.time_unpack, globalParStats.time_unpack*100./time, time, globalParStats.time_unpack*100./etime, etime); fprintf(sf,"\n"); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_arrs, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, "%11s bytearrays sent; ", temp); ullong_format_string(globalParStats.tot_arr_size, temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/); fprintf(sf, " %s bytes in total (avg %.2f)\n", temp, (double)globalParStats.tot_arr_size/(double)globalParStats.tot_arrs); fprintf(sf,"\n"); fprintf(sf, "%11d yields, %d stack overflows, %d heap overflows\n", globalParStats.tot_yields, globalParStats.tot_stackover, globalParStats.tot_heapover); fprintf(sf,"\n"); //fprintf(stderr, "Printing this pathetic statistics took %7.2fs (start @ %7.2f)\n", // usertime()-time, time); fflush(sf); // Open filehandle needed by other stats printing fcts // fclose(sf); } } #endif