/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * (c) The GHC Team 1998-2014 * * Documentation on the architecture of the Garbage Collector can be * found in the online commentary: * * https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/commentary/rts/storage/gc * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma once #include "BeginPrivate.h" /* The gct variable is thread-local and points to the current thread's gc_thread structure. It is heavily accessed, and thus high performance access is crucial to parallel (-threaded) workloads. First, we try to use a 'global register variable' which is a GCC extension. This reserves the register globally. If that's not possible, then we need to use __thread, which is a compiler/OS specific TLS storage mechanism (assumed to be Fast Enough.) BUT, some older versions of OS X compilers (llvm-gcc, older Clangs) do not support __thread at all. Modern clang however, does - but on OS X it's not as fast as the Linux (which can write directly into a segment register - see #7602.) If we don't support __thread then we do the absolute worst thing: we just use pthread_getspecific and pthread_setspecific (which are horribly slow.) */ #define GCT_REG_DECL(type,name,reg) register type name REG(reg); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* First: if we're not using the threaded RTS, it's easy: just fake it. */ #if !defined(THREADED_RTS) extern StgWord8 the_gc_thread[]; #define gct ((gc_thread*)&the_gc_thread) #define SET_GCT(to) /*nothing*/ #define DECLARE_GCT /*nothing*/ #else /* defined(THREADED_RTS) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Now, llvm-gcc and some older Clang compilers do not support __thread. So we have to fallback to the extremely slow case, unfortunately. Also, the iOS Clang compiler doesn't support __thread either for some bizarre reason, so there's not much we can do about that... */ #if defined(CC_LLVM_BACKEND) && (CC_SUPPORTS_TLS == 0) #define gct ((gc_thread *)(pthread_getspecific(gctKey))) #define SET_GCT(to) (pthread_setspecific(gctKey, to)) #define DECLARE_GCT ThreadLocalKey gctKey; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* However, if we *are* using an LLVM based compiler with __thread support, then use that (since LLVM doesn't support global register variables.) */ #elif defined(CC_LLVM_BACKEND) && (CC_SUPPORTS_TLS == 1) extern __thread gc_thread* gct; #define SET_GCT(to) gct = (to) #define DECLARE_GCT __thread gc_thread* gct; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Next up: Using __thread is better than stealing a register on x86/Linux, because we have too few registers available. In my tests it was worth about 5% in GC performance, but of course that might change as gcc improves. -- SDM 2009/04/03 */ #elif (defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) && (defined(linux_HOST_OS) \ || defined(solaris2_HOST_OS))) extern __thread gc_thread* gct; #define SET_GCT(to) gct = (to) #define DECLARE_GCT __thread gc_thread* gct; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Next up: generally, if REG_Base is defined and we're *not* using i386, then actually declare the needed register. The catch for i386 here is that REG_Base is %ebx, but that is also used for -fPIC, so it can't be stolen */ #elif defined(REG_Base) && !defined(i386_HOST_ARCH) GCT_REG_DECL(gc_thread*, gct, REG_Base); #define SET_GCT(to) gct = (to) #define DECLARE_GCT /* nothing */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Next up: if REG_R1 is available after checking REG_Base, we're gonna steal it in every case we can. */ #elif defined(REG_R1) GCT_REG_DECL(gc_thread*, gct, REG_R1); #define SET_GCT(to) gct = (to) #define DECLARE_GCT /* nothing */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Finally, as an absolute fallback, if none of the above tests check out but we *do* have __thread support, then use that. */ #elif CC_SUPPORTS_TLS == 1 extern __thread gc_thread* gct; #define SET_GCT(to) gct = (to) #define DECLARE_GCT __thread gc_thread* gct; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Impossible! */ #else #error Cannot find a way to declare the thread-local gc variable! #endif #endif // THREADED_RTS #include "EndPrivate.h"