/* IOManager.c * * Non-blocking / asynchronous I/O for Win32. * * (c) sof, 2002-2003. */ #if !defined(THREADED_RTS) #include "Rts.h" #include "IOManager.h" #include "WorkQueue.h" #include "ConsoleHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Internal state maintained by the IO manager. */ typedef struct IOManagerState { CritSection manLock; WorkQueue* workQueue; int queueSize; int numWorkers; int workersIdle; HANDLE hExitEvent; unsigned int requestID; /* fields for keeping track of active WorkItems */ CritSection active_work_lock; WorkItem* active_work_items; } IOManagerState; /* ToDo: wrap up this state via a IOManager handle instead? */ static IOManagerState* ioMan; static void RegisterWorkItem ( IOManagerState* iom, WorkItem* wi); static void DeregisterWorkItem( IOManagerState* iom, WorkItem* wi); /* * The routine executed by each worker thread. */ static unsigned WINAPI IOWorkerProc(PVOID param) { HANDLE hWaits[2]; DWORD rc; IOManagerState* iom = (IOManagerState*)param; WorkQueue* pq = iom->workQueue; WorkItem* work; int len = 0, fd = 0; DWORD errCode = 0; void* complData; hWaits[0] = (HANDLE)iom->hExitEvent; hWaits[1] = GetWorkQueueHandle(pq); while (1) { /* The error code is communicated back on completion of request; reset. */ errCode = 0; EnterCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); /* Signal that the worker is idle. * * 'workersIdle' is used when determining whether or not to * increase the worker thread pool when adding a new request. * (see addIORequest().) */ iom->workersIdle++; LeaveCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); /* * A possible future refinement is to make long-term idle threads * wake up and decide to shut down should the number of idle threads * be above some threshold. * */ rc = WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, hWaits, FALSE, INFINITE ); if (rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // we received the exit event EnterCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); ioMan->numWorkers--; LeaveCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); return 0; } EnterCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); /* Signal that the thread is 'non-idle' and about to consume * a work item. */ iom->workersIdle--; iom->queueSize--; LeaveCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); if ( rc == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) ) { /* work item available, fetch it. */ if (FetchWork(pq,(void**)&work)) { work->abandonOp = 0; RegisterWorkItem(iom,work); if ( work->workKind & WORKER_READ ) { if ( work->workKind & WORKER_FOR_SOCKET ) { len = recv(work->workData.ioData.fd, work->workData.ioData.buf, work->workData.ioData.len, 0); if (len == SOCKET_ERROR) { errCode = WSAGetLastError(); } } else { while (1) { /* Do the read(), with extra-special handling for Ctrl+C */ len = read(work->workData.ioData.fd, work->workData.ioData.buf, work->workData.ioData.len); if ( len == 0 && work->workData.ioData.len != 0 ) { /* Given the following scenario: * - a console handler has been registered that handles Ctrl+C * events. * - we've not tweaked the 'console mode' settings to turn on * ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT. * - we're blocked waiting on input from standard input. * - the user hits Ctrl+C. * * The OS will invoke the console handler (in a separate OS thread), * and the above read() (i.e., under the hood, a ReadFile() op) returns * 0, with the error set to ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED. We don't * want to percolate this error condition back to the Haskell user. * Do this by waiting for the completion of the Haskell console handler. * If upon completion of the console handler routine, the Haskell thread * that issued the request is found to have been thrown an exception, * the worker abandons the request (since that's what the Haskell thread * has done.) If the Haskell thread hasn't been interrupted, the worker * retries the read request as if nothing happened. */ if ( (GetLastError()) == ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED ) { /* For now, only abort when dealing with the standard input handle. * i.e., for all others, an error is raised. */ HANDLE h = (HANDLE)GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if ( _get_osfhandle(work->workData.ioData.fd) == (intptr_t)h ) { if (rts_waitConsoleHandlerCompletion()) { /* If the Scheduler has set work->abandonOp, the Haskell thread has * been thrown an exception (=> the worker must abandon this request.) * We test for this below before invoking the on-completion routine. */ if (work->abandonOp) { break; } else { continue; } } } else { break; /* Treat it like an error */ } } else { break; } } else { break; } } if (len == -1) { errCode = errno; } } complData = work->workData.ioData.buf; fd = work->workData.ioData.fd; } else if ( work->workKind & WORKER_WRITE ) { if ( work->workKind & WORKER_FOR_SOCKET ) { len = send(work->workData.ioData.fd, work->workData.ioData.buf, work->workData.ioData.len, 0); if (len == SOCKET_ERROR) { errCode = WSAGetLastError(); } } else { len = write(work->workData.ioData.fd, work->workData.ioData.buf, work->workData.ioData.len); if (len == -1) { errCode = errno; // write() gets errno wrong for // ERROR_NO_DATA, we have to fix it here: if (errCode == EINVAL && GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_DATA) { errCode = EPIPE; } } } complData = work->workData.ioData.buf; fd = work->workData.ioData.fd; } else if ( work->workKind & WORKER_DELAY ) { /* Approximate implementation of threadDelay; * * Note: Sleep() is in milliseconds, not micros. */ Sleep((work->workData.delayData.usecs + 999) / 1000); len = work->workData.delayData.usecs; complData = NULL; fd = 0; errCode = 0; } else if ( work->workKind & WORKER_DO_PROC ) { /* perform operation/proc on behalf of Haskell thread. */ if (work->workData.procData.proc) { /* The procedure is assumed to encode result + success/failure * via its param. */ errCode=work->workData.procData.proc(work->workData.procData.param); } else { errCode=1; } complData = work->workData.procData.param; } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown work request type (%d) , ignoring.\n", work->workKind); fflush(stderr); continue; } if (!work->abandonOp) { work->onCompletion(work->requestID, fd, len, complData, errCode); } /* Free the WorkItem */ DeregisterWorkItem(iom,work); free(work); } else { fprintf(stderr, "unable to fetch work; fatal.\n"); fflush(stderr); EnterCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); ioMan->numWorkers--; LeaveCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); return 1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "waiting failed (%lu); fatal.\n", rc); fflush(stderr); EnterCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); ioMan->numWorkers--; LeaveCriticalSection(&iom->manLock); return 1; } } return 0; } static BOOL NewIOWorkerThread(IOManagerState* iom) { unsigned threadId; return ( 0 != _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, IOWorkerProc, (LPVOID)iom, 0, &threadId) ); } BOOL StartIOManager(void) { HANDLE hExit; WorkQueue* wq; wq = NewWorkQueue(); if ( !wq ) return FALSE; ioMan = (IOManagerState*)malloc(sizeof(IOManagerState)); if (!ioMan) { FreeWorkQueue(wq); return FALSE; } /* A manual-reset event */ hExit = CreateEvent ( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); if ( !hExit ) { FreeWorkQueue(wq); free(ioMan); return FALSE; } ioMan->hExitEvent = hExit; InitializeCriticalSection(&ioMan->manLock); ioMan->workQueue = wq; ioMan->numWorkers = 0; ioMan->workersIdle = 0; ioMan->queueSize = 0; ioMan->requestID = 1; InitializeCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); ioMan->active_work_items = NULL; return TRUE; } /* * Function: depositWorkItem() * * Local function which deposits a WorkItem onto a work queue, * deciding in the process whether or not the thread pool needs * to be augmented with another thread to handle the new request. * */ static int depositWorkItem( unsigned int reqID, WorkItem* wItem ) { EnterCriticalSection(&ioMan->manLock); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "depositWorkItem: %d/%d\n", ioMan->workersIdle, ioMan->numWorkers); fflush(stderr); #endif /* A new worker thread is created when there are fewer idle threads * than non-consumed queue requests. This ensures that requests will * be dealt with in a timely manner. * * [Long explanation of why the previous thread pool policy lead to * trouble] * * Previously, the thread pool was augmented iff no idle worker threads * were available. That strategy runs the risk of repeatedly adding to * the request queue without expanding the thread pool to handle this * sudden spike in queued requests. * [How? Assume workersIdle is 1, and addIORequest() is called. No new * thread is created and the request is simply queued. If addIORequest() * is called again _before the OS schedules a worker thread to pull the * request off the queue_, workersIdle is still 1 and another request is * simply added to the queue. Once the worker thread is run, only one * request is de-queued, leaving the 2nd request in the queue] * * Assuming none of the queued requests take an inordinate amount of to * complete, the request queue would eventually be drained. But if that's * not the case, the later requests will end up languishing in the queue * indefinitely. The non-timely handling of requests may cause CH applications * to misbehave / hang; bad. * */ ioMan->queueSize++; if ( (ioMan->workersIdle < ioMan->queueSize) ) { /* see if giving up our quantum ferrets out some idle threads. */ LeaveCriticalSection(&ioMan->manLock); Sleep(0); EnterCriticalSection(&ioMan->manLock); if ( (ioMan->workersIdle < ioMan->queueSize) ) { /* No, go ahead and create another. */ ioMan->numWorkers++; if (!NewIOWorkerThread(ioMan)) { ioMan->numWorkers--; } } } LeaveCriticalSection(&ioMan->manLock); if (SubmitWork(ioMan->workQueue,wItem)) { /* Note: the work item has potentially been consumed by a worker thread * (and freed) at this point, so we cannot use wItem's requestID. */ return reqID; } else { return 0; } } /* * Function: AddIORequest() * * Conduit to underlying WorkQueue's SubmitWork(); adds IO * request to work queue, deciding whether or not to augment * the thread pool in the process. */ int AddIORequest ( int fd, BOOL forWriting, BOOL isSocket, int len, char* buffer, CompletionProc onCompletion) { WorkItem* wItem = (WorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(WorkItem)); unsigned int reqID = ioMan->requestID++; if (!ioMan || !wItem) return 0; /* Fill in the blanks */ wItem->workKind = ( isSocket ? WORKER_FOR_SOCKET : 0 ) | ( forWriting ? WORKER_WRITE : WORKER_READ ); wItem->workData.ioData.fd = fd; wItem->workData.ioData.len = len; wItem->workData.ioData.buf = buffer; wItem->link = NULL; wItem->onCompletion = onCompletion; wItem->requestID = reqID; return depositWorkItem(reqID, wItem); } /* * Function: AddDelayRequest() * * Like AddIORequest(), but this time adding a delay request to * the request queue. */ BOOL AddDelayRequest ( unsigned int usecs, CompletionProc onCompletion) { WorkItem* wItem = (WorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(WorkItem)); unsigned int reqID = ioMan->requestID++; if (!ioMan || !wItem) return FALSE; /* Fill in the blanks */ wItem->workKind = WORKER_DELAY; wItem->workData.delayData.usecs = usecs; wItem->onCompletion = onCompletion; wItem->requestID = reqID; wItem->link = NULL; return depositWorkItem(reqID, wItem); } /* * Function: AddProcRequest() * * Add an asynchronous procedure request. */ BOOL AddProcRequest ( void* proc, void* param, CompletionProc onCompletion) { WorkItem* wItem = (WorkItem*)malloc(sizeof(WorkItem)); unsigned int reqID = ioMan->requestID++; if (!ioMan || !wItem) return FALSE; /* Fill in the blanks */ wItem->workKind = WORKER_DO_PROC; wItem->workData.procData.proc = proc; wItem->workData.procData.param = param; wItem->onCompletion = onCompletion; wItem->requestID = reqID; wItem->abandonOp = 0; wItem->link = NULL; return depositWorkItem(reqID, wItem); } void ShutdownIOManager ( rtsBool wait_threads ) { int num; SetEvent(ioMan->hExitEvent); if (wait_threads) { /* Wait for all worker threads to die. */ for (;;) { EnterCriticalSection(&ioMan->manLock); num = ioMan->numWorkers; LeaveCriticalSection(&ioMan->manLock); if (num == 0) break; Sleep(10); } FreeWorkQueue(ioMan->workQueue); CloseHandle(ioMan->hExitEvent); DeleteCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); DeleteCriticalSection(&ioMan->manLock); free(ioMan); ioMan = NULL; } } /* Keep track of WorkItems currently being serviced. */ static void RegisterWorkItem(IOManagerState* ioMan, WorkItem* wi) { EnterCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); wi->link = ioMan->active_work_items; ioMan->active_work_items = wi; LeaveCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); } static void DeregisterWorkItem(IOManagerState* ioMan, WorkItem* wi) { WorkItem *ptr, *prev; EnterCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); for(prev=NULL,ptr=ioMan->active_work_items;ptr;prev=ptr,ptr=ptr->link) { if (wi->requestID == ptr->requestID) { if (prev==NULL) { ioMan->active_work_items = ptr->link; } else { prev->link = ptr->link; } LeaveCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); return; } } fprintf(stderr, "DeregisterWorkItem: unable to locate work item %d\n", wi->requestID); LeaveCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); } /* * Function: abandonWorkRequest() * * Signal that a work request isn't of interest. Called by the Scheduler * if a blocked Haskell thread has an exception thrown to it. * * Note: we're not aborting the system call that a worker might be blocked on * here, just disabling the propagation of its result once its finished. We * may have to go the whole hog here and switch to overlapped I/O so that we * can abort blocked system calls. */ void abandonWorkRequest ( int reqID ) { WorkItem *ptr; EnterCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); for(ptr=ioMan->active_work_items;ptr;ptr=ptr->link) { if (ptr->requestID == (unsigned int)reqID ) { ptr->abandonOp = 1; LeaveCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); return; } } /* Note: if the request ID isn't present, the worker will have * finished sometime since awaitRequests() last drained the completed * request table; i.e., not an error. */ LeaveCriticalSection(&ioMan->active_work_lock); } #endif