/* AsyncIO.h * * Integrating Win32 asynchronous IOCP with the GHC RTS. * * (c) Tamar Christina, 2018 * * NOTE: This is the WinIO manager, only used for --io-manager=native. * For the MIO manager see AsyncIO.h. */ #pragma once #include "Rts.h" #include #include extern bool startupAsyncWinIO(void); extern void shutdownAsyncWinIO(bool wait_threads); extern void awaitAsyncRequests(bool wait); extern void registerNewIOCPHandle (HANDLE port); extern void registerAlertableWait (HANDLE port, DWORD mssec, uint64_t num_req); extern OVERLAPPED_ENTRY* getOverlappedEntries (uint32_t *num); extern void servicedIOEntries (uint64_t remaining); extern void completeSynchronousRequest (void);